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22 posts

QUestion about EXPLORE section.

I have just added my new project (SCRATCH MOUNTAIN RACE). Why can not I find my game in recent games in EXPLORE section?
1000+ posts

QUestion about EXPLORE section.

lgru wrote:

I have just added my new project (SCRATCH MOUNTAIN RACE). Why can not I find my game in recent games in EXPLORE section?

The usual reason is you gave the game a common name. And if “Scratch Mountain Race” is the name, then all three of those words are every common. Temporarily rename it GAZLEGORP and you will find it instantly.
1000+ posts

QUestion about EXPLORE section.

As footsocktoe said, but I'd also like to mention that the search takes a few hours to update. It won't show up seconds after you share it, but if you check back a few hours later, it'll show up. (Unless you give it a really generic name).
22 posts

QUestion about EXPLORE section.

It doesn't work - still nothing
1000+ posts

QUestion about EXPLORE section.

lgru wrote:

It doesn't work - still nothing
Your game won't always show up. Many, many scratch projects are shared each hour. I think the Scratch Team just picks a few to go on there.
1000+ posts

QUestion about EXPLORE section.

lgru wrote:

It doesn't work - still nothing

I don't believe it.

lgru wrote:

It doesn't work - still nothing
You must be looking in the wrong place. When I put Scratch Mountain Race in the search box, your project comes up… and it is the ONLY project that comes up.

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