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  • » TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE [RSS Feed]
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
1000+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

fun fact: your the king of the 8th page now

zero_print("still no code malfunction!")
Z3R0_941NT("1T D035 N0T 3X1ST.")

highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)

just a random person.

heyo! im just your casual dave and bambi fan whos also into other games, like rainworld.
im mainly a TiRaP person, but sometimes i might post somewhere else.
certifed recurser fan(atic)

nicknames that i am fine with (officially) include “scratchbeginner”, “sb5669”, “potassium/kalium” and “kal” (thanks rachel for the last nickname suggestion!)
fine with “rand/randu” (my roblox nickname)

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, thats the part im mainly replying too.

certified expunged and (mainly) recurser fan
as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

fun fact: your the king of the 8th page now
(Also your VA test is something I will be masking as an animation (as evidenced by the order at feathered finds))

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
1000+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

bugsyk2009 wrote:

fun fact: your the king of the 8th page now
(Also your VA test is something I will be masking as an animation (as evidenced by the order at feathered finds))

zero_print("still no code malfunction!")
Z3R0_941NT("1T D035 N0T 3X1ST.")

highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)

just a random person.

heyo! im just your casual dave and bambi fan whos also into other games, like rainworld.
im mainly a TiRaP person, but sometimes i might post somewhere else.
certifed recurser fan(atic)

nicknames that i am fine with (officially) include “scratchbeginner”, “sb5669”, “potassium/kalium” and “kal” (thanks rachel for the last nickname suggestion!)
fine with “rand/randu” (my roblox nickname)

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, thats the part im mainly replying too.

certified expunged and (mainly) recurser fan
as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
75 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Ordering Form
Username: reeceypie
Box to order: Animator Box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description): What color scheme should your intro/outro use? Something like the Pearl And Dean ad (this) // What should your intro song be? Please provide a link. <url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbXU8CUiNiA] this // What should your outro song be? Please provide a link. This // What should your OC look like? A boy, in a jacket, with short brown hair, pale skin
Other notes: For the intro style, can it be like this, but instead of saying Pearl And Dean, it says Reeceypie
Game Of The Year 2069: Big Chungus

Last edited by reeceypie (Oct. 7, 2021 07:21:19)

Huh - what you doing down here?

I suppose someone told you…

Now you can go

Ok, fine. You found it…

Now entering: Scratch Server

when [User Online v]
turn on [Scratch server v] and wait
allow [user v] to [begin coding v]

when [Scratch server turned on v]
broadcast [Search for projects v] and wait

when [a project is found v]
add [%project id%] to [projects you should view v]
broadcast [Create projects v]
New to Scratch
1 post

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Box to order:new scratchers box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):about me
Other notes:n/a
Game Of The Year 2069:2069?
1000+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

neriahnotfound1 wrote:

Box to order:new scratchers box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):about me
Other notes:n/a
Game Of The Year 2069:2069?
um I don't work here but 2069 is not 2069s game of the year, Please read the rules. (again, I don't work here.)

Last edited by Scratchbeginner5669 (Oct. 7, 2021 20:58:18)

zero_print("still no code malfunction!")
Z3R0_941NT("1T D035 N0T 3X1ST.")

highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)

just a random person.

heyo! im just your casual dave and bambi fan whos also into other games, like rainworld.
im mainly a TiRaP person, but sometimes i might post somewhere else.
certifed recurser fan(atic)

nicknames that i am fine with (officially) include “scratchbeginner”, “sb5669”, “potassium/kalium” and “kal” (thanks rachel for the last nickname suggestion!)
fine with “rand/randu” (my roblox nickname)

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, thats the part im mainly replying too.

certified expunged and (mainly) recurser fan
as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Ordering Form
Box to order:Animator Box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/581480690/
Other notes: No OC in Intro or Outro. Use my PFP on both intro and outro
Game Of The Year 2069:Big Chungus

Last edited by meepeygamer567 (Oct. 8, 2021 21:12:17)

ngl this AI probably described Scratch in 2069.
Highlight+Shift+Down to the “totally accurate description” of Scratch
Scratch is a free coding website where kids can learn to code on their own devices and share what they’ve built and how they solved coding puzzles. Anyone can sign up, set up a username, and enter basic coding tutorials to test their coding skills. On top of their coding skills, kids can unlock special badges when they’re through with the tutorials.

