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New Scratcher
3 posts

game bugs run maze beta 1.4

hello people

i made this game (run maze beta 1.4) but it has a lot of bugs that i can't seem to find the bugs i found were:
- can move trough areas you are not supposed to move trough
- moving sometimes stops working for a few seconds

these things happen sometimes but i can't find what is wrong in the code i hope you can help me thanks,

find the game:
run maze beta 1.4

run maze beta 1.4


if you find any more bugs please let me know!
1000+ posts

game bugs run maze beta 1.4

You go through the walls if you press the keys to fast. This is what happens

You move into the wall
While you are waiting .3 secs, the same key is hit again and you move through the wall\
While you are waiting .3 secs, the same key is hit again and you move through the wall
you wait .3 secs
you backup into the wall
you are now on the other side of the wall

As for the other problem, once you cycle through each color once, all scripts in the TIME sprite are stuck in a FOREVER loop waiting to touch yellow

my remix fixes the problems

Post on that project when you are done looking at it and I will delete it.

Last edited by scubajerry (Jan. 17, 2014 10:01:10)

1000+ posts

game bugs run maze beta 1.4

I also think that your 3 timers get out of sync as the game goes on. You should consider using the system timer plus a different offset for each of the 3 timers.

//I didn't take the time to figure out which of your colors maps to color 1, 2 and 3 below
<((timer)+(0)) mod (15)> // everywhere you would use seconds color 1, use this
<((timer)+(5)) mod (15)>// everywhere you would use seconds color 2, use this
<((timer)+(10)) mod (15)>// everywhere you would use seconds color 3, use this

//you will also need to use this somewhere
reset timer
1000+ posts

game bugs run maze beta 1.4

But the whole thing with having multiple timers running is way too hard. It is best to NOT duplicate information in the a project. All you are using the timers for is to tell you the color of DO NOT TOUCH sprite. You can find that out by testing for the COSTUME NAME or COSTUME # of that sprite. I changed the names of the costumes to the color names. I changed the logic in PLAYER to look at that. I was able to get all the way to the finish.

OBTW this is a GREAT game!. It is much harder than it looks. Let me know when you add levels..
New Scratcher
3 posts

game bugs run maze beta 1.4

scubajerry wrote:

You go through the walls if you press the keys to fast. This is what happens

You move into the wall
While you are waiting .3 secs, the same key is hit again and you move through the wall\
While you are waiting .3 secs, the same key is hit again and you move through the wall
you wait .3 secs
you backup into the wall
you are now on the other side of the wall

As for the other problem, once you cycle through each color once, all scripts in the TIME sprite are stuck in a FOREVER loop waiting to touch yellow

my remix fixes the problems

Post on that project when you are done looking at it and I will delete it.

thx for your effort it really helped me thanks again
New Scratcher
3 posts

game bugs run maze beta 1.4

the lessons i got for this project are almost over but i will be continuing making this game if it becomes successful i might make it in a better program

trust me I'm not one of the guys that says this and than forgets about it

if you have any ideas please mail me on youritgames@gmail.com


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