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1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

If you're quoting the post, please only quote areas of relevance. Seriously, it fills up the page really quickly.
Non-workaroundable things are in red.

I think the “If on edge, bounce” block should just be “bounce if <>”.
bounce if <> // category=motion
I think there should be a function to move the mouse.
move mouse to x: () y: () // category=motion
To make it possible to leave projects, it would only work if you're focused on the game. You could press esc to lose focus, and it gives you a warning about how to use esc to stop it. (Like the username block.)
Make size an effect.
change [size v] effect by (25)
set [size v] effect to (0)
Why not add an eraser mode to pen?
Set pen mode to [draw v] // category=pen
It would have draw, erase, and off.
It would replace pen up and pen down.
Easy pen color controls:
set pen [hue v] to () // category=pen
change pen [red v] by () // category=pen
It would have hue, brightness, colorness (saturation), red, green, and blue.
It would replace those blocks… You know which ones I'm talking about, right?
I think you should be able to hide/show the mouse.
[show v] [mouse-pointer v] :: looks // first dropdown has show hide show-flipped
The second dropdown would include all sprites.
The variable and list tabs are too big. Change the variable and list blocks to one block with a dropdown:
([variable v]) // category=variables
([list v]) // category=list
How about some advanced stuff?
set [variable v]'s display type to [normal v] // category=variables
set [variable v]'s slider min to [] // category=variables
set [variable v]'s slider max to [] // category=variables
([variable v]'s [slider min v] ::variables) // slider min, slider max, display type, x pos, y pos
move [variable v] to x: () y: () // category=variables
move [list v] to x: () y: () // category=list
resize [list v] to () pixels wide and () pixels tall // category=list
<variable [variable v] is showing?> // category=variables
<list [list v] is showing?> // category=list
How about boolean variables? They would be faster to work with than normal variables in = boxes.
<boolean variable> // category=variables
set [boolean variable v] to <>
Replace the length of list with a new block:
([length v] of [list v] :: list) // length, area, width, height, x pos, y pos
The video has on-flipped, so why not show-flipped?
[show-flipped v] variable [variable v] // category=variables
[show-flipped v] list [list v] // category=list
Now, a new section: Arrays!
Arrays would have several options:
Name of array: []
Dimensions in array: ()
Pick one:
() for this sprite only
() for all sprites
() cloud (scratchers only)
Now, in the dimensions option, 0 creates a variable, 1 creates a list. Otherwise, you get an array.
As they're more complicated, I think they should be able to be edited easily with an edit menu like custom blocks.
Arrays of more than 2 dimensions would have NO visual indicator.
Arrays would have similar blocks as lists:
- The () contains () and add () list blocks would support arrays with it's dropdown.
– The add block would insert it at spot 1 in every dimension.
- In 2D arrays, the same visual blocks as lists would be available, too.
- New blocks:
shift [item] () places in dimension () of [array v] // Does what you'd think it does
bring [item] to place () in dimension () of [array v] // Effectively the set function for the above
delete [item] in [array v] // Do you need to know what it does?
[show v] array [array v] // 2D arrays only
(length in dimension () of [array v]) // self-explanatory
(total amount of items in [array v]) // also self-explanatory
[add v] dimension () from queue of [array v] // add, remove, add-flipped. This is needed for the next block.
item (), (), () of [array v] // The dimensions used would be the dimensions in queue.
An array begins with an empty queue.
Because it's complicated, if you have more than one of the same item in an array, it would just do it for all of them.
And don't forget the actual array block. It would have to be more complicated than the list block, though.
I think the when [] > () block should be simple: When <>.
when <>:: events hat
To help with the when green flag clicked block, there should be a block for when someone leaves the project. It would be a full-scratcher only block and would only trigger if the user is a full scratcher.
when project left :: events hat
The only reason why I want it is to change cloud data.
For a better explanation, it would run fully server-side. If it takes more than a second to run, the script would stop itself. After it does all the actions, any cloud data will be saved, but everything else will be returned to how it was left before.
How about a “Link to” block? It would be full scratchers only and would have a confirmation message (also with a “Don't accept links this session” option that makes the confirmation message disappear and no others to show up, making you not go to any links)

