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85 posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Hi guys, I'm glad you're reading this becuase it means more amazing people can get involved with Swords of Wrath! If you take part in this collaboration, you will be credited, individually as importnt members of the ideas team!
I have included a quick explanation of Swords of Wrath but you may want to visit:
The Swords of Wrath Thread
The Swords of Wrath Studio
My Profile

What is Swords of Wrath?
Now, all shall be explained! Swords of Wrath is a work-in-progress collaboration. It is a single-player (and maybe multiplayer in the future) 2D scrolling game. It is themed in a fantasy world (if you don't know what fantasy means, quickly look it up) and shall be filled with quests, missions, stunning locations, evil enemies. It will have a working combat system, character customisation, decent 2D graphics, NPCs (look that up as well) and much, much more.

How is this thread different to the standard Swords of Wrath thread?
This thread is dedicated to the storylines and background of the fictional world of Swords of Wrath, no coding, cleverness, complicated stuff, boring stuff and intense workloads here! You don't need to be a coder, you don't need to be an artist (we might have some art though), you don't need to have any computer skills (though being able to post messages on this thread will be a useful skill), you just need a creative imagination! Here we shall form worlds! Stories shall be written, tales told, towns and castles will rise to the sky! And all of it comes from you! Read on… If you want to be a coder or official artist for Swords of Wrath, visit the official thread.

So what do I need to do?
Write stories! Create nations! Once we've built the world, with countries, races, histroy and all that stuuf, we'll make the people to go in it! Warrior heroes, elven adventurers, brave dwarfs, evil vampires, dark necromacers, famous battles, magnificent quests! Just post you're ideas below, I'll keep a long post of how the world grows, whats in it, we might even do a bit of RP! Just get on with it!

How do I join?
You don't need to much about with forms and what-not with this thread, just post your ideas below. But if you want to join the offical collab as an artist or coder or any other jobs on the list, please fill in the form on the proper thread and post it there.

Well, go on then

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'= ) paste Bunny to help him
(“)_(”) gain world domination

Join Swords of Wrath! an awesome collab for awesome people!
85 posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

The Swords of Wrath World
It doesn't really exist yet.

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'= ) paste Bunny to help him
(“)_(”) gain world domination

Join Swords of Wrath! an awesome collab for awesome people!
98 posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Hello again!

I am already in Swords of Wrath as a Primary Designer so I was thinking up some ideas.
Now I'm not sure if this is already in but should there be hidden items around certain scrolling levels?

The link of truth! (or maybe just my profile)
set [YAY v] to [9999]

The posts I made from the days I didn't know how to do a signature can still be found. So I did the signature manually. How embarrassing.

Respect the pigeon! Don't scare them for fun.
- EpicGuy_AT8
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

An introduction to The World of Gaia
The world of Gaia pronounced Giea is a Tolkieneque (like middle earth) world inhabited by humans, elves and dwarfs.
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

