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1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

What is the centre of a watcher? The top left corner or the centre?

- Sheep_maker This is a kumquat-free signature. :P
This is my signature. It appears below all my posts. Discuss it on my profile, not the forums. Here's how to make your own.
.postsignature { overflow: auto; } .scratchblocks { overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; }
New to Scratch
61 posts

Move variables and lists

A variable is not a sprite. So, it does not make sense to move it in the context of the Scratch language.

▀▄ ▀▄ ▀▄ ▀▄ ▀▄ ▀▄ A simple workaround is a valid reason to not support a suggestion. ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀

say ( last [thing I said v] :: looks)

think ( last [thing I thought v] :: looks)
"I think it'd be handy to have some way to disable dragging while in editor mode…" -TheLogFather

Is this gone 4evr?

▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀
▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀ ▄▀
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

I've seen a lot of dupes, im too lazy to find them, also i dont care about dupes. ANYWAYS: Support!

100+ posts

Move variables and lists

hailstone-sequence wrote:

A variable is not a sprite. So, it does not make sense to move it in the context of the Scratch language.
Does it really matter?

Expert memelord in the making.
So far, I've made: 3 memes! ( in photoshop )

You cannot trust any of my posts because I am dumb. Some may be right, though.
Loquat + kumquat protector: - Bob
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

Mr_PenguinAlex wrote:

I've seen a lot of dupes, im too lazy to find them, also i dont care about dupes. ANYWAYS: Support!
I believe this is the oldest duplicate.

- Sheep_maker This is a kumquat-free signature. :P
This is my signature. It appears below all my posts. Discuss it on my profile, not the forums. Here's how to make your own.
.postsignature { overflow: auto; } .scratchblocks { overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; }
500+ posts

Move variables and lists

Sheep_maker wrote:

Mr_PenguinAlex wrote:

I've seen a lot of dupes, im too lazy to find them, also i dont care about dupes. ANYWAYS: Support!
I believe this is the oldest duplicate.
Yes. I believe so.

Tea. Chocolate.
65 posts

Move variables and lists


2 posts

Move variables and lists


change [ v] by (3242)

Last edited by the_crazed_whale (Nov. 3, 2018 19:53:45)

1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

the_crazed_whale wrote:


change [ v] by (3242)
Plz don't blockspam.

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

500+ posts

Move variables and lists

I do not support this suggestion.
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

badatprogrammingibe wrote:

I do not support this suggestion.
Why don't you?
Anyway, I think I am going to support. It could make a creative project, like placing a variable in a funny place. It could also help get it out of the way without hiding it.

moved accounts lol
500+ posts

Move variables and lists

KJRYoshi07 wrote:

badatprogrammingibe wrote:

I do not support this suggestion.
Why don't you?
Anyway, I think I am going to support. It could make a creative project, like placing a variable in a funny place. It could also help get it out of the way without hiding it.
We already have enough variable blocks, adding even more would make scrolling down to the list blocks even more painful.
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

badatprogrammingibe wrote:

KJRYoshi07 wrote:

badatprogrammingibe wrote:

I do not support this suggestion.
Why don't you?
Anyway, I think I am going to support. It could make a creative project, like placing a variable in a funny place. It could also help get it out of the way without hiding it.
We already have enough variable blocks, adding even more would make scrolling down to the list blocks even more painful.
OK. Thanks for clarifying.

moved accounts lol
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

awesomescratch2007 wrote:

You can display, change font, and style variables in other language, like JS, by using the .innerHTML property to set something in HTML to something else, like to a variable value. And if what you said is true, then why does Scratch even display variables in the first place? And you might say ‘just use a variable displayer, programming is meant to be hard’ and that is complete and utter lies. The whole purpose of programming is to make it easy and accessible for people to make their own creations. Why do you think they introduced custom blocks? To make it easier for people if they wanted to call code in different areas. Now get your head straight, theonlygusti. #rekt
Except in other programming languages you can create functions, that are basically the same a custom blocks… (At least from what I've gathered)

“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;”
- Doctrine and Covenants 18:10

I have since moved to @JollyWinter
5 posts

Move variables and lists

What am I doing here?

Last edited by EmK530 (Dec. 3, 2018 14:52:25)

((((((((((((((((((((EmK530:: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa)
5 posts

Move variables and lists

I'm trying to post somewhere else, but I keep getting redirected here!

Last edited by EmK530 (Dec. 3, 2018 14:56:53)

((((((((((((((((((((EmK530:: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa):: #aaaaaa)
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

ItsMarbles wrote:

For new scratchers who haven't learned how to create more advanced GUI, I don't see what is wrong with this. There are plenty of things existent in Scratch that aren't in any other programming language. Such as:

if on edge, bounce

say []

pen down

Also, displaying variables themselves isn't something other programming languages have. Technically, it can be done with more effort, but so can those examples. Support.
The “if on edge, bounce” block is basically a custom block that is built into scratch.
The "say “ block is basically just a way to display text, there for it technically is in other languages if you take the time to make it.
The ”pen down“ along with all the other pen blocks are just drawing on the screen, and if you took the time you could make it with other languages.
And the displaying variables is just one way to show them, and is basically just like the ”say " block, as it's just displaying info, and isn't actually showing the actual variable, so if you took your time in other languages you could make displaying variables happen.

awesomescratch2007 wrote:

You can display, change font, and style variables in other language, like JS, by using the .innerHTML property to set something in HTML to something else, like to a variable value. And if what you said is true, then why does Scratch even display variables in the first place? And you might say ‘just use a variable displayer, programming is meant to be hard’ and that is complete and utter lies. The whole purpose of programming is to make it easy and accessible for people to make their own creations. Why do you think they introduced custom blocks? To make it easier for people if they wanted to call code in different areas. Now get your head straight, theonlygusti. #rekt
Yet, are you actually seeing the variable, or just a fancy way to display it? This seems to be one thing that isn't the most well known, the way you said to display variables is basically the same way that they display them on scratch, making them more “fancy”. I don't see why you added the “#rekt ” but okay…

chexbox wrote:

Scratch already has features not present in any other language, like the variable readout and the glide to blocks.
Edit: I agree, but if they have variable readouts they need a proper method of placing it.
if you wanted to get crazy into the coding of these blocks, you would see that they are more than just a "glide to x y",but are instead, more like a custom block, where you make something more complicated out of simpler pieces.

all in all, no support, since as others have said, variables are for storing, not displaying.

“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;”
- Doctrine and Covenants 18:10

I have since moved to @JollyWinter
100+ posts

Move variables and lists

GiggyMantis wrote:


TheBurger82 wrote:

((Support) * (50 Bazillion))

; (I wasn't on Scratch when that bug existed… but why not?)
Why do you support it?

Expert memelord in the making.
So far, I've made: 3 memes! ( in photoshop )

You cannot trust any of my posts because I am dumb. Some may be right, though.
Loquat + kumquat protector: - Bob
1000+ posts

Move variables and lists

Support - I would support any suggestion that gives more control over where and how variables are displayed.

It would be nice to be able to line them up properly.

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