Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

This topic is closed! Please visit our new topic: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/287379/

The Doghouse is a Scratch shop. We offer art, reviews, scripts, and more at no cost.
We have many satisfied customers, but we reserve the right to not complete any order we receive.
We don't do orders that include violence or break the Community Guidelines, and we don't do music and voice acting.
Thank you for understanding.
Fonts used on Front Page: Grand Hotel | Hammersmith One | Righteous

Last edited by bigpuppy (Dec. 30, 2017 23:18:46)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

(“finished orders” button by @bigpuppy)

Finished Work:

Number of finished orders: 215

NOTE: This is in order of oldest-newest

1. Pegasus flight :U Review (review by bigpuppy) 6/17/2016
2. Just Jump! Review (review by bigpuppy) 6/19/2016
3. Lost Horizon 2 Review (review by stryer21) 6/21/2016
4. logo of @spaghettiscratch (logo by Teamactivecatz) 6/22/2016
5. Art for Waddle90467: “An attractive male.” (art by birdmusic) 6/24/2016
6. BBCode for @KathrynJaneway: Turquoise coloring (BBCode by bigpuppy) 7/1/2016
7. 4th of July logo for @TacoCatProductions (Logo by stryer21) ?/?/2016
8. Logo for contests204 (logo by Teamactivecatz) ?/?/2016
9. Ninja Sprite for @OpenWood (sprite by bigpuppy) 7/9/2016
10. Edited Ninja Sprite for @OpenWood (sprite by bigpuppy) 7/9/2016
11. The Arena DEMO logo for FreddyBlue (logo by SimplyKomplex) 7/9/2016
12. Zombie Sprite for @OpenWood (sprite by bigpuppy) 7/11/2016
13. logo for ?? (logo by SimplyKomplex) ?/??/2016
14. logo for NaturalmotionStudios (logo by bigpuppy) 7/23/2016
15. Studio Icon for Spiderweb121 (art by Birdmusic) 7/24/2016
16. logo for f1lp (logo by bigpuppy) 7/29/2016
17. Studio logo for Teamactivecatz (for the raven shop) (art by bigpuppy) 7/31/2016
18. {RE-ORDER} Logo for f1lp (logo by Birdmusic) 8/2/2016
19. Rock/Boulder for OpenWood (art by bigpuppy) 8/25/2016
20. Crystal sprite for OpenWood (art by bigpuppy) 8/27/2016
21. Review for ♥✿ 2016 Room Tour ✿♥ (review by bigpuppy) 8/27/2016
22. “Custom Emojis For Sale” art for weatherman06 (art by bigpuppy) 8/31/2016
23. Custom animated emoji for weatherman06 (emoji by bigpuppy) 8/31/2016
24. Background for weatherman06 (background by bigpuppy) 9/3/2016
25. Script for weatherman06 (script by bigpuppy) 9/3/2016
26. Something colorful with a taco face on it for Taco (art by bigpuppy) 9/3/2016
27. Logo for branding204 (logo by bigpuppy) 9/4/2016
28. Review for “Call of Duty Zombies” (review by FireHeart03) 9/6/2016
29. BBCode for Nightseeker1 (BBCode by bigpuppy) 9/6/2016
30. Shatter effect for @thoyal (sound by f1lip) 9/7/2016
31. GF logo for GertruFashion (logo by bigpuppy) 9/10/2016
32. Review for The Song of Calypso (review by bigpuppy) 9/10/2016
33. Music for -Scratchkitten- (music by f1lip) 9/10/2016
34. Studio Thumbnail for @shd02 (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (art by bigpuppy) 9/10/2016
35. Banner for @monkeytrooper (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (banner by bigpuppy) 9/11/2016
36. Review for “Fireworks 100% Pen” by CelloPlayer12 (review by bigpuppy) 9/16/2016
37. Animated Plume of Smoke for @mokeytrooper (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (animation by bigpuppy) 9/18/2016
38. Scripts for @monkeytrooper (scripts by bigpuppy) 9/18/2016
39. Review for Cookie Collecter (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (review by bigpuppy) 9/18/2016
40. Review for Make a Scratch Website (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (review by bigpuppy) 9/18/2016
41. Banner for @weatherman06 (banner by bigpuppy) 9/28/2016
42. Review for a XPress Logos Shop (review by bigpuppy) 10/1/2016
43. Banner with barn owl for MistickMage (banner by TacoCatProuductions) 10/11/2016
44. Sprites for @Caleb101 (sprites by Birdmusic) 10/24/2016
45. Bump Gif for @Monkey_Legend (gif by bigpuppy) 11/19/2016
46. Review for “Lost Ninja - A Platformer” for @NamelessNinja (review by bigpuppy) 11/25/2016
47. Banner for @card100 “The Computer Support Group” (banner by bigpuppy) 11/30/2016
48. Review for “Pokemon Go Egg Simulator 2016” by @TacoCatProductions (review by bigpuppy) 12/5/2016
49. “Project Ideas” Banner for @Monkey_Legend (banner by bigpuppy) 12/5/2016
50. Review for “agar.io test” by @jromagnoli (review by bigpuppy) 12/11/2016
51. Review for “Cookie Clicker v1.4” by @Hans5958 (review by bigpuppy) 12/12/2016
52. Logo for @TacoCatProductions (logo by @GeeTransit) 12/15/2016
53. Logo for @Monkey_Legend (logo by @GeeTransit) 12/15/2016
54. Review of How to draw a Reindeer by @MystickMage (review by GeeTransit) 12/15/2016
55. Review of The Stolen Diamond - A Text Mystery/Adventure by bigpuppy (review by GeeTransit) 12/15/2016
56. Music for @SoarPlusPlus (music by doggy230) 12/16/2016
57. Image host for @GeeTransit (image hosted by bigpuppy) 12/17/2016
58. Image host for @GeeTransit (image hosted by bigpuppy) 12/17/2016
59. Logo for @CodePoodle (logo by bigpuppy) 12/17/2016
60. Nutcracker sprite for @DonutyBuffalo (sprite by bigpuppy) 12/17/2016
61. Review for @storytellergirl2247 (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (review by jromagnoli) 12/18/2016
62. “Bump” for Monkey_Legend (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (art by jromagnoli) 12/18/2016