The fundamentals of magic
The most powerful magicians can see that the universe has 5 dimensions and is infinite in 3 but not in the 4th and 5th. The 4th has been given directions that those who are not magically (or geometrically) talented can comprehend, up and down. It is from above that the æther swam into the universe. It seeped through the plain in which the ‘normal’ 3 dimensions sit but became trapped at the bottom for ever doomed to be used by mere mortals as a way of bettering some cause (normally the self).
The elements
their are 2 pure elements, void and æther neither of which have colours that ‘normal’ people can understand and so to help ‘normal’ people void is said to be dark grey and æther dark purple.
From them have sprung the 2 pairs of oposed impure elements, fire and air and earth and water.
In the great elemental war they combined in an attempt to form more powerful elements but this backfired as the new elements did not obey their old masters and ceased to fight.
Magic in Different Races
Elven Magic
Elven magic is as old as elven civilization it's self (which is in turn older then the oldest records) for as soon as where they could get their next meal stopped being the foremost through in their big heads epic minds they could directly manipulate the æther that resides bellow the plain on which Gaia sits. However all the elementals, save water, have forsaken the elves and so they can only be manipulated when forced into service or under exceptional circumstances.
Dwarven Magic
Dwarfs sit at the opposite end of the spectrum as they can not only draw power from their own gods and earth elementals. However they can use magical items that have had spells effecting the magical item bound to them.
Human Magic
Human's can not directly manipulate the æther but must draw upon many ways they have discovered to manipulate it.
Types of Magic
The æther is what all forms of magic draw their power from and is the most powerful form of magic yet hard enough to grasp as a concept and harder still to use.
The Elements
The elements can, on the other hand be controlled by the mind of a child with the help of a few simple gestures.
Magic can be transferred from one entity to another in a form that is compatible to both (normally the UMB (Universal Magic Bus)). entities that you can draw power from including:
When someone believes in something a little piece of their sole goes temporarily to that thing. These things are known as gods. Gods have a mind of their own creating lesser beings to execute the requests of those who believe in them and their for accumulate more believers.
You can channel magic into a dead body turning it into your puppet.
Spells are magical words that draw æther up from the æther layer and force it into a form that can be used however they run to the length of sentances and even paragraphs making them unsuitable for the heat of battle.
Bound Magic
The spells can however be bound to special items so their power can be used latter by using special binding spells allowing the spells to be controlled with gestures.

Last edited by rappyragon_from_HKDG (April 22, 2017 09:35:47)

100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Races and Nations

Leon is your typical medieval nation based upon France.
Political structure
The normal political structure runs something like this
The ruler is known as the king and spends most of his time in his high castle above his city. He (or occasionally she) appoints people called barons to actually run the place. Some of the barons are nice and others are cruel. They must, in times of need, provide the king with forces (mostly mounted on horseback to enhance mobility) to fight with. So they give out land to trained horsemen and fighters (known as knights) in return for them to fight for the king. Along with the land comes the peasants who generally have all of their worth while food taken by the knights who sell it to by Armour and weapons

The nations of humanity
A Scandinavia equivalent
A Mediterranean countries equivalent
A eastern Europe equivalent probably overlapping with the dwaven lands.

The nations of the Alran
Alfheim is an old and glorious nation of elves with an architectural preference towards high white spires with blue roofs (like warhammer high elves). Their buildings and egos tower above everyone else's.
Inspiration warhammer high elves
Once a run down outpost Surrowage was taken in the cataclysm and turned into a base for pirates.
Inspiration warhammer dark elves
These elves have taken to living in woods.
Inspiration world of Warcraft night elves.
A trading city with high walls founded by the elves.

The clans of the Duradim

The night realm of Zuvinara

Last edited by rappyragon_from_HKDG (April 18, 2017 13:22:29)

100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

The beginning
At first their was no where. Their was no time their was no space to be none of.
And then their was space. 2 dimensional space, consisting of the dimension which have come to be known by morals as the 4th and 5th, sprung into existence extending to a limit which is impossible to quantify yet does have a bound. But this space was empty. A grey void.
Into the void came the æther, a deep purple fluid that leisurely swam in from from the upper edge of the universes 5th dimension.
It sat with it's lower levels willing the plain that is the normal universe but it's lower levels began to become impure and solidify into Gaia (the earth). Their was too much weight upon Gaia and so she allowed wholes to develop allowing the æther through but trapping it their but a small amount of æther was allowed to remain stretched into a vapor the æther became impure too and became Neptune (the sky). Gaia and Neptune desired to use their new found powers to create 3 dimensions which have come to be known as home by mortals and spirits alike. But although Gaia was a flat disk extending to the edges of the 4th dimensions and Neptune a dome above her extending to the upper edge of the 5th their combined powers were survirly exorsted by their efforts and so they could only extend a finite amount into the new dimensions.
However these new dimensions allowed new beings to come forth as they were the dimensions in which Gaia and Neptune were least pure and least equaly mixed and some of these places became consistent of one of the 4 impure elements earth, air, fire or water. Those placed spawned the original elementals in the 2 osposed paris.
the great elemental war then raged.
During this war in an attempt to become more powerful the elementals combined recombined and combined again. these produced elementals which were mixed in neat fractions and became other elements (coal, steam and so on) but these new elemental had no will to be bound by their ancestors war and decided to create a war full of joyful living creatures which are today animals.
To get revenge for the fact that their new elementals would not fight the elementals of water turned some animals into elves and the elementals of earth created the dwarfs similarly
and then their was a time when they all did prosper.

