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1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

OnionWitch wrote:

Guys I'm really sorry about this but please try to keep stuff to the normal bounds of magic in Harry Potter world. Sure, I don't think RPP will mind if you are strangely skilled in one aspect of the magic but sometimes it just becomes a bit too strange. I think it's causing her a lot of trouble, having to regulate things.

Thanks for doing this - it was getting out of hand a little and confusing members

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

KittyLover07 wrote:

Student Application
Character Name: Crystal Jay
Year: 2nd
House: Water
Gender: Female
Personality: Smart, outgoing but not rowdy or reckless, loyal, kind, knows how to stand up for herself but only when needed to, accepts anyone to be her friend
Backstory: Was born into a family of 6 as the middle child. She had never really thought herself as special until she came to the school. She thinks it's her chance to start off fresh and new.
Appearance: Blond almost white hair, bright crystal blue eyes, some freckles, sort of skinny, her skin is slightly fair. Can she wear a necklace? If she can, she has a gold chain necklace with a lapis blue heart charm.
Best Class: Potions
Worst Class: Defence against the dark arts
Classes Taken: uhh… what does it mean? Sorry!
Pet: Small white fluffy cat named Sugar
Patronus (6yr+): None
Please add the classes onto your post.

69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
Very sorry but we can't allow. The ministry would consider non-enrolled wizards and witches in grounds and safety issue.

100+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Character Name: Jade Owlpuff
Year: 7th
House: Water (can she have a moving boat-bed?)
Gender: Female
Personality: She can have large bouts of different moods, but overall, an introvert with tendencies of being alone and mostly is cheerful.
Backstory: Born to a hectic pureblood family, she always was the odd one out. Her favorite treasures were her wand and her broomstick, as she could fly anywhere she wanted with the broomstick, and be alone with her thoughts. If you disturb her when she is alone, you will regret it, as she is subject to explosive tantrums and even using magic just to restore her alone-ness.
Best Class: Divination and Astrology
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms
Classes Taken: Divination, Astrology, DADA, Charms, Magizoology
Pet: A great grey owl
Patronus (6yr+): Snowy owl


There is a madness to my method · It is one thing to be clever, but another to be wise · Determination is the wake-up call to the human will
✧ Defy monotony ∞ Knowledge is a weapon, and I intend to be formidably armed ∞ We are born to be real, not perfect ∞ Beautiful faces are everywhere, but beautiful minds are hard to find ✧ I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours

69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
Very sorry but we can't allow. The ministry would consider non-enrolled wizards and witches in grounds and safety issue.
I have to ask, though; what's up with Asrien's ‘ability’? That seems kind of unfair to me. Teleporting whenever he gets angry? I mean, that could be apparation, but that's not an ‘ability’. I don't think that his counts as apparating because: "Asrien's Ability Awakens " and that is not apparation. If my pet is banned, could we not have a wizard that has magical non-Harry Potter wizarding world abilities?
69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
Very sorry but we can't allow. The ministry would consider non-enrolled wizards and witches in grounds and safety issue.
I have to ask, though; what's up with Asrien's ‘ability’? That seems kind of unfair to me. Teleporting whenever he gets angry? I mean, that could be apparation, but that's not an ‘ability’. I don't think that his counts as apparating because: "Asrien's Ability Awakens " and that is not apparation. If my pet is banned, could we not have a wizard that has magical non-Harry Potter wizarding world abilities?
Also, the interdimensional magic: “Asrien was practicing on his Magic using a Magic Ability to Bring weapon's out of the realms.” There are no ‘realms’ in the wizarding world that I'm aware of.
69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

OnionWitch wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

OnionWitch wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

OnionWitch wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

OnionWitch wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

OnionWitch wrote:

Coder_Annika wrote:

OnionWitch wrote:

Guys I'm really sorry about this but please try to keep stuff to the normal bounds of magic in Harry Potter world. Sure, I don't think RPP will mind if you are strangely skilled in one aspect of the magic but sometimes it just becomes a bit too strange. I think it's causing her a lot of trouble, having to regulate things.