63. Review for Crafting Dreams Shop (review by TacoCatProductions) 12/19/2016
64. Review of Cookie clicker by @hans5958 (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) (review by jromagnoli) 12/22/2016
65. Review for → ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴡᴘʀɪɴᴛ sʜᴏᴘ ← by doggiecake (review by jromagnoli) 12/24/2016
66. Review for The Dragon and the Kitten by MistickMage (review by jromagnoli) 12/28/2016
67. Banner for @rainpelt28 (banner by Monkey_Legend) 12/31/2016
68. Studio thumbnail for @dolphingirl36 (art by Monkey_Legend) 12/31/2016
69. Logo for @-Nightice (logo by Monkey_Legend) 12/31/2016
70. Sprite for @kikimc (sprite by jromagnoli) 1/2/2017
71. Banner for @redglitter (ORDER FROM PARTNER SHOP) 1/5/2017 (banner by jromangoli)
72. “Certified by Stary” sprite (sprite by kikimc) 1/6/2017
73. Logo for @Monkey_Legend (logo by jromagnoli) 1/11/2017
74. Vector camera art for @JonathanSchaffer (art by Birdmusic) 1/16/2017
75. Review for Slimeith's quest 1 and 2 by muelly (review by jromangoli) 1/17/2017
76. Sound Effect for @TimeLordPlanet (sound effect by Monkey_Legend) 1/18/2017
77. Backdrop for @tycool1 (art by MistickMage) 1/18/2017
78. Review for @MistickMage (review by jromagnoli) 1/22/2017
79. Project Ideas for @CutieCow17 (ideas by bigpuppy) 1/25/2017
80. Logos for @ZLGames (logos by multiple people) 1/25/2017
81. Review for “labyrinth 2” by @tycool1 (review by jromagnoli) 1/26/2017
82. Treasure map backdrop for @customhacker (art by bigpuppy) 1/26/2017
83. Gear sprite for @card100 (art by Birdmusic) 1/27/2017
84. Review for “Avoid the red” by @tycool1 (review by bigpuppy) 1/31/2017
85. Zodiac backdrop for @GeeTransit (art by bigpuppy) 1/31/2017
86. Pixel Mario for @cs641311 (art by Monkey_Legend) 2/1/2017
87. Intro for @xXAwesomeXxxXDudeXx (intro by GeeTransit) 2/4/2017
88. Backdrop for @tycool1 (backdrop by MistickMage) 2/4/2017
89. Review for omega and infinity studio (review by jromagnoli) 2/10/2017
90. Logo for @BoomStudio (logo by bigpuppy) 2/10/2017
91. Violin art for @smartcutecandy (art by Birdmusic) 2/11/2017
92. Ideas for a racing game for @tycool1 (ideas by jromagnoli) 2/11/2017
93. Banner edit for @-Collab- / sig (banner edit / sig by legogrl502) 2/11/2017
94. Logo for @MrManaT / @yoreid8 (logo by bigpuppy) 2/15/2017
95. Logo for @MasterOfTheTiger (logo by bigpuppy) 2/16/2017
96. Intro for @MasterOfTheTiger (intro by bigpuppy) 2/16/2017
97. Concrete wall art for @smartcutecandy (art by MistickMage) 2/20/2017
98. BBCode for @orochi67 (BBCode by jromagnoli) 2/20/2017
99. Logo for @Meowmeow2006 / @-XxX-MEOW-XxX- (logo by bigpuppy) 2/25/2017
100. Sprite for @hbunny (sprite by legogrl502) 2/26/2017
101. Sprite Order for @KetchupMinion (sprite by RainbowUnikittyCat) 2/?/2017
102. Sprite Order for @MinionMaster0001 (sprite by RainbowUnikittyCat) 2/?/2017
103. Gif logo for @MageOwl (logo by Remix-the-Dragon) 2/28/2017
104. Banner for @Drunken_Sailor (banner by Monkey_Legend) 3/1/2017
105. Logo for @hbunny (logo by Monkey_Legend) 3/1/2017
106. Sprites for @bomb456 (sprites by legogrl502) 3/1/2017
107. Knight sprite for @-Falcon- (sprite by legogrl502) 3/2/2017
108. “Celebrating 1 year on Scratch” banner for @redglitter (banner by gems89) 3/3/2017
109. Loading bar for Cosy1 (sprite by GeeTransit) 3/3/2017
110. Navigation buttons for @smartcutecandy's shop (art by bigpuppy) 3/4/2017
111. Voice acting for @PixelZest (voice acting by RainbowUnikittyCat) 3/6/2017
112. Game ideas for @bevane (ideas by bigpuppy) 3/9/2017
113. Voice acting for @DonutyBuffalo (voice acting by -Puppy) 3/9/2017
114. Review for Lumen-the tides of light: Prologue by @MistickMage (review by bigpuppy) 3/13/2017
115. Review for lead the clan v2.05 by @mistickmage (review by jromagnoli) 3/15/2017
116. Banner for @Apexed's shop (banner by Lotosprincess) 3/19/2017
117. “Error 404: Logo not found” logo for @Drunken_Sailor (logo by BrownieBatter987) 3/26/2017
118. Banner for @rainpelt28 (banner by jakel181) 3/28/2017
119. Logo for Meowmeow2006 (logo by Lotosprincess) 3/30/2017
120. Order Pack for “project branch” (pack by 19_hui_a) 4/3/2017
121. Logo for -freshwater- (logo by MistickMage) 4/6/2017
122. Logo for orochi67 (logo by MistickMage) 4/6/2017
123. Review for 1 2 Fanclub Meme/PMV by Nickeljorn (review by bigpuppy) 4/6/2017
124. “Vote for -Puppy” banner (this was for the manager election at our shop) (banner by Hedgehog_Blue) 4/7/2017
125. Music for @RainbowUnikittyCat (music by -Puppy) 4/7/2017
126. Banner for @Midnight999meow (banner by -Puppy) 4/8/2017
127. Platformer script for @J5Studio (script by 19_hui_a) 4/8/2017
128. Banner for @-XxX-MEOW-XxX- (banner by -rose-ice-) 4/15/2017
129. Logo for @XpertScratcher (logo by Hedgehog_Blue) 4/16/2017
130. Banner for @Jmarie9 (banner by BrownieBatter987) 4/18/2017
131. Logo for @oreosarecool5 (logo by MistickMage) 4/21/2017
132. Bug Fixing for @BillysParty (bug fixing by Hedgehog_Blue) 4/27/2017
133. Voice Acting for @Imaginizer (voice acting by MasterOfTheTiger) 4/27/2017
134. Art for FollowCherryBlossom (art by legogrl502) 5/2/2017
135. Logo for -melon-sugar- (logo by jromagnoli) 5/6/2017
136. Logo for -FrizzyFox- (logo by CIoudPixeI) 5/8/2017
137. Review for ❤ Low Poly Wolf ❤ by rainbow123 (review by MistickMage) 5/8/2017
138. Review for ❤ Cookie Rush - The Platformer ❤ by rainbow132 (review by 19_hui_a) 5/8/2017
