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79 posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

Ok so heres the project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/647056719/
whats happening is its drawing everything fine, but its lagging so much, and i have no other idea how to do it. please help me!
51 posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

Is the “forever” block inside of your Fluid myBlock necessary? I removed it, and the drawing seems to work the same. The lag seems to be coming from the pen constantly drawing and erasing the water over and over.
92 posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

Yeah, I also took out the forever loop from your Fluid Custom Block and it stopped lagging and kept working!
1000+ posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

Remember that the
set pen size to ()
block exists.

Also learn about optimization, that's useful too.
79 posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

mistafl00py wrote:

Is the “forever” block inside of your Fluid myBlock necessary? I removed it, and the drawing seems to work the same. The lag seems to be coming from the pen constantly drawing and erasing the water over and over.
What i need to do is constantly draw a new one so i can add water effects. thats why i had the forever loop
51 posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

I assume you're wanting to make the water bob up and down, like waves? You could look for a more efficient solution, such as erasing top layers and adding top layers, so that you're redrawing a much smaller chunk every tick, or just using a larger pen size in general to reduce how much you redraw.
79 posts

Wanting to make a fluid sim but...

oh ok.

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