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removing the automatic credit

The automatic remix credit? No, don't remove it. Otherwise it would be super easy to steal projects.
About whether it counts as credit or not – of course it does. Automatic or not doesn't change anything.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

Then no one would get credit, and there wouldn't be a link to the original project.

89 posts

removing the automatic credit

huh? credit like this is in remixes. I don't support this. sorry.

I'm just a normal scratcher who LOVES to make and come follow me @cybercircut for great animations. #SFFF #STGP #STMR
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

The user means how REMIX is automatically added to the title when you remix, and they want that removed, not the link to the og project.
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

ThatOneWeirdDude wrote:

The user means how REMIX is automatically added to the title when you remix, and they want that removed, not the link to the og project.
The OP doesn't mention that. It says “remove automatic credit”.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

ThatOneWeirdDude wrote:

The user means how REMIX is automatically added to the title when you remix, and they want that removed, not the link to the og project.
Uh, no I don't think you read the OP, that's not what it said at all :/

Anyway, support, it would encourage Scratchers to give credit- though it should say something along the lines of ‘this project is remixed from X’s project X.' instead of being removed completely.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen exact copies in remixes with no credit, politely asked the remixer to give credit and change something, and have them say that there's already credit at the top of the page.

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1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

jaguar1501 wrote:

ThatOneWeirdDude wrote:

The user means how REMIX is automatically added to the title when you remix, and they want that removed, not the link to the og project.
Uh, no I don't think you read the OP, that's not what it said at all :/

Anyway, support, it would encourage Scratchers to give credit- though it should say something along the lines of ‘this project is remixed from X’s project X.' instead of being removed completely.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen exact copies in remixes with no credit, politely asked the remixer to give credit and change something, and have them say that there's already credit at the top of the page.
The automatic credit is credit, so don't tell people to give credit if the is the automatic credit.
Remixes that don't change anything are a problem – if you see one, report it. But if the automatic credit gets removed, it would be super easy to create an exact copy without credit.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1 post

removing the automatic credit

I accendently remixed and I just want to get rid of the credit of auto remix because I used non of da sprites or backgrounds
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

Why is it always the bad suggestions that get necroposted on?

splatter001 wrote:

I accendently remixed and I just want to get rid of the credit of auto remix because I used non of da sprites or backgrounds
In the editor, click on File in the top-left and select Save as Copy.

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

splatter001 wrote:

I accendently remixed and I just want to get rid of the credit of auto remix because I used non of da sprites or backgrounds
Then why did you use that project

fdreerf wrote:

Why is it always the bad suggestions that get necroposted on
No idea yes, I know it's a rhetorical question

No support, that would make stealing stuff really easy, why wouldn't you want to give credit. If you don't give credit your breaking the TOU

1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

Maximouse wrote:

The automatic remix credit? No, don't remove it. Otherwise it would be super easy to steal projects.
About whether it counts as credit or not – of course it does. Automatic or not doesn't change anything.

Male | 10 Yrs Old | Catholic | Animator | Roleplayer | Marvel, FNaF, Undertale, Portal, Minecraft, Among Us Fan
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

This is, to be honest, not a very good idea. no support, simply because THERES TO MUCH CHEATING THEN

ScratchDiogoh wrote:

bybb wrote:

No Support, this can't be done for legal reasons.
All content made by users and OC uploaded to Scratch is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license as per section 4.3 of the Terms of Service.
Attribution is required or it is a violations of local and international copyright laws.
but they must follow these terms of use
Those rules are already often broken why make it worse?

1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

TapingAnimations wrote:

Maximouse wrote:

The automatic remix credit? No, don't remove it. Otherwise it would be super easy to steal projects.
About whether it counts as credit or not – of course it does. Automatic or not doesn't change anything.
Adding to that: the CC BY-SA 2.0 license Scratch uses requires credit, but doesn't say it must not be automatic.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

Maximouse wrote:

TapingAnimations wrote:

Maximouse wrote:

The automatic remix credit? No, don't remove it. Otherwise it would be super easy to steal projects.
About whether it counts as credit or not – of course it does. Automatic or not doesn't change anything.
Adding to that: the CC BY-SA 2.0 license Scratch uses requires credit, but doesn't say it must not be automatic.
I would make it easier to break the licence if it wasn't

35 posts

removing the automatic credit

Well,they should keep the note and credits since there are some people to thank and some notes.
New Scratcher
5 posts

removing the automatic credit

gosoccerboy5 wrote:

This is, to be honest, not a very good idea. no support, simply because THERES TO MUCH CHEATING THEN

ScratchDiogoh wrote:

bybb wrote:

No Support, this can't be done for legal reasons.
All content made by users and OC uploaded to Scratch is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license as per section 4.3 of the Terms of Service.
Attribution is required or it is a violations of local and international copyright laws.
but they must follow these terms of use
Those rules are already often broken why make it worse?
I dont Know Why Cuz I got “Whoops our sever is Scratch'in Ahead” In Credits and desc thats why
1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

What's automatic credit?

1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

Rendangbike2 wrote:

What's automatic credit?
For remixes, the automatic thanks message.

An advocate for, well, a lot of stuff.

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The semicolon is back, but not because it's April fools.

proud owner of shadesofllfe, a namesnipe.

Oi Boiz Im 87th 70th in suggestions!

In a world where a majority are against me…
An animation, to release in a few months…

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1000 posts WOOHOO!

My WIWO might be a trend?!!!

Working on my website.

How Did I acquire @cheddagirl's old Signature???!!!!!

1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

Rendangbike2 wrote:

What's automatic credit?
When remixing a project, Scratch automatically shows the original project as credit.

Also I will state, while I originally supported this post, I disagree with it now. While I do agree that people should give credit to the original even with the automatic credit, removing the automatic credit would be a bad idea and cause issues with New Scratchers who don't fully understand why they need to give credit. remixing projects, and the person who originally made the project doesn't get any credit.

1000+ posts

removing the automatic credit

dhfbei8987 wrote:

Rendangbike2 wrote:

What's automatic credit?
For remixes, the automatic thanks message.
So that banner on top for the remixes that says
“Thanks to griffpog for the original project griffpatch pog”?

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