Discuss Scratch
- ScratchTheory-
7 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Put your awesome BeatSaber levels here! ![](//cdn.scratch.mit.edu/scratchr2/static/__d7b2a142f0063f36aea8bde9d4b880c2__/djangobb_forum/img/smilies/big_smile.png)
Make sure to add a name, and tell us the LevelCode, Song#, BPS, and Speed!
PS: I might feature your level if it's really good!
BeatSaber: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/375756182/
Level Maker: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/375760531/
Make sure to add a name, and tell us the LevelCode, Song#, BPS, and Speed!
PS: I might feature your level if it's really good!
BeatSaber: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/375756182/
Level Maker: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/375760531/
when green flag clicked
say [Scratch On!]
- bigfatminecrafter798
33 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Song: 5
Speed: 0.4
BPS: 0.4
It's called “Knockout Ring.” It's a bit short, but difficult!
Song: 5
Speed: 0.4
BPS: 0.4
It's called “Knockout Ring.” It's a bit short, but difficult!
- ScratchTheory-
7 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Song: 5
Speed: 0.4
BPS: 0.4
It's called “Knockout Ring.” It's a bit short, but difficult!
Wow! Looking forward to playing it! Can't right now tho gtg
- ChronoSpud
5 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
R0____B1R0S1R0S1B0S1______R1B0S1S0R1B0S1S0R1B0S1S0R1S0 Song 9 BPS 1 Speed 2 Name: Redness Short, but difficult.
- ChronoSpud
5 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
BPS: 1 Song: 1 Speed: 2 Name: Digital Destruction
BPS: 1 Song: 1 Speed: 2 Name: Digital Destruction
- speedyspeedrunner
19 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
BPS: 0 Song: 5 speed: 1
Level name:
Difficulty: Expert++
If you beat this legit, I will follow you.
BPS: 0 Song: 5 speed: 1
Level name:
Difficulty: Expert++
If you beat this legit, I will follow you.
Last edited by speedyspeedrunner (April 1, 2020 01:07:17)
- speedyspeedrunner
19 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
BPS: 0
Sog: 5
Level name: Spikework
BPS: 0
Sog: 5
Level name: Spikework
- the_derpy_animater
18 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
when green flag clicked
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
- ScratchTheory-
7 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Awesome Level I made with the new songs I added!
Name: Country Rounds - Beat Saber Ver
Level code:
Song: 9
Speed: 1
BPS: 52
Have fun! <3![](//cdn.scratch.mit.edu/scratchr2/static/__db92e03c4be22f1dcca23a30865b4871__/djangobb_forum/img/smilies/wink.png)
Name: Country Rounds - Beat Saber Ver
Level code:
Song: 9
Speed: 1
BPS: 52
Have fun! <3
Last edited by ScratchTheory- (May 18, 2020 22:06:31)
- Official_AlexFalls
7 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Hey! I know the last post was 2 months ago, but I made a Beat Saber Song, this is Expert, mainly because all of the spikes, but I made a (Mostly non) non-spikes version for easy.
Song: 11 (Beat Saber - Jaroslav Beck)
BPS (or BPM): 0.67, EXACTLY.
Expert: ______S1______S1R0______S0______B0______S0R1____B0S1B0__R0__R0____S1S0____S1____R0__B0S1R0____B1R0__B0S1__R1S0B1__R1R0__B0S1B0__R0__R0B1S0____S1R0__R0__B0R1S0__R0__B0R1S0B1____B0____S1B0R1R0__S0______R0S1B0__R0__S0__R0S1B0__R0____S1S0__R0R1R0____S1__S1____B0__S0R1B0____S1__R1B0______S0______R0__R0R1__R1B0S1B0B1____B0S1B0__S0R1R0S1B0____R1B0S1R0__S0__R0______B0S1____S0R1____B0R1____R0____B1________B0R1__S1R0B1S0__B0R1____R0B1__S1B0R1____R0B1S0________S1R0______B0R1____R0____S1__R1R0____S1__B1R0__S0____R1____R0S1B0B1__R1B0S1
have fun epic gamers, this took me 30 minutes.. and im doing tonnes of chores to get a quest and beat saber… wish me luck!
Song: 11 (Beat Saber - Jaroslav Beck)
BPS (or BPM): 0.67, EXACTLY.
