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500+ posts

Increase the reply limit.


I myself, was/am a heavy roleplayer.
My best roleplay, I think, got 238 replies.
Between 2-4 people.
I think somewhere in the 50-100 range would be fine, as us heavier roleplayers wouldn't have to worry about hitting the reply limit so soon.

Even outside of roleplay, my conversations can also get pretty long. After all, friends are friends, we debate, share memes/projects, share ideas, so one so forth.
The new reply limit really stops us from having those joyful conversations, maybe even stop us from talking in the first place.

In conclusion, a bigger reply limit would be good.
2 posts

Increase the reply limit.

DarthVader4Life wrote:

As part of an update to scratch, the ST have decided to implement a reply limit. Part of this is to take action against chat studios. Right now, the limit is 25 replies. This is too little. I think it should be up to 50-100 due to roleplays and constructive discussions on studios. This should be a good compromise between the scratchers and the ST.

Edit: I'd rather be safe and not have people discussing it's removal. I'd rather not risk increasing the chance of this topic getting closed.

i think they should remove the limit altogether
100+ posts

Increase the reply limit.

warlover22 wrote:

i think they should remove the limit altogether
They implemented the limit due to stress on the servers from long comment chains.
1000+ posts

Increase the reply limit.

100+ posts

Increase the reply limit.

DarthVader4Life wrote:

What does ‘Bump’ mean..?
1000+ posts

Increase the reply limit.

kittynugg wrote:

DarthVader4Life wrote:

What does ‘Bump’ mean..?
Bump stands for “Bring Up My Post.” I wouldn't bump topics that are on the front page. (Because bumping a topic puts it on the front page, so…)
1000+ posts

Increase the reply limit.

At first, when they made the PR for this, I though “Oh, well, that sucks but I don't think many conversations have over 25 replies so it's not that bad.”
Oh, was I wrong.
It definitely needs to be increased to like 50 even, 25 is just too little.

Also, I find it funny that this was one of their reasons for implementing this:
Studios are intended to be a shared space for many people, and very long comment threads tend to be closed-off conversations between 2 people. We made this change both to encourage everyone to keep conversations open to the community.
The problem with this is that when a conversation reaches 25 replies, a new thread will be made, and then when people look at the thread they won't know what's happening because they missed the first 25 comments and then have to hunt for that in order to be able to get enough context to join in without fearing that they're missing something. So if anything, that problem was made worse by that.
72 posts

Increase the reply limit.

BearSlothCoding wrote:

At first, when they made the PR for this, I though “Oh, well, that sucks but I don't think many conversations have over 25 replies so it's not that bad.”
Oh, was I wrong.
It definitely needs to be increased to like 50 even, 25 is just too little.

Also, I find it funny that this was one of their reasons for implementing this:
Studios are intended to be a shared space for many people, and very long comment threads tend to be closed-off conversations between 2 people. We made this change both to encourage everyone to keep conversations open to the community.
The problem with this is that when a conversation reaches 25 replies, a new thread will be made, and then when people look at the thread they won't know what's happening because they missed the first 25 comments and then have to hunt for that in order to be able to get enough context to join in without fearing that they're missing something. So if anything, that problem was made worse by that.
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Increase the reply limit.

cheddargirl wrote:

DarthVader4Life wrote:

kittynugg wrote:

DarthVader4Life wrote:

As part of an update to scratch, the ST have decided to implement a reply limit. Part of this is to take action against chat studios. Right now, the limit is 25 replies. This is too little. I think it should be up to 50-100 due to roleplays and constructive discussions on studios. This should be a good compromise between the scratchers and the ST.

Edit: I'd rather be safe and not have people discussing it's removal. I'd rather not risk increasing the chance of this topic getting closed.
I feel like 100's good, but kinda small. I've seen roleplays with thousands of replies. (I know the limit was implemented so these long roleplays don't happen, but maybe the limit could be bigger than 100.)
It was actually to help prevent lag, so I think 50-100 should still prevent sufficient lag and have more functionality.
I think you guys severely overestimate about how much stress that servers that rely on donation money can handle.

50 is actually already too much. Additional lag is caused when studios are frequently refreshed every few seconds (notably the roleplay and chat studios, or popular studios where comments are checked frequently by multiple people). I doubt you want to go back to the good ol' 1.x days when studio comments didn't exist, or go back to older comment limit models where the reply limit was under 20!

Maybe we can revisit the limit sometime in the future, depending on how much support we get, but with the way website activity is now now, we're unfortunately kinda stuck with 25 as the happy medium.
Gonna close this thread since it seems the same arguments are circulating at this point over an over again and this post seems to keep getting missed or ignored. No amount of reasons for solely roleplay or chat is going to justify changing the limit on studios.

Maybe sometime we can bring this suggestion up again when website conditions are better to support a higher limit. But definitely not today, and not for a good very long while.

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