139. Redesign Pack for @zoyahammad (pack by Lotosprincess) 5/11/2017
140. Thumbnail for @programmer83 (thumbnail by MasterOfTheTiger) 5/13/2017
141. Logo for @applebeer (logo by 19_hui_a) 5/13/2017
142. Logo for @-Pichu272- (logo by bigpuppy) 5/13/2017
143. Logo for @oldest (logo by bigpuppy) 5/13/2017
144. Logo for @applebeer (logo by bigpuppy) 5/13/2017
145. Image host for @Nightseeker600 (image host by bigpuppy) 5/14/2017
146. Intro for @rainbow132 (intro by bigpuppy) 5/14/2017
147. “The Forest” text for @DrChicken24 (text by jromagnoli) 5/14/2017
148. Voice Acting for @tutu2002 (voice acting by jromagnoli) 5/15/2017
149. Phoenix logo for @darkness72 (logo by MistickMage) 5/16/2017
150. Pixel Sword for @programmer83 (art by MistickMage) 5/16/2017
151. Candle Backdrop for @jmarie9 (art by FollowCherryBlossom) 5/20/2017
152. Review for The Forest by DrChicken24 (review by MistickMage) 5/20/2017
153. Lunar Eclipse Backdrop for JMarie9 (backdrop by Birdmusic) 5/20/2017
154. “On Task” art for MistickMage (art by programmer83) 5/20/2017
155. Is it prime? by jakel181 (review by jromagnoli) 5/23/2017
156. Hand Backdrop for JMarie9 (backdrop by programmer83) 5/25/2017
157. Gif from project to be hosted for ISLEOFTHECLOCKS (gif hosted by bigpuppy) 5/26/2017
158. Review for @BGMead (review by programmer83) 5/28/2017
159. Backdrop for Jmarie9 (backdrop by Lotosprincess) 5/30/2017
160. Art for FollowCherryBlossom (art by Lotosprincess) 5/30/2017
161. Review for Peppermint_Cat (review by Hedgehog_Blue) 5/30/2017
162. Music for -StarryGalaxy- (music found by CloudPixel) 5/31/2017
163. Duck logo for duckboycool (logo by Lotosprincess) 6/2/2017
164. Banner for RaytaygirlGaming (banner by programmer83) 6/6/2017
165. Logo for CloudPixel (logo by Hedgehog_Blue) 6/6/2017
166. Review for Scribblenauts v1.12 by Evan2963 (review by bigpuppy) 6/6/2017
167. Pixel Speed draw ideas for @Bubby_Boy (ideas by bigpuppy) 6/10/2017
168. Blockshade trees for @letie26 (art by Hanzhe) 6/17/2017
169. Script for @EpicGuy_AT8 (script by Hanzhe) 6/17/2017
170. Review for “Trailer - Wårrior Cåts: Rise of MoonLeåf - ” by Peppermint_Cat (review by legogrl502) 6/18/2017
171. Idea for @Midnight999meow (idea by CloudPixel) 6/18/2017
172. Project ideas for @GiftedCoder (ideas by CloudPixel) 6/19/2017
173. Platformer script for @camocat9 (script by Hanzhe) 6/20/2017
174. V I R U S … The Beginning by SCRATCHERNUMBERONE (review by Hanzhe) 6/22/2017
175. Educational Platform ideas for @hamsandwich02 (ideas by jromagnoli and CloudPixel) 6/24/2017
176. Shop Percentiles Banner for @MistickMage (art by CloudPixel) 6/25/2017
177. Art for @CutieCow17 (art by Birdmusic) 7/4/2017
178. Logo/sprite for Eco_fox (logo/sprite by Tangerinatorta) 7/4/2017
179. Review for ScratchCoinCanada! Digital Currency Coin by MCGUY15 (review by bigpuppy) 7/8/2017
180. Review for Smiley Fighters by WolfCat67 (review by -Anvard-) 7/8/2017
181. Review for Coin Clicker by 78ch3 (review by bigpuppy) 7/9/2017
182. Banner for Tangerinatorta's shop (banner by bigpuppy) 7/9/2017
183. Banner for ScriptedAwesome (banner by Lotosprincess) 7/10/2017
184. Review for The Quest for Ink by applesauceepicness (review by bigpuppy) 7/10/2017
185. Review for My logo by -AwesomeAdvanced- (review by MistickMage) 7/17/2017
186. BBCode for GoodGamer000 (BBCode by CloudPixel) 7/27/2017
187. White Dog Sprite for @BGMead (sprite by bigpuppy) 7/27/2017
188. Sprite for @Peppermint_Cat (sprite by -Vuton-) 7/27/2017
189. Banner for @MistickMage (banner by Hedgehog_Blue) 7/27/2017
190. Banner for @-Vuton- (banner by Hedgehog_Blue) 7/27/2017
191. Logo for @yzyzyz (logo by Hedgehog_Blue) 7/27/2017
192. Logo for @grade342015 (logo by CloudPixel) 7/27/2017
193. Logo for @ScriptedAwesome (logo by CloudPixel) 7/27/2017
194. Signature for @zoyahammad (banner by BGMead) 7/27/2017
195. Redesign Pack for @FollowCherryBlossom (pack by Hedgehog_Blue) 7/27/2017
196. Outro for @rainbow132 (outro by Lotosprincess) 7/28/2017
197. Backdrop for @Evan2963 (art by swizzle_kittycat) 7/28/2017
198. Logo for @fantasy16 (logo by swizzle_kittycat) 7/28/2017
199. Voice acting for @Noodle_Nerd (voice acting by FollowCherryBlossom) 7/28/2017
200. Duck riding cow sprite for @BananaCodingMaster (sprite by Tangerinatorta) 7/29/2017
201. Feather sprite for @applesauceepicness (sprite by Lotosprincess and MistickMage) 7/29/2017
202. Pig Art Request for @FollowCherryBlossom (art by Tangerinatorta) 7/29/2017
203. Banner for @RubixCube714 (banner by Lotosprincess) 7/29/2017
204. Sprite for @RaytaygirlGaming (sprite by Lotosprincess) 7/29/2017
205. Logo for @Liz314159265 (logo by CloudPixel) 8/5/2017
206. Explosion Backdrop for Cloud_Coder (backdrop by Tangerinatorta) 8/6/2017
207. Banner for @MistickMage (banner by Birdmusic) 8/8/2017
208. Art for @21packa (art by Birdmusic) 8/9/2017
209. Banner for @Simple_Me (banner by bigpuppy) 8/23/2017
210. Debugging for @bomb456 (debugging by GeeTransit) 8/23/2017
211. Buttons for @-Vuton-'s shop (art by bigpuppy) 8/23/2017
212. Ideas for HappyParakeet (ideas by sea_mist) 8/26/2017
213. Banner for @lavender08 (banner by VideoGamerCanInvent) 9/1/2017
214. Banner for @_Lillion_ (banner by -Vuton-) 9/2/2017
215. Hand played music shop art banner thing (art by VideoGamerCanInvent) 9/3/2017
216. Voice acting for @AmateurScratch (voice acting by Whitetiger456) 9/10/2017

