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What IDE do you use?

Chiroyce wrote:

DipLeChip wrote:

Chiroyce wrote:

DipLeChip wrote:

why so many VSCode users, microsoft bad >: (
Nah, the UI is dope, the only reason I use PyCharm and not VSCode is because I'm too lazy to install it
(I will once I get my new MacBook in like 2 weeks)
PyCharm is far superior than VScode when it comes to programming in Python
I know you're just saying that because you're Anti-Microsoft
“By the way, if anyone out there suggests using Linux… no.”
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Tom Scott, 2015 (4:51)

Last edited by CatsUnited (March 25, 2021 13:28:08)

bottom text
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

CatsUnited wrote:

“By the way, if anyone out there suggests using Linux… no.”
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Tom Scott, 2015 (4:51)

Nice to see a Tom Scott fan

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

Chiroyce wrote:

I know you're just saying that because you're Anti-Microsoft
It's probably because PyCharm is specialised in Python while VSCode isn't. Jetbrains has a separate IDE for pretty much every language. But VS Code is lightweight (they literally say it on their homepage). so its down to just preference.

Last edited by BarelySmooth (April 17, 2021 15:01:10)

Banner credit: @Prime689

(This text below is my forum signature)

Scratch Team never wrote:

Good suggestion. Let’s add that.
no offense to ST btw – Credit to @Fun_Cupcake_i81 for the above portion of the signature

Also, Nobody supports the support convention

404. That's an error.

The requested signature was not found under this post.
That's all we want you to know.
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?


100+ posts

What IDE do you use?

Vscode is gud.

I'm J3r0. I have a lot of experience on Scratch but have mostly moved on now. Feel free to contact me about anyting and everything.
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

Language(with version): Pretty much everything as of today.
IDE: VSCode.

I also use pycharm to write in python 3.9.2

Last edited by -EmeraldThunder- (March 27, 2021 13:44:12)

Nothing here.
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

I use github web for ide btw
500+ posts

What IDE do you use?

None. I just use Notepad or nano. Or sometimes Notepad++.

If you see a line above this text, it means that below this text is my signature.
This place is just a memory to me, I may return occasionally but I'm busy.
I guess I'm an ATer now.

I think I may have seasoned my posts a bit too much.

Colored Pencil is supposed to color the siggy, but Scratch says it's too big.

There is nothing here…

don don pan pan
dondo pan pan
500+ posts

What IDE do you use?

gilbert_given_189 wrote:

None. I just use Notepad

this is my nightmare.

500+ posts

What IDE do you use?

Language(with version): C++20
IDE: I use Notepad right now, I might switch to VSCode.

Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 minecraftprox101
SynthX - An intelligent AI on Scratch
Press Shift+Down to see the rest of my signature!
|| 800 Posts || I use Windows 10 Pro btw
|| First Text Programming language: HTML || Post Goal: 1,000 Posts (800/1000, 80%) || Follower Goal: 100 Followers ||

1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

minecraftprox101 wrote:

Language(with version): C++20
IDE: I use Notepad right now, I might switch to VSCode.
I suggest it - A proper IDE that colors and organises the code, can recognise what commands or variables you may use and can be well integrated into other services to speed up your workflow will be far ahead of Notepad.

bottom text
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

CatsUnited wrote:

minecraftprox101 wrote:

Language(with version): C++20
IDE: I use Notepad right now, I might switch to VSCode.
I suggest it - A proper IDE that colors and organises the code, can recognise what commands or variables you may use and can be well integrated into other services to speed up your workflow will be far ahead of Notepad.
The best feature about an IDE is the suggesting variables one — nothing can beat that

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

why vscode though
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

CatsUnited wrote:

minecraftprox101 wrote:

Language(with version): C++20
IDE: I use Notepad right now, I might switch to VSCode.
I suggest it - A proper IDE that colors and organises the code, can recognise what commands or variables you may use and can be well integrated into other services to speed up your workflow will be far ahead of Notepad.
I suggest that you should try repl.it and then use VSCode, as repl.it can host your own servers without annoying your memory if you have a pinger (i have one on github using upptime)
4 posts

What IDE do you use?

Language(with version): C++ 20
IDE: vscodium and geany
1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

Language: HTML5, CSS, JS
IDE: VSC ftwwwww

its been a while
500+ posts

What IDE do you use?

Language(with version): C++20
IDE: Visual Studio Code

Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 minecraftprox101
SynthX - An intelligent AI on Scratch
Press Shift+Down to see the rest of my signature!
|| 800 Posts || I use Windows 10 Pro btw
|| First Text Programming language: HTML || Post Goal: 1,000 Posts (800/1000, 80%) || Follower Goal: 100 Followers ||

1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

1000+ posts

What IDE do you use?

I use different IDEs for different languages
Language: Javascript
IDE: browser :PPP
Language: Dart
IDE: Dartpad, Replit
Language: Any other language
IDE: Whatever online IDE I can find, usually replit

500+ posts

What IDE do you use?

I only use an IDE for Python (IDLE). For everything else I use Brackets code editor. (Which by the way is nearing it's end of support.)

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