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68 posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Please don't constantly bump the thread more than once a day, as it clogs the system. Feel free to do less than once a day.
1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Magicguy04 wrote:

Please don't constantly bump the thread more than once a day, as it clogs the system. Feel free to do less than once a day.
I’m not bumping it, I’m reserving the first page for information I’ll fill in later, so the thread is more organised. Normally people do that all in one day, but I’ve had to spread them out over the periods that I’ve been on.

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪


Applications are now open

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✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

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Please let me know when counsellour or secetary opens

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✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Hi! Looks great (v proud to have made a banner for such a great cause)! As you have spare days in there, maybe things could be done for two days as not everyone will be active daily.

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

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✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

pontesbury wrote:

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Please let me know when counsellour or secetary opens
Secretary is currently open, do you mean something else?

Last edited by XCat (April 16, 2019 21:57:49)

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪


500+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Applying for Artist Form
  • Username (only if you are applying on a backup account):
  • Resume: I used to work in an art shop on scratch a few years ago that did pretty well, my art pieces have made it to art fairs.
  • Why do you think you're good for the role? Although on my profile it only shows one kind of art, I can do many more and give a lot of variety. Also, the art will look smooth and not like it was done in bitmap (if you look at these art pieces, that won't show though). I really love art as well, and so I guess I could bring that into it.
  • A link to at least three pieces of art you've done: Here, here, and here.
  • List a referee to vouch for you: I don't know any
  • Activity:10/10
  • Are you following the thread? I will once I finish this
  • Other:

100+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Resume: I have owned an art shop (but it is pretty much inactive, I'm planning on restructuring it)
Why do you think you are good for the role?: I love doing things like this and I'm pretty organised with stuff like this
https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5990874/ I have created a dance moms collaberation
https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/223914/?page=229#post-3501870 I do stuff in this art shop
Two referees: I don't know what that is but if u tell me i will include it
I am following the thread

32 posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Applying for Artist Form
Username (only if you are applying on a backup account):
Resume: I do mostly fanart, but that's not all I'm limited to. I have done several PMV MAP parts on this account. On my old account, @Lion1278, I did much more, though I had a very different style then. Idk what else to say, really.
Why do you think you're good for the role?: My art style is pretty unique, and I think it would work for the project. I am also very excited for this to come out, since it seems very helpful. I have been very active, though I won't be quite as active in a week because of school. I have a lot of experience.
A link to at least three pieces of art you've done: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/302804914/
List a referee to vouch for you:
I'm not sure exactly what you want from this but I guess @contagious-nerdery
Activity: I am not sure how active I will be starting a week from now with school, but currently I am extremely active.
Are you following the thread? yes

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Add to Mailing List:
Username to be mailed to: FrenchBread49 & BananaBread49
When do you want mail (e.g. when a new position opens, when a major event is on): any and all things

You wonder who I am? No you don't, but I'll tell you anyway.
FrenchBread49, known in other places as Drogoton. a little old in terms of being on the forums (kinda). 43rd in posts in the Requests category (which may or may not be 96.3% of my overall posts..). Speaking of the Requests category, I owned and contributed to multiple shops and currencies. I also have a wiki account that I never use, but go wild I guess.
1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

annahil wrote:

Applying for Artist Form
  • Username (only if you are applying on a backup account):
  • Resume: I used to work in an art shop on scratch a few years ago that did pretty well, my art pieces have made it to art fairs.
  • Why do you think you're good for the role? Although on my profile it only shows one kind of art, I can do many more and give a lot of variety. Also, the art will look smooth and not like it was done in bitmap (if you look at these art pieces, that won't show though). I really love art as well, and so I guess I could bring that into it.
  • A link to at least three pieces of art you've done: Here, here, and here.
  • List a referee to vouch for you: I don't know any
  • Activity:10/10
  • Are you following the thread? I will once I finish this
  • Other:
This is a really tough decision, so I’m going to put you on my consideration list for now. Thankyou for applying!

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

etherian_bow wrote:

Applying for Artist Form
Username (only if you are applying on a backup account):
Resume: I do mostly fanart, but that's not all I'm limited to. I have done several PMV MAP parts on this account. On my old account, @Lion1278, I did much more, though I had a very different style then. Idk what else to say, really.
Why do you think you're good for the role?: My art style is pretty unique, and I think it would work for the project. I am also very excited for this to come out, since it seems very helpful. I have been very active, though I won't be quite as active in a week because of school. I have a lot of experience.
A link to at least three pieces of art you've done: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/302804914/
List a referee to vouch for you:
I'm not sure exactly what you want from this but I guess @contagious-nerdery
Activity: I am not sure how active I will be starting a week from now with school, but currently I am extremely active.
Are you following the thread? yes
This is such a tough decision, but for the moment I’ll put you on a consideration list while I contact your referee. Thankyou for applying!

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

FrenchBread49 wrote:

Add to Mailing List:
Username to be mailed to: FrenchBread49 & BananaBread49
When do you want mail (e.g. when a new position opens, when a major event is on): any and all things

32 posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

XCat wrote:

etherian_bow wrote:

Applying for Artist Form
Username (only if you are applying on a backup account):
Resume: I do mostly fanart, but that's not all I'm limited to. I have done several PMV MAP parts on this account. On my old account, @Lion1278, I did much more, though I had a very different style then. Idk what else to say, really.
Why do you think you're good for the role?: My art style is pretty unique, and I think it would work for the project. I am also very excited for this to come out, since it seems very helpful. I have been very active, though I won't be quite as active in a week because of school. I have a lot of experience.
A link to at least three pieces of art you've done: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/302804914/
List a referee to vouch for you:
I'm not sure exactly what you want from this but I guess @contagious-nerdery
Activity: I am not sure how active I will be starting a week from now with school, but currently I am extremely active.
Are you following the thread? yes
This is such a tough decision, but for the moment I’ll put you on a consideration list while I contact your referee. Thankyou for applying!

500+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

XCat wrote:

annahil wrote:

Applying for Artist Form
  • Username (only if you are applying on a backup account):
  • Resume: I used to work in an art shop on scratch a few years ago that did pretty well, my art pieces have made it to art fairs.
  • Why do you think you're good for the role? Although on my profile it only shows one kind of art, I can do many more and give a lot of variety. Also, the art will look smooth and not like it was done in bitmap (if you look at these art pieces, that won't show though). I really love art as well, and so I guess I could bring that into it.
  • A link to at least three pieces of art you've done: Here, here, and here.
  • List a referee to vouch for you: I don't know any
  • Activity:10/10
  • Are you following the thread? I will once I finish this
  • Other:
This is a really tough decision, so I’m going to put you on my consideration list for now. Thankyou for applying!
Thanks for putting it into consideration!

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Hello, this seems great!
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Username to be mailed to: Coder_Annika
When do you want mail (e.g. when a new position opens, when a major event is on): Basically anything new

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪

Coder_Annika wrote:

Hello, this seems great!
Add to Mailing List Form
Username to be mailed to: Coder_Annika
When do you want mail (e.g. when a new position opens, when a major event is on): Basically anything new

1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪


1000+ posts

✪✪✪ #EᐯEᖇYOᑎEIᔕᗷEᗩᑌTIᖴᑌᒪ • ᗩ ᔕᑕᖇᗩTᑕᕼ ᑕOᗰᗰᑌᑎITY ᑭᖇOᒍEᑕT • OᑭEᑎ ᑭOᔕITIOᑎᔕ • ᕼᑌᖇᖇY, E᙭ᑭEᑕTEᗪ TO ᗷE ᑕOᗰᑭETITIᐯE! ✪✪✪


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