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3 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

This is a really cool mod. I have a few suggestions:

Add the ability to add tags to individual list items (maybe represent them at colors?)
Example blocks:
(item ( v) of [list v] with color [#FF0000]? :: list)
tag item ( v) of [list v] with color [#FF0000]? :: list stack
(the items that are not red are ignored and treats it as if only the items of that color exist)
Add fill triangle and fill quad

Last edited by king_crafta (Nov. 8, 2016 19:13:13)

1000+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

I tried it a while ago (like a few months ago)
its awesome
100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

Remember when you could actually test out Blue 1.5? Good times.
EDIT: Am i necroposting?
[say v] [no?] :: looks

Last edited by CaseyWolfgang (Nov. 27, 2016 20:50:00)

49 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

Will you ever merge my custom block stack inputs PR?

my scratch2.0 mod:Zappedtech.swf or zappedtech site
set [ TeslaTech] to [a nice guy]
set [TeslaTech] to [a great scratcher]
set [TeslaTech] to [a great friend]
when I receive [ a message]
say [Hi]
A PLATINUM rule for life: be fun
72 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

Sorry if necrotizing but is there a swf file for blue?

100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

SiIvaGunner wrote:

I only upload high quality rips.
Oh no why im i here?! i was uploading low high quality video game rips

Last edited by CaseyWolfgang (Dec. 8, 2016 23:55:02)

49 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

What is the point for the
comment [ ] ::control cstart


when green flag clicked
forever :: control {
scratch cool stuff :: events stack
if <groovy? :: extension Boolean> then :: control {
wow. [I like v] :: variables stack

49 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

(internal volume :: sound reporter)

when green flag clicked
forever :: control {
scratch cool stuff :: events stack
if <groovy? :: extension Boolean> then :: control {
wow. [I like v] :: variables stack

100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

This comment has been deleted by the user.

Last edited by CaseyWolfgang (Jan. 3, 2017 22:14:29)

22 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

(pick random (54) to (10))
72 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

sgt_sethy123 wrote:

(pick random (54) to (10))
it would do:
(pick random (10) to (54))

100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

Can I contribute to this project? I can do retro art and I know a little bit of the Scratch Modding.

100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

A Retro Art example.
By @Inb4

100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

GRA0007 wrote:

A Scratch 2.0 mod


What is Blue?

The beta has been released! Check it out here on the new website!

Blue is a mod for Scratch 2.0 that I am making with @NoMod-Programming.
The website (and beta version) can be viewed here.

Blue now has a Github repo! View it here.

  • What will be in Blue?
  • What I have already coded in
  • Bugs
  • Changelog
  • How can you help?

What will be in Blue?

Here are some blocks that I will put into blue. (If they are grey in the beta, then I haven't coded them yet)
load file [ ] to list [list v] :: motion//Imports a txt file into a list
copy [ ] to clipboard :: motion//Copies text to the clipboard
(clipboard :: motion)//Returns the clipboard
move [variable v] to x: (10) y: (10) :: variables//Moves a variable watcher
set [variable v] color to [#0099ff] :: variables//Changes the color of a variable watcher
set [variable v] style to [normal v] :: variables//Changes the style of a variable watcher (normal, large, slider)
set [list v] color to [#0099ff] :: list//Changes the color of a list watcher
(internal volume :: sound)//Returns the internal volume of Scratch
(length of sound [sound v] :: sound)//Returns the length of a sound (in seconds)
(distance to x: (10) y: (10) :: sensing)//Returns the distance to a set of coordinates
point towards x: (10) y: (10) :: motion//Points towards a set of coordinates
<internet connection? :: motion>//Reports true or false (boolean)
<fullscreen mode? :: motion>//Reports true or false (boolean)
(read url [www.google.com] :: motion)//Returns the source code of a web page
(read line (1) of url [www.google.com] :: motion)//Returns a single line of a web pages' souce code
stop [all and press green flag v] :: control//Stops everything and then presses the green flag
define custom reporter
::custom cstart cap
(report[]::custom-arg cstart)::cend
define custom boolean
::custom cstart cap
(report<>::custom-arg cstart)::cend
As per here: http://tinyurl.com/pz8vxgo (they are here now! still working on the shapes though)
make [draggable v] :: motion//Makes the sprite draggable or not
<draggable? :: motion>//Reports if the sprite is draggable (boolean)
(dialog ask with title [ ] and message [ ] :: motion)//Asks the user a question, then reports the answer
(custom dialog [ ]◀ ▶ :: motion)//Coming soon!

