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ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Can I comment that?
A Guide to Questions About Comments

First off, before we begin…
Please don't ask questions here. Please make a new topic to get an answer to your question. Asking a question here will only result in it being ignored.
Okay, now that we got that off our shoulders, let us begin.
(Note: These are about comments on the main site, not the forums.)

Table of Contents

Questions about Spam Comments
Questions about Constructive Comments
Questions about Rude Comments
Questions about Threatening Comments
Questions about Inappropriate Comments
Questions about Comments in General


Questions about Spam Comments
To learn more about spam, go here.

Are comment trains/chain mail allowed?
No, comment trains/chain mail are not allowed.
Here is an example of a comment train/chain mail message:

Spammer wrote:

Tag, you're it! Pass this on to 10 nice Scratchers that you know. If you get 10 back, you're a SUPER nice and amazing Scratcher! If you break the chain, nothing will happen. BUT PLEASE PASS THIS ON! Spread the positivity!!!
A different version of this comment may also promise a romantic experience between you and your crush.

Spammer wrote:

DO NOT READ THIS. This is so freaky! Now that you have started reading this, you can't stop. On the nearest Friday, your crush will kiss you and you will have good luck for the rest of the week. But in order for that to happen, you have to do the following: 1. say your name 10 times. 2. Say your mom's name 15 times. 3. Say your crush's name 20 times. 4. Pass this on to 5 games in the next 300 seconds. If you don't, you will have very bad luck.
No matter how nice, threatening, or promising the comment is, DO NOT PASS IT ON, as your comment could also be reported as spam. Just report the comment and leave it at that. Passing it on will just create more work for the moderators.

Are “10 facts I know about you” comments allowed?
No, that's also spam. Just as above, report it.

Spammer wrote:

10 facts about you: Fact 1: You are reading this. Fact 2: you cant say the letter ‘m’ without touching your lips. Fact 3: You just tried it. Fact 4 your smiling. Fact 6: You're smiling or laughing again. Fact 7: you didn't notice I missed fact 5. Fact 8: You just checked it. Fact 9 You're smiling again. Fact 10: You like this :)

What are “random numbers to avoid spam”, and are they okay?
“Random numbers to avoid spam” are exactly what they sound like: The author of the comment punches in random numbers so they can repeatedly say the same comment without spamming, since you can't post the same comment more than 3 times in a row.

Comment author wrote:

Hello! I'm, just here to inform you that I'm also telling this message to the rest of my 100 followers. Thanks! Random Numbers to avoid spam: 389845
However, if you're repeatedly posting spam messages, it is not allowed.
I don't encourage you to repeatedly say the same message or try to get around the spam detector. If you need to tell multiple people the same message, try rephrasing it.

Is spamming really against the rules?
The Community Guidelines don't say a whole lot about spamming, but the Terms of Use (which is like the Community Guidelines, but bigger and more legal) have something to say about it:

The Terms of Use wrote:

3. Rules of Usage
3.5 You agree not to use Scratch in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
4. Repeatedly posting the same material, or “spamming”;
To read the Terms of Use, go here.

Can somebody repeatedly say “Can you give feedback on my latest game”?
Nope. That's also spam.

Spammer wrote:

Can you please give feedback on my latest game? I tried checking for bugs but I just wanna make sure. and if you can, can you ask your friends to give feedback as well?
And look, here we've got a nice transition into the next question…

Is advertising spam?
Depends on where you're doing it. Advertising on profiles, projects, studios, and other people's forum posts is not okay (unless the user/studio allows people to advertise on their profile/studio).
The Show and Tell forums, your own projects and studios, and your forum signature are the only okay places to advertise. When you advertise in those places, it's not spamming.
Even not linking your project, but explicitly mentioning it in your comment is also advertising (which is also why asking for feedback is considered spam).

Spammer wrote:

nice project, plz check out my game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/xxxx/

Spammer wrote:

I love this project!! Oh, I also have an animation called “I love muffins” you can go check it out it's on my profile, it's my featured project

Spammer wrote:

Nice Studio. I have a studio named “Cats, dogs, and bunnies” plz go check it out

Spammer wrote:

Just remember that while it's nice to have followers, Scratch was made to learn about coding, not earn views.


Questions about Constructive Comments

How can I be constructive?
I don't remember where (so this quote is written by memory unfortunately), but I know that Scratch Team member Paddle2See has this little commenting technique on how to be constructive:

Paddle2See wrote:

I like to call it a “support sandwich”, first you type something you like about the project, then you type something that could be fixed or added in the project, then you type how that could be fixed, and then once again, you comment what you like about the project.
So a good example of being Constructive is this:

Constructive person wrote:

Nice project! I really like all of the little animals. However, I noticed that the lion's animation is a bit wonky. I checked the code and saw the costume changes were in the wrong order. That can just be easily fixed with that handy drop-down menu. But, I still really like this! The cats are so adorable!
A bad example is this:

Not-so-constructive person wrote:

THIS GAME IS SOO TERRIBLE!!! You know why? THE LION LOOKS SUPER WEIRD!!! I can't believe you shared it like that lol!!!!!! Fix the costume order!!! Geez why wouldn't you fix that??

Is saying how the project is bad being constructive?
Being rude ≠ being constructive. Saying how the project is bad without saying a fix ≠ being constructive.
If you use Paddle2See's “support sandwich” technique, by saying what's good, then what the issues are, then how to fix the issues, then you're being constructive. If you just say “This project is glitchy in levels 2, 3, and 4. I hate it,” then you're not being constructive. If you say what the glitches are, where they occur, and ways you could fix them, then you're being constructive. Just flat-out saying “Levels 5 and 6 are bad. Plz fix” is not constructive in any way whatsoever.

Is simply saying the fix (without praise or saying what's wrong with the project) being constructive?
Well, yes.
But don't comment that way. It's the worst way to be constructive–I highly, highly, highly suggest you to use the “support sandwich” technique.

Kind-of-constructive person wrote:

Fix the Lion's costume order.

Can I be constructive in a Gordon Ramsay manner?
The Way Gordon Ramsay tells people what they did wrong is in a rude manner–Do not ever comment that way.

