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- » Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
- ceebee
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Today we have the 69th edition of Wiki Wednesday for everyone!
What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)
There are many languages which do not have a Scratch Wiki! If you know a language without a Wiki, then you can help create one. Learn more here! We are looking for native speakers in a certain language and do not require any applicants to have a perfect grasp on the English language.
By the way, did you know…
… A script without a hat block can be run by clicking on it in the scripts pane
A big thank you goes to jvvg for organizing this Wiki Wednesday and writing the post. Thank you to LiFaytheGoblin for helping coordinate the post. And credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!
Without further ado, here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:
English: Script
A script is a collection, or “stack”, of blocks that all interlock with one another. The blocks and their order are very important, as they determine how sprites interact with each other and the Stage.
A very simple script (click for larger image)
What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)
The Current Scratch Wikis
Dutch (Nederlands) |
English |
French (français) |
German (deutsch) |
Hungarian (Magyar) |
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) |
Japanese (日本語) |
Russian (Русский) |


Missing Languages
There are many languages which do not have a Scratch Wiki! If you know a language without a Wiki, then you can help create one. Learn more here! We are looking for native speakers in a certain language and do not require any applicants to have a perfect grasp on the English language.
By the way, did you know…
… A script without a hat block can be run by clicking on it in the scripts pane
A big thank you goes to jvvg for organizing this Wiki Wednesday and writing the post. Thank you to LiFaytheGoblin for helping coordinate the post. And credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!
- EnZon3
2 posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Oh, how unexpected for the stack to be the chosen one!
- RL1123
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Funny how I thought they were called “lego blocks” until about 1 year after I joined.
Last edited by RL1123 (Feb. 23, 2022 15:13:31)
- Reva-Scifi_Lover
500+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
New Wiki Wednesday!
Which is actually on Wednesday lol
Which is actually on Wednesday lol
Last edited by Reva-Scifi_Lover (Feb. 23, 2022 15:34:48)
- -MyNewAccount-
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Did something happen? Why didn't @LiFayTheGoblin post this one? (Just wondering, because they usually post the Wiki Wednesday's)
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Yeah, Wiki Wednesday on a Wednesday!
This wiki article is interesting
That is what I was wondering
This wiki article is interesting
Did something happen? Why didn't @LiFayTheGoblin post this one? (Just wondering, because they usually post the Wiki Wednesday's)
That is what I was wondering
- -Stokrotka_
18 posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Hello guys! 

Like I dont really know what can I do here…

- FOrTniTe_GAmeR2012
9 posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
- BobonalOfisial
36 posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
when green flag clicked
wait (3) secs
say [i love scratch]
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
oh mah gawd!
when green flag clicked
wait (3) secs
say [i love scratch]
I don't know.
Stack blocks are the new wiki trend
- AIGamesDeveloper
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022
what is wiki wednesday?
Every last Wednesday of the month, a forum moderator shares a Wiki Article from the Scratch Wiki to announce.
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» Wiki Wednesday, February 23, 2022