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☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

What do you want: voice acting
Description:I want voice of me dhoni
Have you read the rules: yes
Due date: 15 april
Other:contact me in my profile

Last edited by impostercool (April 9, 2022 17:00:37)

100+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Last edited by impostercool (April 9, 2022 16:59:58)

1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Purvitekriwal wrote:

Form Any Other Products:
Username: Purvitekriwal
What do you want: Project review
Description: Can you review my “Pico does a cartwheel” project. I would like it to focus on the speed and quality. Also focus on giving Ideas to add to it.
project link- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623189561/
Have you read the rules: Yes,
Due date: 2 weeks
Other: this is a test order from white tiger federation 3.0 and may be used to improve the project. Also I love the green of the trees in your banner

Last edited by Dahipuri (April 14, 2022 07:30:27)

100+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Purvitekriwal wrote:

Purvitekriwal wrote:

Form Any Other Products:
Username: Purvitekriwal
What do you want: Project review
Description: Can you review my “Pico does a cartwheel” project. I would like it to focus on the speed and quality. Also focus on giving Ideas to add to it.
project link- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623189561/
Have you read the rules: Yes,
Due date: 2 weeks
Other: this is a test order from white tiger federation 3.0 and may be used to improve the project. Also I love the green of the trees in your banner
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Review for the Forest Reviews
This review was completed by Purvitekriwal from the тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 3.0 for this shop and uses their official colour/s
First Look 7/10
It is simple and nice but I would prefer it to be made simpler with the github page being in resources or the page being put in a better manner somewhere else. If you want to keep on first page then keep it like-
We also have a guthub page. Visit is here!
And that here will have the link. Also center everything and keep a consistent view. i.e. keep the page list on the first page big as well.
BBCode Formatting 9.5/10
It is perfect except use the shop official colours more and mention them somewhere
Accessibility 10/10
It is awesome and easy to navigate
Customer Service, Speed and Product Quality sections removed due to time constraints
Overall 26.5/30
A few things to improve and make your shop even better would be:
  • Change the formatting and place where github page is there
  • Make the shop consistent
  • center things
  • list shop colours
  • use shop colours frequently
100+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Username: @faeriie–
What can you do(please list anything on our list): all except HTML, CSS and image hosting
Shop/federation experience: I am the owner of Bee's Boutique, and I am the co-owner of Donut's Designs, chairman of The Dark Shop, and I work at The Panda Shop 2.0. I also used to work at a few of the older shops in 2019-2020, on my old account.
Scratch Age: 5 months, 4 weeks on this account, 2-3 years on my older account.
Have you read the rules: yes
Other: that's all!
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Purvitekriwal wrote:

Review for the Forest Reviews
why center things if nothing is already centered?
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Jolia_RKW wrote:

Purvitekriwal wrote:

Review for the Forest Reviews
why center things if nothing is already centered?
I jsut reviewed and I feel like centering or is it that I like centered
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Username: boom2ratz
What do you want: logo
Description: basically, I want a logo for a possible series. Could it say “Plants vs Zombies: Extinction”? You can make it similar to the PvZ logo but not the same.
Have you read the rules: Yes
Due date: April 26th
Other: Nope
500+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

OC Form
Username: Enigma_Ezra
Moodboard and or theme: I don't get what you mean…
Description*: I want a boy smiling with brown hair. Blue sweater with a question mark in the center, blue jeans, black Nike shoes.
Due date: May 20th, 2022
Are you following the thread: Of course!
Did you read the guidelines: Yup
Other: Green of the trees!!
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Hi there! It's the USS reaching out to you. We are doing an activity check to ensure our members are active. Please reply to it in the USS thread till 18th May. Not replying to it in time can cause your shop to be marked as inactive and potentially getting removed from the USS. Also, if something has changed about your shop (such as ownership change or a new banner), please tell us in your response.
100+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Username: @faeriie–
What do you want: Backdrop
Description: A backdrop for this project, similar to the current one, except re-drawn in pixel art. (hope that makes sense lol)
Have you read the rules: Yes the green of the trees
Due date: 15th of May or as soon as possible.
Other: Thank you!
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Username: xMysticalCoder
Font: Segoe UI Semibold
Background: Dark blue
Dimensions:Any that will fit a siggy (long preferred)
What kind of banner (shop, profile, etc.): Signature banner
Details: If possible, put my username on the top and underneath that put “Cloud Coder || He/Him || Scratcher”
Due date:Friday (tbh any day is fine so take your time)
Are you following the thread(required until your order is done): Yes
Where should we notify you: My profile
Have you read the guidelines: Yes
Other: None
1000+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

xMysticalCoder wrote:

Username: xMysticalCoder
Font: Segoe UI Semibold
Background: Dark blue
Dimensions:Any that will fit a siggy (long preferred)
What kind of banner (shop, profile, etc.): Signature banner
Details: If possible, put my username on the top and underneath that put “Cloud Coder || He/Him || Scratcher”
Due date:Friday (tbh any day is fine so take your time)
Are you following the thread(required until your order is done): Yes
Where should we notify you: My profile
Have you read the guidelines: Yes
Other: None
100+ posts

☘❁ Fᴏʀᴇsᴛ Rᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs! ❁ ☘[We're Hiring] We sell everything!™ We now offer image hosting and voice acting!

Username: Bubi3_pluz
What do you want: voice acting
Description: on my page theres a project where you can audition to voice act and i really want your store to try since you're the only store to do voice acting
Have you read the rules: yup: The green of trees or whatever
Due date: i just want a response by the end of the week
Other: please note that the story for the animation isnt done yet so if you audition i might be late to respond

Last edited by Bubi3_Pluz (May 16, 2022 20:30:58)

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