Should I take offense to constructive comments?
Absolutely not. Constructive comments are not rude comments; in fact, they are quite the opposite. They are nice comments, because they're helping out with the project.

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Be constructive.
When commenting on others' projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.

Can I suggest things on a project?
Sure, just remember what the projects about–you'll want to give suggestions on how to make the project better, not different.
Good example:

Suggester wrote:

Nice project! I think you could add a menu and a game over sign. Once again, I really like this project!
Bad Example:

Not a good Suggester wrote:

Nice project, but I think you could add animations, music, a platformer, a menu and make all of the sprites purple.

Questions about Rude Comments

What should I do if I find a rude comment?
Report it. Just report it.
Example of a rude comment:

Rude person wrote:

The Community guidelines even say to report rude comments:

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Help keep the site friendly.
If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.

Are flame wars reportable?
Yep. A “flame war” is when two or more people argue about a certain topic, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Usually projects about religion or politics have a big potential for “flaming”. If you ever see a flame war start, “put out the flames” and report the offending comments. Don't ever “feed the flames”, or get involved.

Flame Warrers wrote:

Person 1: I don't like that person.
Person 2: Well if your opinion isn't nice, be quiet.
Person 1: But what about freedom of speech?
Person 2: Being rude is abusing freedom of speech!
etc, etc, etc…

But if Flame Wars are banned, does that mean debates are too?
Let me quote someone in this discussion:

-ShadowOfTheFuture- wrote:

Flame wars ≠ debates. Flame wars, according to the Scratch Wiki, are “unfriendly arguments between two or more users on the forums or main site and also a common type of cyberbullying. Flame wars are not allowed, for they cause a disruption in the community, are disrespectful, and can harm people emotionally.” On the other hand, a debate, according to the definition given by Google, is "a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward." The difference between a flame war and a debate is that debates are civilized. It's a good thing that flame wars are banned, because they are a form of bullying and can lead to Scratchers feeling hurt or even quitting Scratch. Banning flame wars does not mean that debates aren't allowed, it just means that they should be carried out in a polite, civilized way, and I'm sure most people are perfectly capable of debating without banging on tables or screaming at each other.

Can you get banned for being rude?
Yes you can. It's against the Community Guidelines:

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Be respectful.
When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see what you’ve shared.

What if reporting the comment simply is not enough?
Then use Contact Us. Someone who just says “this is lame” should just be reported, and contacting the Scratch Team isn't necessary. However, if somebody leaves large, offensive comments on a large amount of projects and profiles, contacting the Scratch Team might be a good idea.

What is gossip, and why is it reportable?
Gossip is when you talk about and exaggerate flaws and imperfections of another person behind their back.. It's report-able because it's still rude to the person you're gossiping about. Think about it; would you like people to gossip about you?
Here's an example:

Gossipers wrote:

Person1: Omg, I heard that Person 3 bullied Person 4!!!
Person2: Omg, that's so rude of them. I heard that Person 3 called Person 4 a dirty dog! :(!!
Don't ever gossip. Report the gossiping comments and leave it at that.

Can inside-joke insults be reported?
Well, people won't know if they're inside jokes, because they're inside jokes. Maybe you shouldn't post the inside joke in the first place, because nobody but you and your friend would know that it's an inside joke.

Why is being rude such a big deal anyways?
Because this is a kid's site. Scratch's age demographic is 8-16, even though there's some kids using this site who are younger than that. We don't want to set a bad example for the younger audience, who won't know better.

How can I compliment someone?
According to Scratch Etiquette, you should:
  • Say what you like what about the project/person/studio
  • If you can, offer Constructive Criticism
  • Tell the creator they did a good job
But you shouldn't:
  • Put yourself down. Example:

    Comment author wrote:

    This is soooo good! I can't do as well as this, I'll never be as good as you.
    Putting yourself down may not only make the creator feel uncomfortable, but it's rude to yourself. Try to comment in positive ways!


Questions about Threatening Comments

What should I do if someone threatens me?
Don't believe them and report it. If they continue you to threaten you, use Contact Us.

Threatener wrote:

If you don't love and favorite all of my projects in the next 24 hours, your account will be deleted, and even if you use Contact Us you can't bring it back!!!!
Note: Most threats are not real. There is no way that a Scratcher (Scratcher-status) can get your account deleted without valid reason–not loving and favoriting their projects is not a valid reason.

What if the comment contains names of people I know?
Use Contact Us. Ask the names of the people you know mentioned in the comment if they know anything about it.

What if the person threatening me is someone I know in real life?
Ask the real-life person about it after reporting the comment if possible.

What if somebody's threatening me by telling me something will happen to me in real life?
Immediately report the comment and tell a trusted adult. Once again, using Contact Us would be a good choice here.


Questions about Inappropriate Comments

What should I do if I see an inappropriate comment?
Report it.

Why doesn't the Scratch Team just fix the problem by making a 13+ site?
This is one of the rejected suggestions for Scratch.

The Rejections Sticky wrote:

12. A 13+ version of the website
Scratch is designed for all ages, and dividing the community would not really help anybody.

Can I comment subtly inappropriate things?
If it's inappropriate at all, don't comment it.

My comment (which wasn't inappropriate at all) was deleted. Why?
It was probably inappropriate in some way and you didn't realise it. If you feel as though it shouldn't have been removed, try contacting the Scratch Team.


Questions about Comments in General

How do I post a comment?
Write your comment, then click the blue button that says “post”.

Why does it say, “Woah, it seems like you're commenting really quickly. Please wait longer between posts.”?
If you're a new Scratcher, you have to wait 30 seconds between posting comments. This may also appear if you're posting many comments in quick succession regardless of your rank.

Can I expand the section I need to type?
Sure! There's two little slanted lines in the bottom-right-hand corner. Pull on them, and you can expand your comment. Please note that this does not expand your character count, however.

Why can't I comment?
Maybe you need to confirm your e-mail. If your e-mail has already been confirmed, you were probably muted for a period of time for posting something offensive or inappropriate.

