Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

Griffpatch could you please tell people to include code tags in their posts around the script json.
preferably like these
[code=json]json here[/code]
100+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 92 , 28 , [ , [“doForever” ,[ , ] ] ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

my project name= annoying loop

follow me for a cake
follow ratchetyclank :: motion
add [a cake] to [your fridge v]
open fridge :: list
eat [cake v]:: sensing
Cmon why didnt you follow yet????
Just click me :)
1000+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

Supposed to be a tile based pen engine but i cant get it to run fast enough.
It uses grffpatches new block!
{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ {"name": "tempData" , "value": "4714855792" , "isPersistent":false} , {"name": "x" , "value": "8" , "isPersistent":false} , {"name": "y" , "value": "7" , "isPersistent":false} , {"name": "scrollX" , "value": "10" , "isPersistent":false} , {"name": "scrollY" , "value": "15" , "isPersistent":false} ] ,"scripts":[ [ 51 , -99 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["hide" ] , ["doBroadcastAndWait" , "setupColorData" ] , ["deleteLine:ofList:" , "all" , "mapData" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["setVar:to:" , "tempData" , "" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["setVar:to:" , "tempData" , ["concatenate:with:" , ["readVariable" , "tempData" ] , ["randomFrom:to:" , "0" , "9" ] ] ] ] ] , ["append:toList:" , ["readVariable" , "tempData" ] , "mapData" ] ] ] , ["doForever" ,[ ["warpSpeed" ,[ ["doIf" , ["keyPressed:" , "w" ] ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "scrollY" , "15" ] ] ] , ["doIf" , ["keyPressed:" , "a" ] ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "scrollX" , "-15" ] ] ] , ["doIf" , ["keyPressed:" , "s" ] ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "scrollY" , "-15" ] ] ] , ["doIf" , ["keyPressed:" , "d" ] ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "scrollX" , "15" ] ] ] , ["clearPenTrails" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "y" , "0" ] , ["doRepeat" , ["lineCountOfList:" , "mapData" ] ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "y" , "1" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "x" , "0" ] , ["doRepeat" , ["stringLength:" , ["getLine:ofList:" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "mapData" ] ] ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "x" , "1" ] , ["penColor:" , ["getLine:ofList:" , ["+" , ["letter:of:" , ["readVariable" , "x" ] , ["getLine:ofList:" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "mapData" ] ] , "1" ] , "colorData" ] ] , ["putPenUp" ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "x" ] , "15" ] , "14" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollX" ] ] , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "15" ] , "14" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollY" ] ] ] , ["putPenDown" ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "x" ] , "15" ] , "0" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollX" ] ] , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "15" ] , "14" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollY" ] ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "x" ] , "15" ] , "0" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollX" ] ] , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "15" ] , "0" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollY" ] ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "x" ] , "15" ] , "14" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollX" ] ] , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "15" ] , "0" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollY" ] ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "x" ] , "15" ] , "14" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollX" ] ] , ["+" , ["-" , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "y" ] , "15" ] , "14" ] , ["readVariable" , "scrollY" ] ] ] , ["stampPolygon" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]] , [ 39 , 479 , [ ["whenIReceive" , "setupColorData" ] , ["deleteLine:ofList:" , "all" , "colorData" ] , ["append:toList:" , "0xffffff" , "colorData" ] , ["append:toList:" , "0x000000" , "colorData" ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

Last edited by TheUltimatum (June 25, 2016 17:37:04)

6 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

Code didn't fit somehow, so erm…

8 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 41 , 89 , [ , , , ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

Last edited by Clockmaker2000 (June 25, 2016 21:57:07)

500+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

Colorful quadrilateral generator
{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ ] ,"scripts":[ [ 28 , 125 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["doForever" ,[ ["hide" ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-240" , "240" ] , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-180" , "180" ] ] , ["putPenDown" ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-240" , "240" ] , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-180" , "180" ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-240" , "240" ] , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-180" , "180" ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-240" , "240" ] , ["randomFrom:to:" , "-180" , "180" ] ] , ["stampPolygon" ] , ["changePenHueBy:" , "2" ] ] ] ]] , [ 187 , 320 , [ ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "1" ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

insert my old sig here
100+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

My first script!
Press green flag!