What are the issues?
Someone with magic that will never be possible in the Harry Potter world (interdimensional magic doesn't really exist there) and a magical changing pet.
I know the second one is fine but following the rules of this studio's story, the school probably wouldn't have allowed it.

But yes, I agree with the first one not being plausible. But her ‘pet’ isn't actually her ‘pet’, he's actually more like her only friend. He just chooses to stay as an animal, but he is a wizard. And yes, there are metamorphmaguses (metamorphmagi?) in Harry Potter; look it up they're just very rare.
Metamorphmaguses (IDK the plural) can only transform physical aspects of themselves (in a human form) into more animal like parts or to possess different traits. They are incapable of changing into so many different complete animals (if they could, Tonks would be like OP)
Ohhhh. xP Well, he's just a very special metamorphmagus? xD But he's her only friend–you can read the RP I started for RPP at the top of the studio.
Yeah I saw. I was kinda aiming my message if we (the royal we) wanted to create a new character (or for new members)
K xP Unfortunately, RPP said that my ‘pet’ can't come back next term But he's Diana's only friend Dx
I'm sorry about that, but it would make things fairer for the other RPers
Tbh I'm kinda salty that I can't have a pet but Asrien can have magical powers that make him teleport and his ‘ability’ gets ‘activated’ when he gets mad. Trying to negotiate with RPP, though c:
(It's apparition friend. But frankly, it used to be worse)
It's really not apparation, though. He specifically said: “Asrien's Ability Awakens”, and apparation is not an ability that gets awakened, nor is it a special ability that happens randomly when angered. Also, he was bringing weapons out of the “realms”, which is also not plausible. Like you said, there is no interdimensional magic. I feel like if my pet gets banned, Asrien should either have his ‘abilities’ removed or be banned himself.

Just my two cents on the issue.

Last edited by AlexiaPotter (May 1, 2018 16:55:36)

New Scratcher
1 post

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

RPP-Exploration wrote:

Summer Festival

Date: 31st May 2018
Venue: school fields

We are having a festival! There'll be music, dancing, food and more. Come alone or with partners and friends. Any clothes. All school invited.

All RPs for the festival with be held in a project comments to keep them together. Contact me if your character is going.

- Alexandra Wood (@RPP-Exploration)
- Tom Veshouv (@RPP-Exploration)
- Jackson Brown (@RPP-Exploration)
- Lucilla Devin (@OnionWitch)
- Rosalina Glen (@-Snow_Fall-)
- Zinnalaria Espryt Tengwar (@Mist2006)
- Khevan Ikhar Tengwar (@Mist2006)
- Flower Child (@AlexiaPotter)
- Diana Apollo (@AlexiaPotter)
- Eris Nocta (@AlexiaPotter)
- Sarah Pinewood (@pollypuffin)
- Erin Holmwood (@pollypuffin)
I will go-Asrien
1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
Very sorry but we can't allow. The ministry would consider non-enrolled wizards and witches in grounds and safety issue.
I have to ask, though; what's up with Asrien's ‘ability’? That seems kind of unfair to me. Teleporting whenever he gets angry? I mean, that could be apparation, but that's not an ‘ability’. I don't think that his counts as apparating because: "Asrien's Ability Awakens " and that is not apparation. If my pet is banned, could we not have a wizard that has magical non-Harry Potter wizarding world abilities?
It was negotiated that this was like a special querk. In Spanish wizarding, there may be many things you haven't heard of but the is a rule on pets. I suggest she gets a parrot that talks only to her.