Link to [link.link/link] // category=control
Maybe something to toggle turbo mode, so you can't cheat by activating it or something?
turn turbo mode [on v] ::control //on, off, switched
I also think we should have an “auto-copy” block. It would automatically copy what's in the textbox.
In addition, something to detect what's in clipboard.
(Credit to @CodeLegend) (Semi-workaroundable)
copy [thing] to clipboard // category=control
(clipboard ::sensing) // maybe control?
<color [#f0f] is touching [sprite v]?> // I think this block would be useful.
Here's a not-confusing way for a broadcast received? boolean. (or two)
([message1 v] received in last (1) secs? :: sensing) // perhaps event?
(last broadcast received :: sensing) // same here too...
This block seems quite nice for those who hate direct theft. (As far as I know, it's non-workaroundable)
(Owner of [this v] project ::sensing) //This remixed or original.
I want some booleans:
<[sprite v] is showing?> // category=sensing
<player is a scratcher? ::sensing> // So you could display an extra message saying they need to be a full scratcher to save and hide the save button for new scratchers
Advanced timer settings!
(timer (1) :: sensing) // yes the number is for multiple timers
[reset v] timer (1) :: sensing // reset start and stop
The event block that uses the timer could be split a bit more.
How about a “stop asking” block?
Stop asking // category=sensing
Hmmm, I wonder what these would do?
<[left v] mouse down? :: sensing> // left middle right
<[sprite v] is [say v]ing? ::sensing> // say think ask
A small update to this reporter block…
([layer v] of [sprite v]) // returns which layer the sprite is in.
([size effect v] of [sprite v]) // and don't forget the other effects!
And what about this?
(what [sprite v] is saying ::sensing) // Returns what the sprite is saying/thinking/asking
I can't think of a better wording.
Maybe this would be nice?
<touching clone of [sprite v]? ::sensing>
There should be more key sensing: tab, Lctrl, Rctrl, Lshift, Rshift, Enter, Backspace, any letter, any number. I'd also like -=\;',./ alt and the F keys, along with any symbol. Any would also be helpful. (Only workaroundable by hacking, but everything should be allowed without hacking)
when [tab v] key pressed
if <key [Lshift v] pressed?> then
say [YAY!!!!!]
Put the +, -, *, /, and mod blocks into a single block with a dropdown.
(() [+ v] ()) // category=operators
Merge the =, >, and < blocks.
<[] [= v] [] ::operators> // it's boolean
Remove the round block and put it in the dropdown directly below it.
([round v] of (9) ::operators)
…Why the hell not?
([pi v] ::operators) // pi e infinity
A ^ block would also be useful. With that, the 10^, log, e^, ln, and sqrt functions wouldn't be required. (It would also be in the dropdown.)
(() [^ v] ()) // category=operators
Dropdowns in custom blocks.
define I want [thing]s
I want [dropdown v]s // category=custom
The options would be:
Custom dropdowns would allow you to type in what's in the dropdown.
Custom reporters. These would be simple reporter blocks.
There would be a new return block, and a new define block.
define reporter
reporter :: cstart custom // part of the define block
{return [block] :: cap custom} :: cap cend // eh, good enough.
This says the value of the block. If the script reaches the bottom, it would return what's in the return block at the bottom. (Where you drag the return block from). Same if a “stop script” block is used in the custom reporter.
Artwork here, in the original thread
Also, C-block and hat block customs. (Oh wait, that's not possible with normal programming? Who cares )
define C/hat block
{run ::custom} ::custom // since I can't put this anywhere else
stuff ::grey
run ::custom
stuff ::grey
run ::custom
stuff ::grey
Next up, global custom blocks.
They would run for the sprite they were placed in. It would be activated as a checkbox in the options menu.
And finally, local variables.
In the custom block option screen, there would be a new option: “Add local variable”. This would give the script it's own variable. What pressing the button, you would be able to name it, but that's it.
The vars would be accessible in dropdowns once the blocks are dragged into the script.
Number 3, look at it for art; don't forget to support the suggestion!
You should make it so that: empty boolean spot = true, then list that somewhere. (So <not <blank>> would return false)

Now enhanced with new scratchblocks!
Now with coloring!
Well, I think that's about it.

Last edited by 1234abcdcba4321 (Dec. 26, 2014 19:07:40)

I'd highly appreciate it if you were to follow me. Don't forget to go to my profile.
All of my programming suggestions <— You should really get the suggestions move back to the suggestions forum!
Five hundred posts! I never expected to get up there… In only 2-3 months.
Does anyone know what a signature is? I mean, I've already seen 6-7 people get confused.
1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

The operator dropdown isn't needed because you can still right-click an operator and change it (except mod). I support putting round in the dropdown, but that's about it.