Last edited by bigpuppy (Sept. 10, 2017 14:51:28)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Hey there! Just so you know, this post isn't used anymore.

Last edited by bigpuppy (Dec. 22, 2016 19:20:57)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

(“unfinished orders” button by 19_hui_a)

Unfinished Work:

Red = Not Taken
Green = Taken
Purple = Pending - please do not take this order
Gray = Nobody has taken it for so long and it will be removed soon
Lime = These orders never get taken, after a bunch of people have done them they are finished.

Click here to visit The Dustbin! If you had an old order and it is not in here, it is probably in the Dustbin.

Username: ComputerGames4U
Type of item: Text art
Title of item: Text art of Metro Centre tycoon
Item/link to item: (This item is not pre-made)
Description of item: A text art reading: Shopping centre tycoon.
Other: It's for my game shopping centre tycoon (It hasn't been shared yet.)
Taken by kikimc

Voice Acting
Full username: Cutupuss
Type of voice: 10-16
Extra: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/238328/

Full username: AwesomeGamesStudios
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Logo
What you want it to be: A colourful logo
Do you have a preferred employee? Nope.
Bitmap or Vector? Bitmap
Comments: (anything else?) nope.
Taken by jromagnoli and CloudPixel

Full username: @yoreid8
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): logo
What you want it to be: Comical arctic fox
Do you have a preferred employee? nope
Bitmap or Vector? whichever works best for you
Comments: (anything else?) I have a different request for a diff account

Full username:fazbearchica
Type of voice:Narrarator
Words:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/144778133/ - The Words In the Intro!
Comments (anything else?)referably Female.
(Please note: Multiple people can do these orders, they are only added to finished orders once a bunch of people have done them.)

Full username: Meowmeow2006
Type of music (pop, classical, glitchy): pop
What you want it to be (more info): i don't know. you choose. just try to make it good
Do you have a preferred employee?: first order. dunno.
Comments (anything else?): can you get this done fast? i need it soon.
Taken by GeeTransit

Full username: Red_Sky_in_Fire
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite
What you want it to be: I want a girl sprite, preferably a back and a front (if not, it is not a requirement). She should have blonde or bright red hair and green eyes. She wears a long sleeved black suit. She should look like an animated figure.
Do you have a preferred employee? No I don't, as long as my request is fulfilled.
Bitmap or Vector? Bitmap please.
Comments: (anything else?) Thank you so much!!!
Take by Monkey_Legend

I made this game. I am mostly fine with it, but I have some doubts regarding the sprite animations, in particular the king, the queen and the dragon. King and queen are not well animated I think and the dragon (based on the sprite from scratch) looks too goofy.
Full username: frodewin
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): smoothly animated sprite
What you want it to be: looking good and well animated
Do you have a preferred employee?
Bitmap or Vector? If it fits into the game I don't care
Comments: (anything else?) if possible put the new or improved sprites it into a remix of the game

Full username: Imaginizer
Type of voice: Male Pre-Teen
Words: My Name is Jonathan. I see things wonderful, indescribable things. Only I see these things.
Comments: This is an animated series based on the Giver
(Plz comment on my profile when my order is completed, thank you.)

