Discuss Scratch

29 posts

New Blocks

Here are some ideas for blocks that might not make it.
if touching object, bounce
previous costume
previous backdrop
stop all sounds in sprite
play sound [ v] for () seconds
stop all sounds in this script
(() ^ ())
(days since [ v])
<() ≥ (50)>
<() ≤ (50)>
<<> nand <>>
<<> nor <>>
(join [apple ] [banana ] [orange])
<() ≠ (50)>
gravity ()
stop all scripts in the sprite [ v]
(letter (1) and (2) of [apple])
100+ posts

New Blocks

this does not go here

this needs to go in Suggestion's forum

Moved to @-Windows-
1000+ posts

New Blocks

Please post in the Suggestions forum if you have an idea for a new block. Before you do, please familiarize yourself with the forum and check for existing topics that have suggested your idea. Rather than posting a list, please only make one topic per block idea, and explain your idea in a reasonable amount of detail. Thanks!

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