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[What-Is?] Encoding/Decoding Data?

Encoding/Decoding Data

This is a way in Scratch to make cloud lists without an actual Cloud List ATM. I have created a way, and then modified to the wiki's because mine was similar but it had some faults. There is a problem though the way I know it the data is stored in only lowercase. The encoding/decoding of data normally uses the 00 system where a cloud variable stores say a username in numbers and then stops when done and adds 00 to it. You may check out my Encode/Decode project for more or go check out the wiki.

Nothing Is EVER 100%, that is just an assumption.

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My “..” and “…” are not spelling mistakes, it means that they are ways of telling someone that I can continue more about it and that the sentence isn't ended the best way. I like putting new indents and lines so I can split up what I am talking about.

Some important links: Here and here or need help click Here. Eats followers, Loves helping people. Check this MMO out! Kiwi = Support WHAT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE: Through the drop down ;)
if <> :: control cstart

else :: control

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