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Okay - I added “snigger” and a couple of it's common forms to the whitelist. Snigger away
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Paddle2See wrote:

Okay - I added “snigger” and a couple of it's common forms to the whitelist. Snigger away
14 posts

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Ah, here's the sticky I need.

In forum posts, it censors my name. A few people, an I, believe it's because of a certain 4 letters in the middle of my username. Since it's run-together and not two seperate words, it makes it look like something it's not…
1000+ posts

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* wrote:

Ah, here's the sticky I need.

In forum posts, it censors my name. A few people, an I, believe it's because of a certain 4 letters in the middle of my username. Since it's run-together and not two seperate words, it makes it look like something it's not…
It doesn't seem to censor it here…
1000+ posts

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Drunken_Sailor wrote:

* wrote:

Ah, here's the sticky I need.

In forum posts, it censors my name. A few people, an I, believe it's because of a certain 4 letters in the middle of my username. Since it's run-together and not two seperate words, it makes it look like something it's not…
It doesn't seem to censor it here…

It does! Check out the quote that you made!
49 posts

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I'm trying to edit my changelog and I typed this: 3/28/17–Changed Cloud Land. I tried multiple times, clicking off the text box multiple times and it seems to think “changed” is a bad word.
56 posts

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Paddle2See wrote:

Thinktdm wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/139644715/ theres a bug there can u fix it?
This topic is for reporting problems with the “bad-word detector”. If you are looking for help with a project, please make a new topic over in the “Help With Scripts” section.
I tried putting in a picture of nayan cat in a comment. The other kids did it a few years ago but not the bad- word detector thinks it has bad words… why?

56 posts

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twilightsparkle4958 wrote:

Paddle2See wrote:

Thinktdm wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/139644715/ theres a bug there can u fix it?
This topic is for reporting problems with the “bad-word detector”. If you are looking for help with a project, please make a new topic over in the “Help With Scripts” section.
I tried putting in a picture of nayan cat in a comment. The other kids did it a few years ago but not the bad- word detector thinks it has bad words… why?

Sorry, I meant “now” and not “not”
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twilightsparkle4958 wrote:

twilightsparkle4958 wrote:

Paddle2See wrote:

Thinktdm wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/139644715/ theres a bug there can u fix it?
This topic is for reporting problems with the “bad-word detector”. If you are looking for help with a project, please make a new topic over in the “Help With Scripts” section.
I tried putting in a picture of nayan cat in a comment. The other kids did it a few years ago but not the bad- word detector thinks it has bad words… why?

Sorry, I meant “now” and not “not”
The thing is, that's now considered a form of spam. Characters commonly used in ASCII art have been filtered out if used excessively to prevent that spam. The stuff that was already posted before this was implemented stays, and that's why ASCII art from years ago is still around.
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chiknluvr wrote:

I'm trying to edit my changelog and I typed this: 3/28/17–Changed Cloud Land. I tried multiple times, clicking off the text box multiple times and it seems to think “changed” is a bad word.
It thinks 8/17–Ch is a banned word in leet. You'll have to reword the change note so it doesn't start with “Changed”. “Made some changes to Cloud Land” might work.
49 posts

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Oh, thank you.

Last edited by chiknluvr (March 29, 2017 21:13:53)

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customhacker wrote:

Drunken_Sailor wrote:

* wrote:

Ah, here's the sticky I need.

In forum posts, it censors my name. A few people, an I, believe it's because of a certain 4 letters in the middle of my username. Since it's run-together and not two seperate words, it makes it look like something it's not…
It doesn't seem to censor it here…

It does! Check out the quote that you made!
Oh wow! That's weird! We probably need Paddle for this one…
1000+ posts

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When I tiped in my high score in a game it said that 25 was a bad word. Any reason for this? It has been annoying.

