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3 posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

I would like to suggest the ability to change what processor a script will run on. For example: pen rendering It would really help a lot with optimization and allow us to create better projects.

process [ v]


Last edited by PixelatedNinjaGamer (Oct. 5, 2021 20:09:06)

1000+ posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

I don't think this will be a great fit for an introductory programming language.

Last edited by Quantum-Cat (Oct. 5, 2021 20:18:00)

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Choose what processor to use on a specific script

Plus, I don't think it is even possible with JavaScript.

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500+ posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

run on processer[1 v]{
move (10) steps
1. A bit advanced, some Scratchers don't know what is a processor (core) is.
2. Some Scratcher's PC/device might not have enough cores for a script be assigned to.

CST1229 wrote:

Plus, I don't think it is even possible with JavaScript.

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1000+ posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

Too complex and almost certainly not possible with JavaScript.
1000+ posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

Not enough people would know what a processor core is. Even if there was a help menu, the term CPU may be completely new to some children.

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500+ posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

Basically, Scratch would give people free CPUs for projects? No support.

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(((((((((=^.^= :: stack pen) :: stack pen) :: stack pen) :: stack pen) :: stack pen) :: stack pen) :: stack pen) :: stack pen) ::pen stack) :: pen stack
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1000+ posts

Choose what processor to use on a specific script

CST1229 wrote:

Plus, I don't think it is even possible with JavaScript.
That's true, JavaScript doesn't support multiprocessing – and even languages that do don't let you choose the specific core you want to run the process on.

It would also likely be misused a lot, because most Scratch users don't know what multiprocessing is and what it's for.

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