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- tim556688
82 posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
It is just the style I use, Making each easy to see.Pretty nice! Just saying, we usually don't rate every single thing separately, but rather put all the comments together then say the rating then say the suggestions, but this is a good idea too. I'm fine with you reviewing, but not until @s-swrichter clears it with you too! Sorry for all the waiting!Username: zninja101
How interested are you? Very
How committed are you? I don't know.
How active are you? Very on a non-flash computer (meaning I can't see projects). I little on a computer with flash (where I see projects).
Example of a review you would do (Link too please): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/95285867/
Rate and review
script: 5.5 (About Average) Well, I think you worked hard on it. However, you used other people's scripts, but I still think you did a good job!
sound: 7 (Good) I think the sound effects go great with it. And the music was a good choice as well.
instructions: 8 (Good) You explained everything you needed to in the instructions, as well in the project.
fun: 7.5 (Good) I thought it was very fun, but it wasn't much as a platformer as I thought it would be. And it was very hard! I really liked that you can choose different weapons. And the blobs were a little too bouncy.
graphics: 5.1 (Average) Ya. You knew that the art was not the best, but it is not the most important part of the game.
title screen: 0 (There was no title screen) (However, the thumbnail looked cool! It made me want to play it as soon as I saw it!)
Overall: 7.5 (Very good)
I like the style, you can easy see what was good and what not if i would be a reviewer i would do it like that.
- Meep5010
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
could somebody rate & review the 2 games in this studio?
could somebody rate & review this game I made its a defense game based on minecraft
please remember I made it in just under a week
I just wanted to make sure these were noticed

- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Yes. Guys. Please. I'm sorry about all of the waiting that has been going on, but like I said earlier, I've got 4 presentations in 4 different classes to do in a week. I do not have TIME to do all of these reviews by myself! Yes. if anyone turned in a application, for the next few days you can review, but after that (on Saturday or Sunday of this week, the 27th and 28th of February), I will break down and pick and choose the people who I want reviewing. Guys who want games reviewed: if you want another review, because you don't like the one you got, just place another request saying this and I will do it, but I am far too busy the next few days. Thanks all for their patience, but yes, I noticed/saw/wanted to reply to every single post but I just can't.
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Sorry about the wait! I'll start reviewing a few, but I will do the rest tomorrow
Gosh dang school

- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/98407368/Yep! Sorry for the wait please rate & review my game:

Great graphics! Did you draw those? They are So. Realistic! However, the sound and the game didn't really match up. Maybe have some 8-bit action songs? There weren't any noticeable glitches, except once I didn't die when I lost a life. I was at 0, I lost a life, but then I lost 1 more before the game over screen came. Speaking of which, I really liked the game over animation and the blown up plane.
Suggestions: Try to fix that glitch, unless it was just some weird wacko thing that would never happen again. Change the music to something a bit more action-y-er (I know that isn't a word

Rating: Hm… 7/10! Nice job overall! The graphics were fantastic! You got a pretty good rating, congrats!
- apgonscratch
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Thanks! Still trying to work out that glitch… \(._.)/https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/98407368/Yep! Sorry for the wait please rate & review my game:
thanks!school… Alright, so fantastic Arcade game! I like these more than first person shooters because I can just play for like 30 seconds and I will still get the whole experience!
Great graphics! Did you draw those? They are So. Realistic! However, the sound and the game didn't really match up. Maybe have some 8-bit action songs? There weren't any noticeable glitches, except once I didn't die when I lost a life. I was at 0, I lost a life, but then I lost 1 more before the game over screen came. Speaking of which, I really liked the game over animation and the blown up plane.
Suggestions: Try to fix that glitch, unless it was just some weird wacko thing that would never happen again. Change the music to something a bit more action-y-er (I know that isn't a word). Otherwise, really nice! It was better than I expected, to be honest.
Rating: Hm… 7/10! Nice job overall! The graphics were fantastic! You got a pretty good rating, congrats!
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Haha, such a funny game! Can You Please Rate And Review My Game, Its In My Singitsure.
Compliments/Complaints: Dude. This is the funniest game with the best idea EVER! I love it! Obviously, the graphics are good because they are ripped from the app, so I'm not going to comment on that. The music is pretty good and relevant (IDK if this is the Flappy Bird music or not). The game is pretty simple -not saying that it's easy, because it's not- but it is pretty basic. Otherwise, nice! No noticeable glitches!
Suggestions: Not many technical suggestions, but I suggest you have a point system where, maybe, yellow birds are 3 points (and they are usually accompanied by pieces of tube), blue birds are 2 points (they fly close to the ground) and red birds, the biggest, are 1 point. This would definitely make the game better and bound to become featured.
Rating: 6/10! I loved the idea, and there weren't any technical issues. The game is just so simple, so I have to give you a lower score. Congrats, though, on the great game!
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Please pick one of these two games, or send in these games separately. Thanks, and sorry for the wait!could somebody rate & review the 2 games in this studio?
did anyone see this yet?
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
thisOkay. This isn't really a game, so I'll just review the graphics. Review
Compliments/Complaints: This was interesting! The “Reading the Wrong Way” thing was interesting, but the words are too small to read, so I didn't really understand until later. Maybe say “Click left arrow for next page” down at the corner of the project. The graphics were in bitmap (I know this was probably necessary, because of the pictures), but it would be easier to read and more aesthetically pleasing if it were to be in vector.
Suggestions: Just change the words to vector!
I'm not going to rate this, because you just asked for a review, but if you want a rate, just ask!
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
I did read the whole comic 1. read the whole comic
2. Rate please

