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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I don't know what Brodcasting is or how to use it.
New Scratcher
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Something interesting
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

HELP!!!my game's going to slow!!!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/158982796/#player
5 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

How do you make a sprite jump in platformers?
How do you make a sprite stay on the platform?
Please reply because I'm stuck on this!

Keep scratching!
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Google <<< Use link and search “ps212 on Scratch”.

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

DuckDuckGo <<< You can also use this link or any other link to a search engine.

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

when [i cannot do anything i like to do v]
i want to [i have no idea what to do v]
say [i have no idea what to say v]
look at [nothing v]
think [nothing v]
say (pick random (nothing) to (nothing))
i will just [umm........... v]

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting


Last edited by ps212 (May 6, 2017 16:57:55)

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

when green flag clicked
if <(My browser / operating system) = [Windows 7, Chrome 58.0.3029.96, Flash 25.0 (release 0)]> then
say [Woo-hoo! You have something that is pretty fast.]
say [You need to have Windows 7, Chrome 58.0.3029.96, Flash 25.0 (release 0) as your browser / operating system in order for your computer (and browser) to be fast.]

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l am Cat467
ask me on my profile if you need help!


Last edited by cat467 (May 8, 2017 17:47:10)

100+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

ErnieParke wrote:

Zro716 wrote:

Ahh, yes, the scripting help forums… With the new cloning feature, how do you broadcast to an individual clone of a sprite, or is that impossible?
Well, there is a way, though it'd still involve broadcasting to every clone. So, first create a local variable in the sprite that gets cloned (“Clone ID”), and a global one (“Base ID”). Then, set (Base ID) to 1, set every new clone's (Clone ID) to (Base ID), and change (Base ID) by 1 after every cloning. Now every clone has it's own unique ID!

Now, all you have to do is broadcast like normal, and use this script on the receiving end:

When I receive [Broadcast v]
if <(Clone ID) = (4)>
I hope that this helps!

Last edited by emojixoxo (May 9, 2017 16:39:21)

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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Hi guys! A lot of you have been asking about the Search Bar on Scratch quite frequently in the past few days. Despite the fact that it is in the FAQ Sticky (just a few topics above or below this topic), there has been a need to reemphasize this, make this more detailed, and make it easier to figure out how to use alternative ways.
While, yes, I am not part of the Scratch Team and cannot give an exact answer it is supposed to come back, I can tell you that this is only an experimental search bar being tested and will be upgraded to add functionality at some point.

Currently, you can only search Studios, Tags and Projects, and you cannot search for forum posts, or users/profiles. But with the handy Google Search engine, you can search up these different areas of the site.

STUFF YOU WANT BELOW (for those of you rushing.)

To search a specific area, you need to enter the specific area of the site. You must enter site: to specify you are searching that particular part of the area. Once you have done that, DO NOT enter a space this will give you drastic results because you are basically saying you are searching any site, and DO enter in the main URL of the website after the command, which is scratch.mit.edu. Don't stop there, or else you will get funky results!
Enter in a specific path which is basically the route you want to go. For example…
will come up with users.
Here are a list of paths that may be helpful to you.
/users - searches up users and profiles
/discuss - searches up the forums.
/project - searches projects.
/studios - searches studios.
Once you have entered in the path, input a space, then enter your search term. You should come up with something like this in the search bar if you are searching up a forum with the name, private messaging.
site:scratch.mit.edu/discuss/ private messaging
BUT… If you still don't have what you want, you need to be even more specific. 78,600 results with unwanted results is quite a pain in the neck. To solve this, you can try a couple of things.
Use quotation marks around the search term. “private messaging”
Add more terms, such as usernames the post was made by or when it was made. “private messaging” by Paddle23
Use math in your search terms! It seems a bit odd, but using + and - symbols works by adding related and removing unneeded sites from your list. “private messaging” by Paddle23 -site:wiki.scratch.mit.edu
See what I did? Whenever you are entering a site name, you need to add site: before the preamble of the web address. Remember not to add any spaces between the preamble and site:
And there you have it! That's how you use Google to search Scratch.

Now, you may be wondering what the search button next to Discussion Home is. If you click on it, you will find a page that says, “Found 0 Topics; Your search returned with no hits.” While you may say, “It doesn't work,” you are somewhat incorrect. While yes, it doesn't completely work, it works for only certain functions of the forums. For example, when I click the “Show your posts” button, I come up with, “Found 1931 posts.” You can see that is different from the “Found 0 Topics” message. So yes, it does work, but it isn't made for custom searching.

Hope this helped! If I have any incorrect information, please let me know so I can edit it as quickly as possible and prevent any misconceptions. You can also ask for minor clarification as needed.
If you need any information, please look at the first 6 stickies! They provide some helpful information, especially the FAQ sticky, which has many answers to often asked questions. Or, just post it in th
100+ posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

set [ v] to []
show list [ v]
hide list [ v]
hide list [ v]
45 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

Jiggly puff is my favourite Pokemon. I say this is an unbelievable thing to write about. It's like, I mean: Wow. This is good. . :)
38 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

k uys want script eres scriprt like ames take a LOT of uts and intellience like i didnt even make one people team witoters to do

“The one who is resilient will have success, unlike the arrogant one”—6600834
New Scratcher
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List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

TheSupremeOverLord wrote:

Thats great! First post for the record!
15 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

move (9000) steps

Last edited by Bat-scratch (May 16, 2017 08:18:43)

45 posts

List of Helpful Topics for Scripting

I can't even retreat the way of this thing. Lesson learnt. All is well! Huh. :cool: :) :D ;) I am happy.

Last edited by SophieFella (May 16, 2017 17:52:17)

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