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  • » ⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅ [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

New buttons have been added! I'm experimenting to make Lite Signature Buttons currently, hopefully, it will be successful!

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Sept. 29, 2021 03:25:01)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

lightningspark6545 wrote:

New buttons have been added!

My best project

1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Compass2021Pratyush wrote:

hey guys(i work here) can you set some banner/pfp tasks for me
Okay here:
Order Form: Order something from us!

Username: lightningspark6545
What do you need (Code? Animation? Art?): PFP, please!
Who do you want to do it (optional): Compass2021pratyush
Timeframe (Due Date): ASAP
Description: It needs to have a few Lightning Images on it, and it has to say LS in a cool looking modern font.
Timezone (optional): MYT
Have you followed this topic? (you can unfollow later (optional): Yes, I am the owner xD
Other Details: This is for Compass2021pratyush only. If they cannot do it, then consider this order cancelled.

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

lightningspark6545 wrote:

Compass2021Pratyush wrote:

hey guys(i work here) can you set some banner/pfp tasks for me
Okay here:
Order Form: Order something from us!

Username: lightningspark6545
What do you need (Code? Animation? Art?): PFP, please!
Who do you want to do it (optional): Compass2021pratyush
Timeframe (Due Date): ASAP
Description: It needs to have a few Lightning Images on it, and it has to say LS in a cool looking modern font.
Timezone (optional): MYT
Have you followed this topic? (you can unfollow later (optional): Yes, I am the owner xD
Other Details: This is for Compass2021pratyush only. If they cannot do it, then consider this order cancelled.
dude this is funny asking the customer but what is the profile picture size

My best project

1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Compass2021Pratyush wrote:

lightningspark6545 wrote:

Compass2021Pratyush wrote:

hey guys(i work here) can you set some banner/pfp tasks for me
Okay here:
Order Form: Order something from us!

500x500 is what I usually do
also, sometimes it is beneficial to ask the customer, like when they give a vague description

Last edited by lightningspark6545 (Sept. 29, 2021 03:32:35)

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

bbcode - https://u.cubeupload.com/pratyush4/LS.gif

Last edited by Compass2021Pratyush (Sept. 29, 2021 04:01:57)

My best project

1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Compass2021Pratyush wrote:

bbcode - https://u.cubeupload.com/pratyush4/LS.gif
Great! Although, I do have some feedback. The last banner was squished and sort of cluttered in the middle, however, this one seems too empty. If the LS text was bigger it would be perfect!

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Username: filly3000
Timeframe (Deadline): No deadline
Choose as many buttons as you want! (UP TO 7). For the rest, put - in the button description and link.
Button 1 Description: This logo
Link for Button 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/543570/

Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

filly3000 wrote:

Username: filly3000
Timeframe (Deadline): No deadline
Choose as many buttons as you want! (UP TO 7). For the rest, put - in the button description and link.
Button 1 Description: This logo
Link for Button 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/543570/
Taken, I'll do it later.

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

This is almost at the second page so might as well bump!

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

filly3000 wrote:

Username: filly3000
Timeframe (Deadline): No deadline
Choose as many buttons as you want! (UP TO 7). For the rest, put - in the button description and link.
Button 1 Description: This logo
Link for Button 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/543570/
Hi there filly3000, your order is done! Please leave a review if possible, and if you need any changes, don't hesitate to ask!
Here it is, I made 2 variations. You can pick the one you want!

Variation 1:


Variation 2:


im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Username: cs4233117
Who you want to do it (optional): lightningspark6545
Timezone (optional): PST
Timeframe (Deadline): idk
Button 1 Description: Github Logo
Link for Button 1: https://github.com/cs4233117
Button 2 Description: Replit Logo
Link for Button 2: https://replit.com/@cs4233117

~ Use highlight + ctrl + shift +down ~

Historic Stuff:
Potato Shop
& Lightning Studios 3.0
Also the SCA siggy button (design) was made by incompletesentenc-
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Username: er67
Activity Level (1-10): 9
What services can you provide?: I can provide swift and effecient idea creation and programming.
Why do you want to join?: I want to help people with their projects and be a part of something.
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): My terrain generator is an example of my good programming, though it is kinda old. I am working on 2 more projects. My dungeons of doom demo is an example of my great ideas.
Codeword: ctido5n8y7er6

This is my pet, Siggy! He creates kumquats for me and destroys anti-kumquat signatures! You can make a Siggy too!

