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1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Yeah! It's so strange.
Does anyone know why?

Edit: New page!

Last edited by PrincessFlowerTV (March 14, 2018 13:53:50)

500+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Yeah, that was by request of the Scratch Team. (By the way, you got the shade of purple wrong - it's not PURPLE it's PURPLE.) You can see the Wiki CP post here.

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:

Does anyone know why?
See above.

Last edited by kenny2scratch (March 14, 2018 14:09:21)

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Good idea!
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Oh wow it has! In my opinion it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the theme though…

EDIT: Oh, so the Wiki is not longer part of MIT. Does anyone know why?

Last edited by YubNubEwok (March 14, 2018 22:21:46)

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

kenny2scratch wrote:

bumpety bump
bumpy is all fat and lumpy

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
uh huh. looks ugly though. “It looks like someone just spilled blackcurrant juice all over the wiki” - Vuton

500+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

YubNubEwok wrote:

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Oh wow it has! In my opinion it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the theme though…

EDIT: Oh, so the Wiki is not longer part of MIT. Does anyone know why?
Because the Wiki is no longer on MIT servers.
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

kenny2scratch wrote:

YubNubEwok wrote:

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Oh wow it has! In my opinion it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the theme though…

EDIT: Oh, so the Wiki is not longer part of MIT. Does anyone know why?
Because the Wiki is no longer on MIT servers.
But why is it no longer on the MIT servers?
500+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

YubNubEwok wrote:

kenny2scratch wrote:

YubNubEwok wrote:

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Oh wow it has! In my opinion it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the theme though…

EDIT: Oh, so the Wiki is not longer part of MIT. Does anyone know why?
Because the Wiki is no longer on MIT servers.
But why is it no longer on the MIT servers?
Because of the server transfer.
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
If you have a Scratch Wiki account you can now change the color. (but you can't if you don't have a Scratch Wiki account)
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

kenny2scratch wrote:

YubNubEwok wrote:

kenny2scratch wrote:

YubNubEwok wrote:

AfraidRacer wrote:

AAAH! The Scratch Wiki has turned PURPLE!
Oh wow it has! In my opinion it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the theme though…

EDIT: Oh, so the Wiki is not longer part of MIT. Does anyone know why?
Because the Wiki is no longer on MIT servers.
But why is it no longer on the MIT servers?
Because of the server transfer.
Oh, okay. Thank you!
500+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Hey everyone! I'll quickly just quote my CP post here so people following this topic can also see what's going on

Kenny2scratch wrote:

Those of you logging onto the Wiki after now might notice there's suddenly a little dropdown arrow next to all the header buttons. Click on it, and you'll find out why - the buttons are now dropdowns! The Create dropdown has links to create a project and a page; the Explore dropdown has links to explore projects and the Wiki (via Special:Random); the Discuss dropdown has links to the forums, the Wiki CP forum topic, and the CP; the Tips dropdown has links to the Scratch Tips page and the Wiki FAQ; and the About dropdown has links to pages about Scratch and about the Wiki.

Since all of this really squashes the search bar, I made it so that when the search bar is focused, it expands and fills up all the space, so that when searching you can still see what you're typing. Defocusing the search bar (i.e. clicking away) will make it return to normal size.

Tell me if there are any bugs, and hope y'all like it!
3 posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Hello! I'm a but new to the Scratch Wiki, and a bit confused to how everything works. Could someone explain how to work the wiki, and what to do?
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

How do you post on talk pages? I've been on the wiki for four months. I am kind of having a hard time understanding it.
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

KJRYoshi07 wrote:

How do you post on talk pages? I've been on the wiki for four months. I am kind of having a hard time understanding it.
Click the pencil then new topic. Remember to sign your post once you are done by doing ~~~~ To Reply do “:” to reply to a reply d “::” and so on.
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

Nvm- ninja’d by jakel181

Last edited by hellounicorns2 (March 21, 2018 20:39:40)

1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Nvm- ninja’d by Jakel151
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Nvm- ninja’d by Jakel151
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

jakel181 wrote:

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Nvm- ninja’d by Jakel151
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

hellounicorns2 wrote:

jakel181 wrote:

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Nvm- ninja’d by Jakel151
1000+ posts

Scratch Wiki Community Portal - in the forums!

jakel181 wrote:

hellounicorns2 wrote:

jakel181 wrote:

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Nvm- ninja’d by Jakel151
I got ninja’d, I got your username wrong- I’m on a roll!

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