Full username: -StarryGalaxy-
Type of voice: American(?) Male
Words: I have a very, strange.. Job. To say the least that is.. Hello, I'm Matthew, tatinani (Ta-Tee-na-nee), and i'm a assassin (pause)
Do I like my job? Well yes, it pays, it keep me fit, and honestly, as bad as it sounds.. It's kinda enjoyable. Not in a fun way! But in a way that is thrilling, can't explain it.
Comments: I need this before the end of the week if possible

Full username: Amateurscratch
Type of voice: I don't really mind.
Words: This is what they should say: “You're welcome.” Make it sound bored and careless.
Comments (anything else?): I don't think so.
(Please note: Multiple people can do these orders, they are only added to finished orders once a bunch of people have done them.)

Full username: Nickeljorn
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/150811303/#player
Type of thing you want reviewed: Just the project in general
Comments: None
Taken by Lotosprincess

could you plz make me a profile pic? I'm iluvwhiskers
color scheme:
<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/da/cb/68/dacb68b285293012fec3e82d6ec03a13.png“ alt=”Image result for cool color schemes“/>
i want the logo to be a pic of a cat, headshot, girl cat (if that matters), and a sort of mystical/ foggy look and a background like splashes of watercolor staying with the color scheme.
i want the size to be the perfect size for a profile pic for here on scratch. not sure of the exact measurements.
i want the font to be sort of ”wavy letters" if u know what i mean, sort of wavy like a reflection in a pond. and i want the color to stay with the color scheme but still pop out a little.
i want the text to say: iluvwhiskers (no capitals)
date: ASAP :3
anything else: and could someone post on my profile when it is ready? TYSM!

Full username: @AMVTrash
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/151095833/
Type of thing you want reviewed: MEME
Comments: nah
Taken by BrownieBatter987

Full username: DurpKat37
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/243194/?page=1#post-2519434
Type of thing you want reviewed: I want to know how I can improve my shop.
Comments: (anything else?)
Taken by jromagnoli

Username: TheCardboardCrew1
Description: Can I actually have an animated sprite? I need a torso of a chef that runs and the rest of a body of a chef in one sprite that will point in different directions because of the programming so I will need it to be able to look good while turning.
I agree to both things I need to agree to
Comments: Facing sideways because the game will be a scroller that only goes one way as the enemies will just go by.

Full username: j5Studio
What you want it to do: A physics script.
Do you have a preferred employee? No
Comments: (anything else?)

Full username:space_elephant
What you want it to do:non-case sensitive cloud list
Do you have a preferred employee? Austinato or customhacker
Comments: (anything else?) null

Full username: lkli2346
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): background
What you want it to be: A dirt path leading into the woods with a small view of the stone house on the left side.
Do you have a preferred employee? no
Bitmap or Vector? vector
Comments: (anything else?) Please comment on my profile when it's done!
taken by legogrl502

Writing piece
Full username: makethebrainhappy
Describe it: The History of MakeTheBrainHappy's Shop (First Thread)
Comments: (anything else?) Inform me on my profile when it is done. I would like it to be pretty long

Full username: makethebrainhappy
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/99254785/
Type of thing you want reviewed: Project- Platformer with a twist
How harsh should we be? Very harsh
Comments: (anything else?) Sorry for ordering so much xD
Taken by -rose-ice-

Full username: DownloadMoreRam
What you want it to do: Working file/directory system
Do you have a preferred employee? no
Comments: I've already asked another shop for this, but I guess it isn't getting enough attention. I'm trying to make a pc-based OS so everything revolves around the file system.

Full username: BananaCodingMaster
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite
What you want it to be: A Duck riding a cow
Do you have a preferred employee? MasterOfTheTiger or jromagnoli
Bitmap or Vector? Vector
Comments: (anything else?) Can you make 2 one with a rubber duck and one with a white duck?

Full username: N0N4M3115
Type of thing you want reviewed: Game i'm currently working on.
How harsh should we be?: Don't matter.
Time limit: Any time, the game isn't fully fleshed out yet so whenever you feel like it! ^^
Comments: I will take special ideas for the game so please let me know! Also, bugs, if any are found please report asap!

Link to what you want reviewed: Okay so here's the thing, the game is not on my profile. I'm trying to finish it and get some reviews on what could be better before I post it. The game's size is currently 18 Mo. So if interested, please email me at: n0n4m3115business@gmail.com I'll send you the game there! Scratch Offline editor highly recommended! ^^

The concept of the game is pretty simple, it is a top down shooter where you kill zombies with a variety of weapons!
You can obtain new weapons by buying them! Some are only available by opening supply drops!

Here's some screenshots! ^^

Thank you in advance!

Full username:Spiderweb121
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite
What you want it to be: I want two things xD 1. A giant cartoonish spider. Colours that I would like to see on it are Red (as this is a black widow spider), black, (No comment needed), and white (For teeth). And then I want a player. Something such as from an RPG maker program. I couldn't care less if you ACTUALLY took them from an RPGmaker program xD. Both genders and different types of races would be nice for character customization. Thanks!
Do you have a preferred employee?: No
Bitmap or Vector?: Bitmap if possible, but I don't mind vector.
Comments: (anything else?): Nope.

