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The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

LionHeart70 wrote:

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

31: Removing the suggestions forum:
This forum is helpful for users to share what they think could be improved about the site, and just because some parts of it seem useless or spam generating doesn't mean the whole forum should be removed.

Haha, if that were actually accepted, then their suggestion will get removed.
Yeah, I guess maybe I should expand this to “removing any forum”?
Let's ask the great ol' Paddle.
Sounds good.

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

Added a new one, “Banning certain franchises”.
Can't tell if it's rejected or not, but I've seen a few posts about “Ban (franchise)” that were closed by the ST with an explanation on how they won't ban franchises in most cases.

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
9 posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

An option to make 13+ games and block them for certain users would be a great idea to help make it so older kids can express their creativity and not worry about younger kids being badly effected by it.

Overall that is a great idea especially considering I make games with mild gore in them and that would be a great way to make sure that no younger kids are scarred.

1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

ForgotMyUsernameXD wrote:

An option to make 13+ games and block them for certain users would be a great idea to help make it so older kids can express their creativity and not worry about younger kids being badly effected by it.

Overall that is a great idea especially considering I make games with mild gore in them and that would be a great way to make sure that no younger kids are scarred.

this is a suggestion the purpose this, topic is the suggestions rejected

+1700 Bad Posts
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

ForgotMyUsernameXD wrote:

An option to make 13+ games and block them for certain users would be a great idea to help make it so older kids can express their creativity and not worry about younger kids being badly effected by it.

Overall that is a great idea especially considering I make games with mild gore in them and that would be a great way to make sure that no younger kids are scarred.

Uhh.. did you even read the whole thing?
That's a rejected suggestion that I wasn't even suggesting. I'm listing rejected suggestions here.

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

Where is Collaborating?

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:

Where is Collaborating?

+1700 Bad Posts
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:

Where is Collaborating?
I think that's what “live editing” (or something along those lines) is. I might change it, though.

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

<mouse touching [#728282]? :: sensing>
(mouse location color :: sensing)

Last edited by adsuri (Aug. 15, 2018 20:55:25)

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

adsuri wrote:

<mouse touching [#728282]? :: sensing>
<mouse location color :: sensing>
I'm not sure.

(it took me a solid few minutes to realize that you weren't paddle oh my–)

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
82 posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

i was just going to make a badge thing,however it was a private spot.

when I receive [ scratch fourms
My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0 (2015), Chrome 65.0.3325.181, Flash 30.0 (release 0) my processer: HP (Hewlett Packard)
Gimme A Free Internet If You Want!
please give me one,i'm VERY poor and no one cares
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

LionHeart70 wrote:

adsuri wrote:

<mouse touching [#728282]? :: sensing>
<mouse location color :: sensing>
I'm not sure.

(it took me a solid few minutes to realize that you weren't paddle oh my–)
I did that to mess up people & you were the second!

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

82 posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

289228-90882-8222 (an test to see if phone number censor works)

when I receive [ scratch fourms
My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0 (2015), Chrome 65.0.3325.181, Flash 30.0 (release 0) my processer: HP (Hewlett Packard)
Gimme A Free Internet If You Want!
please give me one,i'm VERY poor and no one cares
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

----WindowsXD----- wrote:

289228-90882-8222 (an test to see if phone number censor works)
897-987-9878 (fake)
Did it work?

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

----WindowsXD----- wrote:

289228-90882-8222 (an test to see if phone number censor works)
It doesn't detect it on the forums.

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

Has anyone found a reason that 27 and 28 were rejected yet?

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
100+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

LionHeart70 wrote:

Bump, I guess?
What's a bump?

(0M0)// _|__|_
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

I don't know if this is the reason why, but the reason removing studio activity is rejected might be because some people want to see studio activity, and it sometimes might be important. If you don't want studio activity, ignore those messages.
That is the best thing I can think of.

87 posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

I believe that cloud lists have also been rejected but I can't really find anywhere to back this up.

Check out some of my games, they kinda epic.
1000+ posts

The complete list of rejected suggestions - PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TOPIC

GizzyGazzy360 wrote:

I believe that cloud lists have also been rejected but I can't really find anywhere to back this up.
I don't know. I think it was rejected a while ago, but now not anymore, and I think I heard they're actually planning on adding them.

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

I don't know if this is the reason why, but the reason removing studio activity is rejected might be because some people want to see studio activity, and it sometimes might be important. If you don't want studio activity, ignore those messages.
That is the best thing I can think of.
Possibly. I also heard somewhere that it's actually not rejected, but I'm still keeping it up there for now until I get some verification.

hermandise345 wrote:

LionHeart70 wrote:

Bump, I guess?
What's a bump?
A post on a topic to bring it back up to the top (commonly done after the last post was at least a day ago and it's off the first page), but this was before the topic was stickied - now it's always at the top and I don't need to do that anymore!

lh70 / nora/tobi / she-they pronouns / pansexual-demisexual / 14 / sagittarius / furry / artist / intp / stop-motion films / lbp / fall out boy / panic! at the disco / twenty one pilots / stranger things / a series of unfortunate events
“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you.” -Patrick Stump
“Music seems to hold everything together. It seems to make things not so chaotic sometimes. It seems to make things make more sense sometimes.” -Tyler Joseph
“You'll fear your fears forever if you never do things you're afraid of.” -Josh Dun
“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie

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