{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ ] ,"scripts":[ [ 15 , 13 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["broadcast:" , "message1" ] ]] , [ 30 , 61 , [ ["whenIReceive" , "message1" ] , ["show" ] , ["setRotationStyle" , "left-right" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "WOW!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Scratch On Scratch!" , "7.5" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["timerReset" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["getUserName" ] , "2" ] ] ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Please press space." , "8" ] , ["doWaitUntil" , ["keyPressed:" , "space" ] ] , ["doWaitUntil" , ["not" , ["keyPressed:" , "space" ] ] ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "The End." , "2" ] , ["hide" ] , ["stopScripts" , "this script" ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

Oh, and randomsomeone321's signature is this:
The Kumquat was squashed by me. :: extensions

My Store: LogoFun13 Store
YouTube: LogoFun13 The Koopa Troopa Thingy
Roblox: LogoFun13
(((>:-|) :: sensing) :: variables) // This is Viacom. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.
100+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

A counter and a question
Press green flag. It doesn't matter if you get the answer right or wrong!

{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ {"name": "Counter" , "value": "" , "isPersistent":false} ] ,"scripts":[ [ 15 , 269 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["doRepeat" , "13" ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "1" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "3" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "4" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "5" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "6" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "7" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "8" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "9" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "10" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "11" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["concatenate:with:" , "This is the first of my favorite number in this project, " , ["concatenate:with:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "." ] ] , "7" ] ] ,[ ["doIfElse" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "12" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "2" ] ] ,[ ["doIf" , ["=" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "13" ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["concatenate:with:" , "This is the second of my favorite numbers in this projects, " , ["concatenate:with:" , ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] , "." ] ] , "7" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , ["doAsk" , "Did you catch any of my favorite numbers? Tell me!" ] , ["doIfElse" , ["|" , ["=" , ["answer" ] , "11 and 13" ] , ["=" , ["answer" ] , "13 and 11" ] ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Correct!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "The End!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "This project was made by LogoFun13." , "5" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Follow my account! https://scratch.mit.edu/users/LogoFun13" , "10" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Check out this one! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/112500583/" , "10" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Watch this one! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114772549/ Title of that: The worst nightmare that LogoFun13 had (2016) Full Film." , "15" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "A LogoFun13 Presentation." , "7" ] , ["stopScripts" , "this script" ] ] ,[ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Nope! Here is the correct answers." , "5" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["concatenate:with:" , "1. " , ["concatenate:with:" , ["getLine:ofList:" , "1" , "Favoite Numbers" ] , ["concatenate:with:" , " and " , ["getLine:ofList:" , "2" , "Favoite Numbers" ] ] ] ] , "3.5" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "And" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["concatenate:with:" , "2. " , ["concatenate:with:" , ["getLine:ofList:" , "2" , "Favoite Numbers" ] , ["concatenate:with:" , " and " , ["getLine:ofList:" , "1" , "Favoite Numbers" ] ] ] ] , "3.5" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "The End!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "This project was made by LogoFun13." , "5" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Follow my account! https://scratch.mit.edu/users/LogoFun13" , "10" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Check out this one! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/112500583/" , "10" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Watch this one! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114772549/ Title of project: The The Worst Nightmare That LogoFun13 Had (2016) Full film" , "15" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "A LogoFun13 Presentation." , "7" ] , ["stopScripts" , "this script" ] ] ] ]] , [ 148 , 282 , [ ["readVariable" , "Counter" ] ]] , [ 231 , 1085 , [ ["contentsOfList:" , "Favoite Numbers" ] ]] , [ -113 , 1590 , [ ["getLine:ofList:" , "1" , "Favoite Numbers" ] ]] , [ 22 , 60 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["deleteLine:ofList:" , "all" , "Favoite Numbers" ] , ["append:toList:" , "11" , "Favoite Numbers" ] , ["append:toList:" , "13" , "Favoite Numbers" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "Counter" , "0" ] , ["doRepeat" , "13" ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "Counter" , "1" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "10.875" ] ] ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

