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✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

-°•~*+.SWOW General Forum!-°•~*+.
-Scratch's World of Writers-

Hey there! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Welcome to the General Forum for the Scratch's World of Writers studio! This is a place where curators and non-curators alike can hang out, share and check out the work of other writers, develop writing prompts…and the list goes on!

Most of these things can be done on the studio as well, but forums allow for a little more freedom with sharing your work and writing longer paragraphs. It's up to you to decide which way you want to engage with the community (but the studio is currently much more active!) ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

Some things that you can do here:
  • Ask for opinions on thumbnails for stories you want to share on Scratch

    Share and ask for critiques on extracts

    Edit excerpts of other writers' work

    Communicate with and learn more about other writers

There are a variety of other things you can do on this forum as well! Think of it as an extra space for things you want to discuss on the studio, but can't fully do as a result of limitations that discussion forums don't have (◠ᴥ◕ʋ)

Importantly, this is also a place where curators can get updates for managers, especially in the case that the studio can't be updated.

Keep an eye out for those!

If you don't want to miss out on new posts here, make sure to follow the discussion too, just be sure.

As per usual, make sure to follow the community guidelines when posting something. I'm going to assume that I can trust you all to do that, but the link is there in case you need to double-check anything.

Well, that's it from me! Have fun, fellow writers! :D
1000+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

First B)

All right, I'll keep an eye out on this forum! :P

Last edited by boom2ratz (Oct. 18, 2021 19:38:48)

50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨


About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
84 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

Sure. Followed discussion

Hi!I'm just your average reader and writer who's also super crazy and weird. I love donuts cake pops and life is going horrible all okay!

50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

21st August 2021 QOTD:

The antagonist of a fairytale has asked you to join forces with them and help them end the loop in which they constantly lose to the protagonist/s! Who is said antagonist, what fairytale are they from, and most importantly, do you accept or decline their request?

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
100+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨


Last edited by tek_ilovemarvel (Aug. 22, 2021 04:54:24)

I moved to @aniii-
100+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

22nd August 2021 QOTD:

do grammer. and a punctuation Bother u: as a wryter. Why or, y knot……!

I moved to @aniii-
50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

tek_ilovemarvel wrote:

22nd August 2021 QOTD:

do grammer. and a punctuation Bother u: as a wryter. Why or, y knot……!

It does..a LOT..I like to think that I'm a part of the grammar police, and people who don't speak/write with the correct grammar/punctuations make my skin crawl

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
5 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

are we allowed to suggest questions/ideas here?
if so, can i suggest a qotd?
– how would you write a dream scene in a story? how would the font, size, style, language, etc be different from the story? –
if it's a repeat, no need to include it, just lmk

✎ hey! i'm pine, a small scratcher with big dreams (✿◠‿◠)
✎ i’m a writer, artist, friend to all (except eggplant because … no), and obnoxious overuser of sauces
✎ i care about womens rights, ending racism, gay rights, books, and potatoes
✎ have a wonderful day! ♡
50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

No, go check out the suggestions forum. This is the general chat one, I think.


I need therapy apparently.
50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

chillaxinpcpn wrote:

are we allowed to suggest questions/ideas here?
if so, can i suggest a qotd?
– how would you write a dream scene in a story? how would the font, size, style, language, etc be different from the story? –
if it's a repeat, no need to include it, just lmk


About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
500+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

chillaxinpcpn wrote:

are we allowed to suggest questions/ideas here?
if so, can i suggest a qotd?
– how would you write a dream scene in a story? how would the font, size, style, language, etc be different from the story? –
if it's a repeat, no need to include it, just lmk
Ooh, nice idea! For future reference, you can post any other suggestions in the forum @QuirkyPROgrammer_101 linked in the post above mine. That being said, though, consider your QOTD suggestion noted and scheduled! You'll be given credit when it's put in the studio description ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
1000+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

Someday I want to write a satire story where it's intentionally incredibly bad. Like maybe the villain was 1 nanosecond late for school when they were young, and wants to annihilate the entire omni-verse.

50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

Whoa how do you do the thing at the bottom of all ur messages?

I need therapy apparently.
1000+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

ShadowSelene wrote:

Whoa how do you do the thing at the bottom of all ur messages?
It's called a signature. This should help you.

50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

Hiya, Shadow here!


I’d really love it of someone could review this in their AOTW: (it’s my writing)

I read this:

I really loved the suspense and sense of excitement as I waited to see what would happen. That was just great and I think that we could all take a lesson in suspense from glitter butt rules!