The cataclysm
However the old powers of earth and water and fire and air (the ancient opposed pairs) earth in particular despising the new found peace and it was earth that decided to do something about it. They raised from the seabed a land called Atolan and on this land they placed the “civilized” race the combined elements had made still barely above climbing trees but earth showed them how to make grand monuments and epic weapons and with these they sailed forth on to the world.
The documents showing their activity are badly kept as the Atolaners did not keep records and the records the other great civilizations, the elves in Athlron and the human kingdoms of eJ and those in Minutia, have long since degraded and suffered from centuries of bad keeping but some still remain.
In Minutia the ancient city of Thebs was razed to the ground and shortly after the cities of Tiryns, Midea and Attica began strengthening their defenses but about 70 years later the city of Pylos was razed.
The coast of eJ was raided and the goverment was unable to protect the nation from these hit and run raids until they developed a navy.
In Athlron they seized fishing boats and trade ships traveling to Minutia and eJ before sailing through the egal straits and razing the eleven capital.
This of course infuriated the water elementals who taught the residents of eJ to build war boats with which they hunted down and inflicted a defeat on the Atolaners server enough that they never returned to eJ and fled back home where the water elemental flooded Atolran and sent it back to the bottom of the sea.
Water then persuaded the refugees from the eleven capital to cross the sea in an attempted to get them to attack the dwarfs. However air did not like this and whipped up a giant storm that ripped the masts of the elven ships and damaged the hulls.
Meanwhile fire saw air taking the side of earth and decided to ally with water and so they picked the strongest of the orcs and gave him the intelligence and the following required to attack the dwarfs while water flooded their caverns.
The elves did eventually land but when they did they did not push on in land and instead cannibalized their vessels to create the city of Kanhosen.

The rise of man
One day a group of humans attempting to rid their lands of greenskins stumbled upon a group who had captured the dwarf king. The dwarf king was very grateful and gifted to their leader, Aruseus, a weapon of great power who determined to use it to united humanity.
He travelled from the north sea to the south rallying humanity to his cause and marched through the desert shattering seemingly endless greenskin armies with his tactics and wisdom.
Eventually he and his exhausted forces came to a beautiful river but as they settled down to rest they saw coming back through the desert a vast greenskin army.
He rallied his men for one more fight telling them the most inspirational phrases he could think of and charged head long into the on coming greenskins coming straight out the other side. the victory was very close but after 10 long hours of fighting the soldiers of man had won. However the victory had been Pyrrhic for Aruseus had been stuck in the arm by an arrow. The best doctors spent days differing over whether to take it out of not before Aruseus pulled it out himself.
He lived but was significantly weekend by his ordeal and had to be carried back to his home village where despite the doctors insistence that he get early nights, lots of rest and drank a lot of water he stayed up late plotting campaigns and drinking wine. He quickly caught the fever and it became clear that he was going to die and his only living relative as his 5 year old cousin and so his cavalry commander, aldjer, asked him to who he would leave his vast empire. Aruseus did his empire no faifors with his next words for amongst groans and moans of pain he managed to get out in a horse wisper “to the strongest”
Naturally everyone thought they were the strongest and after much arguing they eventualy decided that it would be best to devide the empire between them and see whose nation became the strongest.