Can I disable people commenting on my projects/studios/profile?
Yep! There's a little check box that says “Turn off commenting”. If you click on it, you…turn off commenting, and nobody can comment. You cannot disable only certain people from commenting. If you want to turn off commenting in a studio, you need to be the owner–Managers, despite all of the other abilities they have, cannot.

Can I send a private message to someone?
No, because of the potential for bullying, gossip, and difficulty moderating.

Can I reply to my own comment?

How do I reply to a comment?
Under the comment, you'll see a little button that says “reply”. Click on it, type in your comment, then click “post” as you would with a normal comment. Your comment will automatically have the link to the person you're replying to's profile, and they'll receive a message about it. If you're replying to your own comment, everything mentioned above with still happen except for receiving the message.

Considering everything else I've seen in this guide, am I restricted to only Praise and “How are you” conversations?
No, you are not. As long as it's all ages, not spammy, threatening, rude, or irrelevant, you can post it.

Can I have a conversation on a person's profile with a different person?
You can, but you definitely shouldn't.
It's rude to the person whose profile you're commenting on, because they're not included and they're getting spammed with messages.
There are, of course, some people who don't mind, but this doesn't mean that everyone's okay with it.

Can I block people so I can't see their comments/they can't comment on my stuff?
No, you cannot.
This used to be a feature implemented in the website, but it got removed.
It is also a rejected suggestion, meaning it will not get added back.

The Rejections Sticky wrote:

20. Ignore List (Blocking Users)
It just buries the problem. If you have a problem, report the user.

How do I report a comment?
Hover over the comment, then look to the Far Right of the comment. There will be a gray button that says “Report”.

How do I delete a comment?
Hover over the comment, then look to the Far Right of the comment. There will be a gray button that says “Delete”.

Why can't I delete a comment?
You can only delete a comment if it's on one of your projects or on your profile, or if the comment was left by you in a studio you're a manager in. You cannot delete a comment left by you on someone else's project. Once again, this is a rejected suggestion.

The Rejections Sticky wrote:

Deleting comments on other profiles/Deleting Forum Posts
It is so you cant just post spam and stuff. Jvvg says it better:

jvvg wrote:

This is so that people can't post troll comments and then delete them, while you aren't likely to troll people on your own projects, studios, or profile…)

Can I edit my comment?
No, editing comments is not a feature.

Can I dis/like a comment?
No, those are not features.

Can I pin a comment?
No, you can also not pin a comment.

What's Roleplaying/RPing?
There will be a studio where people fill out forms on what their character looks like, their personality, etc, then they start roleplaying by replying to each other's comments.

Roleplayers wrote:

Person1: Jane walked through the forest, looking for Alice. “Alice!” She called.
Person2: Alice heard Jane's voice and started running towards her. “Jane!” She cried. “Is that you?”

Can I add more characters to my character limit?
Nope, it will always be 500, no matter who you are.
If you need more than 500 characters to make your comment, then continue your comment in a reply to your comment.


Thank you for reading! If anything I said is inconsistent, incorrect, a typo, or should be removed, please tell me. If you think I should add something, please tell me. Once again, Thanks for reading!

Posted: 2/9/2018
First Edit: Fixed the length of the border
Second Edit: Added the suggestions mentioned here and here
Third Edit: Fixed the heading of the “Spam comments” section.
Fourth Edit: Fixed a “small” (hehe puns) problem with the Edit List, added a little tidbit to the “comment trains” section.
Fifth Edit: Made major changes as suggested by this, fixed other grammar errors, added some more information, and added the “Contributors” section.
Sixth Edit: Fixed a typo.
Seventh Edit: Added two Questions to the “Questions about Constructive Comments” section
Eight edit: Added a question to the “Questions about Comments in general” section.
Ninth Edit: Added a question to the “Questions about Rude Comments” section.
Tenth Edit: Added a question to the “Questions about Comments in general” section.
Eleventh Edit: Changed the Wiki Link.
Twelfth edit: Added a bunch of questions to the “Questions about Comments in general” section.
Thirteenth edit: Added a question to the “Questions about Comments in general” section.
Fourteenth edit: Changed some information in the “Questions about Spam Comments” section.
Fifteenth edit: Added a question to the “Questions about Rude Comments” section.
Sixteenth edit: Added another example of a spam comment to the “Questions about Spam Comments” section.
Seventeenth edit: Added a question to the “Questions about Threatening Comments” section.
Thanks to these people for helping me improve my post!
Also, a thank you to Paddle2See for making this an ITopic!

Last edited by wWSunPandaWw (April 26, 2018 16:01:37)

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Wow, this is awesome!
One thing, though, you may want to split it into multiple quotes or posts- it's a little hard to read.

Last edited by PrincessFlowerTV (Feb. 9, 2018 17:54:20)

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Could you possibly put a space in between the last part of each sub-section and the bolded words? It made it a little difficult to look through.
Side-note: Really minor thing, but you spelled “Gordon Ramsay” incorrectly.

1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

This is a nice guide!

Just a note: the Show and Tell forums aren't the only places where you can advertise. You can also advertise in your forum siggy, or in your own projects and studios. Also, some people allow advertising in their studios/profile, so you might want to add a note about that. You're also sort of allowed to link to your own project if you think it could help someone with something like a script, but that doesn't really count as advertising

You might also want to add an extra space between the beginning of a new section (like the bolded words), and the line before it so it's a bit easier to read.

Last edited by -ShadowOfTheFuture- (Feb. 9, 2018 20:24:39)

<Insert uncreative signature here>

██       ██  ██            ██  ██       ██
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“Though the seasons come and go, and sunshine turns to snow, we will always have tomorrow up ahead.”
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

WolfCat67 wrote:

Could you possibly put a space in between the last part of each sub-section and the bolded words? It made it a little difficult to look through.
Side-note: Really minor thing, but you spelled “Gordon Ramsay” incorrectly.

-ShadowOfTheFuture- wrote:

This is a nice guide!