For children aged 11-16, Scratch’s content covers topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic coding skills. The website gives kids fun activities to learn by creating games, drawing cute animations, playing various games, and solving puzzles.

Scratch: Sign Up

Scratch doesn’t just give you a place to try coding on your own devices. You can also connect with other children and take part in community coding challenges. On top of that, if you sign up with Scratch’s adult social network, you’ll receive access to other games, videos, and tools for kids.

Learn More
please look at me suggestion
If the explore page changed after it froze, does that mean…
500 post moment

500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

meepeygamer567 wrote:

Ordering Form
Box to order:Animator Box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description): (yeah I’m sorry I don’t understand this part)
Other notes:
Game Of The Year 2069:Big Chungus
Paste this this under Box-specific stuff: What color scheme should your intro/outro use? // What should your intro song be? Please provide a link. // What should your outro song be? Please provide a link. // What should your OC look like?
Then replace the questions with the answers

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

neriahnotfound1 wrote:

Box to order:new scratchers box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description):about me
Other notes:n/a
Game Of The Year 2069:2069?
um I don't work here but 2069 is not 2069s game of the year, Please read the rules. (again, I don't work here.)
Yes, please change it. (You can't edit it so just quote your original post and edit it)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

reeceypie wrote:

Ordering Form
Username: reeceypie
Box to order: Animator Box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description): What color scheme should your intro/outro use? Something like the Pearl And Dean ad (this) // What should your intro song be? Please provide a link. <url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbXU8CUiNiA] this // What should your outro song be? Please provide a link. This // What should your OC look like? A boy, in a jacket, with short brown hair, pale skin
Other notes: For the intro style, can it be like this, but instead of saying Pearl And Dean, it says Reeceypie
Game Of The Year 2069: Big Chungus
May or may not be taken. I have to see if I would be able to do it first taken

Last edited by bugsyk2009 (Oct. 8, 2021 21:54:48)

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

^^^^^^ Fixed It ^^^^^^

ngl this AI probably described Scratch in 2069.
Highlight+Shift+Down to the “totally accurate description” of Scratch
Scratch is a free coding website where kids can learn to code on their own devices and share what they’ve built and how they solved coding puzzles. Anyone can sign up, set up a username, and enter basic coding tutorials to test their coding skills. On top of their coding skills, kids can unlock special badges when they’re through with the tutorials.

For children aged 11-16, Scratch’s content covers topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic coding skills. The website gives kids fun activities to learn by creating games, drawing cute animations, playing various games, and solving puzzles.

Scratch: Sign Up

Scratch doesn’t just give you a place to try coding on your own devices. You can also connect with other children and take part in community coding challenges. On top of that, if you sign up with Scratch’s adult social network, you’ll receive access to other games, videos, and tools for kids.

Learn More
please look at me suggestion
If the explore page changed after it froze, does that mean…
500 post moment

500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

meepeygamer567 wrote:

^^^^^^ Fixed It ^^^^^^
Do you not want me to make you an OC or just not on the intro or outro?

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

meepeygamer567 wrote:

^^^^^^ Fixed It ^^^^^^
Do you not want me to make you an OC or just not on the intro or outro?
Just not on the intro or outro thanks. (sorry I accidentally unfollowed discussion)

ngl this AI probably described Scratch in 2069.
Highlight+Shift+Down to the “totally accurate description” of Scratch
Scratch is a free coding website where kids can learn to code on their own devices and share what they’ve built and how they solved coding puzzles. Anyone can sign up, set up a username, and enter basic coding tutorials to test their coding skills. On top of their coding skills, kids can unlock special badges when they’re through with the tutorials.

