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Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

mitchboy wrote:

8solarplanets wrote:

But what if we wanted, for example 84 ^ 59? There's no block for that.
There now is.

This project.

EDIT: 84 ^ 59 = 3.40782965354148e+113. Boom.
That project doesn't work. It doesn't even work for all integers, let alone decimals. Not sure how to get exponents for decimals, but here's how it works for integers:
define exponentify (x), (y)
set [result v] to [1]
if <(y) > [0]> then
repeat (y)
set [result v] to ((result) * (x))
repeat (y)
set [result v] to ((result) / (x))
100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Like so:

theonlygusti wrote:

Support, even though
((base) ^ (log) :: operators)
is exactly the same as
([10^ v] of ((base) * ([log v] of (log) :: operators)) :: operators)
Well, not really. The “base” and the “log” should be switched, but whatever. The problem with this is that the very idea that one might be forced to do this is fundamentally absurd for reasons that should be clear to anyone who's learned about logarithmic functions in math class.

100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Iditaroid wrote:

RalphMath wrote:

Please, please, please add this as an operator just like +-*/ it's a real limitation when teaching a lot of math concepts not to have exponentiation.
I know this is technically necroposting but you raise a good point! An exponent block would certainly make things easier for teachers working with Scratch!
No. Technically, it's only necroposting if the topic has been resolved. It's just that people don't think and instead pull out their torches and pitchforks whenever someone posts on an old thread, regardless of whether the topic has actually been resolved, so the word (as well as the concept) has become depreciated.

100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Reposting from another thread, because it's relevant:

lalala3 wrote:

I just figured out something. Neither of the workarounds are perfect. The one using loops has issues with raising numbers to negative or fractional powers, while the other workaround (using logs) doesn't work if the base isn't positive. I thus propose the following solution:
Define (base) ^ (exponent)
if <(base :: custom) > (0)> then
set [answer v] to ([10 ^ v] of ((exponent) * ([log v] of (base))))
if <((exponent) mod (1)) = (0)> then
set [answer v] to [1]
repeat ([abs v] of (exponent))
set [answer v] to ((answer) * (base))
if <(exponent) < (0)> then
set [answer v] to ((1)/(answer))
set [answer v] to [undefined]
Can we have a proper exponent block now? Please?

New to Scratch
27 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

mitchboy wrote:

kayybee wrote:

The short version works for all real numbers, the long one doesn't.
Actually, 3.14 ^ 3.14 results in 30.959 on my custom block (about seven posts above). Try it. It just doesn't work with negative numbers or fractions. And my project barely involves any heavy scripting or math at all. All you need is:
- three variables
- a repeat block
- a subtraction and a multiplication block
- a set variable block

That's it. It took me like two minutes.
Well, the actual value of 3.14 ^ 3.14 is approximately 36.3378. Anyone considering writing an exponentiation block really needs to understand how logarithms and powers work.
New to Scratch
27 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Here's my attempt, it might be a bit faster for large negative exponents since it doesn't loop.

define exp (value, power)
if <<[value] < [0 ]> and << [power] mod [1]> > [0]>> then
set [answer] to [ ]
set [answer] to ([e^ v] of ([power] * ([ln v] of ([abs v] of [value])))
if <([value] < [0]) and (([power] mod [2]) = [1])> then
set [answer] to ([answer] * [-1])
11 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

define x to the power of y
68 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

if <([10^ v] of (( power) * ([log v] of ( base))) :: operators) = (( base) ^ ( power) :: operators)> then
say [This makes sense]
say [I think the kumquats made this bug]

Generation 377: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment. I did not start this

Kumquats haven't eaten my signature! although I don't know what has…

Edit: I figured out what ate my signature! nothing. A bee stung it!
but I have seen some apples that looked like troublemakers hanging around it lately…
1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Lets keep the spam down.

As for the suggestion, I would support. It would not be very easy using those
(((((((((...) * (0)) * (0)) * (0)) * (0)) * (0)) * (0)) * (0)) * (0))

Scratcher since Aug. 2015 +++ Fire Alarm Enthusiast +++ College student studying fire protection engineering
1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Support. There's no reason not to have this, seeing as how the workarounds (even just multiplying several times) get out of hand quickly.

bold thing - italic thing - underlined thing - strikethrough thing
1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

If this is going to be the ‘official’ exponent suggestion topic, then I guess I'd better make sure there's a link to this in here:

- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/16871883/ -

Note the features, which deal with some of the issues mentioned here when using the e^/ln workaround.