Last edited by jackson49 (April 9, 2017 16:00:34)

80 posts

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Paddle2See wrote:

Bear in mind that some words can't be fixed - because they might have multiple meanings- but this is a good idea as I can follow this topic and I'll get a message when there is a filter issue.

Perhaps you could add a few words to explain what the filter is so people aren't confused by this topic?

The filter is a program that looks at comments, studio descriptions, project instructions and so on looking for inappropriate words. Currently, it is not looking at words typed in the forums, which makes this a good place to discuss it. There is a much simpler filter that works in the forums - but it is hard-coded and not easy to change.

The Scratch Wiki has a bit on the filter too: https://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Censor

On My Other Account,I Was Trying To do text in notes and credits and i was trying to write: F a v e and i when i wrote f for F a v e it said it was a bad word, i suspect it is thinking i meant the f word when i meant to do spaced text for Fave!

Last edited by KawaiiScratchUser (April 9, 2017 17:11:48)

18 posts

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Crystalla9 wrote:

I'm trying to edit the notes and credits of my project. So, I write “PLEASE SEE:” and I link the project. However, whenever I type it, the top of the page displays the “bad word detected” banner. I assume that it just appeared accidentally, and leave the project page. A few minutes later, I come back to the project I was typing on. Where I wrote “PLEASE SEE:” and I linked the project, the link is gone and the words have been translated to “plea see”. Here are the links to the project I was typing on and the project I was trying to link.
Project I was typing on: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/142306248/
Project I was attempting to link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/145798446/

NOTE: I do not use cursing in any of my projects. I am unsure whether this is a bug that is happening to many people or just a glitch for me. If there is anything I did say without knowing, I will take full credit for it.

whenclickedforeverchange awesomenesseffectbyinfinity
Yup, happened to me b4. I think there is some words/letters that were in a certain formation that caused it to seem vulgar…? I think.
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stickfiregames wrote:

chiknluvr wrote:

I'm trying to edit my changelog and I typed this: 3/28/17–Changed Cloud Land. I tried multiple times, clicking off the text box multiple times and it seems to think “changed” is a bad word.
It thinks 8/17–Ch is a banned word in leet. You'll have to reword the change note so it doesn't start with “Changed”. “Made some changes to Cloud Land” might work.
Or space it out. I tried that and it worked.

“3/28/17 – Changed Cloud Land”

should work.
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xXOnce_Upon_A_TimeXx wrote:

Crystalla9 wrote:

I'm trying to edit the notes and credits of my project. So, I write “PLEASE SEE:” and I link the project. However, whenever I type it, the top of the page displays the “bad word detected” banner. I assume that it just appeared accidentally, and leave the project page. A few minutes later, I come back to the project I was typing on. Where I wrote “PLEASE SEE:” and I linked the project, the link is gone and the words have been translated to “plea see”. Here are the links to the project I was typing on and the project I was trying to link.
Project I was typing on: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/142306248/
Project I was attempting to link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/145798446/

NOTE: I do not use cursing in any of my projects. I am unsure whether this is a bug that is happening to many people or just a glitch for me. If there is anything I did say without knowing, I will take full credit for it.

whenclickedforeverchange awesomenesseffectbyinfinity
Yup, happened to me b4. I think there is some words/letters that were in a certain formation that caused it to seem vulgar…? I think.
Nope, it's the generalized phone number filter. There are so many projects that project links will now start being blocked by the filter if they begin with common phone numbers such as 142 or, in your case, 145. (Which sometimes have commercial lines)
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I tried to post this: “Use (days since 2000) x (86,400,000)” and it returned with the bad word detector?
1000+ posts

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jromagnoli wrote:

I tried to post this: “Use (days since 2000) x (86,400,000)” and it returned with the bad word detector?
Phone number filter (6400000)
51 posts

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Recently I was asked to create some Google Forms, and links to those are blocked. I've had to create projects on my test account with the link in a list.
The forms contain no offensive contents, so I'm wondering why this happens?

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