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100+ posts

Vector Editor Glitch

So, I noticed a glitched with the vector editor…a long time ago but I finally became so annoyed with it that I posted this. Basically when I click to draw a line with the pen, a sprite teleports to my mouse and messes up the line. The project is stopped and I don't even click near the sprite and it happens. Is it just me, or not because this is getting REALLY annoying. I was so annoyed that I literally almost smashed my computer out of frustration, because the sprite kept teleporting to my cursor almost every time I tried to draw a line!

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.6, Firefox 29.0, Flash 13.0 (release 0)

frick tea bags, gong fu gang rise up!
100+ posts

Vector Editor Glitch

I have never had that glitch happen to me, but maybe its just me and my computer. Good luck getting this fixed
My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Firefox 29.0, Flash 13.0 (release 0)

Read my collab's magazine!

23 posts

Vector Editor Glitch

thats been happening to me too! soooooo annoying!

New Scratcher
3 posts

Vector Editor Glitch

I'm having an issue where i draw something in the vector editor, and it turns different colors
66 posts

Vector Editor Glitch

Try re-opening Chrome and get back on the page.

Last edited by 08draven (July 28, 2014 23:23:10)

I create things.
100+ posts

Vector Editor Glitch

It happens to me sometimes. My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.9.4, Safari 7.0.5, Flash 14.0 (release 0)

Th* *ui** *r*wn *ox **mps o**r the la*y **g.

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