Hi!!!!!!!!! Ordering again:
Full username: Jmarie9
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): sprite
What you want it to be: a tree, preferably semi realistic, that has a glowing appearance. The leaves look a bit like crystals, and they are light colors (like, nearly white)
Do you have a preferred employee? nope
Bitmap or Vector? vector
Comments: (anything else?) Oh yeah, I forgot: it needs to have a hollow in it (like, those holes in the sides of trees)

Full username: MistickMage
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Background.
What you want it to be: I want it to be a girl with brown hair facing away, with a blue shirt on. She's reaching up to an bald eagle that has its wings spread. There is a forest around them, and sunlight shining behind the eagle.
Do you have a preferred employee?: NO
Bitmap or Vector?: Vector please!
Comments: (anything else?) I'm asking multiple shops to do it, so I'll tell you if you no longer need it.

Full username: @Breck-
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Backdrop
What you want it to be: A materialistic design underwater scene, similar to http://tinyurl.com/kmh3fms . If you could add depth to it, that would be great so I can make it have parallax scrolling.
Do you have a preferred employee? - nope
Bitmap or Vector? - vector
Comments: (anything else?) What kind of credit should I give? The person who made it or the shop as a whole?
EDIT: if this isn't obvious, it should take up the whole screen

Full username: programmer83
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): sprite
What you want it to be: a fat chubby,evil guy with a light brown mustache with brown hair. His big stomach should have a maroon X on it.He also has grumpy eyebrows and grumpy face
Do you have a preferred employee? I don't care,but I would like it to be @bigpuppy
Bitmap or Vector? Vector
Comments: (anything else? Want the drawing,NOT messy. Make sure You do everything I said
Taken by MistickMage

Full username: DrChicken24
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): OC
What you want it to be: A character for animations, cuz I want a different one than the one I have.
Do you have a preferred employee? Nah
Bitmap or Vector? VECTOR
Comments: (anything else?) Please finish ASAP. I am planning on making a new animation soon.
Taken by jromagnoli

Full username:YouKeepMeGlowing
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Banner
What you want it to be: like the gold 1 but pizza-ish
Do you have a preferred employee? nope
Bitmap or Vector? Banner….
Comments: (anything else?)make it awesome\
750x200 and have rounded edges

Full username:Lotosprincess
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.):sprite
What you want it to be: Front view of Extremely detailed Spider-Man
Do you have a preferred employee?no
Bitmap or Vector?Vector
Comments: (anything else?) something like this and I need the side view also I need it to be able to animate

Full username: MistickMage
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Banner
What you want it to be: The Shop Percentile in large letters, in front of a blue backdrop with lots of +, -, =, devision signs and decimal points
Do you have a preferred employee?: No
Bitmap or Vector?: Vector if possible
Comments: (anything else?) Make it so I can post it on the forums.

Full username: lkli2346
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): sprite
What you want it to be: A lady (Age about 35) Brown hair in a bun, glasses (black), tan-ish skin, blue or green eyes (I don't care). White dress with a black sweater on top.
Do you have a preferred employee? No
Bitmap or Vector? Vector
Comments: (anything else?) Comment on my profile when finished. Also, If you need more details, comment on my profile.
Taken by CloudPixel

Username: @21packa
Art Type: Sprite
What I Want: Drawing of a happy-looking Servine (A Pokemon. Look it up on Bulbapedia :3)
No preferred employee~
Can the mouth be open so it looks like it's speaking? Thanks~

Full username: Evan2963
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite
What you want it to be: Any people or objects drawn in the style of the game Scribblenauts or ripped directly from the game
Do you have a preferred employee? Nope
Bitmap or Vector? Bitmap preferable, but vector works
Comments: (anything else?) Thank you so much for the help!

Full username: Evan2963
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite
What you want it to be: The Kylo Ren from here: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pPRi74Wd–k/maxresdefault.jpg with a transparent background, and a 2 costume walk cycle of his arms and legs going in opposite directions. For examples see characters in here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/163397813/
Do you have a preferred employee? Nope, as long as it gets done
Bitmap or Vector? Either, but bitmap preferable
Comments: (anything else?) Thanks for the help!

Full username: camocat9
What you want it to do: I would like a platformer script please.
Do you have a preferred employee? Nope. I'll take anyone.
Comments: (anything else?) I have wanted to make a platformer for a while, but couldn't figure out how to make a script for it. All I need is the script. I can handle the other things. Thanks!

Full username: @QqUuIiNnNn
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite
What you want it to be: A generic character (No gender) with costumes during walking and during jumping
Do you have a preferred employee?
Bitmap or Vector? Vector
Comments: (anything else?)

Full username: 78ch3
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): banner
What you want it to be: to have big blue text saying:
78ch3's Everything Shop.
and small red text saying:
Your orders, our service!
Can it have animated lime green balls going around the edge? I'd like thin orange diagonal stripes, and blue diagonal stripes that are twice as thick as the orange stripes. Finally, can it have a stick person standing on the left of the text? It will have red shorts, blue T-shirt and cyan hair. When a ball touches him, the stick person overlaps the ball.
Do you have a preferred employee? No.
Bitmap or Vector? Vector.
Comments: (anything else?) Make it high quality. Please have everything I included. I'd like it by 28th of June, but ASAP is good to.
Taken by aerodynamic_

Full username: Robstruck15
Intro or Outro?: Intro
What do you want it to be like? A bomb drops and my username comes in
Any music? If so, what music? This music
Do you have a preferred employee? Jromaganoli
Bitmap or Vector? Bitmap
Comments: (anything else?) I need it ASAP
Taken by jromagnoli

Full username: treetop2016
Intro or Outro? Intro
What do you want it to be like? just a paintbrush painting a cursive TT
Any music? If so, what music? “Can't Stop The Feeling” Justin Timberlake (Part)
Do you have a preferred employee? bigpuppy
Bitmap or Vector? Vector Please

rainbow_waves wrote:

bigpuppy wrote:

rainbow_waves wrote:

Full username: rainbow_waves
Description: I'm looking for some people to develop some levels for a platformer game.
I agree that Bigpuppy's Shop may not be able to do this order (type “I agree”): I agree.
I agree that my order is not voice acting or music (because of multiple incidents that have happened in the past): I agree.
Comments: (anything else?) N/a
Could you explain some more? What should these levels be like?
Yeah, of course, sorry I wasn't clear. I'm making a platformer game, but the thing is, I'm horrific at playing platformers. :P So I can't tell if my levels actually work or not. I'd like someone to develop some (about ten) hard levels, and then test them for me to make sure they work. I'm using @griffpatch's platforming engine, and I'll give you the sprite I'm using if someone says they can do this :)

Full username: Cloud_Coder
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Background
What you want it to be: explosion
Do you have a preferred employee the active employee that is really good at pixel art
Bitmap or Vector Bitmap
Comments: (anything else?)

