Discuss Scratch

25 posts

My username...

Hello! I noticed a bug. Whenever I say my username I get muted. Sometimes I forget about this and I get muted. I was wondering if something wrong with my username because it's getting a bit annoying hehe. Also If the scratch team could reply that would be great. More info: If I make the i in my username capitul it will still mute me. Anything that sounds like my username mutes me and others.

I am a Gemini. I am also an Ambivert.

Why do signatures exist…

Also, plz undo the update. The update makes me so, ugh when it comes to studios.
1000+ posts

My username...

You shouldn't take it personally xD
Some information ig:
25 posts

My username...


I am a Gemini. I am also an Ambivert.

Why do signatures exist…

Also, plz undo the update. The update makes me so, ugh when it comes to studios.
500+ posts

My username...

Personally, I think this is something that ought to be added to the whitelist, as long as it's not somehow an obscure “naughty” reference that got added to the filter for a reason, because at the moment nobody can mention this user without getting muted.

- 84375

I've left Scratch.

Pay your respects

Shift + Down to see the rest of my signature

Paddle2See wrote:

See the off-subject topic

See the moderator with the big shiny Close button

Close this topic, Mr. Moderator!

Now it is closed.
(quoted from this post)

Harakou wrote:

Please remember that the Scratch Team only ever blocks for “no reason”. Account blocks are put in place to fulfill the Scratch Team's power fantasies and make sure that no one has any fun. We are happy to lift blocks when the blocked person harasses us enough via Contact Us. If you have been blocked, please contact the Scratch Team using the appeal form on the blocked account page - or by using the Contact Us link at the bottom of every page. Thanks and Scratch On!

AFD in a nutshell: Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

Lets #StopMassReporting, spread the word!
1000+ posts

My username...

What the heck? It does. Suggesting it rn.

<Scratch Wikian // 2000+ Edits | Forum Helper // 7000+ Posts | Scratcher // 530+ Followers>

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1000+ posts

My username...

Yeah, filter bot is broken. I'd use contact us for this.

Be Moist Also, here's a helpful link to Ocular
I am DV4L, Erector of Text Walls, Typer of Long Posts, Creator of Mini-mod posts
The kumquats have eaten this line, so I have to have a new way to repel them.
Had a bad day or are feeling bored? Watch this to make your day better in an interesting way.
Do you think you've been banned unfairly? Then you'd be wrong. The ST aren't children, so quit acting like they are.
500+ posts

My username...

I tried it. I got muted. What the heck!

Last edited by Mr_cornman (May 17, 2021 01:15:03)

My biggest topic Daily facts! (got closed)
Daily fact Revamp (studio) Daily fact studio Revamp
My Art commission project (first coded project) Art commissions!
I just stared a new shop go check it out! Art shop!
My Scratch suggestion (maybe go check it out) Archived area suggestion!
Ok bye now

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

My username...

Sorry about that!

Should be fixed now

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

25 posts

My username...

Ok! thank you!

I am a Gemini. I am also an Ambivert.

Why do signatures exist…

Also, plz undo the update. The update makes me so, ugh when it comes to studios.
1000+ posts

My username...

GerekRulesGwof wrote:

forums have a different filterbot

Last edited by wvj (May 17, 2021 10:56:12)

1000+ posts

My username...

GerekRulesGwof wrote:

why is it u cant say * but u can say [xxx](dont ban me plz)
Please don't swear, the forum filter is separate.

<Scratch Wikian // 2000+ Edits | Forum Helper // 7000+ Posts | Scratcher // 530+ Followers>

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