Expert: ______S1______S1R0______S0______B0______S0R1____B0S1B0__R0__R0____S1S0____S1____R0__B0S1R0____B1R0__B0S1__R1S0B1__R1R0__B0S1B0__R0__R0B1S0____S1R0__R0__B0R1S0__R0__B0R1S0B1____B0____S1B0R1R0__S0______R0S1B0__R0__S0__R0S1B0__R0____S1S0__R0R1R0____S1__S1____B0__S0R1B0____S1__R1B0______S0______R0__R0R1__R1B0S1B0B1____B0S1B0__S0R1R0S1B0____R1B0S1R0__S0__R0______B0S1____S0R1____B0R1____R0____B1________B0R1__S1R0B1S0__B0R1____R0B1__S1B0R1____R0B1S0________S1R0______B0R1____R0____S1__R1R0____S1__B1R0__S0____R1____R0S1B0B1__R1B0S1
have fun epic gamers, this took me 30 minutes.. and im doing tonnes of chores to get a quest and beat saber… wish me luck!
- ScratchTheory-
7 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Hey! I know the last post was 2 months ago, but I made a Beat Saber Song, this is Expert, mainly because all of the spikes, but I made a (Mostly non) non-spikes version for easy.
Song: 11 (Beat Saber - Jaroslav Beck)
BPS (or BPM): 0.67, EXACTLY.
Expert: ______S1______S1R0______S0______B0______S0R1____B0S1B0__R0__R0____S1S0____S1____R0__B0S1R0____B1R0__B0S1__R1S0B1__R1R0__B0S1B0__R0__R0B1S0____S1R0__R0__B0R1S0__R0__B0R1S0B1____B0____S1B0R1R0__S0______R0S1B0__R0__S0__R0S1B0__R0____S1S0__R0R1R0____S1__S1____B0__S0R1B0____S1__R1B0______S0______R0__R0R1__R1B0S1B0B1____B0S1B0__S0R1R0S1B0____R1B0S1R0__S0__R0______B0S1____S0R1____B0R1____R0____B1________B0R1__S1R0B1S0__B0R1____R0B1__S1B0R1____R0B1S0________S1R0______B0R1____R0____S1__R1R0____S1__B1R0__S0____R1____R0S1B0B1__R1B0S1
have fun epic gamers, this took me 30 minutes.. and im doing tonnes of chores to get a quest and beat saber… wish me luck!
Wow! Really good! I'm going to feature it! What is it called? (Also, yes good luck with the goal! Its worth it!
38 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Dude, can people stop putting stuff behind a bomb?? R0S1R0S1R0S1B0S1B0S1B0S1S0S1S0S1S0S1R0S1R0S1R0S1__B1__B1__B1S0R1S0R1S0R1R0S1B0__R0__B0__R0__S0R1B0S1S0B1S0S1S0S1R0__B0__R0__B0__R0__
Song: 5
Speed: 0.4
BPS: 0.4
It's called “Knockout Ring.” It's a bit short, but difficult!
38 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Awesome Level I made with the new songs I added!Wha? There is no speed thing. Only bps. Wha??![]()
Name: Country Rounds - Beat Saber Ver
Level code:
Song: 9
Speed: 1
BPS: 52
Have fun! <3
- Official_AlexFalls
7 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Wha? There is no speed thing. Only bps. Wha??
BPS is what they take in the official Beat Saber Editor as well…
BPS is what they take in the official Beat Saber Editor as well…
when green flag clicked
why is this not working
Last edited by Official_AlexFalls (Nov. 2, 2020 17:42:58)
38 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
Code: R0____B1R0__B0____R1R0__R0__B0____S1R0__B0S1B0____R1R0____R1B0__B0____R1R0____B1R0__R0S1__B1__R1B0____R1R0____B1B0__B0__R0____B1R0__R0__R0____B1S0S1B0__B0____R1R0__B0____R1__R1B0__B0__R0R1__R1B0__R0____B1B0__R0__R0__B0B1__R1__S1S0__S0____R1R0__B0R1__R1R0__R0B1B0____R1__R1R0__R0B1R0B1R0__B0S1S0R1B0R1____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Song: 6
BPS: 0.5
Speed: 0.5
Name: Boomer.exe
Song: 6
BPS: 0.5
Speed: 0.5
Name: Boomer.exe
- loveis23
2 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
deleted text
Last edited by loveis23 (Jan. 5, 2021 14:07:57)
- loveis23
2 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
could someone add a song called pineapple princess it is by breakmaster cyllander (sorry i can't spell)
- ominouswolf
63 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
uh so you know…this one neer the end…the song well stop
uh so you know…this one neer the end…the song well stop
- b3nj1m1n
6 posts
BeatSaber Level Codes
this may by hard: R0____B1__S1R0R1S0__B0____S1B0__S0B1____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________