What I have already coded in

(letters (1) to (3) of [world] :: operators)//Returns letters between two points in a string
open url [www.google.com] :: motion//Opens a url
for each [v v] in (10) :: control cstart//See http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/25582648/
while < > :: control cstart//Runs a script while a boolean is true
(clone count :: control)//Returns the total number of clones in a project
(counter :: control)//Basically acts as a variable controlled by the following two blocks
clear counter :: control//Clears the counter
incr counter :: control//Increases the counter by 1
hide all sprites :: looks//Hides all the sprites (only works from stage)
set cursor to [normal v] :: motion//Sets the cursor type (see the alpha for all cursors!)
save [ ] to text file :: motion//Saves text to a txt file
load text from text file :: motion//Saves the text from a txt file to the file contents variable below
(file contents :: motion)//Returns the contents of the last file loaded with the block above
([color v] effect :: looks)//Returns the effect value of the current object
([ ] ^ [ ] :: operators)//Index notation
([pi v] :: operators)//Reports the constant (pi, e or the golden ratio)
<true :: operators>//Reports true (boolean)
<false :: operators>//Reports false (boolean)
<(50) % chance of true :: operators>//A chance of reporting true or false (boolean)
[fullscreen v] mode :: motion//Sets the screen mode (fullscreen, normal, small stage)
([true] as a boolean:: operators)//Will always report true unless string is false
<visible? :: looks>//Reports if the sprite is visible (boolean)
<pen down? :: pen>//Reports if the pen is down or not (boolean)
(pen hue :: pen)//Reports the pen color (as an integer)
(pen shade :: pen)//Reports the pen shade
(pen size :: pen)//Reports the pen size
<[haystack] contains [needle] :: operators>//Reports if a string contains another string (boolean)
([uppercase v] [meow] :: operators)//Reports the altered string (uppercase, lowercase, reverse, shuffle and trim blanks of)
(times [a] is in [raincoat] :: operators)//Reports the number of instances of the first string in the second
(replace letters (2) to (4) of [crust] with [a] :: operators)//Replaces the letters between two points
(replace every [m] in [mat] with [c] :: operators)//Replaces every instance of a string with another string
(repeat [do] (2) times :: operators)//Repeats a string a given number of times
(ascii for [A] :: operators)//Returns the ascii code for a letter
(ascii [65] as string :: operators)//Returns the string for an ascii value
([ ] ≤ [ ] :: operators)//Self-explanatory
([ ] ≥ [ ] :: operators)//Self-explanatory
<[5] is [a number v] :: operators>//Reports true or false if the input is the type selected (number, string, boolean or color)
<case sensitive [meow] = [Meow] :: operators>//Reports if the strings match with case sensitivity enabled (boolean)
<if < > then [ ] else [ ] :: operators>//Acts like an if block, but as a single reporter
[activate v] turbo mode :: motion//Self-explanatory (activate, deactivate and toggle)
<turbo mode? :: motion>//Reports true or false if turbo mode is on (boolean)
set max. clone count to (300) :: motion//Sets the maximum clone count, and confirming with a dialog
(max. clone count :: motion)//Reports the maximum clone count
dialog notify with title [ ] and message [ ] :: motion//Notifies the user with a dialog box
<dialog confirm with title [ ] and message [ ] :: motion>//Confirms with the user using a dialog box, then reports true or false


  • The custom cursor disappears when the mouse is clicked anywhere. There is a workaround that kind of works:
    when green flag clicked
    set cursor to [pencil v] :: motion
    if <mouse down?> then
    set cursor to [pencil v] :: motion
  • The ‘and wait’ function of the load file block doesn't work yet…
  • The rotation style reporter only works in the watcher, the actual block is broken
  • The replace letters between two points with string block replaces all instances of the string found between the two letters
  • All options on the fullscreen mode block turn on small stage mode, and the fullscreen option turns on turbo mode as well
  • The deactivate turbo mode block activates turbo mode instead of deactivating it
  • The confirm dialog boolean doesn't wait to report, so it reports ‘undefined’
  • The color blocks do not return color type variables
  • The custom reporter block must be run with a report block or Scratch hangs

Changelog (full changelog)

{1.2β} Sorry I probably won't keep updating this changelog, because all the updates are posted here. Nevertheless, 1.2 is here and you can see it in action on the website.
{1.1β} Yayy! Thanks heaps to @NoMod-Programming for pushing some updates! They are now going to help with the development. Also custom reporters are here! Still working on them, but you can test them in the beta now.
{1.0β} Finally! I have returned to finish my mod! A new website has been designed by me for the beta version of Blue.
{0.9α} This wasn't publicly released, and only made some minor changes.
{0.8α} See the update here. It was too big to fit in here!
{0.7α} The operator update! New operators: power (index notation), constants, true, false and a chance boolean. Also big website changes.
{0.6α} Added some file blocks, save to file, load from file, and file contents. (See bugs above) Also added the effect reporter block.
{0.5α} Added the change cursor block and save warning on the alpha page.
{0.4α} Added the Blue logo, the open url block and the clone count block.
{0.3α} Implemented some blocks that were only in beta Scratch. (Like foreach, while, counter and hideall)
{0.2α} Programmed my first block! (The ‘letters between block’)
{0.1α} I invented Blue and thought of some cool blocks to put in it.

How can you help?

Copy the following codes into your signature to help support Blue!

Big version:

Small version:


Feel free to post suggestions below, and don't forget to check out the beta!
I tested out the beta, but for some reason the “open url” block doesn't work.

Star Wars: Scavengers
A collaboration
December 2017

72 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

29_Studio wrote:

GRA0007 wrote:

I tested out the beta, but for some reason the “open url” block doesn't work.
you dont have to quote the whole OP.

Last edited by landonwang (Jan. 7, 2017 21:22:30)

33 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

How about a

Check out my profile!
500+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

I noticed a mistake on your info page:

GRA0007 wrote:

if <> then [] else [] ::operators boolean

Should be:
if <> then [] else [] ::operators reporter

I hope my post helped you in some way! Post count: 500+

Current project: [s3Blocks: scratchblocks rewritten for Scratch 3.0] ::#4b4a60 //https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/290031/ Basically done!
This is my signature identifier “aWFtbml0cm9jaXBoZXI=”
100+ posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

Cool mod!

2 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

I have a suggestion. I think you should add an option to export your project to an application or java application.

72 posts

Blue 1.4β, a Scratch 2.0 Mod

ClayGuy wrote:

I have a suggestion. I think you should add an option to export your project to an application or java application.

please don't necropost.


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