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  • » ⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅ [RSS Feed]
500+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Jolia_RKW wrote:

Username: Jolia_RKW
What do you need: Image hosting,!
Who do you want to do it (optional): Anyone
Timeframe (Due Date): 3 days
Description: I have some profile banners in this project that I'd like hosted, ideally with scratch but I don't mind if they're not - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/578636663/
Have you followed this topic? (you can unfollow later (optional): No
Other Details: please notify me on my profile of my finished order
Taken! Your order will be completed soon!
Hi @Jolia_RKW! Here is your order:



Thanks for ordering! If you need any changes don't hesitate to ask! Please leave a review if you can! Have a great day!

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Button Library:



bugsyk2009 wrote:

snip snip
i stole your review format hahahaha
Thanks for the review! wait what you stole my format >:I jk I don't mind.

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

We are still waiting for enochx to vote for the HRM. No matter who enochx votes, bugsyk2009 will win, so they have been elected as HRM, congratulations! As to who will be vice-chairman however, if enochx votes compass that would end in a tie, so I would have to vote as to who will be vice-chairman.

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
500+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

lightningspark6545 wrote:

We are still waiting for enochx to vote for the HRM. No matter who enochx votes, bugsyk2009 will win, so they have been elected as HRM, congratulations! As to who will be vice-chairman however, if enochx votes compass that would end in a tie, so I would have to vote as to who will be vice-chairman.
*excited bugsyk2009 noises*
Thank you so much, everyone!

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Here's my Emerawards Submission

Wide version:

Tall version:

It isn't animated, but I may have overused blend modes a little bit

If anyone has any suggestions, please tell me.

Last edited by QuexizT (Oct. 4, 2021 02:38:38)

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 23:59:59)

1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

QuexizT wrote:

Suggestion: (well, not really a suggestion, more of a correction) it has to be spaced themed and the words have to be white.

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

QuexizT wrote:

Here's my Emerawards Submission
If anyone has any suggestions, please tell me.
The background is supposed to be space themed..

Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

500+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Wait do I have to do something for the Emerawards?

Please check out my project PppppaPpppppr: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PppppaPpppppr/
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

bugsyk2009 wrote:

Wait do I have to do something for the Emerawards?
If you want to. It is completely optional

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Oct. 4, 2021 02:45:12)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Where is the voting post…
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

mbrick2 wrote:

snip snip

Hi there mbrick2, your order is done! Please leave a review if possible, and if you need any changes, don't hesitate to ask! Here it is: (the pfp button is a bit pixelated, idk why, sorry if it causes any inconvienience)
My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

[center][small]My signature was made by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/541530]Lightning Studios 3.0[/url][/small]

[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/mbrick2][img]https://u.cubeupload.com/lightningspark6545/d1aUntitleddesign2.png[/img][/url] [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/475164643/][img]https://u.cubeupload.com/lightningspark6545/387Untitleddesign3.png[/img][/url] [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/475164643/][img]https://u.cubeupload.com/lightningspark6545/6aeUntitleddesign4.png[/img][/url] [url=https://github.com/Mbrick2?tab=overview&from=2021-09-01&to=2021-09-30][img]https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/7e603bf8dcbd7fb7bae8ae156089df19.svg[/img][/url] [url=scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/541805/][img]https://u.cubeupload.com/lightningspark6545/MilkyWayExpress.png[/img][/url][/center]

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Oct. 4, 2021 03:05:30)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

lightningspark6545 wrote:

Human Resources Manager Elections!
There are 3 candidates. I'll need everyone (except the candidates) to vote. BoD votes count double. This also counts as an activity check. Elections end when everyone has voted or on 8 October. I have compiled information from their interviews and turned it (may have changed the info a bit to sound more like a speech) into a speech. Vote who you think will be the best HRM. To vote, quote AND SNIP this post and say who you want to vote for. Thank you for your cooperation.

I would like to vote for Dream-123-123
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

enochx wrote:

snippy snip snip snip snippy
Alright, this concludes the election. Please congratulate @Dream-123-123 as the new Vice-Chairman and of course, bugsyk2009 as Human Resources Manager. don't worry compass2021pratyush, you can try later for a different position

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Oct. 4, 2021 03:15:42)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
500+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

enochx wrote:

lightningspark6545 wrote:

Human Resources Manager Elections!
There are 3 candidates. I'll need everyone (except the candidates) to vote. BoD votes count double. This also counts as an activity check. Elections end when everyone has voted or on 8 October. I have compiled information from their interviews and turned it (may have changed the info a bit to sound more like a speech) into a speech. Vote who you think will be the best HRM. To vote, quote AND SNIP this post and say who you want to vote for. Thank you for your cooperation.

I would like to vote for idk

Last edited by scratchgaming2222 (Oct. 4, 2021 03:10:07)

thanks cannedkoolaid for the banner!
highlight then ctrl shift down to see the rest of my siggy

i wrote:

Hi! This sight is really a mess.

if you see this make a New topic called plup on show and tell
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

scratchgaming2222 wrote:

Well, only staff can vote.

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

lightningspark6545 wrote:

enochx wrote:

snippy snip snip snip snippy
Alright, this concludes the election. Please congratulate @Dream-123-123 as the new Vice-Chairman and of course, bugsyk2009 as Vice-Chairman. don't worry compass2021pratyush, you can try later for a different position

Wait- we’re both vice-chairman?

Signature wip
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Dream-123-123 wrote:

lightningspark6545 wrote:

enochx wrote:

snippy snip snip snip snippy
Alright, this concludes the election. Please congratulate @Dream-123-123 as the new Vice-Chairman and of course, bugsyk2009 as Vice-Chairman. don't worry compass2021pratyush, you can try later for a different position

Wait- we’re both vice-chairman?
Mistake, sorry. oOf It was supposed to be HRM

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Oct. 4, 2021 03:15:56)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

lightningspark6545 wrote:

Snip Snip
Thank You

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Quote (Your opinion on our services):
Very quick. It was finished long before the due date (one may say lightning fast) with excellent quality surpassing my expectations (Which were very high)

Last edited by mbrick2 (Oct. 4, 2021 04:34:52)

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1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

umm nobody took my order yet
edit: oh hello page 37

Last edited by RobloxianMinecraft (Oct. 4, 2021 05:34:09)


Check out the Sodium Shop! its closed now lol
Also check out Cornmoji! Click here! also closed

(ツ) // one unicode character kumquat guard

I would indeed consider my forum signature to be quite small and/or short for the average Scratch forumer with over one thousand posts.
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