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Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

I would like to have customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers.

The reason I say this is I have been manager of multiple studios where there are many managers, and some troll will come along, as to join, and then they remove all the curators and managers, delete as many projects as they have time to do, and then change the title and image so people have a really hard time figuring out what happened to the studio.

Allow me to outline my idea for how this would work.

List of various permissions that pertain to studios, organized into levels of power:
0. The basics (even non-curators have these, they cannot be taken away) remove their own projects from the studio, view
1. Comment
2. Add their projects to the studio
3. Invite scratchers to curate
4. Remove other peoples' projects from the studio
5. Promote people from curator to manager
6. Remove curators from the studio
7. Edit the studio image
8. Demote managers to curators
9. Edit the studio title
10. Edit the studio description
11. Change permissions of specific managers and curators
12. Change the default permission settings for the studio for manager, curator, and non-curator

All scratchers have access to 0. It cannot be removed. (hence why it is 0 and not 1) Everyone can always view, and if comments are taken from some, they are taken from all, to prevent discrimination.
You can optionally let default non-curators have 1 and 2 as well, but not more than that.
Default curators have access to 0-2. Permission 1 can not be taken away from curators or managers.
Default managers have access to 0-10.
The owner has access to all of the permissions, and no one can take permissions from the owner.
People with 11 change specific settings for certain scratchers, like if I trust some managers more than others, I will give them more permissions, and if I trust them less, I will remove permissions.
People with 12 can change the defaults, so for all scratchers not with special permissions, any default non-curator, curator, and manager.

This is just a suggestion, but I think it would be VERY useful to the studio-owners. I am sick and tired of trolls and I think this would be a good way to mitigate them.

I have also made a project outlining the same idea, and to raise support.

*edit: I'm not saying you can't turn commenting off, I'm saying that commenting is either on or off, and you can't say “only these people can comment.”

Why I ranked them in the order I did:
0. Everyone should be able to see studios, and if commenting is active, comment on them. No discrimination here guys.
1. If you don't want your project in a studio, you should be able to remove it.
2. Adding projects is kind of what curators are for anyhow, but sometimes owners don't want curators adding without permission to make sure the projects fit.
3. The troll issue stems from this. A lot of owners want as many curators as possible, so they let everyone manage, and the trolls get the power to troll.
4. Removing other peoples' work is really rude and people do it in contests and the like, but sometimes projects are inappropriate to the studio.
5. Promoting people gives them power. Not everyone should be able to promote.
6. Removing curators is a big problem. Keeping the trolls from doing it defeats them.
7. Editing the studio image is a huge nuisance since it makes it hard to find the studio, but it is easily fixed, and sometimes you want them to add a better image.
8. Demoting other managers should be able to be restricted, if you want certain people to manage but don't want them demoting each-other. (add a demote button so we don't have to remove and re-invite!)
9. The studio title is how people know what your studio is, and how they search for it, so changing it should be very restricted.
10. The description is often the part of the studio that the owner worked the hardest on, and should be protected.
11. Changing specific people can be used as discipline, or a sign of trust.
12. Changing the defaults changes the setting for everyone without a special setting, so it has a bigger impact than 11.

Scratch admins: if this is too complex, you could skip 11 and go straight to 12. If it's still too complex, you could put a “curators can invite” button, similar to the “anyone can add projects” button.

*edit: owners should be able to make a blacklist so that managers don't re-add people the owner removed.

*edit: List of supporters, and reasons why this doesn't just apply to one type of studio

*edit: How I think this should be done: For people with 11 and 12, instead of a Promote button appearing on curators or a Demote on managers, a “Settings” button, in which would be the “Promote” or “Demote” button, but also a slider that would allow you to customize their specific permissions. And then also, in the curators tab would be a button that only people with permission level 12 would have, labeled “Studio Permissions” in which they could change the sliders for default managers, default curators, and all non-curators, as well as add or remove usernames to the blacklist. People of level 5-7 would just see the Promote button on curators. People of 8-10 could see the Demote button for managers and Promote button on curators. Only people with 11 and 12 would see those as a Settings button, and only people with 12 would see the Studio Permissions button. You wouldn't be able to change permissions for individual non-curators specifically (aside from blacklisting them), just the defaults for them. Like the “Anyone can add projects,” that would be under the non-curator permissions settings. If the owner never changes what the defaults are, the managers will automatically have up to 10, curators will automatically have up to 2, and non-curators will automatically have 0 and 1.

Edit: we've had this duplicate of this post merge with us

Last edited by StevenTheSquare (June 21, 2021 16:12:02)

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Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
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stay awesome :: #FF1493
500+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

support, i've seen some studios that were ruined by trolls. so i think this could help stop them.

