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3 posts

Need help with username block related stuff

I made a project of battling,but the voting system has a flaw:It relies on being signed in. I need a way to make it where people that aren't signed in can't vote. Because they have no username I am worried they could spam votes. The system has the ability to prevent refreshing to vote again,where you can only vote once by listing your name on a list and using cloud data.

Sure,it seems rude to make it where you need an account to some people,but its easy to make an account. And I can't allow spam voting.
1000+ posts

Need help with username block related stuff

To make it so people that aren't signed in can't vote, use this:
when gf clicked
if <(username) = []>
switch to background [background that shows to tell user they need to sign in v]
stop [all v]

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
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500+ posts

Need help with username block related stuff

People who aren't signed in can't use cloud data anyway so you don't need a script.

Settlers of Inland - Age of Ƭɍeasoƞ

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