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- GoogleInScratch
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Is Pico evil?
I found a topic with the same question but it didn't really give me an answer and got closed.
I found a topic with the same question but it didn't really give me an answer and got closed.
- DevX1
100+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Yes Is Pico evil?
I found a topic with the same question but it didn't really give me an answer and got closed.

EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
- nerdiebirdy
500+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Well, Pico was the main theme of all the jokes from April Fools in 2013, which referred to him as a “rogue sprite” so… maybe?
- Scratchy697
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Za-Chary in that topic said
They used to be, but now they're retired.
Closed as resolved.
- ScratchCatHELLO
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Rumors say that Pico is allied with Fred the evil server-eating squid, but that hasn't been verified. Supposedly, Pico occasionally lets Fred out of his containment chamber in the ST's facility so that Fred can eat the servers, which mean the Scratch Team have to fix them. Neither Fred nor Pico have commented on these rumors.
Last edited by ScratchCatHELLO (Jan. 24, 2021 04:52:02)
- Za-Chary
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Pico is as evil as you make them out to be.
Do either of these answer your question? I would say they're both correct. They used to be, but now they're retired.
- WindOctahedron
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
But wait, there's more! Rumors say that Pico is allied with Fred the evil server-eating squid, but that hasn't been verified. Supposedly, Pico occasionally lets Fred out of his containment chamber in the ST's facility so that Fred can eat the servers, which mean the Scratch Team have to fix them. Neither Fred nor Pico have commented on these rumors.
That squid was actually an experiment made by Nano and Giga. They used to work in a Japanese lab, where they initially tried to make a plant-like animal. They named him Gobō because he looked a bit like a burdock root (which is 牛蒡 or ごぼう in Japanese). But as he grew, he started to lose his plant resemblance, but Nano and Giga decided to clone him because they thought he looked cute. They took the clone out of the lab and sent him to their American colleague Scratch Cat, who taught him English and programming skills.
However, they kept the original because they were curious what will he become. A couple of years later, he overgrew into a squid-like creature and escaped the lab. He sensed the traces of the cloned Gobo because he was curious if there were any members of the same species. He followed them and made its way to the USA, where he got hungry and discovered that servers are very, very tasty. That day (31st March 2013) Pico was maintaining the servers and tried to stop him, but the squid bit him. The squid was poisonous and Pico woke up mad next day. He befriended the squid and nicknamed him Fred, causing havoc everywhere he went. Nano and Giga (who moved to America at this point because they wanted to stop Fred) tried to think of a way to trap the squid, but it was Pico's cousin Tera who managed to lock him in a cage. On 2nd April, Pico was okay and continued to watch the servers. Rumors say that Fred Occasionally crawls out of the cage and bites Pico, but this hasn't been confirmed yet.
TL;DR: No, he probably isn't. He was just bitten by a giant poisonous Gobo-like squid.
Last edited by WindOctahedron (Jan. 24, 2021 09:01:45)
- daniferaner
100+ posts
Is Pico evil?
He hanged out with school dropouts and became clinically obese. He also had a habit of eating scrap metal
Last edited by daniferaner (Jan. 24, 2021 13:25:54)
- dertermenter
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
It is such a shame. He was a bright young lad, but he got into bad habits via a gang and was never the same. Now he is a high school dropout who is an assistant bathroom co-ordinator at Nandos. The food got to him, and that is were obesity came in.
- GoogleInScratch
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
Yes, Pico is obese
Last edited by GoogleInScratch (Jan. 24, 2021 15:38:47)
- Za-Chary
1000+ posts
Is Pico evil?
I think we've gotten enough answers here. Closed as resolved, and due to spam.
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» Is Pico evil?