1000+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Support, it is quite hard to manage studios like the Anti-Fortnite League when everyone is a manager.

stop fuming and start loving :p
16 posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

I hate when people delete my studios! So count me in in helping you!
14 posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Now Let's Rebel The Trolls!!!
500+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Darn, you beat me to it! I was drafting some mock-ups and ideas for something similar to this! Anyway, support to the idea, but not the exact examples you listed. Here's some things I'd suggest to change:

- Power level 1 should be moved in with 0. Everyone should be able to remove their own projects.
- Though I'm not certain whether or not you've already incorporated this, I'd like to mention it: I'd like for these to be customizable to one's choosing, meaning that I can give someone permissions 7 and 8, and nothing else (besides 0/1). Or I could give someone everything. (Instead of if I give someone level 5, they get everything below that too.)
- Add in a permission selection to enable/disable comments (like there is now).

Okay, those are my general suggestions. Here's one that'll change things up a bit:

- Remove 11. I don't really think with such a large “menu” of permissions, we need to be able to set individuals. Instead… here's what I'd do;

Customizable roles.
Basically, the owner and people with a new permission (I just created it) to manage user roles/ranks. Someone could create new roles besides manager and curator. For example, in my shop here's what I would do:

Vice Chairman
Board of Directors
Department Head

This could be really helpful to say organize a studio and express the different titles of each person. Maybe for SDS, they have two roles that are SDS Curators and SDS Helpers. These are just a couple examples, but I think it'd be cool to have. Now, where this ties into your suggestion is that each of these roles would have the same selection list as you described above.

I'd love to know what you think of these changes/edits!

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100+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

54329 wrote:

Darn, you beat me to it! I was drafting some mock-ups and ideas for something similar to this! Anyway, support to the idea, but not the exact examples you listed. Here's some things I'd suggest to change:

- Power level 1 should be moved in with 0. Everyone should be able to remove their own projects.
- Though I'm not certain whether or not you've already incorporated this, I'd like to mention it: I'd like for these to be customizable to one's choosing, meaning that I can give someone permissions 7 and 8, and nothing else (besides 0/1). Or I could give someone everything. (Instead of if I give someone level 5, they get everything below that too.)
- Add in a permission selection to enable/disable comments (like there is now).

Okay, those are my general suggestions. Here's one that'll change things up a bit:

- Remove 11. I don't really think with such a large “menu” of permissions, we need to be able to set individuals. Instead… here's what I'd do;

Customizable roles.
Basically, the owner and people with a new permission (I just created it) to manage user roles/ranks. Someone could create new roles besides manager and curator. For example, in my shop here's what I would do:

Vice Chairman
Board of Directors
Department Head

This could be really helpful to say organize a studio and express the different titles of each person. Maybe for SDS, they have two roles that are SDS Curators and SDS Helpers. These are just a couple examples, but I think it'd be cool to have. Now, where this ties into your suggestion is that each of these roles would have the same selection list as you described above.

I'd love to know what you think of these changes/edits!
Yeah that's a cool idea! I like it! I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this should be a thing. I've been trolled like 4 times in one studio because I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes people take advantage of that. Plus, this makes it sound all official and stuff! Did you have any specific ideas about what each role would do?

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Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
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stay awesome :: #FF1493
500+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

StevenTheSquare wrote:

Yeah that's a cool idea! I like it! I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this should be a thing. I've been trolled like 4 times in one studio because I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes people take advantage of that. Plus, this makes it sound all official and stuff! Did you have any specific ideas about what each role would do?
The general idea behind this “suggestion to the suggestion” so to speak, would be that studios start off with the basic Manager and Curators roles, but then studio owners/people that have this new permission can add, delete, change and update permissions for additional roles.

So, what each role would do, would be up to the owner.

For one of those “500 Manager” or something studios, it may look like this:
Owner (Full)
Studio Organizer (0-10)
Manager (0-3)
Again, just an example. It would be up to the studio owner/people with the manage roles perm.

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1 post

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Yes, this would be great. I'm sick of people doing whatever they want in a special studio. Like if a studio is especially about cats or dogs (Weird example 0.o) and people start talking about other stuff, and won't stop. I at least just want the following options:
Permanent Ban
~These people can only change some things like Thumbnail or description, but of course, these rules can be adjusted by the Managers.
Stupid Trollers.

[I am your friend, dOn'T be aFrAiD tO tAlK tO mE]

when [You Follow Me] > (1000 thanks!)
say [:3] for (2) secs

<3 I love you all, don't forget to follow! <3
when green flag clicked
say [Love you all! <3]
1000+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

-Hollowsong- wrote:

[I am your friend, dOn'T be aFrAiD tO tAlK tO mE]

when [You Follow Me] > (1000 thanks!)
say [:3] for (2) secs
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Go here and input your signature here

Last edited by StrangeMagic32 (May 3, 2019 13:39:30)

“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;”
- Doctrine and Covenants 18:10

I have since moved to @JollyWinter
500+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

-Hollowsong- wrote:

Yes, this would be great. I'm sick of people doing whatever they want in a special studio. Like if a studio is especially about cats or dogs (Weird example 0.o) and people start talking about other stuff, and won't stop. I at least just want the following options:
Permanent Ban
~These people can only change some things like Thumbnail or description, but of course, these rules can be adjusted by the Managers.
Stupid Trollers.

