Discuss Scratch

66 posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

I would LOVE this if scratch implemented it. Mostly for animations tho.

A good tutorial >> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/403861132/ <<
A great game >> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/412122077/ <<

when green flag clicked
66 posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

psdominator1405 wrote:

It is possible to squash and stretch sprites, but it involves splitting the sprite into separating costumes (can be done using other websites), using a variable to control Y or X position, and rendering it using pen stamping.

Example of squashing and stretching sprites vertically:

when green flag clicked
set y to ()
set [number of costumes] to []
change [scrollY] by ()
define whatever
repeat (number of costumes)
change y by (scrollY)
next costume

You can use this to squash and stretch sprites horizontally, but it requires changing some blocks and may require splitting the image into more costumes.

Hope this helps

P.S. When defining the my block, set the block to run without screen refresh
Yeah, that would melt my brain if i had to do that, and it would take like 5 hours just to do a single, tiny, animation, and because of my short attention span, so that is impossible for me, so no.

A good tutorial >> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/403861132/ <<
A great game >> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/412122077/ <<

when green flag clicked
500+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

Support. I don't know what will I do with it, but it will be cool!
request mode 7-like transformation

If you see a line above this text, it means that below this text is my signature.
This place is just a memory to me, I may return occasionally but I'm busy.
I guess I'm an ATer now.

I think I may have seasoned my posts a bit too much.
Also, my posts are getting lengthy lately. Whoops.

Colored Pencil is supposed to color the siggy, but Scratch says it's too big.

There is nothing here…

don don pan pan
dondo pan pan
100+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

Semi-No Support.

This COULD help but at the same time, there's an easy workaround to this.

mostly inactive!!
1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

to add on to my support comment i support because I've been on scratch for almost a year and i still don't know how to stretch things and even if it does have a workaround the workaround isn't new scratcher friendly

- ittybitmap
54 posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

AidyGamer60 wrote:

Semi-No Support.

This COULD help but at the same time, there's an easy workaround to this.
What’s the workaround

1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

neos109 wrote:

AidyGamer60 wrote:

Semi-No Support.

This COULD help but at the same time, there's an easy workaround to this.
What’s the workaround
Making a bunch of costumes that you stretch out.

1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

AidyGamer60 wrote:

Semi-No Support.

This COULD help but at the same time, there's an easy workaround to this.
if your not going to mention the workaround please dont press that submit button.
100+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

Well that was embarrassing… I just made a post exactly like this. I support! This would really help with things like avatar makers!
1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

It could be pretty useful.

Definite support for these blocks:

change [horizontal v] stretch by (10)::looks

change [vertical v] stretch by (10)::looks

set [horizontal v] stretch to (100)%::looks

set [vertical v] stretch to (100)%::looks

And i wanted to say, horizontal stretch used to exist in a pretty old prototype, it worked well, and it was pretty smooth and cool. So support for these, as they are useful and cool. Oh, and sometimes, in a game, you might need to do that effect. But what if the gamemaker isn't so good at animating it frame-to-frame, and there are other costumes? Support for those

Not-so-definite but still support for these blocks

([horizontal v] stretch::looks)

([vertical v] stretch::looks)

which, of course, would lead to these:

([horizontal stretch v] of [Sprite v])

([vertical stretch v] of [Sprite v])

I mean- these wouldn't be used much (at least by me) but since we have size reporters… yeah we should have reporters for stretch as well.

BUT NO SUPPORT for this:

set stretch to x:(200) y:(-180)::looks

I remember a block pretty similar to this in the first ever prototype, Scratch 0.1, and it is just too confusing, even for me Scratching for 2 years. Imagine a new coder with that block.

Last edited by Col_Cat228 (July 13, 2020 06:31:52)

“Everything in the universe is either an apple or not an apple”
-a smart guy
500+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

Scratch took the original one away since it was laggy. Either way, you could make a bunch of costumes and stretch them. I don't see a use for this.

500 posts !!(๑>◡<๑)
hii ! call me xue 〜
i love cats , drawing , and music (^_-)
fav artists : odetari, kikuo, 6arelyhuman, kets4eki, ayesha, alex g (╹◡╹)♡

xoxo (kisses hugs) - 6arelyhuman
01:06 ━━━━⬤─────── 04:05

are u stalking me
1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

TheDreamyProfessor wrote:

Either way, you could make a bunch of costumes and stretch them. I don't see a use for this.
Invalid, because what if you wanted to smoothly transition between them?


