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So you know that thing where it says “create” and then “explore” then “tips” etc.?

Put “forums” or “discuss” on there too, as it is too, a feature of this parent website.
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Maria_Chan wrote:

So you know that thing where it says “create” and then “explore” then “tips” etc.?

Put “forums” or “discuss” on there too, as it is too, a feature of this parent website.
Support! easier to navigate

 continue this hashtag if you live in australia [img]http://u.cubeupload.com/rabbitcarrots/FEDB1435D41540BFB9FB.jpeg[/img] is the image code xD oh and btw this siggy is from @Hellounicorns2    :cool:
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Maria_Chan wrote:

So you know that thing where it says “create” and then “explore” then “tips” etc.?

Put “forums” or “discuss” on there too, as it is too, a feature of this parent website.
It used to be there. It was removed, and it's not coming back

​I am Wahsp

Formerly pretty active on the forums, probably mostly retired now…
If you see one of my posts send me a hello!
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It was removed from the navigation bar last summer, they're not going to put it back.

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
New to Scratch
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wWSunPandaWw wrote:

It was removed from the navigation bar last summer, they're not going to put it back.

Ehhh do.. Ive been on this site since 3 years ago (on another account) and I dont recall any buttons being removed.
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Maria_Chan wrote:

wWSunPandaWw wrote:

It was removed from the navigation bar last summer, they're not going to put it back.

Ehhh do.. Ive been on this site since 3 years ago (on another account) and I dont recall any buttons being removed.
Yes, that was the case. Read more about it at the bottom of this topic - https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/269283/.
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署名は、ディスカッションフォーラムの機能である。署名は、その人のすべての投稿の下部に追加される。署名は、BBCodeで記述できる。 署名を追加/変更/削除したい場合は、ディスカッションフォーラムのホームの一番下に行き、「Change your signature」を押す。署名の大きさは150pxまでである。これには、改行、画像を含む。- Japanese Scratch-Wiki 「署名

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