Last edited by rappyragon_from_HKDG (April 28, 2017 16:31:55)

100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Low Danger
  • Giks are giant hedgehops which have grown to 30cm high and a meter long. They ram unwary travellers with their spiky behind due to their low intellect and high paranoia.
  • Shurles are large rats, with 50cm long and 20 cm high being about average.
  • Latris (pronounced Lat-tries) also known as mountain hare, are small hairy creatures that, when visible look either cute or silly. Resembles a Capubarra.
  • Tangibolts are much like wild versions of domestic cats. They are slightly larger at 25 cm high and 50 cm long and slightly better fighters but in general have no exceptional talents.
  • Thornsinks are like owls only that they have developed bones on their back to prevent them from being plucked from the air by the bigger dissidents of the air of the swords of wrath world.
Medium Danger
  • Cadors are large birds of prey brown in colour and sometimes with a slightly golden back. They have a wingspan of around 2.25 m and are about 1m long.
  • Di-Hawks are black birds with two long featherless necks that curve downwards (resembling those of vultures). They have gigantic beaks that can savagely rip and tare apart unwary adventurers but they are mainly just carrion birds.
  • Marsikiks are jet black with bright yellow eyes and visible top teeth. They average a meter high and 3 meters long and weigh about 300 kg.
  • Seltims are almost extinct. They too are an adaption to the large amounts of mountainous terrain in Euphoria for when these small bears initially grew their oversized wings they represented a energy efficient way of hopping from one mountain valley to the next. Now they have been out competed. An increase in the numbers of Greater Euphorian Dragons and other big airborne creatures which have the manoverability and weapons to hunt Seltims has caused a marked reduction in their number as has the conversion of trees in the valleys they once called home into houses and firewood. The final straw was the development of the crossbow which had the range to hit flying Seltims.
  • Sisthors are snakes growing to around 5 meters long and 30 cm wide. They have a ‘hood’ like a cobras which extend to be 1m wide in total with additional 50 cm spikes on each side.
High Danger
  • Hargs are giant land born lizards, normally docile but capable of quite a display of speed when angered. They can grow as big as Nylusiths.

Low Danger
Medium Danger
  • Nylusith's are much like a hydra, growing to 5 meters long but sporting 30cm high plates allowing them to warm up and get active earlier in the day.
High Danger
  • Jinaxs are ancient beasts that are a branch of the dragon family but rather then sporting scales they have feathers.
  • Jinax Fire Tailss are possibly the most incredible form of Jinaxs as they have the ability to create a ring of fire around their tail with each fire-tail sporting a unique but equally impressive pattern.
  • Puthors look almost like the sort of dragon you'd find on the front cover of a story book, with their almost unnaturally long neck which is only enthersized by the fact that a lion's head, maim and all, sits on the end off it. They are invariably either green or red and are probably a decedent of the Greater Euphorian Dragon.
Low Danger
Medium Danger
High Danger

Not much is known about super-natural creatures save that they are dangerous and contradict the normal laws of nature and are signs of impending death, though some say that they themselves cause the death. Many are deadly on their own without their supernatural elements.
Low Danger
  • Glowls, also known as rat catcher's horrors, are indistinguishable from shurls save for the fact that in the dark they glow.
Medium Danger
High Danger
  • Laidhs (pronounced l-air-d-h) are only found in twilight when the dark hides their jet black bodies from view and only their glowing red eyes reveal their threat. Those with good eyes that have survived the encounter and have not died subsequently, report them to resemble a horse.

