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54 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Activity per day/week: Check Mail, Looks at forums often.
Alternate accounts: None
Examples of your work (MUST be included): Banner work, project work, coding work
What orders you prefer taking: Coding Work, after final order please.
What you can add to The Space Shop: Multiple services.

Last edited by gosebgo (Sept. 22, 2019 13:01:20)

Satisfaction Points
Good: Bad:
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Saiid wrote:

Activity per day/week: Decently active each day.
Alternate accounts: None that I can remember anymore
Examples of your work (MUST be included):Jumping thing Multiplayer thingy
What orders you prefer taking: Coding, bug fizes
What you can add to The Space Shop: Experience

mr_scientific wrote:

Done Link

gosebgo wrote:

Activity per day/week: Check Mail, Looks at forums often.
Alternate accounts: None
Examples of your work (MUST be included): Banner work, project work, coding work
What orders you prefer taking: Banner Work
What you can add to The Space Shop: Multiple services.


Edit: sorry for late responses, didn’t get a message from the first 2 for some reason.

Last edited by hellounicorns2 (Sept. 19, 2019 21:27:03)

inactive :​)
500+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Main text: N/A
Additional text (optional): N/A
Pictures/costumes on top (please insert a picture of the picture/costume): N/A
What it should look like: A dark blue background with a light blue filled rectangular box in the center that has “Scratch-Coding” in a light green. The box will come together and come back apart this time saying “High quality projects!”. The box will then come together and apart saying “Multiplayers, engines, and more!”
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): ASAP
Other: (animated thumbnail) (not PFP) (project) (credit free)

Last edited by kaj (Today 05:35:43)
54 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️


Satisfaction Points
Good: Bad:
500+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

gosebgo wrote:

The background has to stay a dark blue not black. The box should come together and apart smoothly. Can you make it on your computer? Give a link to the one on your computer through Github or something. It should do all of that without using Scratch.

Last edited by Scratch-Coding (Sept. 20, 2019 12:57:37)

Last edited by kaj (Today 05:35:43)
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️


Main text: The Bubble Shop
Additional text (optional): All The Things You need!
Dimensions: preferably 1000 x 500 ( or really anything that is the size of a banner. )
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): None
What it should look like: The background should be ( https://d29n1a057lku1t.cloudfront.net/staypineapple.com-1418433281/cms/cache/v2/5b6b95ad26127.jpg/1000x500/fit;c:500,0,3241,1371/80/59ec74d05cc765c3f1ddde634a263a02.jpg ) and in the middle is a sky blue rectangle with the main and additional text.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): 48 hours
Other: None

Last edited by BubblesTeas (Sept. 20, 2019 14:06:57)

1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

BubblesTeas wrote:


Main text: The Bubble Shop
Additional text (optional): All The Things You need!
Dimensions: preferably 1000 x 500 ( or really anything that is the size of a banner. )
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): None
What it should look like: The background should be ( https://d29n1a057lku1t.cloudfront.net/staypineapple.com-1418433281/cms/cache/v2/5b6b95ad26127.jpg/1000x500/fit;c:500,0,3241,1371/80/59ec74d05cc765c3f1ddde634a263a02.jpg ) and in the middle is a sky blue rectangle with the main and additional text.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): 48 hours
Other: None

inactive :​)
29 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Costume #s: 9
Description of costumes: Vector, Adult Link from Legend of Zelda, not too complex: 1 standing frame, 8 walking/running
Coding hardness: 0
Any already made progress (link to project with it if applicable): No
What the code must do: No code
Preferable time frame (please, PLEASE be reasonable): a week or 2

Last edited by CrazyPython06 (Sept. 21, 2019 18:45:33)

54 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

CrazyPython06 said:
Costume #s: 9
Description of costumes: Vector, Adult Link from Legend of Zelda, not too complex: 1 standing frame, 8 walking/running
Coding hardness: 0
Any already made progress (link to project with it if applicable): No
What the code must do: No code
Preferable time frame (please, PLEASE be reasonable): a week or 2

Do you have any pictures please? I may need it to edit walking (even if I know how Link looks like, my computer is kinda struggling. )

Satisfaction Points
Good: Bad:
500+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Scratch-Coding wrote:

gosebgo wrote:

The background has to stay a dark blue not black. The box should come together and apart smoothly. Can you make it on your computer? Give a link to the one on your computer through Github or something. It should do all of that without using Scratch.
Can Carrots do this

Last edited by kaj (Today 05:35:43)
54 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Currently a situation. that's why it turned out bad. Scratch code somehow got in here… Also I was never a worker… I just tried and everybody is requesting… I'll try with this guy, but this is my last order.