when green flag clicked
repeat until <self destruct button clicked>
if <Kumquats > 1> then
Pour out [all] Kumquats upon [the world]
Demand [100000000000] Dollars To Remove [1] Kumquat
Self Destruct

when green flag clicked
Generate Kumquats[100]
Destroy Anti-Kumquat signatures
1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

tinycoder8675 wrote:

Username: er67
Activity Level (1-10): 9
What services can you provide?: I can provide swift and effecient idea creation and programming.
Why do you want to join?: I want to help people with their projects and be a part of something.
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): My terrain generator is an example of my good programming, though it is kinda old. I am working on 2 more projects. My dungeons of doom demo is an example of my great ideas.
Codeword: ctido5n8y7er6
Ur accepted.(?) (lightningspark6545 can I accept this since I am BoD?)

~ Use highlight + ctrl + shift +down ~

Historic Stuff:
Potato Shop
& Lightning Studios 3.0
Also the SCA siggy button (design) was made by incompletesentenc-
100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Username: Compass2021Pratyush
What do you need (Code? Animation? Art?): Vector Art
Who do you want to do it (optional): Any
Timeframe (Due Date): None
Description: I want vector art animation for this griffpatch project - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/560596896/ instead of the scratch cat i want a fire themed sprite!
Timezone (optional): Arabia
Have you followed this topic? (you can unfollow later (optional): Yes
Other Details: Thank You pls take your time I am in no hurry!

My best project

1000+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

Username: Dream-123-123
Who you want to do it (optional): not me
Timezone (optional): USA
Timeframe (Deadline): I’m gonna say sometime early October
Button 1 Description: The gif in this link
Link for Button 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Dream-123-123/
Button 2 Description: basically the thumbnail for the linked project
Link for Button 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/571296688

Signature wip
5 posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

500+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

clxudynightsart wrote:

Hello please do not Post random posts if u would like to order something fill out the order form on the first page

Generation 8: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social
My signature was made at Lightning Studios 3.0!

100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

cs4233117 wrote:

tinycoder8675 wrote:

Username: er67
Activity Level (1-10): 9
What services can you provide?: I can provide swift and effecient idea creation and programming.
Why do you want to join?: I want to help people with their projects and be a part of something.
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): My terrain generator is an example of my good programming, though it is kinda old. I am working on 2 more projects. My dungeons of doom demo is an example of my great ideas.
Codeword: ctido5n8y7er6
Ur accepted.(?) (lightningspark6545 can I accept this since I am BoD?)
Well, I can, so…

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 23:59:59)

100+ posts

⚡✨ ᒪIGᕼTᑎIᑎG ᔕTᑌᗪIOᔕ 3.0 ⚡ ✨ || ✔️ ᗯE ᑕOᗰᑭᒪETE YOᑌᖇ OᖇᗪEᖇᔕ ᗯITᕼ ᔕᑭEEᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑫᑌᗩᒪITY! ✔️ || ⚡✅ ᗰᑌᔕIᑕIᗩᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑭI᙭Eᒪ ᗩᖇTIᔕTᔕ ᑎEEᗪEᗪ! OᖇᗪEᖇ 4 ᗩ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯ⚡✅

QuexizT wrote:

cs4233117 wrote:

tinycoder8675 wrote:

Username: er67
Activity Level (1-10): 9
What services can you provide?: I can provide swift and effecient idea creation and programming.
Why do you want to join?: I want to help people with their projects and be a part of something.
Have you read the terms and conditions? Yes
Have you followed this topic? (optional) Yes
Give a few examples of your work (one for each service): My terrain generator is an example of my good programming, though it is kinda old. I am working on 2 more projects. My dungeons of doom demo is an example of my great ideas.
Codeword: ctido5n8y7er6
Ur accepted.(?) (lightningspark6545 can I accept this since I am BoD?)
Well, I can, so…
So I am accepted?

This is my pet, Siggy! He creates kumquats for me and destroys anti-kumquat signatures! You can make a Siggy too!

when green flag clicked
repeat until <self destruct button clicked>
if <Kumquats > 1> then
Pour out [all] Kumquats upon [the world]
Demand [100000000000] Dollars To Remove [1] Kumquat
Self Destruct

when green flag clicked
Generate Kumquats[100]
Destroy Anti-Kumquat signatures
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