However, I think that going from school to home in such a short time was probably unnecessary. I would’ve added more detail in the school part and shown more of the other kids’ reactions. But don’t feel pressured to change it of you like it.

I need therapy apparently.
100+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

This is just a short story that I wrote. It is also in project form if you want to look at it that way.

Writer's block
I slammed my pencil down on my desk. Three hours ago I had sat down at my desk to write a story expectecting I would finish in five minutes but I had not written a single thing yet. I threw my pencil across the room. It smashed into my stack of analog issues and my stack of comics. The two stacks fell down mixing the comics and magazine issues together in one mammoth pile. “Dang it” I yelled in frustration. The magazines and comics had taken two hours to organize into neat piles. Now they were strewn all over my floor. I got up, went to the far side of my room and retrieved my pencil. I need something to focus on, I thought. I opened my laptop and turned on the lofi hip hop radio beats to study and relax to stream. The calm ambient music made my mind's gears start working. I smiled and started to write.

SM2991V: writer- nerd- fav color is neon green. I manage a writing studio : STORY CORNER
I own the first ever Marvel Writing Universe on Scratch. It is called the SMWU which stands for Scratch Marvel Writing Universe - SMWU

500+ posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

Hey everyone!! I'm writing a novella right now, and I'm wondering if this excerpt sounds too stiff or cliché…

I gawked at the house. It was huge. We walked inside, and I was directed to a bedroom on the second floor. I didn’t have much to unpack. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the white ribbon out of my hair. I washed up and took a moment to replay all that had happened in the past few days.
In the space of one week, I had gone from riches to rags, been betrayed, been technically arrested, and then adopted. I took a deep breath and relaxed for the first time in a while. I was unknowingly drifting off to sleep when someone knocked on the door and informed me that the earl was calling me.
I went downstairs and into the drawing room. He was there, smiling at me. I waited for him to start speaking. He seemed the talkative type. He ran through some general things- when breakfast and dinner were, where different rooms were, and the names of visitors that may come by if he was out.


oh, darling
take me to the english fields
that my knees may brush the poppy petals
take me to the english woods
that my feet may dance on dark green nettles
take me to the english cities
that my ears may hear those midday bells
take me to the my english home
that my ailing soul might be made well
50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

PoppyWriter wrote:

Hey everyone!! I'm writing a novella right now, and I'm wondering if this excerpt sounds too stiff or cliché…
Going good! Except what I would say (I'm just assuming that you havent started yet writing further than this excerpt) is try not to make the whole novella in this format. Try to add plot twists and incidents that make the reader gasp. If you're novella's already in this way, calm-slow moving scenes like these help to create an interest in the whole novella.
Hope you found it useful!

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!
50 posts

✨SWOW General Forum (Scratch's World of Writers)!✨

SM2991V wrote:

This is just a short story that I wrote. It is also in project form if you want to look at it that way.

Writer's block

Good work! I would suggest you to to add bit more emotion to the sentences.

This is how I would rewrite it.

“Why is it that I can't think of anything!?” I am furious. It's been three hours. Three hours! How pathetic must it be that a writer cannot think of ONE word to write since three hours? Huh? I swear I had an idea on what was to be written before sitting down. The moment I sit down to write…POOF, all the ideas just….vanish. I've been working on this book for longer than I expected. This is not at all how I thought this would go.

“You're hyperventilating Jane. Calm down” I said to myself; but in vain. In frustration I threw my pencil towards the other side of the room. THUD! The magazines and comics that had taken me two hours to organize into neat piles on the shelf fell. Great, I thought to myself. This day could not get any worse.

I took a deep breath. I had to finish writing at least a page today. I had to. Whenever I'm stressed, I pop some lofi beats on my computer. “Have a calm mind Jane. That is all is needed right now.” So, I put on my headphones, turn up the lofi hip hop beat in my playlist. My breathing slowed, my head throbbing reduced. There you go. That was easy wasn't it? Then my brain suddenly lit up. I got an idea to continue the story! I started to jot down the points with full zest. I was calm. My mind had started to work properly. I smiled to myself. I was happy.

About Me
Potterhead, wannabe Ling Ling, Author, Artist, Athlete, Coder. Always ready to talk, discuss or debate! ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ
Oh and I speak 6 languages & can say hundred digits of pi.

Stroll at my profile to know more about me!

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