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- spcoding10
100+ posts
Profile Picture Picture
PFP Maker: Canva
Colors: White for the text, the picture can be the background
Text: -NebulaSky-
Fonts: Handwriting
Pictures: https://www.google.com/search?q=nebula&newwindow=1&rlz=1CAJCUZ_enUS894&sxsrf=ALeKk02_4QkfnzvZViK099-nruygf3pxLA:1615225737589&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCmcjioKHvAhWmm-AKHWlsB1sQ_AUoAXoECAkQAw&biw=1366&bih=617&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=-ayGRPjO6hxsOM
Other Details: This one needs to be uploaded to Scratch, so if possible, can you host this one?
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My profile
Edit: Here's the PFP.
Last edited by spcoding10 (March 10, 2021 03:24:38)
- scratchieguy12345678
500+ posts
The Happy ShopShop Name/Link:
Services: PFPs, Thumbnails, Intros, Outros, Reviews, Advertisements and Ideas
Owner: SaitamaGTOPM (I'm the Happy Shop's Public Relations Officer)
How Long Shop Has Been Open: 38 days
So was this rejected?
- RSriram2010
500+ posts
The Happy ShopShop Name/Link:
Services: PFPs, Thumbnails, Intros, Outros, Reviews, Advertisements and Ideas
Owner: SaitamaGTOPM (I'm the Happy Shop's Public Relations Officer)
How Long Shop Has Been Open: 38 days
So was this rejected?
No, sometimes people take a bit of time.
- SaitamaGTOPM
1000+ posts
Staff Leave Form
Starting on: March 11th, 2021.
Ending on: Indefinite.
I've been absolutely LOADED with work recently. I'm also trying to let go of my computer addiction.
I had a great time working here, and hope others will too.
Starting on: March 11th, 2021.
Ending on: Indefinite.
I've been absolutely LOADED with work recently. I'm also trying to let go of my computer addiction.
I had a great time working here, and hope others will too.
- rosieclub
36 posts
Emojis Limited Time Only
Face or object: Cat
What does the face or object look like: its black and white, its chin is white, the rest is black and the eyes are orange-ish green.
Other Details: I want the head only on the cat.
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My Profile comments
Face or object: Cat
What does the face or object look like: its black and white, its chin is white, the rest is black and the eyes are orange-ish green.
Other Details: I want the head only on the cat.
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My Profile comments
100+ posts
Taken, your order will be complete soon! Emojis Limited Time Only
Face or object: Cat
What does the face or object look like: its black and white, its chin is white, the rest is black and the eyes are orange-ish green.
Other Details: I want the head only on the cat.
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My Profile comments

Edit: your order is complete! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/500935854/
Last edited by ISAACSFA (March 13, 2021 00:05:51)
- RSriram2010
500+ posts
Profile Picture Picture
PFP Maker: Canva
Colors: White for the text, the picture can be the background
Text: -NebulaSky-
Fonts: Handwriting
Pictures: https://www.google.com/search?q=nebula&newwindow=1&rlz=1CAJCUZ_enUS894&sxsrf=ALeKk02_4QkfnzvZViK099-nruygf3pxLA:1615225737589&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCmcjioKHvAhWmm-AKHWlsB1sQ_AUoAXoECAkQAw&biw=1366&bih=617&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=-ayGRPjO6hxsOM
Other Details: This one needs to be uploaded to Scratch, so if possible, can you host this one?
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My profile
Edit: Here's the PFP.
Thanks! Also, sorry for the late reply, I didn't check here in a while.
- spcoding10
100+ posts
Profile Picture Picture
PFP Maker: Canva
Colors: White for the text, the picture can be the background
Text: -NebulaSky-
Fonts: Handwriting
Pictures: https://www.google.com/search?q=nebula&newwindow=1&rlz=1CAJCUZ_enUS894&sxsrf=ALeKk02_4QkfnzvZViK099-nruygf3pxLA:1615225737589&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCmcjioKHvAhWmm-AKHWlsB1sQ_AUoAXoECAkQAw&biw=1366&bih=617&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=-ayGRPjO6hxsOM
Other Details: This one needs to be uploaded to Scratch, so if possible, can you host this one?
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My profile
Edit: Here's the PFP.
Thanks! Also, sorry for the late reply, I didn't check here in a while.
No problem!
