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55 posts

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

I've recently released a project that I've been working on for months https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/64129586/ however there is a problem that many people are pointing out.
The backdrop/screen switching is programmed so that if you press a certain key while touching the edge in a certain backdrop. This means that, for example, if you move to the top edge in village screen 1, you move to village screen 2. however, it also means that if you go to the side edge and press W (the move up key) you also go to village screen 2. This was the only method I could think of but most people are complaining about it! How can I make the screen switching smoother without making unnecessary extra sprites? HELP!
1000+ posts

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

You could create 4 different sprites called north, south , east and west. They will all be ghosted so invisible and should be shown or hidden and positioned and switched to a suitable costume for each backdrop. e.g shown if there is an exit that way else hidden. positioned and costume should make it so that the sprite covers where the exit is in that particular direction. You can then use

if <<key [w v] pressed?> and <touching [north v] ?>> then
... // we can move north

10 !
ScratchVaders or Galaga?
Maybe Eliza can help you decide?
500+ posts

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

TheDoomsday wrote:

I've recently released a project that I've been working on for months https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/64129586/ however there is a problem that many people are pointing out.
The backdrop/screen switching is programmed so that if you press a certain key while touching the edge in a certain backdrop. This means that, for example, if you move to the top edge in village screen 1, you move to village screen 2. however, it also means that if you go to the side edge and press W (the move up key) you also go to village screen 2. This was the only method I could think of but most people are complaining about it! How can I make the screen switching smoother without making unnecessary extra sprites? HELP!
You will have to do what @drmcw said and make extra sprites (I wouldn't call them unnecessary if you need them for a smooth transition), or you'll have to make each frame of the transition animation a background image (which takes up a lot of space, so I'd say that's impractical).

The last option is to have a black screen that's usually set to ghost 100. Whenever your character reaches a transition point, the screen goes to front, fades in, and covers the whole screen; it waits until the player and background finishes the transition, then fades back out.

hOI! If you enjoy endless dodging games, you might like “MEGALOVANIA” or “Dodge This”! :3

——MEGALOVANIA————–Dodge This—————–It's a Tutoriel——–
55 posts

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

Ataxaos wrote:

TheDoomsday wrote:

I've recently released a project that I've been working on for months https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/64129586/ however there is a problem that many people are pointing out.
The backdrop/screen switching is programmed so that if you press a certain key while touching the edge in a certain backdrop. This means that, for example, if you move to the top edge in village screen 1, you move to village screen 2. however, it also means that if you go to the side edge and press W (the move up key) you also go to village screen 2. This was the only method I could think of but most people are complaining about it! How can I make the screen switching smoother without making unnecessary extra sprites? HELP!
You will have to do what @drmcw said and make extra sprites (I wouldn't call them unnecessary if you need them for a smooth transition), or you'll have to make each frame of the transition animation a background image (which takes up a lot of space, so I'd say that's impractical).

The last option is to have a black screen that's usually set to ghost 100. Whenever your character reaches a transition point, the screen goes to front, fades in, and covers the whole screen; it waits until the player and background finishes the transition, then fades back out.
there are no animations the problem is just mucking up the backdrop switching
55 posts

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

drmcw wrote:

You could create 4 different sprites called north, south , east and west. They will all be ghosted so invisible and should be shown or hidden and positioned and switched to a suitable costume for each backdrop. e.g shown if there is an exit that way else hidden. positioned and costume should make it so that the sprite covers where the exit is in that particular direction. You can then use

if <<key [w v] pressed?> and <touching [north v] ?>> then
... // we can move north
like ur idea will try it
New Scratcher
1 post

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

thanks for the help

Last edited by 16dmg4w (Jan. 7, 2020 14:35:39)

New Scratcher
3 posts

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

Drmcw what do i put in the “We can move north” section?
1 post

Smooth backdrop transitions! need help!

What is the easiest way to make the background move smoothly? I want it so that when you get onto the side of the screen you just keep moving onto
the next 1, no need to press anything. As soon as you touch the edge is keeps going. I have been working on a new project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/574998452/
My username is of course 21h100_

Please help? I just started it recently. So want to fix asap. Thanks….

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