Reference with situation here

Last edited by gosebgo (Sept. 22, 2019 14:51:01)

Satisfaction Points
Good: Bad:
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

I would like a thumbnail please
Main text: My Reaction To Getting Featured
Additional text (optional): none
Pictures/costumes on top (please insert a picture of the picture/costume): Umm… I don't really wan't any pictures.
What it should look like: I would like it to look similar to the thumbnail here. I want the same color scheme, but I would like you to make the words look better and maybe some kind of cool border.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): asap
Other: Can you please contact me on my profile when you are done? Thanks!!

Last edited by Lizzy_06 (Sept. 22, 2019 17:07:51)

29 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

gosebgo wrote:

CrazyPython06 said:
Costume #s: 9
Description of costumes: Vector, Adult Link from Legend of Zelda, not too complex: 1 standing frame, 8 walking/running
Coding hardness: 0
Any already made progress (link to project with it if applicable): No
What the code must do: No code
Preferable time frame (please, PLEASE be reasonable): a week or 2

Do you have any pictures please? I may need it to edit walking (even if I know how Link looks like, my computer is kinda struggling. )
Unfortunately, no. Thanks for accepting though!! I appreciate your time.

1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Scratch-Coding wrote:

Can Carrots do this
I can’t do animated thumbnails, unfortunately.

BubblesTeas wrote:


Main text: The Bubble Shop
Additional text (optional): All The Things You need!
Dimensions: preferably 1000 x 500 ( or really anything that is the size of a banner. )
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): None
What it should look like: The background should be ( https://d29n1a057lku1t.cloudfront.net/staypineapple.com-1418433281/cms/cache/v2/5b6b95ad26127.jpg/1000x500/fit;c:500,0,3241,1371/80/59ec74d05cc765c3f1ddde634a263a02.jpg ) and in the middle is a sky blue rectangle with the main and additional text.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): 48 hours
Other: None

Sorry for the wait, this should be done within a few hours

Lizzy_06 wrote:

I would like a thumbnail please
Main text: My Reaction To Getting Featured
Additional text (optional): none
Pictures/costumes on top (please insert a picture of the picture/costume): Umm… I don't really wan't any pictures.
What it should look like: I would like it to look similar to the thumbnail here. I want the same color scheme, but I would like you to make the words look better and maybe some kind of cool border.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): asap
Other: Can you please contact me on my profile when you are done? Thanks!!

I can do this but it might take a bit of time, if anyone else can they can take it.

inactive :​)
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

BubblesTeas wrote:


Main text: The Bubble Shop
Additional text (optional): All The Things You need!
Dimensions: preferably 1000 x 500 ( or really anything that is the size of a banner. )
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): None
What it should look like: The background should be ( https://d29n1a057lku1t.cloudfront.net/staypineapple.com-1418433281/cms/cache/v2/5b6b95ad26127.jpg/1000x500/fit;c:500,0,3241,1371/80/59ec74d05cc765c3f1ddde634a263a02.jpg ) and in the middle is a sky blue rectangle with the main and additional text.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): 48 hours
Other: None
Done! I’m open to making an changes, big or small and they should be within a few hours to a day.

Also I can slightly reduce the quality and loading time by making it 500x250 instead of 1000x500, just noticed that as I was posting this.

