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- DatGamerYolo
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo Average Online Hours is supposed to be the times of the day you are usually online, for example 12:00am - 12:00pm.oh
- DatGamerYolo
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo Average Online Hours is supposed to be the times of the day you are usually online, for example 12:00am - 12:00pm.3:00pm - 9:00pm
- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo here is your test order, with instructions.
If the username they give you is not the same as the one they sent the order with, notify them on the profile they sent the order on, and replace the “Username” in Username's Order with the one they gave you.Employee Guidelines
If “Do you want to be notified when your order is finished?” is Yes, then notify them on their profile.
When notifying them, send them the link to their completed order, and add on a bit more like “Thank You for ordering at the Forum Emoji Shop” etc…
Emojis are at most 20px wide/tall
BBCode[center][quote][quote]USERNAME's Order[/quote] [img]IMAGE LINK[/img] [code][img]IMAGE LINK[/img][/code][/quote]
Username: TerrariaMods TESTTest Order
Link to all the requested emojis' images: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/terraria_gamepedia/images/4/4d/Terra_Blade.png
Do you want a transparent background?: Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD?: No
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished?: Yes
Last edited by TerrariaMods (Jan. 7, 2022 00:39:36)
- DatGamerYolo
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo here is your test order, with instructions.what size should it be (by pixels)? I don't know.If the username they give you is not the same as the one they sent the order with, notify them on the profile they sent the order on, and replace the “Username” in Username's Order with the one they gave you.Employee Guidelines
If “Do you want to be notified when your order is finished?” is Yes, then notify them on their profile.
When notifying them, send them the link to their completed order, and add on a bit more like “Thank You for ordering at the Forum Emoji Shop” etc…BBCode[center][quote][quote]USERNAME's Order[/quote] [img]IMAGE LINK[/img] [code][img]IMAGE LINK[/img][/code][/quote]Username: TerrariaMods TESTTest Order
Link to all the requested emojis' images: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/terraria_gamepedia/images/4/4d/Terra_Blade.png
Do you want a transparent background?: Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD?: No
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished?: Yes
- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo Emojis are at most 20px wide/tall.
- DatGamerYolo
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
quick question, where do you host your images
- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo I host them on assets.scratch.mit.edu.
- DatGamerYolo
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo I host them on assets.scratch.mit.edu.nice, how do i host images there?
- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@DatGamerYolo You have to communicate to the server by sending a request with an account key, the md5, and the arraybuffer of the object. This can be done using the most popular scratch browser extension, or by making your own. (I made a bookmarklet)
- SilverDxxsies
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
Customer's Username: SilverDxxsies
Worker's Username: TerreriaMods
Stars: 5
Criticism: none : D
Other :
Customer's Username: SilverDxxsies
Worker's Username: TerreriaMods
Stars: 5
Criticism: none : D
Other :
- -250119code2
500+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
Username: -250119code2
Link to all the requested emojis' images (Can be in a scratch project): I want a Cacti Bouncing around
Do you want a transparent background? (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD? (Takes Longer) (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished? (Yes/No): No
Link to all the requested emojis' images (Can be in a scratch project): I want a Cacti Bouncing around
Do you want a transparent background? (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD? (Takes Longer) (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished? (Yes/No): No
- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
-250119code2's Order[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/f79d4ce1e405d7c737f12c71aebbbbee.svg[/img]
- ayandhisarmy
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
Link to all the requested emojis' images (Can be in a scratch project):i want a gun emoji (ak47 or FNp90,you can pick)
Do you want a transparent background? (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD? (Takes Longer) (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished? (Yes/No): yes
Note:you dont need to do this,but it would be nice if you would.
Link to all the requested emojis' images (Can be in a scratch project):i want a gun emoji (ak47 or FNp90,you can pick)
Do you want a transparent background? (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD? (Takes Longer) (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished? (Yes/No): yes
Note:you dont need to do this,but it would be nice if you would.
Last edited by ayandhisarmy (Jan. 20, 2022 08:18:16)
- Aadish_1759
1000+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
Username: Aadish_1759
Average Online Hours UTC: 4
Average Days Online (Days of the Week): 7
Following Topic? (Yes/No): Yes
Average Online Hours UTC: 4
Average Days Online (Days of the Week): 7
Following Topic? (Yes/No): Yes
- Aadish_1759
1000+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
I am doing this order as kind of a test order. It's up to your TerrariaMods to give this to the customer or not- Username:ayandhisarmy
Link to all the requested emojis' images (Can be in a scratch project):i want a gun emoji (ak47 or FNp90,you can pick)
Do you want a transparent background? (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want the emoji to be HD? (Takes Longer) (Yes/No): Yes
Do you want to be notified when your order is finished? (Yes/No): yes
Note:you dont need to do this,but it would be nice if you would.

- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
ayandhisarmy's Order[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/70e890de9d0897f279f8f6e2b6862065.svg[/img]@Aadish_1759's Emoji[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/4e5a959d77bc0585cdbdfae82e03dc0b.png[/img]
- Aadish_1759
1000+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
ayandhisarmy's Order[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/70e890de9d0897f279f8f6e2b6862065.svg[/img]@Aadish_1759's Emoji[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/4e5a959d77bc0585cdbdfae82e03dc0b.png[/img]So am I accepted?
- TerrariaMods
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
@Aadish_1759 Average Online Hours UTC is supposed to be the time of day you are usually on, in UTC, for example 12:00am - 12:00pm.
- ayandhisarmy
100+ posts
⭐The Forum Emoji Shop⭐
ayandhisarmy's Order[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/70e890de9d0897f279f8f6e2b6862065.svg[/img]@Aadish_1759's Emoji[img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/4e5a959d77bc0585cdbdfae82e03dc0b.png[/img]thanks!