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1000+ posts

Following Limit

-GentooPenguin- wrote:

Full Support!

I think it would be a good idea to stop people from following people just to get followers.
In my opinion, the follow limit should be 999.
I don't understand “following people just to get followers”. Do you mean following a famous person then that famous person's followers start following you? If those types of people do exist, there are very few of those people, since I follow famous people, and none of my followers found me by me following a famous person, unless I interacted in that famous person's fan club or something.

This is my signature. It is not a part of this post and it appears under every post I make.
Sonic Says
Every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but, that's why we have to live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least… that's what I figure.
Hey there, I'm sonic__fan. I just look for good suggestions to add to Scratch.
1000+ posts

Following Limit

sonic__fan wrote:

I don't understand “following people just to get followers”. Do you mean following a famous person then that famous person's followers start following you? If those types of people do exist, there are very few of those people, since I follow famous people, and none of my followers found me by me following a famous person, unless I interacted in that famous person's fan club or something.
I have seen a lot of accounts who are following thousands of users in the hopes that some of them will follow back. It's really pathetic and I don't think it should be encouraged at all. The first time I remember seeing something like this was in 2015, so it's not a new issue either.

500+ posts

Following Limit


What if your a namesnipe hunter?

I hate my life

Pokemon Fan
SpongeBob Fan
Namesnipe Hunter
100+ posts

Following Limit

I support this. There is nothing good about following a bunch of random users you have no interest in.

the2000 wrote:

I have seen a lot of accounts who are following thousands of users in the hopes that some of them will follow back. It's really pathetic and I don't think it should be encouraged at all. The first time I remember seeing something like this was in 2015, so it's not a new issue either.
100% agree with that.

Woman: Peter don't! They say if you watch that video, you die.
Peter: Ah, that's a lot of baloney.
The Video:
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh, oh-oh-oh
Story of Undertale
1000+ posts

Following Limit

Totodile_star wrote:

What if your a namesnipe hunter?
I don't think that's really what you're supposed to use the follow feature for.

51 posts

Following Limit

oh, though I spilled the beans that the limit is 10K, there is still a discussion:
1. Will the ST change the limit?
2. If so, will it be higher or lower?
3. Why is it forbidden to follow three people in 1 minute?

Signature of AndyGenius
By AndyGenius

(Shift-Down to read all)

100+ posts

Following Limit

Some time, that can be a good idea when follows turn to subs, but mainly, why?

I am leaving scratch soon, because of many changes in scratch recently I don't really like, sorry.
Take care.
100+ posts

Following Limit

WE NEED MORE SUPPORTERS! s u p e r b u m p

Woman: Peter don't! They say if you watch that video, you die.
Peter: Ah, that's a lot of baloney.
The Video:
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh, oh-oh-oh
Story of Undertale
1000+ posts

Following Limit

No support.

Many people love to show support for Scratchers they like. If there were a lot, the limit would stop them from following them.
Accounts that randomly follow users are actually kind of nice. One follow can make someone's day. Followers are usually the motivation for Scratchers.
F4F is a great way for people to get followers. Even though it has a bad reputation, a huge amount of Scratchers have done it at least once, and many users do a lot of F4F. Overall, F4F is useful.

saitama - argentinian - she/her

i like playing videogames and coding and eating good food

Also, yay, 1000 posts! *Insert sad confetti*
100+ posts

Following Limit

SaitamaGTOPM wrote:

No support.

Many people love to show support for Scratchers they like. If there were a lot, the limit would stop them from following them.
Accounts that randomly follow users are actually kind of nice. One follow can make someone's day. Followers are usually the motivation for Scratchers.
F4F is a great way for people to get followers. Even though it has a bad reputation, a huge amount of Scratchers have done it at least once, and many users do a lot of F4F. Overall, F4F is useful.
Yes, people do love to show support for Scratchers they like, but following over 200 users is ridiculous. There is no way to keep track of over 200 people. The whole point of limiting the amount you can follow is to reduce the stress of people desperately trying to get popular.

I don't think doing F4F's provides any sort of good motivation. Earning real followers is a completely different feeling than doing F4F's. Doing F4F's is great when you are starting Scratch fresh, but it is ridiculous and repetitive to do F4F's getting near 100 followers.