Full username: Cloud_Coder
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Banner
What you want it to be: It should look like a package processing facility
Do you have a preferred employee?
Bitmap or Vector Vector
Comments: (Hey get it ^ Vector Vector)

username: goodgamer000
any images: yes, I'm not sure what you mean by where but if I can get images of cats that would be cool.
look: first shall say adopt, in red, centre, and any normal things a BBcode would have but adding girl or boy, dog cat turtle bird etc, looks at the end.
second will say OC pampering, purple, centre, with username: link to OC project: how you want it to change:
and third shall say want to be an employee? center, green, with username: active 1-10: position: confirm username:
preffered employee: i dont have one, this is y first time seeing this shop
anything else: no
taken by CloudPixel

Can I please have some art?
Full username: eco_fox
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.):
I would like a 2 things:
1 sprite
1 logo
What you want it to be:
I would like them both to be a fox, and the sprite walking. I am so sorry about this.
Do you have a preferred employee?
Bitmap or Vector?
Don't mind
Comments: (anything else?)
I am so, so, so sorry about it.

Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167726543/
Type of thing you want reviewed: Project
How harsh should we be? Very Harsh
Comments: (anything else?) None
Thank you so much!

Username: Ravenfur2004
Description: Minecraft .gif with a horse in it and the sea in the background and maybe a few flowers?
Colors: Cyan, blue, lime, green, brown, orange
Font: Phosphate
Text: Carriage
Date: ASAP

Full username: ScriptedAwesome
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.): Sprite.
What you want it to be: A nerd, a bit Anime-styled (My game is based off of an anime movie)
Do you have a preferred employee? nah
Bitmap or Vector? Vector, please.
Comments: (anything else?) Nope!

Full username: ScriptedAwesome
Intro or Outro? Intro
What do you want it to be like? Computer-y. Like, Sci-Fi kind of.
Any music? If so, what music? Sci-Fi genre if any music.
Do you have a preferred employee? Nope.
Bitmap or Vector? Vector.
Comments: (anything else?) Nope!

Full username: MistickMage
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167895975/
Type of thing you want reviewed: Animation
How harsh should we be: Extremely Harsh
Comments: Sorry again for inactivity.
Taken by 78ch3

Full username: @filip4
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/155189501/
Type of thing you want reviewed: Everything in the project - difficulty, programming, art, how the music sounds etc.
How harsh should we be? I'm not really sure, but please be truthful - I want this to be a good game.
Comments: (anything else?) If you don't like something, can you please tell me what i can do about it? (for example: if you don't think the music is good, then you would tell me where I can get something else - only if you know where to get it or want to)

Full username: @Liz314159265
Intro or Outro? Intro
What do you want it to be like? Simple, elegant, and abstract; related to the logo you might make for me? ; color scheme: blue, green, purple, black; include the words “RainyDaysAnyways”; animation-like (or a still piece of art that I can animate myself)
Any music? If so, what music? no music please
Do you have a preferred employee? no
Bitmap or Vector? vector
Comments: (anything else?) Thank you again for this

Full username: @natlyn
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/168213499/
Type of thing you want reviewed: Game
How harsh should we be? On a scale of 1 to 10, 5.
Comments: (anything else?)

Full username: pahrules
Intro or Outro? Intro
What do you want it to be like? Fidget cubes and spinners crashing into each other, then they smash and the smashed bits form the name pahrules, and after, it fades.
Any music? If so, what music? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/153649237/
Do you have a preferred employee? No.
Bitmap or Vector? Vector
Comments: (anything else?) Notify me when done.

Full username: Appadeia
What you want it to do: Infinite parallax scrolling w/ the ability to have different x and y speeds. Should be drag-and-drop and work with all sprites. Needs to be able to handle lots of layers without lag.
Do you have a preferred employee? No
Comments: (anything else?)
I would like this done ASAP.

Full username:Jumpyelsa5
Link to what you want reviewed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/170700507/
Type of thing you want reviewed:all of it
How harsh should we be? all harsh you can be
Comments: (anything else?)

Redesign Pack
1 logo
1 thing to put on your featured project
1 fitting banner
1 thumbnail for your projects
Full username: Packersrulegopack
Description: Make it however you want. Im ordering from a bunch of stores and people, I want to see who can make the best!
Is there anything you don't want out of this order pack? no
Do you have a preferred employee? no
Bitmap or vector? Vector plz
Taken by Hedgehog_Blue

Full usernameackersRuleGoPack
Type of art (logo, sprite, etc.):thumbnail
What you want it to be: More appealling thumbnail. The Application is Pong based
Do you have a preferred employee? nah anyone who can finish it fast xD
Bitmap or Vector? Vector
Comments: (anything else?)

Project Ideas
Full username: Nicsena
Type of Idea: Cloud Account System
Comments: (anything else?) the cloud account system is for my OS: Flash Player OS

INFIN1TY wrote:

Full username: INFIN1TY
Any images: (if so, where?)
All these each next to each other, same size, starting from my logo (the first one)
http://u.cubeupload.com/INFIN1TY/retrologo.png WITH A LINK TO MY PROFILE
http://u.cubeupload.com/INFIN1TY/themessage.png WITH A LINK TO https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/173044924/
http://u.cubeupload.com/INFIN1TY/liedetector2.png WITH A LINK TO https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/172760545/
http://u.cubeupload.com/INFIN1TY/smartgames.png WITH A LINK TO https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/172990966/
http://u.cubeupload.com/INFIN1TY/request.png WITH A LINK TO https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/172305850/

What do you want it to look like: Include the text INFIN1TY, big and bold with rainbow gradient above the images.

