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The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 88.0.4324.104, No Flash version detected

Yes, the problem used to be just Chrome and I could change my thumbnail and save it on edge, now it's all browsers! And to change it you have to copy the project and then save it on a browser that isn't Chrome but I can't as people have loved them a lot.

This needs fixing.
I have OCD and it's literally (you don't understand how much) messing with my brain.
I'm not sure what to do about it.

ALSO WHEN REPLYING TO THIS TOPIC: DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO SAVE A THUMBNAIL. If you do I will get mad. The ammount of times I've explain it's a bug and people keep telling me how to save a thumbnail. I've been on scratch for 5 and a half years, been curated twelve times and featured once, don't you think I know how to save a thumbnail? If anyone tells me how to save one I will get really mad (and this time I mean it) so please don't

It's proven a bug, check my profile, you'll see the scratch cat, you'll also see it's not in the project, that's a bug..

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
100+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

Its not a bug. You have the background overlapping the thumbnail. Probably make it x0 y0 and make it bigger so the background won't show

when green flag clicked
play sound [Celebrate! v]
if <<[Follower] = [Me]>> then
say [Hey You!] for (2) secs
say [I Know You See this Signature] for (4) secs
say [So Why Not Follow Me?] for (2) secs
say [I Work Insanely Hard on All of my Projects so Please Follow Me!] for (4) secs
say [I Also Help People and Get nothing in Return] for (4) secs
say [So I Hope you Will Follow Me and Make me Happy!] for (2) secs
if <<[Follower] + [1]>> then
say [Thanks for the Follow!] for (2) secs
say [Now Heres a Cookie!] for (2) secs
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

-Azurian wrote:

Its not a bug. You have the background overlapping the thumbnail. Probably make it x0 y0 and make it bigger so the background won't show
IT'S BEEN CONFIRMED A BUG BY THE SCRATCH TEAM! Firstly, I don't understand. Secondly, yes it is a bug. I said I'd get angry if people said it wasn't

Edit: Everyone who has it has the exact same or similar version of chrome as me.

Last edited by FollowCherryBlossom (Feb. 4, 2021 19:46:37)

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

Ok, spot the difference.

If you need to see a broken image, you will just need to turn cdn2 into uploads. You're welcome!

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
- The following is my signature, which always shows up below my posts. -

New! Filter through my projects with my website.

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OS: Windows 11 / Browser: Microsoft Edge / Time zone: PST/PDT
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

D-ScratchNinja wrote:

Ok, spot the difference.

If you need to see a broken image, you will just need to turn cdn2 into uploads. You're welcome!
what? that doesn't make any sense. It started on 17th January and some people with the same version of chrome as me were affected

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

D-ScratchNinja wrote:

Ok, spot the difference.

If you need to see a broken image, you will just need to turn cdn2 into uploads. You're welcome!
what? that doesn't make any sense. It started on 17th January and some people with the same version of chrome as me were affected
what the heck? and why would I need to see a broken image? The way you randomly said ‘you’re welcome' sounded rude and what you're talking about it's anything to do with this

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

I've contacted the scratch team with an extremely long nicely written message reporting this and another bug because I'm fed up with people telling me that it's not a bug. Or telling me things that make no sense. Or being rude.

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

I notice this! I used my IPad and checked your project thumbnails and some of them are a 2.0 Scratch Cat.

IPad version: My browser / operating system: IPad iOS 14.3, Safari 604.1, No Flash version detected

So this bug happens with my IPad, but not my Chromebook.

I moved to DualPikachu, meet me there!
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

GoogleInScratch wrote:

I notice this! I used my IPad and checked your project thumbnails and some of them are a 2.0 Scratch Cat.

IPad version: My browser / operating system: IPad iOS 14.3, Safari 604.1, No Flash version detected

So this bug happens with my IPad, but not my Chromebook.
It's been going on for a while now and now it's affecting all my browsers. I've kept considering whether to contact the scratch team but it's been about 18 days and I have so I'll keep this open and let you know what they said if they reply

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

The Thumbnail Bug is Worse...

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

FollowCherryBlossom wrote:

D-ScratchNinja wrote:

Ok, spot the difference.

If you need to see a broken image, you will just need to turn cdn2 into uploads. You're welcome!
what? that doesn't make any sense. It started on 17th January and some people with the same version of chrome as me were affected
what the heck? and why would I need to see a broken image? The way you randomly said ‘you’re welcome' sounded rude and what you're talking about it's anything to do with this
I'm sorry. I was showing you that uploads.scratch.mit.edu was not broken and cdn2.scratch.mit.edu did have broken images. I'm not sure how much this will help because the images on the site were the broken cdn2 images, but… just for your information.

Last edited by D-ScratchNinja (Feb. 4, 2021 23:07:35)

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
- The following is my signature, which always shows up below my posts. -

New! Filter through my projects with my website.

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OS: Windows 11 / Browser: Microsoft Edge / Time zone: PST/PDT

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