If you are happy with the order and do not want any changes, leave a review using the form below (completely optional)
Quality of work:
Overall rating/5:

Last edited by hellounicorns2 (Sept. 24, 2019 11:35:36)

inactive :​)
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Speed: It wasn't done in the preferable time frame, but it still was still fast.
Quality of work: Great! It was exactly what I asked for.
Overall rating/5: 5/5
Notes: I'm very happy with my order. I will definitely order again if i'm in need.

( I cut off the order part because of the image, but im very contented with it. Thank you for your hard work! )

4 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️


Main text: The Scratch Coding Shop
Additional text (optional): To Make the Hardest Code the Easiest.
Dimensions: 1000 X 250
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): None
What it should look like: The background is white. The main text would be a light blue color with Scratch blocks below with the additional text, like this:

when green flag clicked
say [To Make the Hardest Code the Easiest.] for (24) secs

Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): In a week or sooner.
Other None

Last edited by RavenDrawz (Sept. 25, 2019 10:55:57)

48 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Main text: Intergalactic Graphic Design
Additional text (optional): We Make Logos & Profile Pictures
Dimensions: normal banner size
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture):
What it should look like: background should be space and text should be white
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): 24 hours

Have Fun & Be You - Me :)
My New Account :)
500+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Scratch-Coding wrote:

Main text: N/A
Additional text (optional): N/A
Pictures/costumes on top (please insert a picture of the picture/costume): N/A
What it should look like: A dark blue background with a light blue filled rectangular box in the center that has “Scratch-Coding” in a light green. The box will come together and come back apart this time saying “High quality projects!”. The box will then come together and apart saying “Multiplayers, engines, and more!”
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): ASAP
Other: (animated thumbnail) (not PFP) (project) (credit free)

Last edited by kaj (Today 05:35:43)
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

CrazyPython06 wrote:

Costume #s: 9
Description of costumes: Vector, Adult Link from Legend of Zelda, not too complex: 1 standing frame, 8 walking/running
Coding hardness: 0
Any already made progress (link to project with it if applicable): No
What the code must do: No code
Preferable time frame (please, PLEASE be reasonable): a week or 2

Lizzy_06 wrote:

I would like a thumbnail please
Main text: My Reaction To Getting Featured
Additional text (optional): none
Pictures/costumes on top (please insert a picture of the picture/costume): Umm… I don't really wan't any pictures.
What it should look like: I would like it to look similar to the thumbnail here. I want the same color scheme, but I would like you to make the words look better and maybe some kind of cool border.
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): asap
Other: Can you please contact me on my profile when you are done? Thanks!!

Scratch-Coding wrote:

Main text: N/A
Additional text (optional): N/A
Pictures/costumes on top (please insert a picture of the picture/costume): N/A
What it should look like: A dark blue background with a light blue filled rectangular box in the center that has “Scratch-Coding” in a light green. The box will come together and come back apart this time saying “High quality projects!”. The box will then come together and apart saying “Multiplayers, engines, and more!”
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): ASAP
Other: (animated thumbnail) (not PFP) (project) (credit free)
I’m so sorry, but due to a lack of staff we are unable to complete these orders. I’ll forward them to the SPA to see if anyone there can help complete them. I encourage you to shop here in the future if you need anything else and I am extremely sorry for any inconveniences this has caused.

RavenDrawz wrote:


Main text: The Scratch Coding Shop
Additional text (optional): To Make the Hardest Code the Easiest.
Dimensions: 1000 X 250
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): None
What it should look like: The background is white. The main text would be a light blue color with Scratch blocks below with the additional text, like this:

when green flag clicked
say [To Make the Hardest Code the Easiest.] for (24) secs

Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): In a week or sooner.
Other None

TheJeffUnicorn wrote:

Main text: Intergalactic Graphic Design
Additional text (optional): We Make Logos & Profile Pictures
Dimensions: normal banner size
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture):
What it should look like: background should be space and text should be white
Preferable time frame (must be 18+ hours): 24 hours
Both taken (for anyone wondering why I can do these and not the others, I’m much better and quicker at banners than thumbnails, sprites and animated things and I’m on holidays so I can’t do many orders)

Last edited by hellounicorns2 (Oct. 2, 2019 05:52:25)

inactive :​)
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