Links: as above.

Do you have a preferred employee? Any experienced BBCoder who can get it to all fit quickly.

Comments: (anything else?) Please inform me on my profile once its taken and finished.

Last edited by bigpuppy (Sept. 3, 2017 14:07:24)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Full username: {ANSWER HERE}
Any images (if so, where?): {ANSWER HERE}
What you want it to look like: {ANSWER HERE}
Any links?: {ANSWER HERE}
Comments (anything else?): {ANSWER HERE}

Last edited by bigpuppy (Oct. 17, 2017 01:02:16)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
500+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

hello @bigpuppy, I am cat0325 owner of The Emporium I would like to know if you would like to have a partnership between the two shops


1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

cat0325 wrote:

hello @bigpuppy, I am cat0325 owner of The Emporium I would like to know if you would like to have a partnership between the two shops


“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

cat0325 wrote:

hello @bigpuppy, I am cat0325 owner of The Emporium I would like to know if you would like to have a partnership between the two shops

I'm adding a new partner request form. You don't have to use it since you posted before I added it.

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
100+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Username: MythoBeast427
Activeness: 9/10
Job(s): Art, instrumental music, manager
Example of work: for art, check out my shop, and my projects. for music, I have a project that I made music in…
Skills: art, instrumentals, coding (sort of), managing
Are you following this topic? yes

1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

MythoBeast427 wrote:

Username: MythoBeast427
Activeness: 9/10
Job(s): Art, instrumental music, manager
Example of work: for art, check out my shop, and my projects. for music, I have a project that I made music in…
Skills: art, instrumentals, coding (sort of), managing
Are you following this topic? yes
Hired! I can't make you the head of art or music, but you are the manager, and you are part of the art and music staff!

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

I added you to the list, MythoBeast427.

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
100+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

bigpuppy wrote:

I added you to the list, MythoBeast427.

100+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

What you want it to be: An attractive male.
Comments: (anything else?) In the style of anime/manga.


A link to my website: Home
500+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Username: doggiecake
Activeness: 11/10
Job(s): BBCODE and art and co manager (that's open right XD)
Example of work: Here for BBcode Here is art co manager you have seen my shop right
Skills: bbcode and art
Are you following this topic? doing it now and …. done

YIAAJSSIDTAI creator ❤ Fangirl ❤ Animator

1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

doggiecake wrote:

Username: doggiecake
Activeness: 11/10
Job(s): BBCODE and art and co manager (that's open right XD)
Example of work: Here for BBcode Here is art co manager you have seen my shop right
Skills: bbcode and art
Are you following this topic? doing it now and …. done
Hired! Adding you to the list…

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
500+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

bigpuppy wrote:

doggiecake wrote:

Username: doggiecake
Activeness: 11/10
Job(s): BBCODE and art and co manager (that's open right XD)
Example of work: Here for BBcode Here is art co manager you have seen my shop right
Skills: bbcode and art
Are you following this topic? doing it now and …. done
Hired! Adding you to the list…
Yayyy thanks i'll try to be as active as possible

YIAAJSSIDTAI creator ❤ Fangirl ❤ Animator

100+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Username: Birdmusic
Activeness: 9/10
Jobs: Head of art, but if I'm no good enough, just art.
Example: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/69311224/ (this was like last year, but I forgot to share newer drawings >-< )
Skills: Realistic art mostly. I can do a little bit of comics and cartoon art, but I'm not really good at those.
Following the discussion? Just did!

1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Birdmusic wrote:

Username: Birdmusic
Activeness: 9/10
Jobs: Head of art, but if I'm no good enough, just art.
Example: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/69311224/ (this was like last year, but I forgot to share newer drawings >-< )
Skills: Realistic art mostly. I can do a little bit of comics and cartoon art, but I'm not really good at those.
Following the discussion? Just did!
Hired! Head of art!

Last edited by bigpuppy (June 16, 2016 23:29:25)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
100+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

bigpuppy wrote:

Birdmusic wrote:

Username: Birdmusic
Activeness: 9/10
Jobs: Head of art, but if I'm no good enough, just art.
Example: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/69311224/ (this was like last year, but I forgot to share newer drawings >-< )
Skills: Realistic art mostly. I can do a little bit of comics and cartoon art, but I'm not really good at those.
Following the discussion? Just did!
Hired! Head of art!

1000+ posts

<< TᕼE ᗪOGᕼOᑌᔕE >> Closed, please visit our new topic! Link on front page.

Username: you know what it is, right? TacoCatProuductions
Activeness: -/10 self-explanitory 7/10
Job(s): what jobs do you want BBCode and art
Example of work: there has to be an example for each job you are applying for (if manager etc. choose any job for an example) For BBCode look at the fp of my shop and for art well….. dont have anything right now.
Skills: what are you good at out of the jobs? BBCode and art. Maybe code
Are you following this topic? Did you click the follow button on the topic? This will give you a better chance of getting the job. Yes

Do you want to partner with BIGPUPPY'S EVERYTHING SHOP? Fill out this form!
Name of shop: TacoCatProuductions Magical Market
Link to shop: Click the banner
Founder/owner of shop: Me
# of staff at your shop: i believe around 15

Experienced Artist, Animator, Coder, and Shop Owner
Game Designer I 101 Followers I 1 Year, 9 Months I 32569 Posts
“Dare to Be Different. The World Is Full Of The Ordinary.”. - Anonymous

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