- RSriram2010
500+ posts
I Wish i'd get an order like this
Sorry, I'll come to you for something else…
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
Emojis Limited Time Only
(Please know that emojis can't be used in forum post or on comments, they can be used in project text boxes, and in studio titles and descriptions, they can also be used outside of scratch)
Face or object: The face of my OC
What does the face or object look like: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/474661430/
Other Details: A satisfactory result will prompt me to ask for a partnership
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27283485/comments/
(Please know that emojis can't be used in forum post or on comments, they can be used in project text boxes, and in studio titles and descriptions, they can also be used outside of scratch)
Face or object: The face of my OC
What does the face or object look like: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/474661430/
Other Details: A satisfactory result will prompt me to ask for a partnership
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27283485/comments/
- spcoding10
100+ posts
Emojis Limited Time Only
(Please know that emojis can't be used in forum post or on comments, they can be used in project text boxes, and in studio titles and descriptions, they can also be used outside of scratch)
Face or object: The face of my OC
What does the face or object look like: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/474661430/
Other Details: A satisfactory result will prompt me to ask for a partnership
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27283485/comments/
TAKEN! I'll try my best.
- -TheNameless-
100+ posts
Profile Picture
PFP Maker: I don't really care who takes my order.
Colors: I want a blue-themed PFP.
Text: No text, please.
Fonts: (see above)
Pictures: A cat (not Scratch Cat) pulling back a bow on a blue background.
Other Details: I'm not very active on Scratch so it could be a while before I respond to anything.
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My profile comments would be great.
- spcoding10
100+ posts
TAKEN! I'll try my best.
How is the emoji going?
Till now I have made the emoji as an image, and trying to convert it as an copy-paste emoji.
Last edited by spcoding10 (March 17, 2021 16:28:36)
- The_5th_Scratcher
100+ posts
Till now I have made the emoji as an image, and trying to convert it as an copy-paste emoji.
It has been a while, has it been converted to a copy-paste emoji?
- -AquaCodes-
100+ posts
Shop Name/Link: TheAquaShop https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/494045/
Services: Our main thing is banners but we do a lot of stuff in terms of graphics
Owner: Me (-AquaCodes-)
How Long Shop Has Been Open: No Longer Then a month but no shorter then 2 weeks
Services: Our main thing is banners but we do a lot of stuff in terms of graphics
Owner: Me (-AquaCodes-)
How Long Shop Has Been Open: No Longer Then a month but no shorter then 2 weeks
- RSriram2010
500+ posts
Ok, your order will be complete soon! Hi, I have many orders(very sorry about that), so don't worry if it takes a long time. It can take until 2022!
Banner Maker: Canva
Banner Type (shop, signature, etc): Signature
Colors: #f4d258 for the text
Text: “RSriram2010” in big letters at the top, then in small text: "Me ● Cloud Blue ● SCA
Fonts: Comic Sans
Picture link (if you have one): https://www.google.com/search?q=sunset&newwindow=1&rlz=1CAJCUZ_enUS894&sxsrf=ALeKk02pLZS1scES-ECXO8QPXtw_AcApsQ:1615138109813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhqrGq2p7vAhUBm-AKHU41A80Q_AUoAXoECBEQAw&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=wLcM17Kmb9QQEM
Size: Size of my current banner signature
Other Details: You don't need to host this on a Scratch-image-friendly website. You can leave it on Canva.
Where should we notify you when your order is finished: My profile
Thumbnail Maker: Canva
Thumbnail Type (profile, studio, project, etc.): profile project
Colors: Light Blue for the background, orange for the text
Text: Hello! Welcome to my profile!
Fonts: Sedgwick Ave Display
Pictures: None
Other Details: Once again, you can leave it on Canva
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My profile - scratch.mit.edu/users/RSriram2010
Profile Picture Picture
PFP Maker: Canva
Colors: #03fcc2 for the text
Text: RSriram2010
Fonts: Satisfy
Pictures: https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+eating+pizza+gif&newwindow=1&rlz=1CAJCUZ_enUS894&sxsrf=ALeKk00K9lAHDhjpDc1uF9sdpVHJUahEog:1615140041617&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=zOTAUp3D9q5m2M%252Cw56A3Kw463AFCM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSPQHyhLQqUSA2gcpt25P2tq-qMnw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQlMXD4Z7vAhVLmuAKHe2pAd8Q9QF6BAgFEAE&biw=1366&bih=617&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=zOTAUp3D9q5m2M
Other Details: You don't have to host it.
Where should I notify you when your order is finished: My profile - scratch.mit.edu/users/RSriram2010
Hi, was this order completed? I never saw a banner update.
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