Just a note: the Show and Tell forums aren't the only places where you can advertise. You can also advertise in your forum siggy, or in your own projects and studios. Also, some people allow advertising in their studios/profile, so you might want to add a note about that. You're also sort of allowed to link to your own project if you think it could help someone with something like a script, but that doesn't really count as advertising

You might also want to add an extra space between the beginning of a new section (like the bolded words), and the line before it so it's a bit easier to read.
I'll add that once I get on Desktop, it's hard to type on mobile.

Last edited by wWSunPandaWw (Feb. 9, 2018 20:27:36)

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

wWSunPandaWw wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

Could you possibly put a space in between the last part of each sub-section and the bolded words? It made it a little difficult to look through.
Side-note: Really minor thing, but you spelled “Gordon Ramsay” incorrectly.

-ShadowOfTheFuture- wrote:

This is a nice guide!

Just a note: the Show and Tell forums aren't the only places where you can advertise. You can also advertise in your forum siggy, or in your own projects and studios. Also, some people allow advertising in their studios/profile, so you might want to add a note about that. You're also sort of allowed to link to your own project if you think it could help someone with something like a script, but that doesn't really count as advertising

You might also want to add an extra space between the beginning of a new section (like the bolded words), and the line before it so it's a bit easier to read.
I'll add that once I get on Desktop, it's hard to type on mobile.
Or making all the bolded words capitalized would also help, but honestly, that would just take longer

<Insert uncreative signature here>

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███ ███ ██ ████ ██ ███ ███
█████████ █████ █████ █████████

“Though the seasons come and go, and sunshine turns to snow, we will always have tomorrow up ahead.”
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Awesome guide!

I have just a minor nitpick, the color of the heading “Questions About Spam Comments” is differently colored than it is in the contents

But really other than that it looks great and I think it will help out a lot of Scratchers (well hopefully it will)

​I am Wahsp

Formerly pretty active on the forums, probably mostly retired now…
If you see one of my posts send me a hello!
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Wahsp wrote:

Awesome guide!

I have just a minor nitpick, the color of the heading “Questions About Spam Comments” is differently colored than it is in the contents

But really other than that it looks great and I think it will help out a lot of Scratchers (well hopefully it will)

Last edited by wWSunPandaWw (Feb. 9, 2018 20:57:33)

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Hey, I've made some really slight edits to your entire post. I've removed every typo I could find and changed a few things for some readability purposes; if you like the changes I've made feel free to use them
Can I comment that?
A Guide to Questions About Comments

First off, before we begin…
Please don't ask questions here. Please make a new topic to get an answer to your question. Asking a question here will only result in it being ignored.
Okay, now that we got that off our shoulders, let us begin.
(Note: These are about comments on the main site, not the forums.)

Table of Contents

Questions about Spam Comments
Questions about Constructive Comments
Questions about Rude Comments
Questions about Threatening Comments
Questions about Inappropriate Comments
Questions about Comments in General


Questions about Spam Comments
To learn about spam, go here.

Are comment trains allowed?
No, comment trains are not allowed.
Here is an example of a comment train:

Spammer wrote:

Tag, you're it! Pass this on to 10 nice Scratchers that you know. If you get 10 back, you're a SUPER nice and amazing Scratcher! If you break the chain, nothing will happen. BUT PLEASE PASS THIS ON! Spread the positivity!!!
No matter how nice the comment is, DO NOT PASS IT ON, as your comment could also be reported as spam. Just report the comment and leave it at that. Passing it on will just create more work for the moderators.

Are “10 facts I know about you” comments allowed?
No, that's also spam. Just as above, report it.

Spammer wrote:

10 facts about you: Fact 1: You are reading this. Fact 2: you cant say the letter ‘m’ without touching your lips. Fact 3: You just tried it. Fact 4 your smiling. Fact 6: You're smiling or laughing again. Fact 7: you didn't notice I missed fact 5. Fact 8: You just checked it. Fact 9 You're smiling again. Fact 10: You like this :)

What are “random numbers to avoid spam”, and are they okay?
“Random numbers to avoid spam” are exactly what they sound like: The author of the comment punches in random numbers so they can repeatedly say the same comment without spamming, since you can't post the same comment more than 3 times in a row.
From what I've heard, they're fine. Most of the time they're just to alert followers that they're moving accounts or to tell animators that a MAP they participated in was completed.

Comment author wrote:

Hello! I'm, just here to inform you that I'm also telling this message to the rest of my 100 followers. Thanks! Random Numbers to avoid spam: 389845
However, if you're repeatedly posting spam messages, it is not allowed.

Is spamming really against the rules?
The Community Guidelines don't say a whole lot about spamming, but the Terms of Use (which is like the Community Guidelines, but bigger and more legal) have something to say about it:

The Terms of Use wrote:

3. Rules of Usage
3.5 You agree not to use Scratch in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
4. Repeatedly posting the same material, or “spamming”;
To read the Terms of Use, go here.

Can somebody repeatedly say “Can you give feedback on my latest game”?
Nope. That's also spam.

Spammer wrote:

Can you please give feedback on my latest game? I tried checking for bugs but I just wanna make sure. and if you can, can you ask your friends to give feedback as well?
And look, here we've got a nice transition into the next question…

Is advertising spam?
Depends on where you're doing it. Advertising on profiles, projects, studios, and other people's forum posts is not okay (unless the user/studio allows people to advertise on their profile/studio).
The Show and Tell forums, your own projects and studios, and your forum signature are the only okay places to advertise. When you advertise in those places, it's not spamming.
Even not linking your project, but explicitly mentioning it in your comment is also advertising (which is also why asking for feedback is considered spam).

Spammer wrote:

nice project, plz check out my game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/xxxx/

Spammer wrote:

I love this project!! Oh, I also have an animation called “I love muffins” you can go check it out it's on my profile, it's my featured project

Spammer wrote:

Nice Studio. I have a studio named “Cats, dogs, and bunnies” plz go check it out

Spammer wrote:

Just remember that while it's nice to have followers, Scratch was made to learn about coding, not earn views.