Oh, and randomsomeone321's signature is this:
The Kumquat was squashed by me. :: custom

My Store: LogoFun13 Store
YouTube: LogoFun13 The Koopa Troopa Thingy
Roblox: LogoFun13
(((>:-|) :: sensing) :: variables) // This is Viacom. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.
5 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 15 , 126 , [ , , , , , , , , [“warpSpeed” ,[ [“doForever” ,[ [“doUntil” , [“<” , , “20” ] ,[ [“doRepeat” , [“rounded” , ] ,[ , [“turnRight:” , ] ] ] , [“setVar:to:” , “a” , [“/” , [“*” , , ] , [“+” , , “1” ] ] ] , ] ] , ] ] ] ] ]] ] }],“info”:{} }
100+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

My first sparta!
Press green flag
{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ ] ,"scripts":[ [ -127 , 333 , [ ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Hello!" , "2" ] ]] , [ 16 , 247 , [ ["whenIReceive" , "SPARTA!" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "This is madness!" , "3" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Madness?" , "2" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "This" , "2" ] , ["changeSizeBy:" , "100" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "is" , "2" ] , ["changeSizeBy:" , "100" ] , ["say:" , "SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ] , ["setRotationStyle" , "left-right" ] , ["setSizeTo:" , "100" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "1" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "1" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["doRepeat" , "3" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "5" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] ] ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "15" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "15" ] ] ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["doRepeat" , "15" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "5" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] ] ] ] ] , ["say:" , "OMG TEH EPICNESS!" ] , ["doRepeat" , "3" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "24" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "15" ] ] ] ] ] , ["say:" , "SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "5" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] ] ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "15" ,[ ["show" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] , ["hide" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] ] ] , ["show" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "5" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] ] ] ] ] , ["say:" , "OMG TEH EPICNESS!" ] , ["doRepeat" , "3" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "24" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "15" ] ] ] ] ] , ["say:" , "OMG MORE EPICNESS!" ] , ["doRepeat" , "3" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "24" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "15" ] ] ] ] ] , ["say:" , "OMG EPICNESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ] , ["doRepeat" , "3" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "24" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "15" ] ] ] ] ] , ["say:" , "SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["doRepeat" , "20" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "5" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.5" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] , ["heading:" , "-90" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.375" ] ] ] ] ] , ["hide" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "1" ] ] ] , ["show" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "THE END!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "This is my first sparta remix on scratch on scratch!!!!!!" , "7" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Follow my account! https://scratch.mit.edu/users/LogoFun13" , "10" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Check out this one! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/112500583/" , "10" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Watch this one! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114772549/ Title of project: The Worst Nightmare That LogoFun13 Had (2016) Full film" , "15" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "A LogoFun13 Presentatation." , "7" ] , ["hide" ] , ["stopScripts" , "all" ] ]] , [ 23 , 114 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["show" ] , ["setRotationStyle" , "left-right" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Hello!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "I love sparta!" , "4" ] , ["broadcast:" , "SPARTA!" ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

Oh, and randomsomeone321's signature is this:
The Kumquat was squashed by me. :: motion

My Store: LogoFun13 Store
YouTube: LogoFun13 The Koopa Troopa Thingy
Roblox: LogoFun13
(((>:-|) :: sensing) :: variables) // This is Viacom. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.
2 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

when green flag clicked
broadcast [ griffpatch is amazing]
stop [ this script]

Last edited by technetium-not_a_hat (June 26, 2016 17:17:50)

2 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects


when this sprite clicked
broadcast [ random spirals with bob and gary]
stop [ this script]
77 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