64 posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

I disagree with make size a effect, because of
clear graphic effects

Last edited by Minimaster7 (Dec. 3, 2013 23:28:42)

1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

…There should be some more in-depth user sensors:
<[Should be boolean] is a scratcher?> // category=sensing
([I'm not too sure about this]'s [post v] count) // category=sensing
Oh, and that dropdown should have follower and following in it. As well as shared project.
Put the +, -, *, /, and mod blocks into a single block with a dropdown….
One set of scratchblocks for you:
if <not <(username) is a scratcher?>>
say [Sorry, this project is for scratchers only.] for (2) secs
stop [all v]

Which is why this would not work very well.
if <((username)'s [follower v] count) < [50]>
say [Sorry, you have to be popular to view this project.] for (2) secs
stop [all v]
Of course people could just get around this by using “See Inside”, but what if the script this was in was really complicated?
1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

Yeah, I wasn't so sure about the second one.
Why I wanted the first one:

if <(username) is a scratcher?> then

On the save button.

Last edited by 1234abcdcba4321 (Dec. 4, 2013 00:40:38)

I'd highly appreciate it if you were to follow me. Don't forget to go to my profile.
All of my programming suggestions <— You should really get the suggestions move back to the suggestions forum!
Five hundred posts! I never expected to get up there… In only 2-3 months.
Does anyone know what a signature is? I mean, I've already seen 6-7 people get confused.
500+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

I support all!

More Stuff|My Bandcamp
My DeviantArt|Intro Voting For December 2015 August 10th 2016
Check out my Github, too!

Kumquats, this signature is inedible and poisonus.
Also try the code below in IBNIZ.
1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

I still want the set/change x and y.
Isn't size already there?
I still want the change variable block.
More user sensors are a good idea.
I don't have much to say about the rest of them, though.

1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

I don't support removing

change x by ()
set x to ()
change y by ()
set y to ()
change [bleh v] by (1)

because they end up saving alot of time for big projects. You also have to the of the younger Scratchers and how the workarounds are not as clear to them. But they actually save alot of time and make your script look alot cleaner than it would look if you had a whole bunch of operators and variables in them.
38 posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

I do NOT support you on these.
change x by (10)
set x to (0)
change y by (10)
set y to (0)
change [variable v] by (1)

set [size v] effect to (0)
change [size v] effect by (25)

I DO want these though.
<[ARM32] is a [scratcher v]?> // category=sensing
([post v] number of [ARM32]) // category=sensing
<is [ARM32] a guest?> // category=sensing

I ALSO want these.
<[message1 v] received?> // category=events
<I am a [clone v]?> // category=control
<<> xor <>> // category=operators
<<> nand <>> // category=operators
<<> nor <>> // category=operators

Last edited by ARM32 (Dec. 8, 2013 15:57:26)

when green flag clicked
go to [my profile page v] // http://scratch.mit.edu/users/arm32
point towards [my projects v]
click [my featured project v]::sensing
set [awesome v] to <true::operators>
100+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

the guest/scratcher detector can be made:
(username) = () -> scratcher

for xor, put this:
<not <<boolean1> = <boolean2>>>

size isn't like effects, that have limits, it is a proportion. It can't be 0, and can be as big as you want. Colour, ghost, brightne, all these have limits.

pi would be nice

e is e^1 ¬¬

1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

xlk wrote:

the guest/scratcher detector can be made:
(username) = () -> scratcher

for xor, put this:
<not <<boolean1> = <boolean2>>>

size isn't like effects, that have limits, it is a proportion. It can't be 0, and can be as big as you want. Colour, ghost, brightne, all these have limits.

pi would be nice

e is e^1 ¬¬

So THAT's why you can put booleans in string slots?
Thanks, removing that from the list.

I'd highly appreciate it if you were to follow me. Don't forget to go to my profile.
All of my programming suggestions <— You should really get the suggestions move back to the suggestions forum!
Five hundred posts! I never expected to get up there… In only 2-3 months.
Does anyone know what a signature is? I mean, I've already seen 6-7 people get confused.
1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

Set/Change x/y should be removed, workarounds are really simple.
change x by ()
set x to ()
change y by ()
set y to ()
go to x: (x position) y: (0) // set workaround
go to x: ((x position) + (1)) y: (y position)


change [variable v] by (1)
set [variable v] to ((variable) + (1)) // this is the workaround
Even if there is an easy workaround, it takes up a lot of space as cobraguy pointed out. Also, other languages have things like this:
var += 5 //The same as change [var v] by (5)
So it even teaches people things that are in other languages!

Also, they simplify things for new scratchers by a lot.
63 posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

you already got

if <> then

removed, why do you want this so bad.