Questions about Constructive Comments

How can I be constructive?
I don't remember where (so this quote is written by memory unfortunately), but I know that Scratch Team member Paddle2See has this little commenting technique on how to be constructive:

Paddle2See wrote:

I like to call it a “support sandwich”, first you type something you like about the project, then you type something that could be fixed or added in the project, then you type how that could be fixed, and then once again, you comment what you like about the project.
So a good example of being Constructive is this:

Constructive person wrote:

Nice project! I really like all of the little animals. However, I noticed that the lion's animation is a bit wonky. I checked the code and saw the costume changes were in the wrong order. That can just be easily fixed with that handy drop-down menu. But, I still really like this! The cats are so adorable!
A bad example is this:

Not-so-constructive person wrote:

THIS GAME IS SOO TERRIBLE!!! You know why? THE LION LOOKS SUPER WEIRD!!! I can't believe you shared it like that lol!!!!!! Fix the costume order!!! Geez why wouldn't you fix that??

Is saying how the project is bad being constructive?
Being rude ≠ being constructive. Saying how the project is bad without saying a fix ≠ being constructive.
If you use Paddle2See's “support sandwich” technique, by saying what's good, then what the issues are, then how to fix the issues, then you're being constructive. If you just say “This project is glitchy in levels 2, 3, and 4. I hate it,” then you're not being constructive. If you say what the glitches are, where they occur, and ways you could fix them, then you're being constructive. Just flat-out saying “Levels 5 and 6 are bad. Plz fix” is not constructive in any way whatsoever.

Can I be constructive in a Gordon Ramsay manner?
No. Scratch is for all ages.

Should I take offense to constructive comments?
Absolutely not. Constructive comments are not rude comments; in fact, they are quite the opposite. They are nice comments, because they're helping out with the project.

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Be constructive.
When commenting on others' projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.


Questions about Rude Comments

What should I do if I find a rude comment?
Report it. Just report it.
Example of a rude comment:

Rude person wrote:

The Community guidelines even say to report rude comments:

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Help keep the site friendly.
If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.

Are flame wars reportable?
Yep. A “flame war” is when two or more people argue about a certain topic, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Usually projects about religion or politics have a big potential for “flaming”. If you ever see a flame war start, “put out the flames” and report the offending comments. Don't ever “feed the flames”, or get involved.

Flame Warrers wrote:

Person 1: I don't like that person.
Person 2: Well if your opinion isn't nice, be quiet.
Person 1: But what about freedom of speech?
Person 2: Being rude is abusing freedom of speech!
etc, etc, etc…

Can you get banned for being rude?
Yes you can. It's against the Community Guidelines:

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Be respectful.
When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see what you’ve shared.

What if reporting the comment simply is not enough?
Then use Contact Us. Someone who just says “this is lame” should just be reported, and contacting the Scratch Team isn't necessary. However, if somebody leaves large, offensive comments on a large amount of projects and profiles, contacting the Scratch Team might be a good idea.

What is gossip, and why is it reportable?
Gossip is when you talk about and exaggerate flaws and imperfections of another person. It's report-able because it's still rude to the person you're gossiping about. Think about it; would you like people to gossip about you?
Here's an example:

Gossipers wrote:

Person1: Omg, I heard that Person 3 bullied Person 4!!!
Person2: Omg, that's so rude of them. I heard that Person 3 called Person 4 a dirty dog! :(!!
Don't ever gossip. Report the gossiping comments and leave it at that.

Can inside-joke insults be reported?
Well, people won't know if they're inside jokes, because they're inside jokes. Maybe you shouldn't post the inside joke in the first place, because nobody but you and your friend would know that it's an inside joke.

Why is being rude such a big deal anyways?
Because this is a kid's site. Scratch's age demographic is 8-16, even though there's some kids using this site who are younger than that. We don't want to set a bad example for the younger audience.


Questions about Threatening Comments

What should I do if someone threatens me?
Don't believe them and report it. If they continue you to threaten you, use Contact Us.

Threatener wrote:

If you don't love and favorite all of my projects in the next 24 hours, your account will be deleted, and even if you use Contact Us you can't bring it back!!!!
Note: Most threats are not real. There is no way that a Scratcher (Scratcher-status) can get your account deleted without valid reason–not loving and favoriting their projects is not a valid reason.

What if the comment contains names of people I know?
Use Contact Us. Ask the names of the people you know mentioned in the comment if they know anything about it.

What if the person threatening me if someone I know in real life?
Ask the real-life person about it after reporting the comment if possible.


Questions about Inappropriate Comments

What should I do if I see an inappropriate comment?
Report it.

Why doesn't the Scratch Team just fix the problem by making a 13+ site?
This is one of the rejected suggestions for Scratch.

The Rejections Sticky wrote:

12. A 13+ version of the website
Scratch is designed for all ages, and dividing the community would not really help anybody.

Can I comment subtly inappropriate things?
If it's inappropriate at all, don't comment it.

My comment (which wasn't inappropriate at all) was deleted. Why?
It was probably inappropriate in some way and you didn't realise it. If you feel as though it shouldn't have been removed, try contacting the Scratch Team.


Questions about Comments in General

How do I post a comment?
Write your comment, then click the blue button that says “post”.

Why does it say, “Woah, it seems like you're commenting really quickly. Please wait longer between posts.”?
If you're a new Scratcher, you have to wait 30 seconds between posting comments. This may also appear if you're posting many comments in quick succession regardless of your rank.

Can I expand the section I need to type?
Sure! There's two little slanted lines in the bottom-right-hand corner. Pull on them, and you can expand your comment. Please note that this does not expand your character count, however.

Why can't I comment?
Maybe you need to confirm your e-mail. If your e-mail has already been confirmed, you were probably muted for a period of time for posting something offensive or inappropriate.

Can I disable people commenting on my projects/studios/profile?
Yep! There's a little check box that says “Turn off commenting”. If you click on it, you…turn off commenting, and nobody can comment. You cannot disable only certain people from commenting. Keep in mind that when turning off commenting in studios, only the owner of the studio can comment.

Can I send a private message to someone?
No, because of the potential for bullying, gossip, and difficulty moderating.

Can I reply to my own comment?