Last edited by TheLogFather (Jan. 15, 2016 14:00:47)

Siggy the Kumquat slayer:
Main account: DadOfMrLog –– Frameworks for basic pen-rendered 3D in scratch (see studio). Examples:

- - - - 3D Text - - - - - - Simple shapes - - - Controllable structures - - - On the ground - - - - - - In space - - - -

1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Support, this would be really useful to lots of people.

Sparkfunny wrote:

100% support!
Hai BookOwl's bot

1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )


who needs signatures
1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

(((y) / (2)) * ((x) * (x)))
x ^ y


Last edited by superben100 (May 21, 2016 02:16:03)

Hello there!
I've been a Scratcher for nine years now, and I'm always happy to help!
I'm not around too often, but I check in here from time to time.
Let me know if you need anything!
|| Probably vibing to “Try” - Lawrence ||
100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

savaka wrote:

drmcw wrote:

xlk wrote:

yes, but same can be said of the change x/y by and go to blocks… They aren't necessary, but for new scratchers are a great help.
Yes, but how many projects need a x^y block?
I was thinking of making a calculator project.
My project needs one! But, I have a workaround:
define (x) ^ (y)
set [output v] to [0]
repeat (y)
change [output v] by (([sin v] of (y)) / (([floor v] of (x)) + ((length of ((y) * (10))) - ([abs v] of ((x) + ((y) - ((x) / (4))))))))

Go check out Cosmic Chasers - my new 2.5D game!


Cosmic Chasers might move to a new account. Here's why:

1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Owengren wrote:

savaka wrote:

drmcw wrote:

xlk wrote:

yes, but same can be said of the change x/y by and go to blocks… They aren't necessary, but for new scratchers are a great help.
Yes, but how many projects need a x^y block?
I was thinking of making a calculator project.
My project needs one! But, I have a workaround:
define (x) ^ (y)
set [output v] to [0]
repeat (y)
change [output v] by (([sin v] of (y)) / (([floor v] of (x)) + ((length of ((y) * (10))) - ([abs v] of ((x) + ((y) - ((x) / (4))))))))
^^^ and this is why we need powers.

100+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

mitchboy wrote:

kayybee wrote:

The short version works for all real numbers, the long one doesn't.
Actually, 3.14 ^ 3.14 results in 30.959 on my custom block (about seven posts above). Try it. It just doesn't work with negative numbers or fractions. And my project barely involves any heavy scripting or math at all. All you need is:
- three variables
- a repeat block
- a subtraction and a multiplication block
- a set variable block

That's it. It took me like two minutes.
This is 3.14^3, and a better workaround (it's a reporter) is:
([10^ v] of ([second] * ([log v] of [first]) :: pen) :: operators )
Used zebra coloring for convenience

Last edited by 24691357 (July 22, 2016 07:06:01)

If it is in India, I'm Indian, including i-words.
Safe cloud chat https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/116768922/
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25 posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )


Hope this response helped!
Test account to LP_Play.
1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

Owengren wrote:

savaka wrote:

drmcw wrote:

xlk wrote:

yes, but same can be said of the change x/y by and go to blocks… They aren't necessary, but for new scratchers are a great help.
Yes, but how many projects need a x^y block?
I was thinking of making a calculator project.
My project needs one! But, I have a workaround:
define (x) ^ (y)
set [output v] to [0]
repeat (y)
change [output v] by (([sin v] of (y)) / (([floor v] of (x)) + ((length of ((y) * (10))) - ([abs v] of ((x) + ((y) - ((x) / (4))))))))
…that's not a workaround…

(sorry for the bump)

Last edited by TheMonsterOfTheDeep (Aug. 9, 2016 06:36:43)

my latest extension: 2d vector math
1000+ posts

Could we please have an exponents block? ( ) ^ ( )

I added some arguments for the power block


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