Something really weird with rectangles! XD

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 27 , 18 , [ , [“doForever” ,[ , , [“gotoX:y:” , , ] , [“penColor:” , [“+” , , “180” ] ] , , [“changeYposBy:” , ] , [“changeXposBy:” , ] , [“changeYposBy:” , [“*” , , “-1” ] ] , [“changeXposBy:” , [“*” , , “-1” ] ] , ] ] ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

ATTENTION. I have moved to this account: -ShadowOfTheFuture-.
12 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 13 , 30 , [ , , , , [“say:duration:elapsed:from:” , "“ , ”2" ] , , , , , , , [“doForever” ,[ ] ] ]] , [ 11 , 257 , [ , [“doForever” ,[ [“doIf” , ,[ ] ] ] ] ]] , [ 175 , 251 , [ , , , , , ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

Port-AI Pre-test. (Shoot / Dodge Game Test)
This is just the Beta Teleportation B12 Mechanics (whew, what a mouthful!), and because of the Scratch Cat sprite, uh. Go inside and change the ‘Runtime’ Sprite to a circle with an arrow, or basically anything.

Full game coming June 30th!
May be delayed; Beta arriving June 28!

Yes, I have no signature.

Welcome to a world where bears are invisible.
500+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 92 , -14 , [ , , , , , , , , , [“warpSpeed” ,[ [“doRepeat” , “500” ,[ [“changePenSizeBy:” , ] , , , , , , [“changePenHueBy:” , ] , , , [“changePenSizeBy:” , ] ] ] , ] ] ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

43 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

Project name: Greeting
Description: I say hello to people that see this project and after is a breakdance

{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ ] ,"scripts":[ [ 26 , -636 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["gotoX:y:" , "0" , "0" ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] , ["setSizeTo:" , "100" ] , ["clearPenTrails" ] , ["putPenUp" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Hey guys!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "I am AwesomeMinecraft2005!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "And I can't believe I'm in a sample project!" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "I mean griffpatch's sample projects" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , ["concatenate:with:" , "It's nice to meet you " , ["getUserName" ] ] , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "I have about 180 projects published when I made this" , "2" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "Breakdance!!!" , "2" ] , ["doForever" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "2" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["changeSizeBy:" , "10" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "20" ,[ ["changeSizeBy:" , "-10" ] ] ] , ["setSizeTo:" , "100" ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["forward:" , "10" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.2" ] , ["forward:" , "-10" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "0.2" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "90" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "20" ,[ ["turnRight:" , "90" ] ] ] , ["doRepeat" , "10" ,[ ["turnLeft:" , "90" ] ] ] , ["heading:" , "90" ] ] ] ] ] , ["broadcast:" , "message1" ] , ["doForever" ,[ ["pointTowards:" , "mouse-pointer" ] , ["forward:" , "2" ] ] ] ] ] ]] , [ 109 , 192 , [ ["whenIReceive" , "message1" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "I hope you guys enjoyed!" , "5" ] ]] , [ 57 , 198 , [ ["whenIReceive" , "message1" ] , ["say:duration:elapsed:from:" , "I hope you guys enjoyed!" , "5" ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

when green flag clicked
be [awesome v] forever ::control
be [very v] popular ::control
keep [making projects v] ::control

when green flag clicked
imagine ::looks
program ::sensing
share ::operators

Last edited by AwesomeMinecraft2005 (June 28, 2016 02:51:43)

when my account created ::hat
repeat until <i'm dead ::sensing>
BE AWESOME!!! ::control
be reborn ::control
47 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

the round about cat

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 18 , 17 , [ , [“doForever” ,[ [“doIf” , ,[ , ] ] ] ] ]] , [ 25 , 149 , [ , [“doForever” ,[ , , , ] ] ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

(join [jacob] [neko])
please ask if theres anything you can do on dragon world thx
say [mwerow] for (''bye bye'') secs
1 post