1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

Here's an improvement
[Vertical v] Stretch ::looks reporter
[Horizontal v] Stretch ::looks reporter

Do you have trouble with scratch slang? Check this awesome site out!

I'm a red panda btw
100+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

superben100 wrote:

Is it still really only 75+ supporters, or should it be updated to 100+?
(I'm honestly not sure about the exact supporter count, but when I supported this a long time ago, I seem to remember the same number – don't take my word on this, though.)
It's very likely we have hit a new supporters threshold, I haven't taken a new tally yet!

Edit: Yep, we've hit 93 Full Support and 5 Semi-Support, which I calculate to be 95.5 support points total!

Last edited by shaymin88 (July 14, 2020 20:19:53)

100+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

psdominator1405 wrote:

It is possible to squash and stretch sprites, but it involves splitting the sprite into separating costumes (can be done using other websites), using a variable to control Y or X position, and rendering it using pen stamping.

Example of squashing and stretching sprites vertically:

when green flag clicked
set y to ()
set [number of costumes] to []
change [scrollY] by ()
define whatever
repeat (number of costumes)
change y by (scrollY)
next costume

You can use this to squash and stretch sprites horizontally, but it requires changing some blocks and may require splitting the image into more costumes.

Hope this helps

P.S. When defining the my block, set the block to run without screen refresh
These types of workarounds are fantastic, and I'm glad that members of the Scratch community has taken the time to figure these out, but I still believe there is a need for simple and easy-to-use blocks that younger and/or newer users understand.

Thanks for pointing out this specific workaround, however! Viewers of this thread will be able to see and use it as they wish.

500+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

shaymin88 wrote:

psdominator1405 wrote:

It is possible to squash and stretch sprites, but it involves splitting the sprite into separating costumes (can be done using other websites), using a variable to control Y or X position, and rendering it using pen stamping.

Example of squashing and stretching sprites vertically:

when green flag clicked
set y to ()
set [number of costumes] to []
change [scrollY] by ()
end[quote=shaymin88][quote=superben100]Is it still really only 75+ supporters, or should it be updated to 100+?
(I'm honestly not sure about the exact supporter count, but when I supported this a long time ago, I seem to remember the same number -- don't take my word on this, though.)[/quote]
It's very likely we have hit a new supporters threshold, I haven't taken a new tally yet![/quote]
define whatever
repeat (number of costumes)
change y by (scrollY)
next costume

You can use this to squash and stretch sprites horizontally, but it requires changing some blocks and may require splitting the image into more costumes.

Hope this helps

P.S. When defining the my block, set the block to run without screen refresh
These types of workarounds are fantastic, and I'm glad that members of the Scratch community has taken the time to figure these out, but I still believe there is a need for simple and easy-to-use blocks that younger and/or newer users understand.

Thanks for pointing out this specific workaround, however! Viewers of this thread will be able to see and use it as they wish.

Ok, thank you!

if you read this, thanks!
-spocite / posty / alien / the one who is going to take over the world someday (:<

why are all my posts in the suggestions forum

spocite wrote:

the real bruh moment was the friends we made along the way

a normal user can’t read this far, but you can! here's a free cake! tell me you got it on my profile!
2 posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

shaymin88 wrote:

Imagine a world where everything can stretch. In real life, almost everything stretches when you tug on them a bit. Sadly, the ability to mimic something of such caliber is definitely near impossible in the Scratch world. Why
54 posts

Changing Width and Height Separately


100+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

This used to be a block in the March 2005 beta, and then they removed it. BUT WHY THO?
change stretch by (10) % :: #ff2400
And the Support block says…
Support: :)
Remember, is for Support, is for no Support, and is for semi-support.
*And yes, the color of the stretch is NOT an error, it's the actual color the “looks” section was in the release*

Last edited by Goodthingsaregood66 (Aug. 7, 2020 20:24:49)

Fact of the week:
The idea of a “beep” block dates all the way back to Logo Blocks.
1000+ posts

Changing Width and Height Separately

AidyGamer60 wrote:

Semi-No Support.

This COULD help but at the same time, there's an easy workaround to this.
there's an EASY workaround? can you show that workaround please?

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