Anyone who wants to play Shadow of Mordor because of the nemesis system should try to recreate it in scratch (well now I'm committed).
1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

ARM32 wrote:

1.) I do NOT support you on these.
change x by (10)
set x to (0)
change y by (10)
set y to (0)
change [variable v] by (1)

set [size v] effect to (0)
change [size v] effect by (25)

2.) I DO want these though.
<[ARM32] is a [scratcher v]?> // category=sensing
([post v] number of [ARM32]) // category=sensing
<is [ARM32] a guest?> // category=sensing

3.) I ALSO want these.
<[message1 v] received?> // category=events
<I am a [clone v]?> // category=control
<<> xor <>> // category=operators
<<> nand <>> // category=operators
<<> nor <>> // category=operators

1.) I agree.
2.) Unsure. Might be pesky for servers…
3.) No, no, no, and no. The workarounds are easy. We just need to make sure everyone knows about them.

Thanks for the ride, Scratch Team and community! Unfortunately, the time has come for me to move on from Scratch, so I'll no longer be using the forums. Thanks again, and farewell!
Invisible text! This will show you if a profile I claim to be mine IS mine. Just remember to visit the profile and see if I confirmed in the comments.
For old time's sake, see the revolutionary Laser Battle 2.0! Also see Unstoppable Game!

And no, the evil kumquats didn't alter my signature…
500+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

I disagree with everything. The workarounds and changes can be a bit confusing for new scratchers, and scratch is currently running very smoothly. Everything is perfect the way it is.

when this block is clicked::sensing hat//FYI, this is my old account that I no longer use. My current account is @DaSpudLord.
forever {do (a [scratch v]::events ring)::sound}::extension cstart
say [what the...?] in (the language of [the moon people v]::red)::control
create [spontaneous v] explosion in [a flea's stomach]::motion
That's not right...::cend
If you are reading this… Then congratulations! You have found the part of my signature that was eaten by a kumquat! (On a side note, you are probably in a kumquat's stomach.) Now get out of the kumquat's stomach and go do something productive with your life. Like playing this game over and over again. Very productive.
28 posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

There should be some more in-depth user sensors:
<[Should be boolean] is a scratcher?> // category=sensing

Workaround to this:
set [x v] to (pick random (1) to (10000)
set [ScratcherTester v] to (item (x) of [random# v])
set [(cloud)ScratcherTester v] to (item (x) of [random# v])
delete (x) of [random# v]
if <(ScratcherTester) = ((cloud)ScratcherTester)> then
do full scratcher stuff
do non scratcher stuff

Last edited by fexlo (Dec. 15, 2013 13:47:48)

-Fexlo, the Wholockian Nerdfighter of Night Vale, currently away on a hitchhiking trip across the galaxy with my dragon Sapphire. If you don't speak fandom, that means I'm a fan of Doctor Who, Sherlock, the Vlogbrothers (or Nerdfighters), Welcome to Night Vale, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Eragon.
100+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

removing blocks would be really bad as it would ruin projects.
Also you can check if someone is a scratcher or not by having the user change a cloud variable by 1 and if it changes allow the user to do whatever.

1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

Changed some stuff. Give me feedback!

I'd highly appreciate it if you were to follow me. Don't forget to go to my profile.
All of my programming suggestions <— You should really get the suggestions move back to the suggestions forum!
Five hundred posts! I never expected to get up there… In only 2-3 months.
Does anyone know what a signature is? I mean, I've already seen 6-7 people get confused.
1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

set [variable v]'s display type to normal // category=variables
set [variable v]'s display type to large // category=variables
set [variable v]'s display type to slider with min of [] and max of [] // category=variables
move [variable v] to x: () y: () // category=variables
move [list v] to x: () y: () // category=list
resize [list v] to () pixels wide and () pixels tall // category=list
I like these, but maybe turn these two
set [variable v]'s display type to normal // category=variables
set [variable v]'s display type to large // category=variables

into a dropdown?

set [variable v]'s display type to [normal v] // category=variables

Last edited by cobraguy (Dec. 17, 2013 01:38:49)

1000+ posts

My Suggestions (Updated 8/22/14)

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

Changed some stuff. Give me feedback!

1234abcdcba4321 wrote:

(() [< v] ()) // category=operators
Sorry, forgot about this before, but this can't go in the same dropdown because it is not a boolean.

Anyways, a lot of that list stuff and what not has been suggested before, but I have made some basic workarounds in the following projects:
Variable Counter
Variable Slider

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