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how to.......?

When you make a list on the veriables section if you pick somethink up how do you get it out of the inventory.
e.g in the list is a bullet how would you get the bullet out of the inventory when you press a certain button + how do you conect it so that it would look like somethings been fired + how do you make it so that you can only fire when you have something in you list.

p.s please help if you know thx

Last edited by Fourclaw (June 10, 2013 18:20:17)

100+ posts

how to.......?

Fourclaw wrote:

When you make a list on the veriables section if you pick somethink up how do you get it out of the inventory.
e.g in the list is a bullet how would you get the bullet out of the inventory when you press a certain button + how do you conect it so that it would look like somethings been fired + how do you make it so that you can only fire when you have something in you list.

p.s please help if you know thx
I'm not sure this fits in the ‘questions about scratch’ section, I think it fits better in the ‘help with scripts’ section.

I can't be bothered to make a signature. Seriously, who has time to write these things? I have stuff to do, games to make, and you expect me to write a big, long signature? I'm not your slave. You can't tell me what to do, so no, I WON'T write a signature.

Oh, wait…
1000+ posts

how to.......?

Fourclaw wrote:

When you make a list on the veriables section if you pick somethink up how do you get it out of the inventory.
e.g in the list is a bullet how would you get the bullet out of the inventory when you press a certain button + how do you conect it so that it would look like somethings been fired + how do you make it so that you can only fire when you have something in you list.

p.s please help if you know thx
Well that's quite the chalk-full of questions. Before I answer them, could you maybe show the scripts that you have already?

Also, if you don't want to do that, then there's this project that I once made that might be helpful to you: Machine Gun Engine

Just to say, it's in 1.4, though it should still work.

With regards,


10 posts

how to.......?

pls help me make a sollid object

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