How do I reply to a comment?
Under the comment, you'll see a little button that says “reply”. Click on it, type in your comment, then click “post” as you would with a normal comment. Your comment will automatically have the link to the person you're replying to's profile, and they'll receive a message about it. If you're replying to your own comment, everything mentioned above with still happen except for receiving the message.


Thank you for reading! If anything I said is inconsistent, incorrect, a typo, or should be removed, please tell me. If you think I should add something, please tell me. Once again, Thanks for reading!

Posted: 2/9/2018
First Edit: Fixed the length of the border
Second Edit: Added the suggestions mentioned here and here
Third Edit: Fixed the heading of the “Spam comments” section.
Fourth Edit: Fixed a “small” (hehe puns) problem with the Edit List, added a little tidbit to the “comment trains” section.

1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

What if the person threatening me if someone I know in real life?
Ask the real-life person about it after reporting the comment if possible.

found a typo

nice topic though!

under penalty of law this signature is not to be removed except by the consumer
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

I-Iz-A-Litten wrote:

What if the person threatening me if someone I know in real life?
Ask the real-life person about it after reporting the comment if possible.

found a typo

nice topic though!
And thank you!

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments


I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

Report to be sticky

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define How to scratch
think [Creative]
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47 posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

wWSunPandaWw wrote:

Can I comment that?
A Guide to Questions About Comments

First off, before we begin…
Please don't ask questions here. Please make a new topic to get an answer to your question. Asking a question here will only result in it being ignored.
Okay, now that we got that off our shoulders, let us begin.
(Note: These are about comments on the main site, not the forums.)

Table of Contents

Questions about Spam Comments
Questions about Constructive Comments
Questions about Rude Comments
Questions about Threatening Comments
Questions about Inappropriate Comments
Questions about Comments in General


Questions about Spam Comments
To learn about spam, go here.

Are comment trains allowed?
No, comment trains are not allowed.
Here is an example of a comment train:

Spammer wrote:

Tag, you're it! Pass this on to 10 nice Scratchers that you know. If you get 10 back, you're a SUPER nice and amazing Scratcher! If you break the chain, nothing will happen. BUT PLEASE PASS THIS ON! Spread the positivity!!!
No matter how nice the comment is, DO NOT PASS IT ON, as your comment could also be reported as spam. Just report the comment and leave it at that. Passing it on will just create more work for the moderators.

Are “10 facts I know about you” comments allowed?
No, that's also spam. Just as above, report it.

Spammer wrote:

10 facts about you: Fact 1: You are reading this. Fact 2: you cant say the letter ‘m’ without touching your lips. Fact 3: You just tried it. Fact 4 your smiling. Fact 6: You're smiling or laughing again. Fact 7: you didn't notice I missed fact 5. Fact 8: You just checked it. Fact 9 You're smiling again. Fact 10: You like this :)

What are “random numbers to avoid spam”, and are they okay?
“Random numbers to avoid spam” are exactly what they sound like: The author of the comment punches in random numbers so they can repeatedly say the same comment without spamming, since you can't post the same comment more than 3 times in a row.
From what I've heard, they're fine. Most of the time they're just to alert followers that they're moving accounts or to tell animators that a MAP they participated in was completed.

Comment author wrote:

Hello! I'm, just here to inform you that I'm also telling this message to the rest of my 100 followers. Thanks! Random Numbers to avoid spam: 389845
However, if you're repeatedly posting spam messages, it is not allowed.

Is spamming really against the rules?
The Community Guidelines don't say a whole lot about spamming, but the Terms of Use (which is like the Community Guidelines, but bigger and more legal) have something to say about it:

The Terms of Use wrote:

3. Rules of Usage
3.5 You agree not to use Scratch in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
4. Repeatedly posting the same material, or “spamming”;
To read the Terms of Use, go here.

Can somebody repeatedly say “Can you give feedback on my latest game”?
Nope. That's also spam.

Spammer wrote:

Can you please give feedback on my latest game? I tried checking for bugs but I just wanna make sure. and if you can, can you ask your friends to give feedback as well?
And look, here we've got a nice transition into the next question…

Is advertising spam?
Depends on where you're doing it. Advertising on profiles, projects, studios, and other people's forum posts is not okay (unless the user/studio allows people to advertise on their profile/studio).
The Show and Tell forums, your own projects and studios, and your forum signature are the only okay places to advertise. When you advertise in those places, it's not spamming.
Even not linking your project, but explicitly mentioning it in your comment is also advertising (which is also why asking for feedback is considered spam).

Spammer wrote:

nice project, plz check out my game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/xxxx/

Spammer wrote:

I love this project!! Oh, I also have an animation called “I love muffins” you can go check it out it's on my profile, it's my featured project

Spammer wrote:

Nice Studio. I have a studio named “Cats, dogs, and bunnies” plz go check it out

Spammer wrote:

Just remember that while it's nice to have followers, Scratch was made to learn about coding, not earn views.


Questions about Constructive Comments

How can I be constructive?
I don't remember where (so this quote is written by memory unfortunately), but I know that Scratch Team member Paddle2See has this little commenting technique on how to be constructive:

Paddle2See wrote:

I like to call it a “support sandwich”, first you type something you like about the project, then you type something that could be fixed or added in the project, then you type how that could be fixed, and then once again, you comment what you like about the project.
So a good example of being Constructive is this:

Constructive person wrote:

Nice project! I really like all of the little animals. However, I noticed that the lion's animation is a bit wonky. I checked the code and saw the costume changes were in the wrong order. That can just be easily fixed with that handy drop-down menu. But, I still really like this! The cats are so adorable!
A bad example is this:

Not-so-constructive person wrote:

THIS GAME IS SOO TERRIBLE!!! You know why? THE LION LOOKS SUPER WEIRD!!! I can't believe you shared it like that lol!!!!!! Fix the costume order!!! Geez why wouldn't you fix that??

