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- » My scripts don't work!
- crashlover000
16 posts
My scripts don't work!
HELP!!! My scripts look like they should work but they don't
! You can check the project out, then come back.

- scubajerry
1000+ posts
My scripts don't work!
And what are they suppose to do, and what are they doing?
- MasterCard786
100+ posts
My scripts don't work!
Tell us which project. How you want it. How you did it.
- crashlover000
16 posts
My scripts don't work!
Oh. Look up crashlover000 on search. Then click on the game Crash Bandicoot 10: World of Cortex.
- crashlover000
16 posts
My scripts don't work!
I want the character to go to pick up something, then set off a reaction. But he can't take the objects.
- ssss
500+ posts
My scripts don't work!
Project: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/15960367/
Reason it's not working - the fruit needs to have
Reason it's not working - the fruit needs to have
Otherwise, it only starts to sense it for a tiny instant.

- Discussion Forums
- » Help with Scripts
» My scripts don't work!