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Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

You can always use Encoding/Decoding Cloud Data on the Wiki.

35 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

I Do Not Doubt Your Coding, It Is Brilliant, But I Would Highly Appreciate It If You Made A Project Demonstrating It
1000+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

bainer101 wrote:

I Do Not Doubt Your Coding, It Is Brilliant, But I Would Highly Appreciate It If You Made A Project Demonstrating It
Yeah, I'm doing that now. It should be ready within 72 hours.

I'd highly appreciate it if you were to follow me. Don't forget to go to my profile.
All of my programming suggestions <— You should really get the suggestions move back to the suggestions forum!
Five hundred posts! I never expected to get up there… In only 2-3 months.
Does anyone know what a signature is? I mean, I've already seen 6-7 people get confused.
77 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

I just asked if you could create the script, that was all.

@CraZGuy 0|^_^|o

Years of Scratch, and I am still astounded by its community.
100+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

Thank you thank you thank you thank you!

100+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

Are some of those cloud variables? Which ones?

1000+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

CraZGuy wrote:

Okay,but what about Griffpatch's cloud multiplayer game?
You don't have to put in a codetoload progress; just go in with your username.

His multiplayer game converted everything to numbers, too.

hey bro that's a pretty good meme xD!
100+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

Why not just use a code? Cloud saving is cool, but it can only save so much before crashing.

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(!) Kindle Fire HDX, HD - 32GB / 2GB RAM / Snapdragon 800 / Corrupted operating system
77 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

DudmasterUltra wrote:

Why not just use a code? Cloud saving is cool, but it can only save so much before crashing.
True stuff. I guess I will just do it

@CraZGuy 0|^_^|o

Years of Scratch, and I am still astounded by its community.
100+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

blartex wrote:

My cloud data won't save!!!!!!!!!!!
did you do it wrong?

Owner of TPM!!!!
when green flag clicked
set [what I'm doing] to [playing destiny]
500+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

What does interperet code do?


R a i n b o w
500+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

DudmasterUltra wrote:

Why not just use a code? Cloud saving is cool, but it can only save so much before crashing.
yeah, but with codes someone can break the code. Also, you can use this for highscores or multiplayer.


R a i n b o w
28 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

meowmoo wrote:

What does interperet code do?
Same question I was going to ask.
1000+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

CraZGuy wrote:

idk man that's what IM askin

Go to questions about scratch then not HELP WITH SCRIPTS is that hard to comprehend

Nothing Is EVER 100%, that is just an assumption.

Some important links: Here and here or need help click Here. Eats followers, Loves helping people.
My “..” and “…” are not spelling mistakes, it means that they are ways of telling someone that I can continue more about it and that the sentence isn't ended the best way. I like putting new indents and lines so I can split up what I am talking about.

Some important links: Here and here or need help click Here. Eats followers, Loves helping people. Check this MMO out! Kiwi = Support WHAT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE: Through the drop down ;)
if <> :: control cstart

else :: control
14 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

when green flag clicked
ask [how do make a cloud data high score list with username] and wait
77 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

mrguy1 wrote:

when green flag clicked
ask [how do make a cloud data high score list with username] and wait

I'm askin that!

@CraZGuy 0|^_^|o

Years of Scratch, and I am still astounded by its community.
New Scratcher
5 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

how do you get the interpret code block?
100+ posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

Join our Google in Scratch Collab at Google In Scratch
32 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

define encode [String]
set [chars v] to [1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_] // +whatever else you want
set [output v] to []
set [i v] to [0]
repeat (length of (String))
change [i v] by (1)
set [i2 v] to [0]
repeat until <(letter (i) of (String)) = (letter (i2) of (chars))>
change [i2 v] by (1)
if <(i2) > [9]> then
set [output v] to (join (output) (join [0] (i2)))
set [output v] to (join (output) (i2))
define decode (Number)
set [chars v] to [1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_] // Make sure it's the exact same as encode
set [output v] to []
set [i v] to [1]
repeat ((length of (Number)) / (2))
set [i2 v] to [0]
repeat until <(join (letter (i) of (Number)) (letter ((i) + (1)) of (Number))) = (i2)>
change [i2 v] by (1)
if <(i2) < [10]> then
set [i2 v] to (join [0] (i2))
set [output v] to (join (output) (letter (i2) of (chars)))
change [i v] by (2)
define split [string] with separator [separator]
set [i v] to [0]
delete (all v) of [output v]
add [] to [output v]
repeat (length of (string))
change [i v] by (1)
if <(letter (i) of (string)) = (separator)> then
add [] to [output v]
replace item (last v) of [output v] with (join (item (last v) of [output v]) (letter (i) of (string)))
define Load Cloud List
decode (cloud list) // category=custom
split (output) with separator [/] // category=custom
define Add [string] to Cloud List
Load Cloud List // category=custom
encode (join [/] (string)) // category=custom
set [cloud list v] to (join (cloud list) (output)) // cloud list is a cloud variable, BTW
Output is supposed to be orange, not red. In all of those above.
define Load save data
Load Cloud List // category=custom
set [i v] to [1]
repeat until <<(item (i) of [cloud list v]) = (username)> or <(i) > (length of [cloud list v]>>
change [i v] by (2)
if <(i) > (length of [cloud list v])> then
... // restart from point blank
set [user ID v] to ((i) + (1))
set [my save data v] to (item (user ID) of [cloud list v]
interpret code // category=custom
Basically, from here, you would do the same thing as a script in an answer box you would enter.
Huh? You want to be able to add data to that list, too?
define update to my version of list
replace all [ ] s in (output) with [/] s :: custom // this one's the only one that should be this color; the rest should be orange
encode (output ::variables) // category=custom
set [cloud list v] to (output ::variables)

define save [data] // it should be run without screen refresh, to prevent corruption
Load Cloud List // category=custom
replace item (user ID) of [output v] with (data)
update to my version of list // category=custom
interpret code // category=custom
I forgot to define this earlier, so…
define replace all (stringa) s in (stringb) to (stringc) s
set [i v] to [0]
set [output v] to []
repeat (length of (stringb))
change [i v] by (1)
if <(letter (i) of (stringb)) = (stringa)> then
set [output v] to (join (output ::variables) (stringc))
set [output v] to (join (output ::variables) (letter (i) of (stringb)))

On define load cloud list, you can't put a slash.
8 posts

Saving script (cloud data) WITHOUT a code

define <mouse down?><mouse down?><mouse down?><mouse down?>

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