Is saying how the project is bad being constructive?
Being rude ≠ being constructive. Saying how the project is bad without saying a fix ≠ being constructive.
If you use Paddle2See's “support sandwich” technique, by saying what's good, then what the issues are, then how to fix the issues, then you're being constructive. If you just say “This project is glitchy in levels 2, 3, and 4. I hate it,” then you're not being constructive. If you say what the glitches are, where they occur, and ways you could fix them, then you're being constructive. Just flat-out saying “Levels 5 and 6 are bad. Plz fix” is not constructive in any way whatsoever.

Can I be constructive in a Gordon Ramsay manner?
The Way Gordon Ramsay tells people what they did wrong is in a rude manner–Do not ever comment that way.

Should I take offense to constructive comments?
Absolutely not. Constructive comments are not rude comments; in fact, they are quite the opposite. They are nice comments, because they're helping out with the project.

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Be constructive.
When commenting on others' projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.


Questions about Rude Comments

What should I do if I find a rude comment?
Report it. Just report it.
Example of a rude comment:

Rude person wrote:

The Community guidelines even say to report rude comments:

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Help keep the site friendly.
If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.

Are flame wars reportable?
Yep. A “flame war” is when two or more people argue about a certain topic, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Usually projects about religion or politics have a big potential for “flaming”. If you ever see a flame war start, “put out the flames” and report the offending comments. Don't ever “feed the flames”, or get involved.

Flame Warrers wrote:

Person 1: I don't like that person.
Person 2: Well if your opinion isn't nice, be quiet.
Person 1: But what about freedom of speech?
Person 2: Being rude is abusing freedom of speech!
etc, etc, etc…

Can you get banned for being rude?
Yes you can. It's against the Community Guidelines:

The Community Guidelines wrote:

Be respectful.
When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see what you’ve shared.

What if reporting the comment simply is not enough?
Then use Contact Us. Someone who just says “this is lame” should just be reported, and contacting the Scratch Team isn't necessary. However, if somebody leaves large, offensive comments on a large amount of projects and profiles, contacting the Scratch Team might be a good idea.

What is gossip, and why is it reportable?
Gossip is when you talk about and exaggerate flaws and imperfections of another person behind their back.. It's report-able because it's still rude to the person you're gossiping about. Think about it; would you like people to gossip about you?
Here's an example:

Gossipers wrote:

Person1: Omg, I heard that Person 3 bullied Person 4!!!
Person2: Omg, that's so rude of them. I heard that Person 3 called Person 4 a dirty dog! :(!!
Don't ever gossip. Report the gossiping comments and leave it at that.

Can inside-joke insults be reported?
Well, people won't know if they're inside jokes, because they're inside jokes. Maybe you shouldn't post the inside joke in the first place, because nobody but you and your friend would know that it's an inside joke.

Why is being rude such a big deal anyways?
Because this is a kid's site. Scratch's age demographic is 8-16, even though there's some kids using this site who are younger than that. We don't want to set a bad example for the younger audience, who won't know better.


Questions about Threatening Comments

What should I do if someone threatens me?
Don't believe them and report it. If they continue you to threaten you, use Contact Us.

Threatener wrote:

If you don't love and favorite all of my projects in the next 24 hours, your account will be deleted, and even if you use Contact Us you can't bring it back!!!!
Note: Most threats are not real. There is no way that a Scratcher (Scratcher-status) can get your account deleted without valid reason–not loving and favoriting their projects is not a valid reason.

What if the comment contains names of people I know?
Use Contact Us. Ask the names of the people you know mentioned in the comment if they know anything about it.

What if the person threatening me is someone I know in real life?
Ask the real-life person about it after reporting the comment if possible.


Questions about Inappropriate Comments

What should I do if I see an inappropriate comment?
Report it.

Why doesn't the Scratch Team just fix the problem by making a 13+ site?
This is one of the rejected suggestions for Scratch.

The Rejections Sticky wrote:

12. A 13+ version of the website
Scratch is designed for all ages, and dividing the community would not really help anybody.

Can I comment subtly inappropriate things?
If it's inappropriate at all, don't comment it.

My comment (which wasn't inappropriate at all) was deleted. Why?
It was probably inappropriate in some way and you didn't realise it. If you feel as though it shouldn't have been removed, try contacting the Scratch Team.


Questions about Comments in General

How do I post a comment?
Write your comment, then click the blue button that says “post”.

Why does it say, “Woah, it seems like you're commenting really quickly. Please wait longer between posts.”?
If you're a new Scratcher, you have to wait 30 seconds between posting comments. This may also appear if you're posting many comments in quick succession regardless of your rank.

Can I expand the section I need to type?
Sure! There's two little slanted lines in the bottom-right-hand corner. Pull on them, and you can expand your comment. Please note that this does not expand your character count, however.

Why can't I comment?
Maybe you need to confirm your e-mail. If your e-mail has already been confirmed, you were probably muted for a period of time for posting something offensive or inappropriate.

Can I disable people commenting on my projects/studios/profile?
Yep! There's a little check box that says “Turn off commenting”. If you click on it, you…turn off commenting, and nobody can comment. You cannot disable only certain people from commenting. If you want to turn off commenting in a studio, you need to be the owner–Managers, despite all of the other abilities they have, cannot.

Can I send a private message to someone?
No, because of the potential for bullying, gossip, and difficulty moderating.

Can I reply to my own comment?

How do I reply to a comment?
Under the comment, you'll see a little button that says “reply”. Click on it, type in your comment, then click “post” as you would with a normal comment. Your comment will automatically have the link to the person you're replying to's profile, and they'll receive a message about it. If you're replying to your own comment, everything mentioned above with still happen except for receiving the message.


Thank you for reading! If anything I said is inconsistent, incorrect, a typo, or should be removed, please tell me. If you think I should add something, please tell me. Once again, Thanks for reading!

Posted: 2/9/2018
First Edit: Fixed the length of the border
Second Edit: Added the suggestions mentioned here and here
Third Edit: Fixed the heading of the “Spam comments” section.
Fourth Edit: Fixed a “small” (hehe puns) problem with the Edit List, added a little tidbit to the “comment trains” section.
Fifth Edit: Made major changes as suggested by this, fixed other grammar errors, added some more information, and added the “Contributors” section.
Sixth Edit: Fixed a typo.
Thanks to these people for helping me improve my post!
Well, all these rules are really… ahem

I mean, what can we comment now? “wow this project is so good”? “constructive comments” (I put " "“ because the definition of being constructive is not that for me. Creating a comment where there is more ”this is good“ than ”this is bad“ is not being constructive. Also, I don't understand why we should express our support even if the projects isn't good.