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 33 , -296 , [ , , , , , [“setVar:to:” , “color” , ] , , , [“warpSpeed” ,[ [“doUntil” , [“<” , , “-170” ] ,[ , , , , , ] ] ] ] , , , , , , , , [“doForever” ,[ [“doIfElse” , [“>” , , “150” ] ,[ , , , , , , , [“ypos:” , ] , , , , [“doIf” , ,[ [“setVar:to:” , “color” , [“*” , [“computeFunctionf:” , “floor” , [“/” , , “10” ] ] , “10” ] ] ] ] , [“ypos:” , [“*” , [“computeFunctionf:” , “floor” , [“/” , , “10” ] ] , “10” ] ] , , [“setPenHueTo:” , [“+” , , “17” ] ] , , ] ,[ , [“doIfElse” , ,[ [“setPenHueTo:” , [“+” , , “17” ] ] , ] ,[ ] ] ] ] ] ] ]] ] }],“info”:{} }
100+ posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

{"objName":"Stage", "children": [{"objName":"project" ,"variables":[ {"name": "ang" , "value": "465" , "isPersistent":false} , {"name": "h" , "value": "135.87429898344996" , "isPersistent":false} , {"name": "message" , "value": "This project is using 3 newly imagined Scratch Blocks" , "isPersistent":false} ] ,"scripts":[ [ 27 , 256 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["hide" ] , ["penSize:" , "4" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "ang" , "0" ] , ["doForever" ,[ ["warpSpeed" ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "ang" , "5" ] , ["clearPenTrails" ] , ["changePenHueBy:" , "2" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "h" , ["+" , "100" , ["*" , "60" , ["computeFunction:of:" , "sin" , ["*" , ["timer" ] , "360" ] ] ] ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["*" , "200" , ["computeFunction:of:" , "sin" , ["readVariable" , "ang" ] ] ] , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "h" ] , ["computeFunction:of:" , "cos" , ["readVariable" , "ang" ] ] ] ] , ["putPenDown" ] , ["doRepeat" , "5" ,[ ["changeVar:by:" , "ang" , ["/" , "360" , "5" ] ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["*" , "200" , ["computeFunction:of:" , "sin" , ["readVariable" , "ang" ] ] ] , ["*" , ["readVariable" , "h" ] , ["computeFunction:of:" , "cos" , ["readVariable" , "ang" ] ] ] ] ] ] , ["stampPolygon" ] , ["changePenHueBy:" , "100" ] , ["gotoX:y:" , ["*" , "-0.5" , ["widthOfText:" , ["readVariable" , "message" ] ] ] , "0" ] , ["write" , ["readVariable" , "message" ] ] , ["changePenHueBy:" , "-100" ] ] ] ] ] ]] , [ 27 , 33 , [ ["whenGreenFlag" ] , ["doForever" ,[ ["setVar:to:" , "message" , "This project is using 3 newly imagined Scratch Blocks" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "5" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "message" , "\"pen up and fill\" - Fills the last shape drawn with the pen" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "5" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "message" , "\"write [Hello World]\" - Writes text to the pen canvas" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "5" ] , ["setVar:to:" , "message" , "\"width of [Hello World]\" - reports the width of the text" ] , ["wait:elapsed:from:" , "5" ] ] ] ]] ] }],"info":{} }

The new project! With @griffpatch 's 3 new blocks!
Press green flag.

when green flag clicked
program :: motion
share :: pen

Oh, and randomsomeone321's signature is this:
when green flag clicked
The Kumquat was squashed by me. :: cap

My Store: LogoFun13 Store
YouTube: LogoFun13 The Koopa Troopa Thingy
Roblox: LogoFun13
(((>:-|) :: sensing) :: variables) // This is Viacom. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.
24 posts

Scratch emulator (GriffScratch) saved projects

cool script

{“objName”:“Stage”, “children”: [{“objName”:“project” ,“variables”: ,“scripts”:[ [ 17 , 80 , [ , , , , , , , , , ]] ] }],“info”:{} }

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