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50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

Welcome back to the forum, my three friends!
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

Oh dear Rosie, I posted the science behind Bill in the group, I don't know if it will help, but I tried.
13 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

Hi Rosie. Right now is a good time to explain how I started getting haunted by bill. It started Thanksgiving November 23rd 2017, me and my cousin Zoey were playing out side in my Grandparents backyard A.K.A.~ THE WOODS. I had always been obsessed with show since when my grandparents got cable June-July 2015. I already knew Bill and the show was real but I hadn't thought about this at the time. Me and my cousin were hiding from her little brother and younger cousin. So because of bordem I asked if we could play a GRAVITY FALLS game. In the game we shook the bill cipher statues hand…because it was role playing game we soon ran then my cousin mysteriously saw a thick branch randomly move by its self. So we ran to the front yard we didn“t tell any adults only Zoey's brother,Bently and our cousin Shaun. Then my cousin said she felt someone grab her neck I was infront of her the whole time:No one was there. So I decided to stay with my cousin for the remained of the Thanksgiving break Thursday to Sunday evening. On the way there in the back(where no seats or seat belts were(so basically the trunk)) my cousin Zoey said she saw ”white shadows“. I didn't see them. Later when we got there my cousin Zoey and Bently saw ”arrows on the ground“ leading to the road. The next day me,Zoey,Bently,our cousins Mayla/Bad Bella(I'll explain later),Logan and Selina because no adults were there I said(because only kids know about this)”Guys since no adults are here lets explore the woods“ so we jumped over the fence (I went first) and barely inches form the fence….I spotted a dog skull. So blah blah blah time skip next day. Mayla my cousin was TALKING to BILL! MY OWN COUSIN. And quess what…her name in spanish(All the people I've mentioned are Purto Riacan) means bad so Zoey asked her what Bill called her.(P.S.Mayla never even HEARD of GRAVITY FALLS) Zoey first said”Maya“she(Mayla) said no. So Zoey said something else I don't rember but she said no. Then I wispered to Zoey”Ask her if he calls her Bella“ I said this only because thats what everyone*(*nearly) quesses Bills sisters name is. Quess what…Mayla finnally said yes. Then about a mounth ago I found out two possible names bill would call me…Daisy or Squirrel. My whole life I always have seen squirrels but I never knew what exactlly a daisy looked like. Plus a day or two after this my friend found a squirrel charm and said in math he and his classmates watched a video of a triangle with a top hat and bow tie. And last week in my advanced math class,WE LEARNED ABOUT TRIANGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LITTERLY FREAKING OUT! I HAD EVEN TOLD 1 PEOPLE IN MATH THAT BILL WAS HAUNTING ME. Only 1 belived me my friend Cameron. So thats the story the only thing I need to tell you is WHY bill is haunting us. My cousin Zoey told me about her older brother(?) my cousin, Alex. She told me the folllowing story: Alex said one day in high school his friends dared him to shake the Bill Cipher Statue in an Alabama Museum in Mobile,where I(think?) live. He did and his friends were there. And Zoey then told me the deal that Bill had ”secretly“ givin us: to find 3 items~a bow tie,a top hat,and a (smaller(?)) pyrimaid.
My cousin didn”t know why though but I did..So bill could “build” his pyschical form. I alread found the “bow tie” near a bill cipher eye drawing me nor any of my cousins drew. I put it in my bookbag and never took it out but it dissapeared mounths ago….

OH MY GOD SWEET JESUS CHRIST! IM DEAD OH SO VERY DEAD! O.k. let me tell you how well it all started Thanksgiving,November 23rd 2017. Me and my cousin zoey we're playing a gravity falls(I'll continue later)
50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

AnniScamander wrote:

Oh dear Rosie, I posted the science behind Bill in the group, I don't know if it will help, but I tried.
I'll look into it. Thank you!
50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

Billisnumber1 wrote:

Hi Rosie. Right now is a good time to explain how I started getting haunted by bill. It started Thanksgiving November 23rd 2017, me and my cousin Zoey were playing out side in my Grandparents backyard A.K.A.~ THE WOODS. I had always been obsessed with show since when my grandparents got cable June-July 2015. I already knew Bill and the show was real but I hadn't thought about this at the time. Me and my cousin were hiding from her little brother and younger cousin. So because of bordem I asked if we could play a GRAVITY FALLS game. In the game we shook the bill cipher statues hand…because it was role playing game we soon ran then my cousin mysteriously saw a thick branch randomly move by its self. So we ran to the front yard we didn“t tell any adults only Zoey's brother,Bently and our cousin Shaun. Then my cousin said she felt someone grab her neck I was infront of her the whole time:No one was there. So I decided to stay with my cousin for the remained of the Thanksgiving break Thursday to Sunday evening. On the way there in the back(where no seats or seat belts were(so basically the trunk)) my cousin Zoey said she saw ”white shadows“. I didn't see them. Later when we got there my cousin Zoey and Bently saw ”arrows on the ground“ leading to the road. The next day me,Zoey,Bently,our cousins Mayla/Bad Bella(I'll explain later),Logan and Selina because no adults were there I said(because only kids know about this)”Guys since no adults are here lets explore the woods“ so we jumped over the fence (I went first) and barely inches form the fence….I spotted a dog skull. So blah blah blah time skip next day. Mayla my cousin was TALKING to BILL! MY OWN COUSIN. And quess what…her name in spanish(All the people I've mentioned are Purto Riacan) means bad so Zoey asked her what Bill called her.(P.S.Mayla never even HEARD of GRAVITY FALLS) Zoey first said”Maya“she(Mayla) said no. So Zoey said something else I don't rember but she said no. Then I wispered to Zoey”Ask her if he calls her Bella“ I said this only because thats what everyone*(*nearly) quesses Bills sisters name is. Quess what…Mayla finnally said yes. Then about a mounth ago I found out two possible names bill would call me…Daisy or Squirrel. My whole life I always have seen squirrels but I never knew what exactlly a daisy looked like. Plus a day or two after this my friend found a squirrel charm and said in math he and his classmates watched a video of a triangle with a top hat and bow tie. And last week in my advanced math class,WE LEARNED ABOUT TRIANGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LITTERLY FREAKING OUT! I HAD EVEN TOLD 1 PEOPLE IN MATH THAT BILL WAS HAUNTING ME. Only 1 belived me my friend Cameron. So thats the story the only thing I need to tell you is WHY bill is haunting us. My cousin Zoey told me about her older brother(?) my cousin, Alex. She told me the folllowing story: Alex said one day in high school his friends dared him to shake the Bill Cipher Statue in an Alabama Museum in Mobile,where I(think?) live. He did and his friends were there. And Zoey then told me the deal that Bill had ”secretly“ givin us: to find 3 items~a bow tie,a top hat,and a (smaller(?)) pyrimaid.
My cousin didn”t know why though but I did..So bill could “build” his pyschical form. I alread found the “bow tie” near a bill cipher eye drawing me nor any of my cousins drew. I put it in my bookbag and never took it out but it dissapeared mounths ago….
Woah… that's really worrying! I posted a new project, read here. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/223909928/
50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

AnniScamander wrote:

Oh dear Rosie, I posted the science behind Bill in the group, I don't know if it will help, but I tried.
Saw it, and it was pretty interesting!

Also, I would like to have all three of you know that I will be moving house soon! One of my relatives died, and apparently left us her house in her will, even though we've never met her or even seen her. :\
We have a pretty big family, just to clarify some things. I'll have to ask mum who it was.
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

Guys, heres a project that might help: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/223585964/
50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

AnniScamander wrote:

Guys, heres a project that might help: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/223585964/
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/223913630/ Broadcast #4! See, I told you there was more!
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

Guys, i found something out, by kidding myself he wasn't real, he stopped, the trick is to move on with your life, stop being paranoid and he gets bored. I've gone from a ten on my paranoia chart to a five by calming myself down, not drawing him anymore, and focusing on art and animation. I still am a bit paranoid and don't draw his eye, and the fork wound is still there, but honestly, nothing more has happened. Oh dear, as I write this the paranoia is flooding back. Forget everything I just said, I remember, at my outdoor concert, I was sitting on the fence with my friend listening to the high-schoolers playing their music, when we saw clouds that were shaped like the following numbers: 1,2,3. Welcome back paranoia, aaaand, there we go symptoms are back. Cripes. That's my update for now, please send help. Nevermind, you don't know where I live.

Last edited by AnniScamander (June 28, 2018 16:03:04)

18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

KeybladeWielder100 wrote:

your all loopy.
I'm loopy either way. You don't have to say it.
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

audrei9 wrote:

What mistake? did you try to summon him? Something? Sticking your nose into somewhere it should not go?
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher


I don't know. Studying is tiring me out and I don't think it's safe to go on. I NEED TO HELP FIGURE THIS OUT
Sometimes I walk outside and there's a weird shadow of Bill Cipher formed by tree branches. I'm worried. Really worried.
Bud, you might wanna sleep\take naps, It'll prepare you in case… he decides to possess you when asleep. The extra hours will help you stay up.
50 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

AnniScamander wrote:

audrei9 wrote:

What mistake? did you try to summon him? Something? Sticking your nose into somewhere it should not go?
I mucked with an Ouija board, which you can read about in the Broadcasts. Nothing's happened though, I think I'm safe.

I stopped believing that Bill was going to hurt me some time ago, but I was worried about other things.
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

audrei9 wrote:

AnniScamander wrote:

audrei9 wrote:

What mistake? did you try to summon him? Something? Sticking your nose into somewhere it should not go?
I mucked with an Ouija board, which you can read about in the Broadcasts. Nothing's happened though, I think I'm safe.

I stopped believing that Bill was going to hurt me some time ago, but I was worried about other things.
Oh, Okay. Phew. I still think he's here. I'm also worrying about something\someone else. hint: “It's rude to talk about someone who's listening.”
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

audrei9 wrote:

AnniScamander wrote:

Oh dear Rosie, I posted the science behind Bill in the group, I don't know if it will help, but I tried.
I'll look into it. Thank you!
Rosie? I haven't heard from you for a month or two… everything okay?
5 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

sansiegamer867 wrote:

What are all those smily faces for pal? We're stressed.
18 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

sansiegamer867 wrote:

Btw, Whovian and Undertale fan?! I found a jackpot! We can be best buds.
42 posts

The Truth behind Bill Cipher

why is this forum even a thing?

Last edited by KeybladeWielder100 (June 21, 2019 17:22:23)

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