Low Danger
  • Sprites are fairy like creatures however they do not engage in pranks. They do fight people attempting to harm nature.
Medium Danger
  • Fairyies are small humanoids with wings. They are tricksy and enjoy tying people's hair in knots, leading travelers astray and stealing small objects (Authors note: They have stolen my copy of dragonology and this author would rather like it back). However some of their tricks are of direct danger to humans, like suddenly stealing people's souls and stealing peoples children.
High Danger

Equipment and Technology

Uses bound spells.
Draws power from the elements and in some cases æther.
Uses unbound spells.
Keeps the elementals and animals in check.
Channels power into dead bodies to turn the bodies into the necromancers puppets.
Can ask a god or a god king elementals for assistance.
Similar to the rouge but also uses magic and focuses on assassination
A barbarian that can get power from dark gods.
Out doorsy bowman type.

Last edited by rappyragon_from_HKDG (Sept. 29, 2017 09:27:06)

100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Main character name ideas:

Last edited by fluffypeasnaps (April 15, 2017 16:31:49)

19 posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

rappyragon_from_HKDG wrote:


The dwarves live in a clearing in a forest rumored to be the center of the universe, and the dwarves live in small places surrounding the clearing.

Outside of the forest live the humans. They usually stay out of the way of the others, since they know that in a fight they would lose. They make their villages in the lands surrounding the forest.

Far out past the forest, on the edge of the human's realm, is the night kingdom of Zuvinara, where the undead and the vampires rule. It is somewhat like the central forest, but with petrified trees and a looming dark over it.

It's 3:10 to goof off!
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

We don't really have a backstory for the main character yet, right?

Backstory ideas:
-orphaned when parents are killed by undead
-Grew up learning how to fight from uncle
-lives in a time of war between the races
-resolves to unite the humans, elves, and dwarves and to banish the undead
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Kingdoms in the Nation of Humans:
Humanlandia (jk lol)
The Kingdom Of Terrakye
The Kingdom Of Leoye
The Kingdom Of Yonia
The Kingdom Of Shaemore
The Kingdom Of Adwaegean

Kingdoms in the Nation of Elves:
The Kingdom Of Surrowage
The Kingdom Of Kanhosen
The Kingdom Of Usherway

Kingdoms in the Nation of Dwarves:
The Kingdom Of Ethmisia
The Kingdom Of Taion
The Kingdom Of Duranium

Kingdoms in the Nation of The Undead:
The Great Night Kingdom Of Zuvinara

The Nation of Humans have five kingdoms, each of them belonging to one of the great grandsons of the First Great King. The Dwarves and Elves Nations both have three, and are split up among the three most powerful clans of their nations. The Nation of the Undead, being the most powerful, have one giant kingdom, The Great Night Kingdom Of Zuvinara. Very few people have been to Zuvinara and managed to came back, but those who did spoke of terrifying castles radiating with dark magic, hideuous creatures and other unspeakable sights. Those people who returned from Zuvinara soon withered away from overexposure to dark magic. Not much else is known about The Great Night Kingdom Of Zuvinara.
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Is that too much to incorporate into the game??
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

And was that too dramatic for the game
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

I won't incorporate all of it but it is good to know. The human kingdoms will be on a continent that looks much like Europe with the elves living on an island off the coast much like ulthan in warhammer.
their will be a central mountain range were some of the dwarfs will live.
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

History of The Birth of Nations
At first, there were just clans. Every race had their own group of clans, which often fought among each other. Then, slowly, clans started to unite. Cities of clans started to appear. A human called Aruseus united the humans into one clan and founded The Nation of Humans. He became known as the First Great King. Soon, the nation will be split up into kingdoms. For the Elves and Dwarves, their clans continued to unite and eventually three main clans occupied the nation, each with their own territory. And thus the Nation of Elves and the Nation of Dwarves was born.

All was well until people started experimenting with dark magic. It was powerful, yet extremely dangerous. But the locals continued to use it, knowing full well the risks. Medicine men started using small doses of dark magic in their treatments. Not wanting to harm anyone, they experimented with dark magic using the dead. Multiple accidents involving dark magic soon gave rise to the Undead. They were risen from the dead by dark magic and some turned into monsters. These early groups of the Undead roamed the land, terrifying and poisoning everything with their darkness. Soon, they roamed their way into uninhabited forests, and plagued that forest into what is now known as the Midnight Forest. Deep within the Midnight Forest, the Undead founded the Nation of the Undead.