Also, if flame wars are banned, it means we can't do any debate anymore. So, our possible comments are just overpositive things and ”how are you" conversations?

Last edited by RemixFr (Feb. 15, 2018 17:36:42)

1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

RemixFr wrote:

wWSunPandaWw wrote:

Well, all these rules are really… ahem

I mean, what can we comment now? “wow this project is so good”? “constructive comments” (I put " "“ because the definition of being constructive is not that for me. Creating a comment where there is more ”this is good“ than ”this is bad“ is not being constructive. Also, I don't understand why we should express our support even if the projects isn't good.

Also, if flame wars are banned, it means we can't do any debate anymore. So, our possible comments are just overpositive things and ”how are you" conversations?

Did you really have to quote all of that?

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

RemixFr wrote:

wWSunPandaWw wrote:

Well, all these rules are really… ahem

I mean, what can we comment now? “wow this project is so good”? “constructive comments” (I put " "“ because the definition of being constructive is not that for me. Creating a comment where there is more ”this is good“ than ”this is bad“ is not being constructive. Also, I don't understand why we should express our support even if the projects isn't good.

Also, if flame wars are banned, it means we can't do any debate anymore. So, our possible comments are just overpositive things and ”how are you" conversations?

First off, don't quote entire posts, especially if they're really long–actually, in fact, you didn't need to quote the post at all.
And, I didn't create these rules. I just follow them. and you're not restricted to just commenting “This project is good” or constructive comments. In fact, you can comment about…your favorite color, your dog, your braces, your lunch, etc…As long as the Comment is respectful and for all ages, you can post it.
Flame Wars are not debate. They are rude and disrespectful. Debate on the other hand, is a calm discussion between two people where they explain calmly why their idea is better. Flame Wars don't do that.

Last edited by wWSunPandaWw (Feb. 15, 2018 19:33:45)

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

RemixFr wrote:

Well, all these rules are really… ahem

I mean, what can we comment now? “wow this project is so good”? “constructive comments” (I put " "“ because the definition of being constructive is not that for me. Creating a comment where there is more ”this is good“ than ”this is bad“ is not being constructive. Also, I don't understand why we should express our support even if the projects isn't good.

Also, if flame wars are banned, it means we can't do any debate anymore. So, our possible comments are just overpositive things and ”how are you" conversations?

You are not restricted to commenting overly positive praise on people's projects. All that's asked is that you phrase your constructive criticism in a more polite way. Keep in mind that Scratch is geared towards users of all ages, and lots of little kids use this site. Ten-year-olds usually tend to be more easily upset when it comes to negativity, and since you don't know how sensitive (for lack of a better word) the person on the receiving end of your comment is, it's usually better to keep your constructive comments more on the positive side. That does not mean that you're completely restricted to praising people - it just means that on Scratch, you should try to avoid commenting in ways that could be perceived as overly harsh or judgemental.

Another thing: flame wars ≠ debates. Flame wars, according to the Scratch Wiki, are “unfriendly arguments between two or more users on the forums or main site and also a common type of cyberbullying. Flame wars are not allowed, for they cause a disruption in the community, are disrespectful, and can harm people emotionally.” On the other hand, a debate, according to the definition given by Google, is "a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward." The difference between a flame war and a debate is that debates are civilized. It's a good thing that flame wars are banned, because they are a form of bullying and can lead to Scratchers feeling hurt or even quitting Scratch. Banning flame wars does not mean that debates aren't allowed, it just means that they should be carried out in a polite, civilized way, and I'm sure most people are perfectly capable of debating without banging on tables or screaming at each other.

<Insert uncreative signature here>

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“Though the seasons come and go, and sunshine turns to snow, we will always have tomorrow up ahead.”
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

I see that you give good and bad examples of criticism. However what about people who don't insult or praise the project when giving it? For the lion one what if someone said it as “The lion looks super weird! Fix the costume order!” would that be allowed? Or what about “Fix the lion's costume order”. For the one about levels if someone took away the I hate it part and just said “This project is glitchy in levels 2, 3, and 4.” would that be allowed despite not giving the project praise?

I would greatly appreciate if you were to check of this game I spent months that includes plot and bosses here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97452006/ ………………………………………Want a detailed review or idea?

I'm a major fan of Pokemon, Undertale and the Pija and Toast series.
I am doing a shiny scramble of pokemon Pearl. I'm 7 chapters in and on my way to the 2nd gym.
1000+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

muellly wrote:

I see that you give good and bad examples of criticism. However what about people who don't insult or praise the project when giving it? For the lion one what if someone said it as “The lion looks super weird! Fix the costume order!” would that be allowed? Or what about “Fix the lion's costume order”. For the one about levels if someone took away the I hate it part and just said “This project is glitchy in levels 2, 3, and 4.” would that be allowed despite not giving the project praise?
Yes, just saying “Fix the Lion's costume order” technically would be constructive, but it's just about the worst way to be constructive.
And saying “This project is glitchy in levels 2, 3, and 4” is not constructive, because you're not providing a fix.
I'll add your question.

I moved to BelieverGirlSun
500+ posts

ITopic - Can I comment that? || A Guide to Questions About Comments

wWSunPandaWw wrote:

Yes, just saying “Fix the Lion's costume order” technically would be constructive, but it's just about the worst way to be constructive.

I disagree; I get that it does bring attention what the problem is, but it doesn't provide enough detail on the fix. Simply stating “fix the lion's costume order” isn't as detailed as it should be, since if the person messed up the costume order in the first place, shouldn't it be fair to assume they don't know how to fix it?

Also, I love the idea of this forum! Whenever somebody spams me I can simply link them here xD. Thank you for taking the time and effort to create this!

Last edited by TheEnderQueen (Feb. 16, 2018 21:26:24)

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