I'll rate it a 6/10 for interesting storyline and nice pictures
- Meep5010
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
can someone rate and review this game? it isn't finished yet but it would be if my pc could handle all of the scripts and sprites and clones and other things
can someone rate and review this game? it isn't finished yet but it would be if my pc could handle all of the scripts and sprites and clones and other things
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
We are definitely still reviewing! I'm going to take the time and effort to tip you off: Scratch projects don't get popular unless you have friends/followers who request it to be featured for you. What you could do is ask @supercooljulia , who's going to be FPC soon, to curate your project. So, are review requests still being taken?
If so, I'd be happy if you could rate and review this game please.
I spent the good part of a week making that, and it didn't really get popular as I'd hoped…
Maybe you'll like it though
I really like this project's storyline! I was really into it, but you were right- I couldn't pass the first level. I figured out how to play, though, but I still couldn't finish the first level

- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/98151475/This game is really nice!
can someone rate and review this game? it isn't finished yet but it would be if my pc could handle all of the scripts and sprites and clones and other things
Compliments/Complaints: I love, love, love arcade games, especially this one! It was a lot of fun to blast the bats! The art was pretty good compared to other arcade games, though, but I'm not complaining! The variables were all interesting, but I don't think the Ultimate/Permanent attack things work. This is definitely something you need to fix in the Alpha mode. The boss was fun but didn't take away any of my health, and there were too many healing hearts.
Suggestions: Fix those two attacks. Can you do this? No clue if you can, though.
if <[lives] < [5/6/7/8 ]> thenYeah. But anyway, I couldn't tell if you had music in there or not, I had my volume off because there are sleeping people in my house. Finally, maybe make it clearer that you can only use one special attack because I wasted mine.
Rate: 7/10! Really nice job overall, I'm glad I looked at it!
- Meep5010
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/98151475/This game is really nice!
can someone rate and review this game? it isn't finished yet but it would be if my pc could handle all of the scripts and sprites and clones and other things
Compliments/Complaints: I love, love, love arcade games, especially this one! It was a lot of fun to blast the bats! The art was pretty good compared to other arcade games, though, but I'm not complaining! The variables were all interesting, but I don't think the Ultimate/Permanent attack things work. This is definitely something you need to fix in the Alpha mode. The boss was fun but didn't take away any of my health, and there were too many healing hearts.
Suggestions: Fix those two attacks. Can you do this? No clue if you can, though.
if <[lives] < [5/6/7/8 ]> thenYeah. But anyway, I couldn't tell if you had music in there or not, I had my volume off because there are sleeping people in my house. Finally, maybe make it clearer that you can only use one special attack because I wasted mine.
Rate: 7/10! Really nice job overall, I'm glad I looked at it!
um… theres a cooldown timer for the specials, I tested it myself, just wait till the variable says zero
I'm trying to make the specials better, but my pc isn't running scratch as well as it used to
the music is in the backdrop
thanks for the suggestions anyway, I will go work on implementing them as soon as I return my computer to normal speed
Last edited by Meep5010 (March 4, 2016 06:05:31)
- nprasad
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
Yeah, I noticed the timer just now as I played it againhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/98151475/This game is really nice!
can someone rate and review this game? it isn't finished yet but it would be if my pc could handle all of the scripts and sprites and clones and other things
Compliments/Complaints: I love, love, love arcade games, especially this one! It was a lot of fun to blast the bats! The art was pretty good compared to other arcade games, though, but I'm not complaining! The variables were all interesting, but I don't think the Ultimate/Permanent attack things work. This is definitely something you need to fix in the Alpha mode. The boss was fun but didn't take away any of my health, and there were too many healing hearts.
Suggestions: Fix those two attacks. Can you do this? No clue if you can, though.
if <[lives] < [5/6/7/8 ]> thenYeah. But anyway, I couldn't tell if you had music in there or not, I had my volume off because there are sleeping people in my house. Finally, maybe make it clearer that you can only use one special attack because I wasted mine.
Rate: 7/10! Really nice job overall, I'm glad I looked at it!
um… theres a cooldown timer for the specials, I tested it myself, just wait till the variable says zero
I'm trying to make the specials better, but my pc isn't running scratch as well as it used to
the music is in the backdrop
thanks for the suggestions anyway, I will go work on implementing them as soon as I return my computer to normal speed

- JABrules
100+ posts
Reviewer's shop (NOW HIRING)
It does say in the instructions that you need to reflect the projectiles with your jump boost, but I guess I need to make that more obvious. I'll go change the dialogue real quick.We are definitely still reviewing! I'm going to take the time and effort to tip you off: Scratch projects don't get popular unless you have friends/followers who request it to be featured for you. What you could do is ask @supercooljulia , who's going to be FPC soon, to curate your project. So, are review requests still being taken?
If so, I'd be happy if you could rate and review this game please.
I spent the good part of a week making that, and it didn't really get popular as I'd hoped…
Maybe you'll like it though
I really like this project's storyline! I was really into it, but you were right- I couldn't pass the first level. I figured out how to play, though, but I still couldn't finish the first level… So, um, right now, I think I'm the only one reviewing, but when the others come back, you can ask them if they can review it? Sorry about the inconvenience, I do think the game sounds super fun though!
Ok, it's been changed. I guess I should have done that a long time ago, but whatever. (It's not like the game has much views anyway)
Last edited by JABrules (March 4, 2016 22:18:09)