I think these examples are a little too “moderationy.” (Except for “Kick” - this feature exists & “Crew” - I just don't know what that means.) The permanent (IP) ban, ban and mute are all things that only the Scratch Team has access to.

Last edited by 54329 (May 3, 2019 14:26:18)

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100+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

54329 wrote:

I think these examples are a little too “moderationy.” (Except for “Kick” - this feature exists & “Crew” - I just don't know what that means.) The permanent (IP) ban, ban and mute are all things that only the Scratch Team has access to.
True, but I'd like an option to make a studio blacklist of people so your managers cannot add them, in case they do not pay attention in the description.

Last edited by StevenTheSquare (May 3, 2019 14:32:53)

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
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Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
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stay awesome :: #FF1493
500+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

StevenTheSquare wrote:

54329 wrote:

I think these examples are a little too “moderationy.” (Except for “Kick” - this feature exists & “Crew” - I just don't know what that means.) The permanent (IP) ban, ban and mute are all things that only the Scratch Team has access to.
True, but I'd like an option to make a studio blacklist of people so your managers cannot add them, in case they do not pay attention in the description.
Hmm, perhaps.

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100+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

54329 wrote:

StevenTheSquare wrote:

54329 wrote:

I think these examples are a little too “moderationy.” (Except for “Kick” - this feature exists & “Crew” - I just don't know what that means.) The permanent (IP) ban, ban and mute are all things that only the Scratch Team has access to.
True, but I'd like an option to make a studio blacklist of people so your managers cannot add them, in case they do not pay attention in the description.
Hmm, perhaps.

Like, for if a troll comes and ruins your studio, you remove him, and rebuild the studio, and you put his name in a blacklist in the description, but one of your managers isn't paying attention and the troll asks to enter again, and the manager adds him and promotes him, and he ruins the studio again. An actual blacklist option would stop the managers from being able to add him unless the owner removes him from the blacklist, yeah? This would help keep the trolls from doing a repeat. I've seen studios repetitively attacked by the same troll before. As for a mute, if someone is spamming inappropriate comments, you can keep reporting them but it's a total pain. That happened on Steven and the Umbrella when it first came out, one guy kept spamming comments that insinuated dirty things about the characters in my game, and I had to keep reporting them for like 2 hours before he stopped. So muting a scratcher in a studio OR in a project or profile would be good, to stop harassment, yeah?

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Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
100+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

By the way, the people on this feed aren't the only scratchers who support this. I've also received some support on the project I made (which outlines the same idea)

Scratchers who have supported on either the project or the studio:
@StevenTheSquare @taupuri1 @abogaczyk @x_Spectrum @coolkid0786 @Ravenclawgirl20 @cat-991 @ExcitedGamers @scratch_cat_for_life @MaximunPokeMaster @54329 @hedggy @jackedheart74112 @OwenRich @13roro @DimkaDimintriFeline @Dragonlord767 @clear_water @PandaPower11223 @dinoqueen @scratcher654 @sjtofu @IAmAMaker123 @swim1016 @staffordboys @XxShazammxX @Samrya @scratch-explored @c_l_0 @Epic-Noob @mario490 @LilacLovesTheLord @Mya703 @SunglassesSpyro @chasecapron @Lexal9 @Beamy68 @-ShadowOfTheFuture- @Derpy_Turtle_004 @Foxlum @proeditor2009 @FluffyPorg @ScarredPotterhead556 @ScratchTeamone-tutor @miriyanguyen @pandagirl1019 @rara0512 @Hi_I_am_Alex @dolphin_spring_water @BlueStarPort @Troyer_Kem @ZeeWittenDritten @norbert00 @imustafa @OurPrincess @CodingGamer314 @EIephant_Lover @LydzWinry @BearSlothCoding @LunaRaylen @if1hadd–19 @omtegu

That makes a total of 62 between both the project and studio. (I will continue to edit this as people show support)

I'm a little annoyed no admins or anybody like that has bothered to look at this or comment on it….
Trolls are a HUGE problem, they don't follow the community guidelines but there's not way to report someone for “deleting all your curators”, only for mean comments or bad stuff on their profile… Anyway, reporting people does hardly anything at all, and it doesn't stop them, just gives them a measly slap on the hand at best. This is the best way I could think of to prevent the trolls.