For children aged 11-16, Scratch’s content covers topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic coding skills. The website gives kids fun activities to learn by creating games, drawing cute animations, playing various games, and solving puzzles.

Scratch: Sign Up

Scratch doesn’t just give you a place to try coding on your own devices. You can also connect with other children and take part in community coding challenges. On top of that, if you sign up with Scratch’s adult social network, you’ll receive access to other games, videos, and tools for kids.

Learn More
please look at me suggestion
If the explore page changed after it froze, does that mean…
500 post moment

500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Hello, reeceypie. Your order is complete and can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/581481495/ Thank you for ordering. Please leave a review if you have time, and have a great day!

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
75 posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Hello, reeceypie. Your order is complete and can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/581481495/ Thank you for ordering. Please leave a review if you have time, and have a great day!

Huh - what you doing down here?

I suppose someone told you…

Now you can go

Ok, fine. You found it…

Now entering: Scratch Server

when [User Online v]
turn on [Scratch server v] and wait
allow [user v] to [begin coding v]

when [Scratch server turned on v]
broadcast [Search for projects v] and wait

when [a project is found v]
add [%project id%] to [projects you should view v]
broadcast [Create projects v]
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Just did it cuz I ordered a box even though I don’t need to pay

Last edited by meepeygamer567 (Oct. 9, 2021 19:47:36)

ngl this AI probably described Scratch in 2069.
Highlight+Shift+Down to the “totally accurate description” of Scratch
Scratch is a free coding website where kids can learn to code on their own devices and share what they’ve built and how they solved coding puzzles. Anyone can sign up, set up a username, and enter basic coding tutorials to test their coding skills. On top of their coding skills, kids can unlock special badges when they’re through with the tutorials.

For children aged 11-16, Scratch’s content covers topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic coding skills. The website gives kids fun activities to learn by creating games, drawing cute animations, playing various games, and solving puzzles.

Scratch: Sign Up

Scratch doesn’t just give you a place to try coding on your own devices. You can also connect with other children and take part in community coding challenges. On top of that, if you sign up with Scratch’s adult social network, you’ll receive access to other games, videos, and tools for kids.

Learn More
please look at me suggestion
If the explore page changed after it froze, does that mean…
500 post moment

500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

meepeygamer567 wrote:

Ordering Form
Box to order:Animator Box
Box-specific stuff (read the box description): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/581480690/
Other notes: No OC in Intro or Outro. Use my PFP on both intro and outro
Game Of The Year 2069:Big Chungus
OK! Taken

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Hello there, @meepeygamer567! Your order is complete and can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/581819805/ Thanks for ordering! Please leave a review if you have time, and have a nice day!

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
500+ posts

TᕼE ᗷO᙭ ᔕᕼOᑭ: ᗩᒪᒪ YOᑌᖇ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼIᑎG ᑎEEᗪᔕ... Iᑎ ᗩ ᗷO᙭! ⭐ ᑕᑌᖇᖇEᑎTᒪY ᕼIᖇIᑎG ⭐ ᖴᗩᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖴᖇEE

Where can I leave a review?

ngl this AI probably described Scratch in 2069.
Highlight+Shift+Down to the “totally accurate description” of Scratch
Scratch is a free coding website where kids can learn to code on their own devices and share what they’ve built and how they solved coding puzzles. Anyone can sign up, set up a username, and enter basic coding tutorials to test their coding skills. On top of their coding skills, kids can unlock special badges when they’re through with the tutorials.

For children aged 11-16, Scratch’s content covers topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic coding skills. The website gives kids fun activities to learn by creating games, drawing cute animations, playing various games, and solving puzzles.

Scratch: Sign Up

Scratch doesn’t just give you a place to try coding on your own devices. You can also connect with other children and take part in community coding challenges. On top of that, if you sign up with Scratch’s adult social network, you’ll receive access to other games, videos, and tools for kids.

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