Discuss Scratch

77 posts

Mobile help

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/410524498 Can some one make it fully mobile

when green flag clicked
add ((username) + (did you follow me?)) to [followers
29 posts

Mobile help

I will try!
1000+ posts

Mobile help

Please use the Requests forums if you need someone for something about your project.

This is a SIGNATURE. This is seperate from a normal post ^
Forum Posts: 2600+/3000
Highlight + Shift + Down Arrow = To see whole signature.

Want to friend me on Roblox? My username is BaconvsRoblox121314 if you want to friend me!

–v More Information v–
New Scratchers - Introduce yourself here!

Questions about Scratch - Ask questions related to scratch here!

Help with Scripts - get/provide help here!

Suggestions - Suggest blocks, features, and more here!

Bugs and Glitches - Report bugs/glitches here!

Last edited by Tunde123 (May 17th, 2022 10:18 AM EST)
77 posts

Mobile help

Tunde123 wrote:

Please use the Requests forums if you need someone for something about your project.

Help with scripts because it was a computer game now it’s mobile I see what you mean but this is scripts

when green flag clicked
add ((username) + (did you follow me?)) to [followers
1000+ posts

Mobile help

wassupdayton3 wrote:

Tunde123 wrote:

Please use the Requests forums if you need someone for something about your project.

Help with scripts because it was a computer game now it’s mobile I see what you mean but this is scripts
Help with scripts is for help with specific scripts, not a whole project.

This is a SIGNATURE. This is seperate from a normal post ^
Forum Posts: 2600+/3000
Highlight + Shift + Down Arrow = To see whole signature.

Want to friend me on Roblox? My username is BaconvsRoblox121314 if you want to friend me!

–v More Information v–
New Scratchers - Introduce yourself here!

Questions about Scratch - Ask questions related to scratch here!

Help with Scripts - get/provide help here!

Suggestions - Suggest blocks, features, and more here!

Bugs and Glitches - Report bugs/glitches here!

Last edited by Tunde123 (May 17th, 2022 10:18 AM EST)

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