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Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Starting Out….
This guide will take your through some basics steps for starting out in Scratch. To make projects you might want to take a look at Starters Projects.

Picking a Username
Your username should represent what you are and who you are! Like in my case, my username means Ocean in Spanish because I love whales!

Picking a Profile Picture
This too should represent you. Maybe it could be a kitten if you like cats or maybe even an -A- because your username starts with the letter A. There's a million possibilities waiting!

Arranging your Profile
About me -
You can start out by choosing some information you would like Scratch to know about yourself! Your favorite colors, your favorite type of projects, what you like to do on your free time… The possibilities are unlimited! Let your mind stretch out in to imagination! Ex.“ Hello! I am cookies'n'cream123 and I love Scratch! My favorite color is pink and I love ice cream. I love to go skateboarding with my friends after school when I am free, it's awesome!”
What I am working on…. -
What are you working on? Do you have a new game ready to come out next week? Write it down there! If you are working on a collaboration project with some friends you could write that down as well. This section is to let Scratchers now what new at your profile and what's coming out next!

Do you need help?
If you need help some good places to start is the Scratch Welcoming Committee and the Scripts Workshop are great places to start off! Check out the Help with Scripts and the Questions about Scratch forums. I am also here to help out!
Where do I advertise my projects?
The place to advertise your projects is the Forums>Show and Tell. Make a new topic by clicking the blue “New Topic” button.

Community Guidelines (And Scratch Rules) -
You must follow the Community Guidelines and Scratch Rules at all times.

"We need everyone’s help to keep Scratch a friendly and creative community where people with different backgrounds and interests feel welcome.

•Be respectful. When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see what you’ve shared.
•Be constructive. When commenting on others' projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.
•Share. You are free to remix projects, ideas, images, or anything else you find on Scratch – and anyone can use anything that you share. Be sure to give credit when you remix.
•Keep personal info private. For safety reasons, don't use real names or post contact info like phone numbers or addresses.
•Help keep the site friendly. If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.

Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities"

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me! Scratch on!

Last edited by ZaharaMar (Oct. 15, 2014 03:47:26)

1000+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

This is a great guide - definitely should be stickied.

I do have a few things that you might want to consider adding, though.
For the “Do You Need Help?” part, you might want to include a link to the Help with Scripts forum (for help on scripting) and the Questions about Scratch forum (for help regarding to the Scratch Website).

Also, many New Scratchers don't know what to do when they first begin Scratch. Maybe also include a link to the Starter Projects as well? New Scratchers can start out by remixing those projects and learn more about how to use Scratch during the process.

I would also like to point out that there are “hidden rules” about Scratch called the Scratch Rules. Most of the content in the Scratch Rules aren't in the Community Guidelines; therefore, some scratchers (including me) have unknowingly done some things that are frowned upon. Making the hidden rules more obvious would definitely cut down most of the offenses that were done unknowingly.

So these are my suggestions. Other than that, this guide is really informative and should be either stickied or Itopic'd!

Last edited by joshuaho (Oct. 14, 2014 05:52:26)

500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

joshuaho wrote:

This is a great guide - definitely should be stickied.

I do have a few things that you might want to consider adding, though.
For the “Do You Need Help?” part, you might want to include a link to the Help with Scripts forum (for help on scripting) and the Questions about Scratch forum (for help regarding to the Scratch Website).

Also, many New Scratchers don't know what to do when they first begin Scratch. Maybe also include a link to the Starter Projects as well? New Scratchers can start out by remixing those projects and learn more about how to use Scratch during the process.

I would also like to point out that there are “hidden rules” about Scratch called the Scratch Rules. Most of the content in the Scratch Rules aren't in the Community Guidelines; therefore, some scratchers (including me) have unknowingly done some things that are frowned upon. Making the hidden rules more obvious would definitely cut down most of the offenses that were done unknowingly.

So these are my suggestions. Other than that, this guide is really informative and should be either stickied or Itopic'd!
Okay! Thanks for the information :3 I'll add it as soon as I can!
100+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Garrrr… I was going to make one.

Great guide anyway!
500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Frenzar wrote:

Garrrr… I was going to make one.

Great guide anyway!
XD, sorry! Thanks anyway!
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Very nice! Good information. I like the formatting too.

I've added a link to it from our “Starting” topic over here
500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Paddle2See wrote:

Very nice! Good information. I like the formatting too.

I've added a link to it from our “Starting” topic over here
Thanks It means a lot!
8 posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

1000+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Awesome guide!
500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!


samanyolu wrote:

Awesome guide!
500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

fidlemonkey wrote:

Hey there!
34 posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

I'm really sad because my computer won't let me upload a profile picture
sayI am sadfor2secs
500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

colorfulrainbow12 wrote:

I'm really sad because my computer won't let me upload a profile picture
sayI am sadfor2secs
Oh no! Is there anything I can do to help?
1000+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

ZaharaMar wrote:

colorfulrainbow12 wrote:

I'm really sad because my computer won't let me upload a profile picture
sayI am sadfor2secs
Oh no! Is there anything I can do to help?

I know! On my old account, I had a really nice pic. On this account tho, my computer got a bit messed up and I couldn't change the pic. So I contacted Paddle2See and asked him to change the pic for me. Well, it worked (And my computer fixed itself too ) If you don't have another account, you could probs ask if you could get an image off ggle images
1000+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Oh wow I seriously was going to make this xD
47 posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

32 posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Hi. I am @MoggGirls and I have been on here for 1 moth and 3 weeks and still can not find out how to use the Pen, sensing, Operators, Variables, Lists, Or Define blocks. Help?
100+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

I am swallowed up with vanity over my new signiature
100+ posts

Welcome to Scratch: Starting Out On Scratch!

Paddle2See wrote:

Very nice! Good information. I like the formatting too.

I've added a link to it from our “Starting” topic over here


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