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

XxOwl31xX wrote:

Character Name: Jade Owlpuff
Year: 7th
House: Water (can she have a moving boat-bed?)
Gender: Female
Personality: She can have large bouts of different moods, but overall, an introvert with tendencies of being alone and mostly is cheerful.
Backstory: Born to a hectic pureblood family, she always was the odd one out. Her favorite treasures were her wand and her broomstick, as she could fly anywhere she wanted with the broomstick, and be alone with her thoughts. If you disturb her when she is alone, you will regret it, as she is subject to explosive tantrums and even using magic just to restore her alone-ness.
Best Class: Divination and Astrology
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms
Classes Taken: Divination, Astrology, DADA, Charms, Magizoology
Pet: A great grey owl
Patronus (6yr+): Snowy owl
Added. Yes - she can have the bed (I think it's a definite water perk)

69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
Very sorry but we can't allow. The ministry would consider non-enrolled wizards and witches in grounds and safety issue.
I have to ask, though; what's up with Asrien's ‘ability’? That seems kind of unfair to me. Teleporting whenever he gets angry? I mean, that could be apparation, but that's not an ‘ability’. I don't think that his counts as apparating because: "Asrien's Ability Awakens " and that is not apparation. If my pet is banned, could we not have a wizard that has magical non-Harry Potter wizarding world abilities?
It was negotiated that this was like a special querk. In Spanish wizarding, there may be many things you haven't heard of but the is a rule on pets. I suggest she gets a parrot that talks only to her.
Okay. I will admit that I'm a little sad about this, but it's your RP and I respect that. Can she have a phoenix? A firebird in water house. Sounds like Diana. xD
1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

popsyrabbit wrote:

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

yessss a full team!!!!!

I would have joined, but Diana's not a team player and she'd have an unfair advantage because her pet can turn into a massive hippogriff that's stronger and faster.
You did ask. I don’t think in this case hers is faster. Is it alright if at the end of the term it doesn’t come back - the headmaster will politely ban it.
Awww. What if it stays as an owl or hippogriff and she doesn't join the team?
??? Or stays as one animal?
Very sorry but we can't allow. The ministry would consider non-enrolled wizards and witches in grounds and safety issue.
I have to ask, though; what's up with Asrien's ‘ability’? That seems kind of unfair to me. Teleporting whenever he gets angry? I mean, that could be apparation, but that's not an ‘ability’. I don't think that his counts as apparating because: "Asrien's Ability Awakens " and that is not apparation. If my pet is banned, could we not have a wizard that has magical non-Harry Potter wizarding world abilities?
It was negotiated that this was like a special querk. In Spanish wizarding, there may be many things you haven't heard of but the is a rule on pets. I suggest she gets a parrot that talks only to her.
Okay. I will admit that I'm a little sad about this, but it's your RP and I respect that. Can she have a phoenix? A firebird in water house. Sounds like Diana. xD
Does totally sound like her of course. Thanks for understanding.

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Anyone want to RP?

69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

RPP-Exploration wrote:

Anyone want to RP?
1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

Anyone want to RP?
You start…

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Brook and Ms. Miller going to Summer Festival

69 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

Anyone want to RP?
You start…
Idk how to start xD
100+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

AlexiaPotter wrote:

RPP-Exploration wrote:

Anyone want to RP?
You start…
Idk how to start xD
I'll start!


There is a madness to my method · It is one thing to be clever, but another to be wise · Determination is the wake-up call to the human will
✧ Defy monotony ∞ Knowledge is a weapon, and I intend to be formidably armed ∞ We are born to be real, not perfect ∞ Beautiful faces are everywhere, but beautiful minds are hard to find ✧ I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours

3 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Character Name: Grace Starr
Year: 1st
House: Water
Gender: Female
Personality: Grace is very shy, and well…. graceful. She loves to play the piano and is very quiet.
Backstory: Born to a muggle and a wizard, Grace often gets picked on. Her mother showed her how to play the piano at a young age and she soon became very gifted with her piano skills. She was as surprised as everyone in her family when she was told she was going to go to Ensoir School Of Sorcery.
Appearance: Grace has strawberry blonde hair and light blue eyes.
Best Class: Muggle Studies
Worst Class: Defence Against The Dark Arts
Classes Taken:
History of Magic
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Flying lessons (on hippogriffs)
Muggle Studies
Study of Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures
Pet: A beautiful snowy owl
Patronus (6yr+): None

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