The follower limit really needs to be done. I can't stress enough that people are actually doing F4F's even though they have hundreds or thousands of followers.

Woman: Peter don't! They say if you watch that video, you die.
Peter: Ah, that's a lot of baloney.
The Video:
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh, oh-oh-oh
Story of Undertale
19 posts

Following Limit

Actually there is already a follow limit……..

500+ posts

Following Limit

HitMyWord wrote:

Actually there is already a follow limit……..
Yes, but this person is proposing a lower follow limit.
19 posts

Following Limit

TheTrillion wrote:

HitMyWord wrote:

Actually there is already a follow limit……..
Yes, but this person is proposing a lower follow limit.
Well then No Support because that would just be a problem to namesnipe hunters like me

1000+ posts

Following Limit

I think they have a reason that it's 20k for now. No support.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

Following Limit

mybearworld wrote:

I think they have a reason that it's 20k for now. No support.
I think it is actually 10K.

I think this follow limit is too low, I think a lot of people will hit it very easily without being a follow bot. I don't even think follow bots are bad, they give confidence to users. F4F is not an issue on scratch either, if you don't want to do f4f, just delete or politely decline the request. f4f also gives confidence out, making it somewhat educational.

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
1000+ posts

Following Limit

Support. This will stop follow everyone accounts

ctrl shift down or shift down to see the rest of my signature
hello this is my signature
30000+ hours work scratch project of mine
why do people not realize that kumquats are fruit you can just eat the evil kumquats
my kumquat eaters:
<O_O :: #ff0000> // gary 
<⌐_⌐ :: #FFA500> // bob
<:) :: #fff000> // james
<0_0 :: #00ff00> // noah
<v_v :: #0000ff> // felix
<*_* :: #800080> // lucas
Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 0:00:00)
1000+ posts

Following Limit

1000 is very very easy to accunulate. Over aboubt a year I've followed 959 people. I haven't actively searched out people I just follow people who seem cool. There are already accounts following more than the current limit so imagine all the accounts over 1000 which could confuse people

Hello I'm a human who used to be active on the forums but sometimes reappears for fun and stuff. I can't be bothered to make a cool signature right now so umm here's a smiley face
1000+ posts

Following Limit

muellly wrote:

No support. If people want to follow other people at random why stop them? Every one uses Scratch in different ways and why should there be policing to people who want to follow everyone in an attempt to make others happy(even if it's a weak one). Follow everyone accounts aren't hurting anyone. Before you say Scratch isn't about popularity look at the front page. It can be discouraging to be rejected curration or featured or never be top remixed/loved but those sections are still up. People can ask for F4F if they want to, if you don't just say no, however it's when they push you after you say no it becomes a problem that you can just report.
I was gonna say this exact thing but I guess I’m just going to refer to this post. This kind of hits on the 1 and 2 of the list.
The third thing is not needed, people do f4f cause they want to!

<Scratch Wikian // 2000+ Edits | Forum Helper // 7000+ Posts | Scratcher // 530+ Followers>

banner coming soon…
1000+ posts

Following Limit

no support makes my entire legacy of following namesnipes pointless. I already hit the 10k limit, I dont want it to be lower 0-0
1000+ posts

Following Limit

No support.
1. f4f is fine if its somewhere it is allowed.
2. Nothing is wrong with following a lot of people

everything below is my signature, it appears under everything I post.

I am the real Kris Dreemurr from deltarune

Why are you here, you extension user? This is where I put my copypastas! Run along, now!

Please only create new threads here if you're a New Scratcher introducing yourself the community. Check out [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/399690/]Making a guide/welcome topic? Please read this first![/url]

Hello!  It's great that you want to help out other Scratchers.  However, I think we have enough guides in the forums at the moment.  Please feel free to welcome new Scratchers on [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/4670/]the group welcoming topic[/url] or on individual topics created by New Scratchers.

Other places that can always use more helpful Scratchers like you, are the "[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/7/]Help With Scripts[/url]" and "[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/4/]Questions About Scratch[/url]" areas - please use them as designed, by responding to topics created by folks with problems to solve :)

Finally, a really good place for Scratch guides is the [url=https://en.scratch-wiki.info/]Scratch Wiki[/url] - check it out and see if it's something you might like to work on. They have a number of guides - and great organization.

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