And so we now reach where the four Nations stand today.

Last edited by fluffypeasnaps (April 15, 2017 19:55:06)

85 posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

fluffypeasnaps wrote:

History of The Birth of Nations
At first, there were just clans. Every race had their own group of clans, which often fought among each other. Then, slowly, clans started to unite. Cities of clans started to appear. A human called Aruseus united the humans into one clan and founded The Nation of Humans. He became known as the First Great King. Soon, the nation will be split up into kingdoms. For the Elves and Dwarves, their clans continued to unite and eventually three main clans occupied the nation, each with their own territory. And thus the Nation of Elves and the Nation of Dwarves was born.

All was well until people started experimenting with dark magic. It was powerful, yet extremely dangerous. But the locals continued to use it, knowing full well the risks. Medicine men started using small doses of dark magic in their treatments. Not wanting to harm anyone, they experimented with dark magic using the dead. Multiple accidents involving dark magic soon gave rise to the Undead. They were risen from the dead by dark magic and some turned into monsters. These early groups of the Undead roamed the land, terrifying and poisoning everything with their darkness. Soon, they roamed their way into uninhabited forests, and plagued that forest into what is now known as the Midnight Forest. Deep within the Midnight Forest, the Undead founded the Nation of the Undead.

And so we now reach where the four Nations stand today.
Yup, liking everything you're saying. I'll be a bit inactive for a couple of days but will be active soon again! Rappyragon will manage this thread till i'm back

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'= ) paste Bunny to help him
(“)_(”) gain world domination

Join Swords of Wrath! an awesome collab for awesome people!
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

CheekyApeGames wrote:

fluffypeasnaps wrote:

History of The Birth of Nations
At first, there were just clans. Every race had their own group of clans, which often fought among each other. Then, slowly, clans started to unite. Cities of clans started to appear. A human called Aruseus united the humans into one clan and founded The Nation of Humans. He became known as the First Great King. Soon, the nation will be split up into kingdoms. For the Elves and Dwarves, their clans continued to unite and eventually three main clans occupied the nation, each with their own territory. And thus the Nation of Elves and the Nation of Dwarves was born.

All was well until people started experimenting with dark magic. It was powerful, yet extremely dangerous. But the locals continued to use it, knowing full well the risks. Medicine men started using small doses of dark magic in their treatments. Not wanting to harm anyone, they experimented with dark magic using the dead. Multiple accidents involving dark magic soon gave rise to the Undead. They were risen from the dead by dark magic and some turned into monsters. These early groups of the Undead roamed the land, terrifying and poisoning everything with their darkness. Soon, they roamed their way into uninhabited forests, and plagued that forest into what is now known as the Midnight Forest. Deep within the Midnight Forest, the Undead founded the Nation of the Undead.

And so we now reach where the four Nations stand today.
Yup, liking everything you're saying. I'll be a bit inactive for a couple of days but will be active soon again! Rappyragon will manage this thread till i'm back
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

I think every nation should be a stage in the game, with every kingdom as a level, and The Great Night Kingdom of Zuvinara to be the final level. Maybe like a boss battle or something
100+ posts

Swords of Wrath Ideas, Storylines and Creativity

Task Ideas:

So I'm pretty sure that most of the game is just fighting and such, but maybe there could be other tasks the character can tend to.

-Peasant loses something, task is to get it for him/her
-Helps medicine man make/organize medicines (Maybe this way the story of how medicine men gave the rise to the undead will be revealed)
-Elf wishes for a fire crystal, task is to find one for him/her
-Criminal escapes, task is to catch and jail him/her
-Dwarves have an argument, task is to break it
-House sets on fire, task is to smother it
-Gives beggar food/coins

There could also be rewards after completing the task

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