By the way, I'm betting ST will dismiss this, thinking it only applies to those “add everybody” studios. But, there are plenty of other reasons this is a problem!
Studios to raise awareness of things:
Studios are one of the best ways to raise awareness of things, since people can be directly invited to them. (take for example the studio I made to raise awareness of this idea, Scratchers against cyber-bullies and trolls.) However, owners will be tempted to promote everyone so they can add more people.
Scratchers who are too trusting for their own good:
Often times, trolls will ask to be promoted, and people will promote them without thinking about it. This is how many of them get in. (I will admit, I am a tad naive sometimes.)
Managers who don't read blacklists:
Managers will often not read blacklists made by the owners, and will re-add the same troll who already caused a problem.
Trolls with multiple accounts:
Just because you removed a troll, does not mean he won't slip past you again with a different account. A lot of trolls have multiple accounts, making it harder to stop them.
Trolls with mimic accounts:
Sometimes trolls will make a similar username to another scratcher and use their same profile pic. You can promote someone, thinking that they are a reputable scratcher, only to discover later that they were actually a troll.
“I promoted all my friends, but I don't want to hurt this guy's feelings.”
Trolls will often exploit small studios of friend-groups, where all the managers are an owner's friends. The owner will often not want the troll to feel excluded as the only non-promoted curator.
Accidental promotions:
If you promote someone by mistake, there isn't a demote button, so the only way to demote them is to remove and re-add them. Owners will often avoid doing this.
____-lovers studios:
There are a lot of studios for people who love whatever. Take for example, a cat-lovers' studio, where all you have to do to manage is claim to be a cat-lover. Trolls take advantage of these.
Trolls don't even need to be managers:
Trolls who aren't managers can still do damage. Although they can't remove curators or change the studio, they can still remove projects that don't belong to them. This needs to be stopped.
Not all the problem-scratchers are even trolls:
Sometimes in contest studios, scratchers will remove other projects that they think are better than theirs, hoping that the owner will not notice, in hopes of increasing their chance at winning. This isn't trollish behavior, but it is a misbehavior that this suggestion would help to prevent.
Even well-meaning, good-intention scratchers can still cause problems:
Sometimes scratchers who mean well will make changes to a studio, thinking that they are helping when in fact they are being a detriment.

Edit: Thanks to Foxlum for this spectacular rebuttal to the trust argument!

Foxlum wrote:

Supporting this, it allows a finer way to control studios. Trust is a really hard thing to determine, you can't just know a person is a troll. Most 8 year olds aren't going to do a background check on a scratcher. Even if you do they may still be a troll. When are you supposed to trust them? Simply saying only to promote them if you trust them, its a weak argument (nothing against you but) that doesn't hold well on the anonymity of the internet. You can never truly trust a person on the web, till you meet them in person then you might actually know what they're like.

Last edited by StevenTheSquare (May 8, 2020 19:04:46)

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
1000+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

This is a good idea. I have a studio in which someone kept on adding unrelated projects, so I had to delete them. However I think this topic is a duplicate. I would give a link, bu I am on mobile.

no signature plz
500+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Dragonlord767 wrote:

This is a good idea. I have a studio in which someone kept on adding unrelated projects, so I had to delete them. However I think this topic is a duplicate. I would give a link, bu I am on mobile.
I was trying to look for an older version of this topic, but between the directory and custom google search bar, I couldn’t find any.

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100+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Dragonlord767 wrote:

This is a good idea. I have a studio in which someone kept on adding unrelated projects, so I had to delete them. However I think this topic is a duplicate. I would give a link, bu I am on mobile.
Before I posted this, I searched all over the suggestions for one like it, trying “studio,” “permissions,” “settings,” “customize,” “owner,” “manager,” curator," and several other key-words that don't come to mind right now, in various combinations. There's nothing like it in the directory, or in the rejecteds, and I never found it using my searches. I can't believe nobody's suggested this before now! I've submitted one of those form thingies to have it added to the directory.

Last edited by StevenTheSquare (May 5, 2019 15:01:09)

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
1 post

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

Although this never happened to me, this is getting out of hand. I really think the scratch team should do something about it. Imagine, you had a studio with over 10000+ projects and then, one day its gone. I bet all of you would be sad curators and managers. That is seriously wrong. Hopefully, together we can stop this now.

Last edited by PandaPower11223 (May 5, 2019 19:01:56)

1000+ posts

Customizable permission settings for studio curators and managers

I AGREE! I SHALL PRACTICE! . casually writes down comebacks for if someone bullies me irl because someone once bullied me on my profile and i just reported the comments .

when green flag clicked
if <(Bully exists?) = [true]> then
say [I lurve that shirt :D] for (2) secs

Be very strange


Last edited by dinoqueen (May 5, 2019 21:38:27)

Unprofessional shipper of Bounty Hunt and Scrambled Eggs

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